public function addScore($license, $points) { $lic = License::whereLicense($license)->first(); if ($lic == null) { return new JsonResponse(['Licentie bestaat niet, heeft u zich aangemeld?'], 200); } $score = new Score(); $score->license = $license; $score->score = $points; $score->save(); return new JsonResponse(['Gelukt'], 200); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { User::create(['id' => 1, 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => \Hash::make('123456'), 'name' => 'Airton Filho', 'status_level' => 1]); User::create(['id' => 2, 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => \Hash::make('123456'), 'name' => 'Rafael Froes', 'status_level' => 1]); Score::create(['user_id' => 1, 'value' => 29384]); Score::create(['user_id' => 2, 'value' => 29384]); }
public static function calculateTotals($application) { // Select scores for the current application that have been finalized (appear in the judged table) $scores = Score::where('scores.application_id', $application->id)->join('judged', function ($join) { $join->on('judged.user_id', '=', 'scores.user_id')->on('judged.application_id', '=', 'scores.application_id'); })->get(); $objective = 0; $subjective = 0; foreach ($scores as $score) { if ($score->criteria->type == 'objective') { if ((int) $score->score) { $objective += (int) $score->score; } else { $objective += 1; } } else { $subjective += (int) $score->score; } } $application->objective_score = $objective; $application->subjective_score = $subjective; $application->total_score = $objective + $subjective; $application->save(); return compact('objective', 'subjective', 'total'); }
/** * 显示毕业要求 * @author FuRongxin * @date 2016-01-23 * @version 2.0 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response 毕业要求列表 */ public function index() { // 获取毕业要求学分 $graduation = Requirement::credits(Auth::user())->get(); // 获取已选课程学分 $selected = Selcourse::selectedCredits(Auth::user())->get(); // 获取已修读学分 $studied = Score::studiedCredits(Auth::user())->get(); $credits = []; foreach ($graduation as $item) { if ('B' == $item->xz) { $credits['B'][$item->pt . $item->xz] = ['title' => $item->platform->mc . $item->property->mc, 'graduation' => $item->xf]; } else { $credits['X'][$item->pt . $item->xz] = ['title' => $item->platform->mc . $item->property->mc, 'graduation' => $item->xf]; } } foreach ($selected as $item) { if ('B' == $item->xz) { $credits['B'][$item->pt . $item->xz]['selected'] = $item->xf; } else { $credits['X'][$item->pt . $item->xz]['selected'] = $item->xf; } } foreach ($studied as $item) { if ('B' == $item->kcxz) { $credits['B'][$item->pt . $item->kcxz]['studied'] = $item->xf; } else { $credits['X'][$item->pt . $item->kcxz]['studied'] = $item->xf; } } $title = '毕业要求'; return view('requirement.index', compact('title', 'credits')); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param Request $request * @return Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $user = new User(); $user->fill($request->all()); $user->status_level = 0; $user->password = \Hash::make($request->password); $user->save(); $scores = new Score(); $scores->user_id = $user->id; $scores->value = 0; $scores->save(); \Mail::send('emails.new_user', ['user' => $user], function ($message) use($user) { $message->to("*****@*****.**", $user->name)->subject(trans('emails.new_user_title')); }); \Auth::attempt(array('email' => $request->email, 'password' => $request->password)); return redirect()->intended('/profile'); }
public function run() { DB::table('scores')->delete(); Score::create(['score' => 1, 'quiz_id' => 2, 'student_id' => 1]); Score::create(['score' => 1, 'quiz_id' => 3, 'student_id' => 1]); Score::create(['score' => 2, 'quiz_id' => 2, 'student_id' => 2]); Score::create(['score' => 0, 'quiz_id' => 4, 'student_id' => 2]); Score::create(['score' => 1, 'quiz_id' => 3, 'student_id' => 3]); Score::create(['score' => 1, 'quiz_id' => 4, 'student_id' => 3]); }
private function _users() { $provinces = Province::all(); foreach ($provinces as $p) { $faker = \Faker\Factory::create(); $user = new User(); $user->name = $faker->name; $user->province_id = $p->id; $user->email = $faker->email; $user->password = Hash::make('123456'); $user->save(); $license = License::where('used', 0)->first(); $license->used = 1; $license->save(); $license->user()->attach($user); $score = new Score(); $score->score = rand(100, 3500); $score->license = $license->license; $score->save(); } }
public function index() { $quizzs = Quizz::all(); $questions = Question::all(); $themes = Theme::all(); $users = User::all(); $actifQuizz = Quizz::where('actif', 1)->first(); if (!$actifQuizz) { $goodAnswerNbr = 0; $badAnswerNbr = 0; } else { $goodAnswerNbr = Score::where('quizz_id', $actifQuizz->id)->where('correct', true)->count(); $badAnswerNbr = Score::where('quizz_id', $actifQuizz->id)->where('correct', false)->count(); } return view('admin.dashboard.index', ['quizzs' => $quizzs, 'questions' => $questions, 'themes' => $themes, 'users' => $users, 'actifQuizz' => $actifQuizz, 'goodAnswerNbr' => $goodAnswerNbr, 'badAnswerNbr' => $badAnswerNbr]); }
public function scoreClassement($quizz) { $scoreUsers = Score::where('quizz_id', $quizz->id)->groupBy('user_id')->get(); $scoreClassement = array(); foreach ($scoreUsers as $score) { $timeQuestion = Score::where('user_id', $score->user_id)->where('quizz_id', $quizz->id)->where('already_answered', true)->get(); $timeFirstQuestion = $timeQuestion->first()->created_at; $timeQuestion = Score::where('user_id', $score->user_id)->where('quizz_id', $quizz->id)->where('already_answered', true)->get(); $timeLastQuestion = $timeQuestion->last()->updated_at; Carbon::setLocale('fr'); $time = $timeLastQuestion->diffForHumans($timeFirstQuestion, true); $scoreUser = Score::where('user_id', $score->user_id)->where('quizz_id', $quizz->id)->where('already_answered', true)->where('correct', true)->count(); $user = User::where('id', $score->user_id)->first(); $scoreClassement[$user->id] = ['prenom' => $user->first_name, 'profil' => '' . $user->id, 'avatar' => $user->avatar, 'score' => $scoreUser, 'time' => $time]; } $classementCollect = collect($scoreClassement); $classementCollect->sortBy('score')->sortByDesc('time'); return $classementCollect; }
public function store(Quiz $quiz, Request $request) { $student_id = Auth::user()->student()->first()->id; if (Score::whereQuizIdAndStudentId($quiz->id, $student_id)) { return "e"; } $points = 0; foreach ($request->all() as $r) { $ca = CorrectAnswer::whereQuestionId($r['question_id'])->first()->option_id; if ($ca == $r['option_id']) { $points++; } if (!Answer::whereStudentIdAndQuestionId($student_id, $r['question_id'])->first()) { Answer::create(['student_id' => $student_id, 'question_id' => $r['question_id'], 'option_id' => $r['option_id']]); } } $score = Score::create(['score' => $points, 'time' => time() - strtotime($quiz->date_time), 'quiz_id' => $quiz->id, 'student_id' => $student_id]); DB::table('quiz_student')->insert(['student_id' => $student_id, 'quiz_id' => $quiz->id]); return $score; }
public function question() { $quizz = $this->quizzRepository->getActif(); $answerExist = Score::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('quizz_id', $quizz->id)->exists(); if (!$answerExist) { $question = $quizz->questions->random(1); $this->scoreRepository->storeUnansweredQuestion($quizz, $question); } else { $unansweredQuestion = $this->scoreRepository->getUnansweredQuestion($quizz); if (!$unansweredQuestion) { return redirect('/result', 302, [], true); } $question = $unansweredQuestion->question; } $answeredQuestionNbr = $this->scoreRepository->getAnsweredQuestionNbr($quizz); if ($answeredQuestionNbr < $quizz->max_question) { return view('front.question', ['question' => $question, 'numQuest' => $answeredQuestionNbr, 'nbQuest' => $quizz->max_question]); } return redirect('/result', 302, [], true); }
/** * 列出学生综合成绩单 * @author FuRongxin * @date 2016-02-05 * @version 2.0 * @return JSON 学生成绩单 */ public function listing() { $scores = Score::with(['term' => function ($query) { $query->select('dm', 'mc'); }])->with(['platform' => function ($query) { $query->select('dm', 'mc'); }])->with(['property' => function ($query) { $query->select('dm', 'mc'); }])->with(['mode' => function ($query) { $query->select('dm', 'mc'); }])->with(['exstatus' => function ($query) { $query->select('dm', 'mc'); }])->with(['course' => function ($query) { $query->select('kch', 'kcmc'); }])->whereXh(Auth::user()->xh)->orderBy('nd', 'desc')->orderBy('xq', 'desc')->orderBy('kch', 'asc'); return Datatables::of($scores)->editColumn('kcmc', function ($score) { return '<a href="' . url('score', $score->kch) . '">' . $score->course->kcmc . '</a>'; })->setRowClass(function ($score) { return $score->cj < config('constants.score.passline') ? 'danger' : ''; })->make(true); }
public function recalcScores(Request $request) { $this->authorize('recalculate-scores'); $applications = Application::whereIn('status', ['submitted', 'review'])->get(); foreach ($applications as $application) { Score::calculateTotals($application); } $request->session()->flash('success', 'Scores Recalculated.'); return redirect('applications/'); }
public function judgeApplication(Application $application, Request $request) { // Check if current user is allowed to score things $this->authorize('score-application'); if (!in_array($application->judge_status, ['new', 'ready'])) { $request->session()->flash('error', 'This application has already been finalized.'); return redirect('/applications/' . $application->id . '/review'); } // Check if the current user has already judged this application $judged = Judged::where(['application_id' => $application->id, 'user_id' => Auth::user()->id])->get()->first(); if (!empty($judged)) { $request->session()->flash('error', 'You have already judged this application!'); return redirect('/applications'); } else { $judged = new Judged(); $judged->application_id = $application->id; $judged->user_id = Auth::user()->id; $judged->save(); // Compare the total number of judges vs number of judges who have scored this application $totalJudges = User::where(['role' => 'judge'])->get(); $totalJudged = Judged::where(['application_id' => $application->id])->get(); // If at least half of the judges have rated this application, set it to ready if (ceil($totalJudged->count() / $totalJudges->count()) >= 0.5) { $application->judge_status = 'ready'; $application->save(); } // Calculate new scores Score::calculateTotals($application); $request->session()->flash('success', 'Your final scores have been submitted.'); return redirect('/applications'); } }
/** * 批量更新成绩 * @author FuRongxin * @date 2016-05-06 * @version 2.1 * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request 更新成绩请求 * @param string $kcxh 12位课程序号 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response 学生成绩 */ public function batchUpdate(Request $request, $kcxh) { if ($request->isMethod('put')) { $inputs = $request->all(); $snos = array_unique(array_map(function ($val) { return Str::substr($val, 0, 12); }, array_filter(array_keys($inputs), function ($val) { return is_numeric($val); }))); $task = Task::whereKcxh($kcxh)->whereNd(session('year'))->whereXq(session('term'))->whereJsgh(Auth::user()->jsgh)->firstOrFail(); $ratios = []; $items = Ratio::whereFs($task->cjfs)->orderBy('id')->get(); foreach ($items as $ratio) { $ratios[] = ['id' => $ratio->id, 'name' => $ratio->idm, 'value' => $ratio->bl / $ratio->mf, 'allow_failed' => $ratio->jg]; } foreach ($snos as $sno) { $student = Score::whereNd(session('year'))->whereXq(session('term'))->whereKcxh($kcxh)->whereXh($sno)->firstOrFail(); $rules = []; foreach ($items as $item) { $rules[$student->xh . $item->id] = 'numeric|min:0|max:100'; } $rules[$student->xh . 'kszt'] = 'numeric'; $this->validate($request, $rules); foreach ($items as $item) { $student->{'cj' . $item->id} = isset($inputs[$student->xh . $item->id]) ? $inputs[$student->xh . $item->id] : 0; } if (isset($inputs[$student->xh . 'kszt'])) { $student->kszt = $inputs[$student->xh . 'kszt']; } $total = 0; $fails = []; foreach ($ratios as $ratio) { if (config('constants.score.passline') > $student->{'cj' . $ratio['id']} && config('constants.status.enable') == $ratio['allow_failed']) { $fails[] = $student->{'cj' . $ratio['id']}; } else { $total += $student->{'cj' . $ratio['id']} * $ratio['value']; } } $student->zpcj = round(empty($fails) ? $total : min($fails)); $student->save(); } } return redirect()->route('score.edit', $kcxh)->withStatus('保存成绩成功'); }
/** * 列出选课情况交叉比较信息 * @author FuRongxin * @date 2016-05-13 * @version 2.1 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response 选课交叉比较信息 */ public function match() { $credits = []; $plan_total = 0; $selected_total = 0; $score_total = 0; // 获取教学计划学分 $plans = Plan::with(['course' => function ($query) { $query->select('kch', 'kcmc', 'kcywmc'); }])->whereNj(Auth::user()->profile->nj)->whereZy(Auth::user()->profile->zy)->whereZsjj(Auth::user()->profile->zsjj)->orderBy('kch', 'asc')->get(); foreach ($plans as $plan) { $credits[$plan->kch] = ['kch' => $plan->kch, 'kcmc' => $plan->course->kcmc, 'plan_credit' => $plan->zxf, 'selected_credit' => 0, 'score_credit' => 0]; $plan_total += $plan->zxf; } // 获取选课学分 $selects = Selcourse::with(['course' => function ($query) { $query->select('kch', 'kcmc', 'kcywmc'); }])->whereXh(Auth::user()->xh)->orderBy('kch', 'asc')->get(); foreach ($selects as $select) { if (array_key_exists($select->kch, $credits)) { $credits[$select->kch]['selected_credit'] = $select->xf; } else { $credits[$select->kch] = ['kch' => $select->kch, 'kcmc' => $select->course->kcmc, 'plan_credit' => 0, 'selected_credit' => $select->xf, 'score_credit' => 0]; } $selected_total += $select->xf; } // 获取成绩学分 $scores = Score::with(['course' => function ($query) { $query->select('kch', 'kcmc', 'kcywmc'); }])->whereXh(Auth::user()->xh)->orderBy('kch', 'asc')->get(); foreach ($scores as $score) { if (array_key_exists($score->kch, $credits)) { $credits[$score->kch]['score_credit'] = $score->xf; } else { $credits[$select->kch] = ['kch' => $score->kch, 'kcmc' => $score->course->kcmc, 'plan_credit' => 0, 'selected_credit' => 0, 'score_credit' => $score->xf]; } $score_total += $score->xf; } $title = '选课学分交叉对比表'; return view('course.match', compact('title', 'credits', 'plan_total', 'selected_total', 'score_total')); }