public function actionShow($id) { $this->good = $this->goods->get($id); if (!$this->good) { $this->flashMessage('Výrobek se nepodařilo načíst.', 'danger'); $this->redirect(':Front:Catalog:default'); } $goodsSimilar = array(); $goodsSameManufacturer = $this->goods->createSelectionInstance()->where("manufacturer_id = ?", $this->good->manufacturer->id)->order('id DESC')->limit(2); $goodCG = $this->good->related('category_goods'); $goodCategoryIds = array(); foreach ($goodCG as $cg) { $goodCategoryIds[] = $cg->category->id; } $goodsSimilarCG = $this->categoryGoods->createSelectionInstance()->where('category_id IN ?', $goodCategoryIds); foreach ($goodsSimilarCG as $cg) { if ($cg->good->id == $this->good->id) { continue; } $goodsSimilar[] = $cg->good; } foreach ($goodsSameManufacturer as $good) { if ($good->id == $this->good->id) { continue; } $goodsSimilar[] = $good; } $this->goodsSimilar = array_unique($goodsSimilar); }
/** * @param $goodsId * @throws Nette\Application\BadRequestException * @internal param $id */ public function actionCreate($goodsId) { $goods = $this->goods->get($goodsId); if (!$goods) { $this->error('Výrobek, k kterému nahráváte fotografie, nebyl nalezen v databázi.', 404); } $this->template->goods = $goods; }
public function renderDefault() { $currentDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // povolene akce s aktualnim datem platnosti serazene od nejnovejsi $this->template->sales = $this->sale->where("enable != 0 AND ((start IS NULL AND end IS NULL) OR (start < '{$currentDate}' AND end > '{$currentDate}') OR (start IS NULL AND end > '{$currentDate}') OR (start < '{$currentDate}' AND end IS NULL))")->order('created DESC'); $this->template->goodsRecommended = $this->goods->where('recommended != 0')->order('id DESC')->limit(6); $this->template->text = ""; foreach ($this->article->where(['menu' => self::SALE_PAGE_MENU])->limit(1) as $a) { if (strip_tags($a->text)) { $this->template->text = $a->text; } } }
public function getGoodsAttribute() { $goods = Goods::find($this->goods_id); if ($goods == null) { return ''; } return $goods->toArray(); }
public function getGoodsItemAttribute() { if ($this->type != 0) { return null; } else { return Goods::find($this->item_id)->toArray(); } }
public function actionToggleRecommended($id) { $item = $this->item->get($id); if (!$item) { $this->error('Data pod ID ' . $id . ' nebyla nalezena v databázi.', 404); } $item->update(array('recommended' => !$item->recommended)); $this->flashMessage('Doporučení výrobku ' . $item->name . " bylo změněno.", 'success'); $this->redirect('default'); }
public function actionCreate($id) { if ($good = $this->goods->get($id)) { $saleId = $this->sale->insert(['goods_id' => $id, 'enable' => 0, 'color' => '#333333', 'bgcolor' => '#FFFFF8', 'border' => '#FFFF33', 'start' => new \DateTime('now')]); $this->flashMessage('Akce k výrobku ' . $good->manufacturer->name . ' ' . $good->name . ' byla vytvořena.', 'success'); $this->redirect('edit', $saleId); } else { $this->flashMessage('Vytvoření akce selhalo.', 'danger'); $this->redirect('default'); } }
public function getGoodsAttribute() { return Goods::find($this->goods_id)->toArray(); }
/** * * @SWG\Api( * path="/collection/batch_store", * @SWG\Operation( * method="POST", summary="批量添加收藏", notes="批量添加收藏", * @SWG\ResponseMessage(code=0, message="成功"), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="collection_list", * description="提交的收藏信息", * paramType="body", * required=true, * type="newCollectionList" * ) * ) * ) */ public function batchStore(Request $request) { DB::beginTransaction(); $response = new BaseResponse(); $content = json_decode($request->getContent(false)); $itemList = $content->itemList; foreach ($itemList as $v) { $co = Collection::where('user_id', $v->user_id)->where('type', $v->type)->where('item_id', $v->item_id)->first(); if ($co == null) { if ($v->type == 0) { $item = Goods::find($v->item_id); } else { $item = Themes::find($v->item_id); } if ($item == null) { DB::rollback(); return (new BaseResponse(BaseResponse::CODE_ERROR_BUSINESS, '该项不存在'))->toJson(); } $collection = new Collection(); $collection->user_id = $v->user_id; $collection->type = $v->type; $collection->item_id = $v->item_id; $collection->save(); } } DB::commit(); return $response->toJson(); }
/** * * @SWG\Api( * path="/wap/goods_detail/{id}", * @SWG\Operation( * method="GET", summary="商品详情wap", notes="商品详情wap", * @SWG\ResponseMessage(code=0, message="成功"), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="id", * description="商品 id", * paramType="path", * required=true, * allowMultiple=false, * type="integer", * ) * * ) * ) */ public function goodsDetail($id) { $data['goods'] = Goods::find($id)->toArray(); //echo $data['goods']['detailed_introduction'];exit; return view('wap.goods_detail', $data); }
public function renderDefault() { $this->template->goodsRecommended = $this->goods->where('recommended != 0')->order('id DESC')->limit(12); }
public function update(Request $requests, $id) { $params = $requests->all(); $goods = Goods::find($id); if ($goods != null) { $properties = []; foreach ($params as $k => $v) { $pos = strpos($k, 'property_'); if ($pos !== false) { $id = substr($k, strlen('property_'), strlen($k)); if (is_numeric($id)) { $properties[$id] = $v; unset($params[$k]); } } } $params['category_id'] = $params['category']; unset($params['category']); unset($params['_token']); $images = $params['images']; unset($params['images']); unset($params['uploadImages']); if ($requests->hasFile('coverImage')) { $file = $requests->file('coverImage'); $fileName = time() . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); $file->move(base_path() . '/public/upload', $fileName); $params['cover'] = '/upload/' . $fileName; } unset($params['coverImage']); if ($requests->hasFile('evaluationPersonImage')) { $file = $requests->file('evaluationPersonImage'); $fileName = md5(uniqid()) . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); $file->move(base_path() . '/public/upload', $fileName); $params['evaluation_person_image'] = '/upload/' . $fileName; } unset($params['evaluationPersonImage']); $params['goods_description'] = $params['description']; unset($params['description']); $activityClassification = $params['activityClassification']; unset($params['activityClassification']); $freePost = $params['freePost']; unset($params['freePost']); foreach ($params as $n => $p) { $goods->{$n} = $p; } $goods->save(); ActivityClassificationGoods::where('goods_id', $goods->id)->delete(); if ($activityClassification != -1) { ActivityClassificationGoods::create(['activity_classification_id' => $activityClassification, 'goods_id' => $goods->id]); } FreePostGoods::where('goods_id', $goods->id)->delete(); if ($freePost != -1) { FreePostGoods::create(['free_posts_id' => $freePost, 'goods_id' => $goods->id]); } GoodsCategoryProperty::where('goods_id', $goods->id)->delete(); foreach ($properties as $key => $value) { $arr = explode(',', $value); foreach ($arr as $i) { GoodsCategoryProperty::create(['category_property_id' => $key, 'goods_id' => $goods->id, 'value' => $i]); } } GoodsImages::where('goods_id', $goods->id)->delete(); $len = strlen($images); if ($len > 0) { $images = substr($images, 0, $len - 1); $images = explode(',', $images); foreach ($images as $i) { $goodsImage = new GoodsImages(); $goodsImage->goods_id = $goods->id; $goodsImage->image_id = $i; $goodsImage->save(); } } } return redirect()->action('Admin\\GoodsController@show'); }
public function renderFilter($categoryId = null, $manufacturerId = null) { $this->template->goodsRecommended = array(); $this->template->goodsOther = array(); $this->template->selectedCategoryId = $categoryId; $this->template->selectedSubcategoryId = $categoryId; $this->template->selectedManufacturerId = $manufacturerId; if ($categoryId && $manufacturerId) { $category = $this->category->createSelectionInstance()->get($categoryId); $manufacturer = $this->manufacturer->get($manufacturerId); if (!$category || !$manufacturer) { $this->flashMessage('Kategorie nebo výrobce nebyl nalezen.', 'warning'); } else { $parentCategory = $category->parent ? $this->category->createSelectionInstance()->get($category->parent) : null; $this->template->filterName = ($parentCategory ? $parentCategory->name . ' - ' : '') . $category->name . " od " . $manufacturer->name; $this->template->og = ['title' => $this->template->filterName . ' -', 'description' => strip_tags($category->description)]; $in = $category . ','; $subcategories = $category->related('category.parent'); foreach ($subcategories as $subcategory) { $in .= $subcategory . ','; } $in = rtrim($in, ','); $sql = "SELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM category_goods cg\n\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN goods g ON cg.`goods_id` =\n\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN category c ON cg.`category_id` =\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE cg.`category_id` IN ({$in}) AND g.`manufacturer_id` = {$manufacturerId} AND g.recommended = "; $this->template->goodsRecommended = $this->good->createSelectionInstance()->where('id', $this->database->getConnection()->query($sql . "1 GROUP BY id")->fetchPairs()); $this->template->goodsOther = $this->good->createSelectionInstance()->where('id', $this->database->getConnection()->query($sql . "0 GROUP BY id")->fetchPairs()); if ($category->parent) { $this->template->selectedCategoryId = $category->parent; $this->template->selectedSubCategoryId = $categoryId; } else { $this->template->selectedCategoryId = $categoryId; } } } elseif ($categoryId) { $category = $this->category->createSelectionInstance()->get($categoryId); if (!$category) { $this->flashMessage('Kategorie nebyla nalezena.', 'warning'); } else { $parentCategory = $category->parent ? $this->category->createSelectionInstance()->get($category->parent) : null; $this->template->filterName = ($parentCategory ? $parentCategory->name . ' - ' : '') . $category->name; $this->template->og = ['title' => $this->template->filterName . ' -', 'description' => strip_tags($category->description)]; $in = $category . ','; $subcategories = $category->related('category.parent'); foreach ($subcategories as $subcategory) { $in .= $subcategory . ','; } $in = rtrim($in, ','); $sql = "SELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM category_goods cg\n\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN goods g ON cg.`goods_id` =\n\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN category c ON cg.`category_id` =\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE cg.`category_id` IN ({$in}) AND g.recommended = "; $this->template->goodsRecommended = $this->good->createSelectionInstance()->where('id', $this->database->getConnection()->query($sql . "1 GROUP BY id")->fetchPairs()); $this->template->goodsOther = $this->good->createSelectionInstance()->where('id', $this->database->getConnection()->query($sql . "0 GROUP BY id")->fetchPairs()); if ($category->parent) { $this->template->selectedCategoryId = $category->parent; $this->template->selectedSubCategoryId = $categoryId; } else { $this->template->selectedCategoryId = $categoryId; } } } elseif ($manufacturerId) { $manufacturer = $this->manufacturer->get($manufacturerId); if (!$manufacturer) { $this->flashMessage('Výrobce nebyl nalezen.', 'warning'); } else { $this->template->filterName = $manufacturer->name; $this->template->goodsRecommended = $this->good->where('manufacturer_id = ? AND recommended != 0', $manufacturerId)->order('id DESC'); $this->template->goodsOther = $this->good->createSelectionInstance()->where('manufacturer_id = ? AND recommended = 0', $manufacturerId)->order('id DESC'); $this->template->selectedManufacturer = $manufacturerId; $this->template->og = ['title' => $this->template->filterName . ' -', 'description' => strip_tags($manufacturer->description)]; } } else { $this->redirect("default"); } }
/** * * @SWG\Api( * path="/goods/{id}", * @SWG\Operation( * method="PUT", summary="更新分享次数", notes="更新分享次数", * @SWG\ResponseMessage(code=0, message="成功"), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="id", * description="商品id", * paramType="path", * required=true, * type="string" * ) * ) * ) */ public function update(Request $request, $id) { $response = new BaseResponse(); $goods = Goods::find($id); if ($goods != null) { $goods->share_times = $goods->share_times + 1; $goods->save(); } return $response->toJson(); }
/** * * @SWG\Api( * path="/orders/{out_trade_no}", * @SWG\Operation( * method="PUT", summary="更新订单状态", notes="更新订单状态",type="string", * @SWG\ResponseMessage(code=0, message="成功"), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="out_trade_no", * description="订单号", * paramType="path", * required=true, * type="string" * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="status", * description="状态 2:取消订单 4:确认收货", * paramType="query", * required=true, * type="string" * ) * ) * ) */ public function update(Request $request, $out_trade_no) { DB::beginTransaction(); $response = new BaseResponse(); $status = $request->input('status'); if ($out_trade_no == null) { $response->Code = BaseResponse::CODE_ERROR_CHECK; $response->Message = '缺少参数'; return $response->toJson(); } $order = Order::where('out_trade_no', $out_trade_no)->first(); if ($order == null) { $response->Code = BaseResponse::CODE_ERROR_BUSINESS; $response->Message = '未找到对应项目'; return $response->toJson(); } $order->status = $status; $order->save(); if ($status == 2) { $goodsList = OrderGoods::where('order_id', $order->id)->get()->toArray(); foreach ($goodsList as $g) { $goods = Goods::find($g['goods_id']); if ($goods == null) { $response->Code = BaseResponse::CODE_ERROR_BUSINESS; $response->Message = "商品不存在"; DB::rollback(); return $response->toJson(); } $goods->num = $goods->num + $g['num']; $goods->save(); //是否是新用户福利商品 $homeButtonGoods = HomeButtonGoods::where('goods_id', $goods->id)->first(); if ($homeButtonGoods != null) { //判断是否购买过 $homeButtonGoodsBuyRecords = HomeButtonGoodsBuyRecords::where('home_button_goods_id', $homeButtonGoods->id)->first(); if ($homeButtonGoodsBuyRecords != null) { $homeButtonGoodsBuyRecords->delete(); } } } } DB::commit(); return $response->toJson(); }
/** * * @SWG\Api( * path="/search", * description="搜索(新20160216)", * @SWG\Operation( * method="GET", summary="获得搜索列表", notes="获得搜索列表", * type="array", * @SWG\ResponseMessage(code=0, message="成功"), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="user_id", * description="用户id", * paramType="query", * required=false, * allowMultiple=false, * type="integer", * defaultValue=-1 * ),@SWG\Parameter( * name="device_token", * description="设备号", * paramType="query", * required=true, * allowMultiple=false, * type="integer" * ),@SWG\Parameter( * name="type", * description="搜索类型,0:商品,1:主题", * paramType="query", * required=false, * allowMultiple=false, * type="integer", * defaultValue=0 * ),@SWG\Parameter( * name="keywords", * description="搜索关键字", * paramType="query", * required=true, * allowMultiple=false, * type="string" * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="PageNum", * description="分页开始位置", * paramType="query", * required=false, * allowMultiple=false, * type="integer", * defaultValue=1 * ),@SWG\Parameter( * name="PerPage", * description="取得长度", * paramType="query", * required=false, * allowMultiple=false, * type="integer", * defaultValue=10 * ) * * ) * ) */ public function index(Request $request) { $start = $request->input('PageNum', 0); $length = $request->input('PerPage', 10); $type = $request->input('type', 0); //0--->商品 1--->主题 $keywords = $request->input('keywords', ''); $user_id = $request->input('user_id', -1); $device_token = $request->input('device_token'); $response = new BaseResponse(); $start = ($start - 1) * $length; if ($type == 0) { $goods = Goods::where('name', 'like', '%' . $keywords . '%')->orWhere('goods_description', 'like', '%' . $keywords . '%'); $total = $goods->count(); $goods = $goods->skip($start)->take($length)->orderBy('id', 'desc'); $rows = $goods->get()->toArray(); } else { $themes = Themes::where('title', 'like', '%' . $keywords . '%')->orWhere('subhead', 'like', '%' . $keywords . '%')->orWhere('themes_description', 'like', '%' . $keywords . '%'); $total = $themes->count(); $themes = $themes->skip($start)->take($length)->orderBy('id', 'desc'); $rows = $themes->get()->toArray(); } foreach ($rows as &$v) { $v['has_collection'] = 0; if ($user_id != -1 && $user_id != 0) { $collection = Collection::where('user_id', $user_id)->where('type', $type)->where('id', $v['id'])->first(); if ($collection != null) { $v['has_collection'] = 1; } } } //搜索记录 $searchRecords = new SearchRecords(); $searchRecords->user_id = $user_id; $searchRecords->device_token = $device_token; $searchRecords->keywords = $keywords; $searchRecords->save(); $response->rows = $rows; $response->total = $total; return $response->toJson(); }