Exemplo n.º 1
 private function setUpContainer()
     $this->set('core.http.symfony_request', $this->symfonyRequest);
     $this->set('core.environment.application_path', $this->applicationPath);
     $this->setParameter('core.environment', $this->applicationMode);
     $this->addCompilerPass(new RegisterListenersPass('core.event_dispatcher', 'core.eventListener', 'core.eventSubscriber'));
     $this->addCompilerPass(new RegisterSmartyPluginsPass());
     $this->addCompilerPass(new RegisterColumnRendererPass());
     $this->addCompilerPass(new RegisterValidationRulesPass());
     $this->addCompilerPass(new RegisterWysiwygEditorsCompilerPass());
     $this->addCompilerPass(new RegisterColumnTypesCompilerPass());
     $loader = new YamlFileLoader($this, new FileLocator(__DIR__));
     $loader->load($this->applicationPath->getClassesDir() . 'config/services.yml');
     $loader->load($this->applicationPath->getClassesDir() . 'View/Renderer/Smarty/config/services.yml');
     // Try to get all available services
     /** @var Modules $modules */
     $modules = $this->get('core.modules');
     $availableModules = $this->allModules === true ? $modules->getAllModules() : $modules->getActiveModules();
     $vendors = $this->get('core.modules.vendors')->getVendors();
     foreach ($availableModules as $module) {
         foreach ($vendors as $vendor) {
             $modulePath = $this->applicationPath->getModulesDir() . $vendor . '/' . $module['dir'];
             $path = $modulePath . '/Resources/config/services.yml';
             if (is_file($path)) {
             $this->registerCompilerPass($vendor, $module['dir']);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @param string $modulePath
  * @param string $designPath
  * @param string $dir
  * @param string $file
  * @return string
 private function resolveAssetPath($modulePath, $designPath, $dir, $file)
     if ($this->designAssetsPath === null) {
         $this->designAssetsPath = $this->appPath->getDesignPathInternal();
     $assetPath = '';
     $designAssetPath = $this->designAssetsPath . $designPath . $dir . $file;
     // A theme has overridden a static asset of a module
     if (is_file($designAssetPath) === true) {
         $assetPath = $designAssetPath;
     } else {
         $designInfo = $this->xml->parseXmlFile($this->designAssetsPath . '/info.xml', '/design');
         // Recursively iterate over the nested themes
         if (!empty($designInfo['parent'])) {
             $this->designAssetsPath = $this->appPath->getDesignRootPathInternal() . $designInfo['parent'] . '/';
             $assetPath = $this->getStaticAssetPath($modulePath, $designPath, $dir, $file);
             $this->designAssetsPath = $this->appPath->getDesignPathInternal();
             return $assetPath;
         // No overrides have been found -> iterate over all possible module namespaces
         foreach (array_reverse($this->vendors->getVendors()) as $vendor) {
             $moduleAssetPath = $this->appPath->getModulesDir() . $vendor . '/' . $modulePath . $dir . $file;
             if (is_file($moduleAssetPath) === true) {
                 $assetPath = $moduleAssetPath;
     $systemAssetPath = $this->appPath->getModulesDir() . $modulePath . $dir . $file;
     $this->cachedPaths[$systemAssetPath] = $assetPath;
     $this->newAssetPathsAdded = true;
     return $assetPath;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: Cache.php Projeto: acp3/cms
  * Erstellt den Galerie-Cache anhand der angegebenen ID
  * @param integer $galleryId
  * @return boolean
 public function saveCache($galleryId)
     $pictures = $this->pictureRepository->getPicturesByGalleryId($galleryId);
     $cPictures = count($pictures);
     $settings = $this->config->getSettings(Schema::MODULE_NAME);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $cPictures; ++$i) {
         $pictures[$i]['width'] = $settings['thumbwidth'];
         $pictures[$i]['height'] = $settings['thumbheight'];
         $picInfos = @getimagesize($this->appPath->getModulesDir() . 'gallery/' . $pictures[$i]['file']);
         if ($picInfos !== false) {
             if ($picInfos[0] > $settings['thumbwidth'] || $picInfos[1] > $settings['thumbheight']) {
                 $newHeight = $settings['thumbheight'];
                 $newWidth = intval($picInfos[0] * $newHeight / $picInfos[1]);
             $pictures[$i]['width'] = isset($newWidth) ? $newWidth : $picInfos[0];
             $pictures[$i]['height'] = isset($newHeight) ? $newHeight : $picInfos[1];
     return $this->cache->save(self::CACHE_ID . $galleryId, $pictures);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * @return array
 private function fetchRequiredFilesAndDirectories()
     $defaults = ['ACP3/config.yml', 'cache/', 'uploads/', 'uploads/assets/'];
     foreach (Filesystem::scandir($this->appPath->getModulesDir()) as $row) {
         $path = 'uploads/' . $row . '/';
         if (is_dir(ACP3_ROOT_DIR . $path) === true) {
             $defaults[] = $path;
     return $defaults;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Gibt ein Array mit den Abhängigkeiten zu anderen Modulen eines Moduls zurück
  * @param string $moduleName
  * @return array
 protected function getDependencies($moduleName)
     if ((bool) preg_match('=/=', $moduleName) === false) {
         foreach ($this->vendors->getVendors() as $vendor) {
             $path = $this->appPath->getModulesDir() . $vendor . '/' . ucfirst($moduleName) . '/Resources/config/module.xml';
             if (is_file($path) === true) {
                 return $this->getModuleDependencies($path);
     return [];
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Returns an alphabetically sorted array of all found ACP3 modules
  * @return array
 public function getAllModules()
     if (empty($this->allModules)) {
         foreach ($this->vendors->getVendors() as $vendor) {
             foreach (Filesystem::scandir($this->appPath->getModulesDir() . $vendor . '/') as $module) {
                 $info = $this->getModuleInfo($module);
                 if (!empty($info)) {
                     $this->allModules[$info['name']] = $info;
     return $this->allModules;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Sets the cache for all registered languages
  * @return bool
 protected function saveLanguagePacksCache()
     $languagePacks = [];
     foreach ($this->vendors->getVendors() as $vendors) {
         $languageFiles = glob($this->appPath->getModulesDir() . $vendors . '/*/Resources/i18n/*.xml');
         if ($languageFiles !== false) {
             foreach ($languageFiles as $file) {
                 $languagePack = $this->registerLanguagePack($file);
                 if (!empty($languagePack)) {
                     $languagePacks += $languagePack;
     return $this->cache->save('language_packs', $languagePacks);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * @param string $moduleDirectory
  * @return array
 protected function fetchModuleInfo($moduleDirectory)
     $vendors = array_reverse($this->vendors->getVendors());
     // Reverse the order of the array -> search module customizations first, then 3rd party modules, then core modules
     foreach ($vendors as $vendor) {
         $path = $this->appPath->getModulesDir() . $vendor . '/' . $moduleDirectory . '/Resources/config/module.xml';
         if (is_file($path) === true) {
             $moduleInfo = $this->xml->parseXmlFile($path, 'info');
             if (!empty($moduleInfo)) {
                 $moduleName = strtolower($moduleDirectory);
                 $moduleInfoDb = $this->systemModuleRepository->getInfoByModuleName($moduleName);
                 return ['id' => !empty($moduleInfoDb) ? $moduleInfoDb['id'] : 0, 'dir' => $moduleDirectory, 'installed' => !empty($moduleInfoDb), 'active' => !empty($moduleInfoDb) && $moduleInfoDb['active'] == 1, 'schema_version' => !empty($moduleInfoDb) ? (int) $moduleInfoDb['version'] : 0, 'description' => $this->getModuleDescription($moduleInfo, $moduleName), 'author' => $moduleInfo['author'], 'version' => $moduleInfo['version'], 'name' => $this->getModuleName($moduleInfo, $moduleName), 'categories' => isset($moduleInfo['categories']), 'protected' => isset($moduleInfo['protected']), 'dependencies' => $this->getModuleDependencies($path)];
     return [];
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Überprüft, ob das angegebene Sprachpaket existiert
  * @param string $locale
  * @return boolean
 public function languagePackExists($locale)
     return !preg_match('=/=', $locale) && is_file($this->appPath->getModulesDir() . 'ACP3/System/Resources/i18n/' . $locale . '.xml') === true;
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: Vendor.php Projeto: acp3/core
  * Caches the various module vendors
 protected function cacheVendors()
     $this->vendors = array_merge(['ACP3'], Filesystem::scandir($this->appPath->getModulesDir(), ['ACP3', 'Custom']), ['Custom']);