Exemplo n.º 1
  * Setup TwitterOAuth
  * $twitterAuthConf must contain
  * - consumer_key
  * - consumer_secret
  * - oauth_access_token
  * - oauth_access_token_secret
  * @param array $twitterAuthConf
  * @return $this
 public function setupTwitter(array $twitterAuthConf)
     $twitterAuthConf += ['consumer_key' => null, 'consumer_secret' => null, 'oauth_access_token' => null, 'oauth_access_token_secret' => null];
     $this->twitter = new TwitterOAuth($twitterAuthConf['consumer_key'], $twitterAuthConf['consumer_secret'], $twitterAuthConf['oauth_access_token'], $twitterAuthConf['oauth_access_token_secret']);
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Method sets connection with Twitter API using access token and application credentials.
  * @return TwitterOAuth
 private function setConnection()
     $connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, $_SESSION['access_token'], $_SESSION['access_token_secret']);
     return $connection;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function fetch($limit = FALSE)
     // XXX: Store state in database config for now
     $config = Kohana::$config;
     //Check if data provider is available
     $providers_available = $config->load('features.data-providers');
     if (!$providers_available['twitter']) {
         Kohana::$log->add(Log::WARNING, 'The twitter data source is not currently available. It can be accessed by upgrading to a higher Ushahidi tier.');
         return 0;
     // check if we have reached our rate limit
     if (!$this->_can_make_request()) {
         Kohana::$log->add(Log::WARNING, 'You have reached your rate limit for this window');
         return 0;
     $options = $this->options();
     // Check we have the required config
     if (!isset($options['consumer_key']) || !isset($options['consumer_secret']) || !isset($options['oauth_access_token']) || !isset($options['oauth_access_token_secret']) || !isset($options['twitter_search_terms'])) {
         Kohana::$log->add(Log::WARNING, 'Could not fetch messages from twitter, incomplete config');
         return 0;
     if ($limit === FALSE) {
         $limit = 50;
     $connection = new TwitterOAuth($options['consumer_key'], $options['consumer_secret'], $options['oauth_access_token'], $options['oauth_access_token_secret']);
     // Increase curl timeout values
     $connection->setTimeouts(100, 150);
     $count = 0;
     try {
         $results = $connection->get("search/tweets", ["q" => $this->_construct_get_query($options['twitter_search_terms']), "since_id" => $this->since_id, "count" => $limit, "result_type" => 'recent']);
         if (empty($results['statuses'])) {
             return 0;
         $statuses = $results['statuses'];
         // Store the highest id
         $this->since_id = $statuses[0]['id'];
         foreach ($statuses as $status) {
             $id = $status['id'];
             $user = $status['user'];
             $screen_name = $user['screen_name'];
             $text = $status['text'];
             $additional_data = [];
             // Skip retweets
             if (array_key_exists('retweeted_status', $status) && array_key_exists('text', $status['retweeted_status'])) {
             if ($status['coordinates'] || $status['place']) {
                 $additional_data['location'] = [];
                 if ($status['coordinates']) {
                     $additional_data['location'][] = $status['coordinates'];
                 if ($status['place'] && $status['place']['bounding_box']) {
                     // Make a valid linear ring
                     $status['place']['bounding_box']['coordinates'][0][] = $status['place']['bounding_box']['coordinates'][0][0];
                     // If we don't already have a location
                     if (empty($additional_data['location'])) {
                         // Find center of bounding box
                         $geom = GeoJSON::geomFromText(json_encode($status['place']['bounding_box']));
                         // Use mysql to run Centroid
                         $result = DB::select([DB::expr('AsText(Centroid(GeomFromText(:poly)))')->param(':poly', $geom->toWKT()), 'center'])->execute(service('kohana.db'));
                         $centerGeom = WKT::geomFromText($result->get('center', 0));
                         // Save center as location
                         $additional_data['location'][] = $centerGeom->toGeoArray();
                     // Add that to location
                     // Also save the original bounding box
                     $additional_data['location'][] = $status['place']['bounding_box'];
             } else {
                 if ($status['user'] && $status['user']['location']) {
                     # Search the provided location for matches in twitter's geocoder
                     $results = $connection->get("geo/search", ["query" => $status['user']['location']]);
                     # If there are results, get the centroid of the first one
                     if (!empty($results['result']['places'])) {
                         $geoloc = $results['result']['places'][0];
                         if ($geoloc['centroid']) {
                             $additional_data['location'][] = array('coordinates' => $geoloc['centroid'], 'type' => 'Point');
                         # Add the bounding box too (if available)
                         if ($geoloc['bounding_box']) {
                             $additional_data['location'][] = $geoloc['bounding_box'];
             // @todo Check for similar messages in the database before saving
             $this->receive(Message_Type::TWITTER, $screen_name, $text, $to = NULL, $title = NULL, $id, $additional_data);
         //Increment for successful request
     } catch (TwitterOAuthException $toe) {
         Kohana::$log->add(Log::ERROR, $toe->getMessage());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Kohana::$log->add(Log::ERROR, $e->getMessage());
     return $count;
  * Fetch Max Posts
  * Fetch the maximum number of posts allowed and parse it to get rid of unneeded content.
  * @return bool
  * @throws Exception
 public function getPosts()
     $twitter = new TwitterOAuth($this->config->get('twitter', 'consumer'), $this->config->get('twitter', 'secret'), $this->session->getTMP('twitter_access_token')['oauth_token'], $this->session->getTMP('twitter_access_token')['oauth_token_secret']);
     // Need twitter ID of most recent tweet.
     $beginingID = $twitter->get("statuses/user_timeline", array("count" => 1, 'screen_name' => $this->session->getTMP('twitter_name'), 'include_rts' => true, 'exclude_replies' => false));
     // Add one because it will be subtracted later.
     $beginingID = $beginingID[0]['id'] + 1;
     // Create array for rendered posts.
     $posts = array();
     // Twitter API max is 3200.
     $max = 3200;
     // Starting params.
     $total = 0;
     $count = 200;
     while ($count === 200 && $total < $max) {
         if (!isset($lastID)) {
             $lastID = $beginingID;
         $postsRaw = $twitter->get("statuses/user_timeline", array("count" => 200, 'max_id' => $lastID - 1, 'screen_name' => $this->session->getTMP('twitter_name'), 'include_rts' => true, 'exclude_replies' => false));
         $count = count($postsRaw);
         $total = $total + $count;
         $lastID = $postsRaw[$count - 1]['id'];
         foreach ($postsRaw as $post => $content) {
             $posts[] = array('url' => 'https://twitter.com/' . $this->session->getTMP('twitter_name') . '/status/' . $content['id'], 'content' => $content['text']);
     return true;