Exemplo n.º 1
  * Initializes the form.
  * By default the action URL of the form is the current request URL, the form
  * method is POST and CSRF protection will be enabled.
  * @param string $actionUrl Action URL the form will be sent to
  * @param string $method Method of the form
  * @param bool $csrfProtectionEnabled Whether to enable CSRF protection for the form
 public function __construct($actionUrl = null, $method = HttpRequest::METHOD_POST, $csrfProtectionEnabled = true)
     $this->attributes = new OrderedMap();
     $this->setAction($actionUrl === null ? Application::getRequestHandler()->getRequest()->getUri()->toString() : $actionUrl);
  * Checks whether the maximum inactivity time has been exceeded.
  * Returns TRUE in case the maximum inactivity time has not been exceeded.
  * Otherwise returns FALSE.
  * @see \Ableron\Core\Session\Validators\ValidatorInterface::isValid()
 public function isValid(SessionEntity $session)
     // get setting key for the timeout to use
     $settingKeySessionInactivityTimeout = Application::getRequestHandler()->isFrontendRequest() ? 'session.frontend.inactivityTimeoutValidator.timeout' : 'session.backend.inactivityTimeoutValidator.timeout';
     // return whether session has timed out
     return $session->getLastActivityTime() > DateUtil::getCurrentUtcDateTime()->sub(Application::getConfig()->get($settingKeySessionInactivityTimeout));
  * @see \Ableron\Core\Template\Plugins\Interfaces\CompilerPluginInterface::compileOpeningTag()
 public function compileOpeningTag(TemplateCompiler $templateCompiler)
     // build base URL
     $actionUrl = new Uri(parent::compileOpeningTag($templateCompiler));
     // add URL of current request as action source URL
     $actionUrl->addQueryParameter(ABLERON_PARAM_ACTION_SOURCE_URL, StringUtil::base64UrlEncode(Application::getRequestHandler()->getRequest()->getUri()->toString()));
     // add CSRF token query parameter to URL
     $actionUrl->addQueryParameter(ABLERON_PARAM_CSRF_TOKEN, self::$actionUrlCsrfTokenPlaceholder);
     // return final URL
     return str_replace(self::$actionUrlCsrfTokenPlaceholder, '<?php echo $application::getSecurityHandler()->getCsrfProtector()->getCurrentToken(); ?>', $actionUrl->toString());
Exemplo n.º 4
  * @see \Ableron\Core\Controller\ControllerInterface::processRequest()
 public function processRequest(HttpRequest $request)
     // set request to process
     $this->request = $request;
     // process request
     try {
     } catch (RedirectRequiredException $e) {
     } catch (AccessDeniedException $e) {
         Application::getRequestHandler()->isFrontendRequest() ? new FrontendAccessDeniedPage($this->request) : new BackendAccessDeniedPage($this->request);
     } catch (SystemException $e) {
         // log exception
         Application::getLogManager()->logException('Unable to process request', $e);
         // stop script execution
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Returns an internal URL based on the current base URL and the given
  * module namespace.
  * E.g. EnvironmentUtil::getInternalUrl('/foo', 'Bar') -> http://example.com/acp/Bar/foo
  * @param string $moduleInternalPath Path within the module
  * @param string $moduleNamespace Namespace of the module to return the URL for
  * @return \Ableron\Lib\Net\Uri
 public static function getInternalUrl(string $moduleInternalPath, string $moduleNamespace = null)
     // get module repository
     /** @var \Ableron\Modules\Core\Model\Repositories\ModuleRepository $moduleRepository */
     $moduleRepository = Application::getPersistenceManager()->getRepository('ModuleEntity');
     // get module
     $module = $moduleRepository->findModuleByNamespace($moduleNamespace === null ? CoreModule::getNamespace() : $moduleNamespace);
     // build and return URL
     return new Uri(rtrim(self::getBaseUrl()->toString() . (Application::getRequestHandler()->isFrontendRequest() ? $module->getFrontendBasePath() : $module->getBackendBasePath()), '/') . $moduleInternalPath);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Initializes the entity.
 public function __construct()
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Sends a response to the client indicating a fatal system error.
  * @return void
 public function sendResponseSystemError()
     $this->sendResponse(new HttpResponse(HttpResponse::STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, new InternetMediaType('text', 'html', array('charset' => 'utf-8')), file_get_contents(sprintf('%s/%s/Pages/%s/Templates/SystemErrorPage.tpl', ABLERON_MODULE_DIR, CoreModule::getNamespace(), Application::getRequestHandler()->isFrontendRequest() ? 'Frontend' : 'Backend'))));
  * Tries to find a session ID provided along the current request.
  * Returns a session ID provided along the current request if there is one.
  * Otherwise returns NULL.
  * @return string|null
 protected function findSessionId()
     // get request
     $request = Application::getRequestHandler()->getRequest();
     // check post parameters
     if ($request->getPostParameters()->containsKey(ABLERON_PARAM_SESSION_ID)) {
         return $request->getPostParameters()->get(ABLERON_PARAM_SESSION_ID);
     // check query parameters
     if ($request->getQueryParameters()->containsKey(ABLERON_PARAM_SESSION_ID)) {
         return $request->getQueryParameters()->get(ABLERON_PARAM_SESSION_ID);
     // check cookies
     if ($request->getCookies()->containsKey(ABLERON_PARAM_SESSION_ID)) {
         return $request->getCookies()->get(ABLERON_PARAM_SESSION_ID)->getValue();
     // no session ID found
     return null;