Exemplo n.º 1
  * Generate XML for pictorial link with image swapping.
  * If uri is null, plain picture is displayed
  * Width and height of images are auto detected.
  * If using image swapping, images are preloaded with javascript.
  * @param        string        uri              URI to open
  * @param        string        filename         Filename for image to display.
  * @param        string        attr             Additional HTML attributes, e.g. "target=main width='100%'"
  * @param        string        m_over           Filename for image to display when mouse is over image.
  *                                              Can contain onmouse* -- will merge with our code (our code
  *                                              will be executed first!). Except for onmouse* $attr is only
  *                                              added to <img tag. Cannot contain onmouse* code. Refer to $onmouse_merge
  * @param        array         otherswap        Swap other image: array ($name, $normal, $m_over).
  * @param        array         onmouse_merge    Addition onmouseover/out code to merge with our:
  *                                                array ($m_name_merge, $m_out_merge).
 public static function a_img($uri, $filename, $attr = false, $m_over = false, $otherswap = false, $onmouse_merge = false)
     // $uri is false, just output picture
     if (!$uri) {
         return xml_gen::img($filename);
     // Number of times xml_gen::a_img() has been called with $m_over.
     static $called;
     // Init
     $swap_out = false;
     $swap_over = false;
     // Generate onmouse* code
     if ($m_over || $otherswap) {
         // Increment called var
         // Has mouse over?
         if ($m_over) {
             $swap_out = "swp('spluf{$called}','spl_f{$called}'); ";
             $swap_over = "swp('spluf{$called}','splof{$called}'); ";
         // Otherswap?
         if ($otherswap) {
             list($os_name, $os_normal, $os_m_over) = $otherswap;
             if (!$os_name || !$os_normal || !$os_m_over) {
                 die("{$otherswap} requires array with three string.");
             $swap_out .= "swp('{$os_name}','spl_q{$called}'); ";
             $swap_over .= "swp('{$os_name}','sploq{$called}'); ";
     // Onmouse* merge`?
     if ($onmouse_merge) {
         list($merge_over, $merge_out) = $onmouse_merge;
         if (!$merge_over || !$merge_out) {
             die("{$onmouse_merge} requires array with two strings.");
         $swap_out .= $merge_out;
         $swap_over .= $merge_over;
     // Set name only if swapping
     $name = $m_over || $otherswap ? "name='spluf{$called}'" : "";
     // Output link and picture
     $result = xml_gen::a($uri, xml_gen::img($filename, "{$name} {$attr}"), "onclick='this.blur()' onmouseout=\"{$swap_out}\" onmouseover=\"{$swap_over}\"");
     // If no m_over, return result
     if (!$m_over && !$otherswap) {
         return $result;
     // Else preload images
     $result .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n<!--\n\n";
     // On first a_img() call, we insert the swp() javascript function.
     if ($called == 1) {
         $result .= "function swp(id,name) { if (document.images) document.images[id].src = eval(name+'.src'); }\n\n";
     // Insert preload code.
     if ($m_over) {
         $result .= "if (document.images) {\r\n                  spl_f{$called} = new Image; spl_f{$called}.src = '{$filename}';\r\n                  splof{$called} = new Image; splof{$called}.src = '{$m_over}';\r\n              }";
     // Insert preload code - otherswap
     if ($otherswap) {
         $result .= "if (document.images) {\r\n                      spl_q{$called} = new Image; spl_q{$called}.src = '{$os_normal}';\r\n                      sploq{$called} = new Image; sploq{$called}.src = '{$os_m_over}';\r\n                  }";
     return $result . "\n\n// -->\n</script>";
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Common XHTML header
  * @param    string      title       Title
  * @param    string      up          Uri to up button or false
  * @param    string      play        Uri to play button or false
  * @param    bool        sort        Sort buttons active
  * @param    bool        numbers     Show numbers button active
 protected function head($title, $up = false, $play = false, $sort = false, $numbers = false)
     echo parent::head($title);
     // initialize tool tips
     $this->tool_tips = new tool_tips();
     $g = new xml_gen();
     // generate menu xml
     // up button
     $menu_xml[] = $up ? $g->a_img($up, 'images/up.png', "alt='Up one level' title='Up one level'", 'images/up-c.png') : $g->img('images/up-g.png');
     // play button
     $menu_xml[] = $play ? $g->a_img("./?action=play&location={$play}", 'images/play.png', "alt='Play all tracks' title='Play all tracks'", 'images/play-c.png') : $g->img('images/play-g.png');
     // spacer
     $menu_xml[] = $g->space();
     // search button
     $menu_xml[] = $g->a_img("./?action=search", 'images/search.png', "alt='Search Metadata' title='Search Metadata'", 'images/search-c.png');
     // stats button
     $menu_xml[] = $g->a_img("./?action=stats", 'images/stats.png', "alt='Statictics' title='Statictics'", 'images/stats-c.png');
     // config button
     $menu_xml[] = $g->a_img('./?action=config', 'images/config.png', "alt='Configuration' title='Configuration'", 'images/config-c.png');
     // all music link artist search
     $amg_link = $this->action != 'toc' ? "javascript:document.forms.AMG.submit()" : "http://www.allmusic.com/";
     $menu_xml[] = $g->a_img($amg_link, 'images/amg.png', "alt='All Music Guide' title='All Music Guide'", 'images/amg-c.png');
     // google image search
     $goo_link = $this->action != 'toc' ? "javascript:google()" : "http://www.google.com/";
     $menu_xml[] = $g->a_img($goo_link, 'images/google.png', "alt='Google Image Search' title='Google Image Search'", 'images/google-c.png');
     // spacer
     $menu_xml[] = $g->space();
     // numbers button
     $img = @$_COOKIE['show_numbers'] ? 'numb' : 'num0';
     $menu_xml[] = $numbers ? $g->a_img($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&set_show_numbers=1', "images/{$img}.png", "alt='Toggle track numbers' title='Toggle track numbers'", "images/{$img}-c.png") : $g->img("images/{$img}-g.png");
     // playing time button
     $img = @$_COOKIE['show_playtime'] ? 'time' : 'time0';
     $menu_xml[] = $sort ? $g->a_img($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&set_show_playtime=1', "images/{$img}.png", "alt='Toggle playing time' title='Toggle playing time'", "images/{$img}-c.png") : $g->img("images/{$img}-g.png");
     // sort alpha button
     $img = $this->get_sort_mode();
     $menu_xml[] = $sort ? $g->a_img($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&set_sort_alpha=1', "images/{$img}.png", "alt='Toggle sort moder' title='Toggle sort mode'", "images/{$img}-c.png") : $g->img("images/{$img}-g.png");
     // sort desc button
     $img = $this->get_sort_direction();
     $menu_xml[] = $sort ? $g->a_img($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "&set_sort_mode=1", "images/{$img}.png", "alt='Toggle sort direction' title='Toggle sort direction'", "images/{$img}-c.png") : $g->img("images/{$img}-g.png");
     // output menu and title in main table
     $this->t = new table(2, "id='main'");
     $this->t->data(null, "id='menu'");
     $t = new table(1);
     foreach ($menu_xml as $xml) {
     $this->t->data($g->h1($title), "id='body'");
     // all music guide code
     $search_string = ereg("^[#@!\\+]?([^:]+)", $title, $regs) ? $regs[1] : "";
     // first part of title - split by :, remove special chars
     echo "\n            <form action='http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll' method='post' target='AMG' name='AMG'>\n            <input type='hidden' name='P'   value='amg' />\n            <input type='hidden' name='uid' value='SEARCH' />\n            <input type='hidden' name='sql' value=\"{$search_string}\" />\n            <input type='hidden' id='buttons' name='opt1' value='1' />\n            </form>\n        ";
     // google image search code
     $search_string = urlencode(utf8_decode(str_replace(":", '', $title)));
     echo "\n            <script type='text/javascript'>\n            <!--\n            function google()\n            {\n                window.open('http://images.google.com/images?as_q={$search_string}&svnum=10&hl=en&imgsz=medium|large|xlarge&safe=off',  'google2', 'resizable,scrollbars,menubar,status,toolbar,location')\n                window.open('http://images.google.com/images?as_q={$search_string}&svnum=10&hl=en&imgsz=xxlarge&safe=off',              'google1', 'resizable,scrollbars,menubar,status,toolbar,location')\n            }\n            //-->\n            </script>\n        ";
     // maximize browser window?
     if ($this->browser_behaviour == 'maximize') {
         echo "\n                <script type='text/javascript'>\n                <!--\n                self.moveTo(0,0);\n                self.resizeTo(screen.availWidth, screen.availHeight);\n                // -->\n                </script>\n            ";