<?php /** * @version $Id: acctexp.class.php * @package AEC - Account Control Expiration - Membership Manager * @subpackage Core Class * @copyright 2006-2015 Copyright (C) David Deutsch * @author David Deutsch <*****@*****.**> & Team AEC - http://www.valanx.org * @license GNU/GPL v.3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html or, at your option, any later version */ // Dont allow direct linking defined('_JEXEC') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.'); define('_AEC_VERSION', '1.2'); define('_AEC_REVISION', '6772'); include_once JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_acctexp/lib/compat.php'; $langlist = array('com_acctexp' => JPATH_SITE, 'com_acctexp.iso3166-1a2' => JPATH_SITE, 'com_acctexp.iso639-1' => JPATH_SITE, 'com_acctexp.microintegrations' => JPATH_SITE, 'com_acctexp.processors' => JPATH_SITE); xJLanguageHandler::loadList($langlist); if (!class_exists('paramDBTable')) { include_once JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_acctexp/lib/eucalib/eucalib.php'; } $aecclasses = array('api', 'bucket', 'cart', 'component', 'config', 'coupon', 'displaypipeline', 'event', 'eventlog', 'functions', 'heartbeat', 'history', 'html', 'invoice', 'itemgroup', 'itemterms', 'microintegration', 'paymentprocessor', 'registration', 'restriction', 'rewriteengine', 'service', 'settings', 'subscription', 'subscriptionplan', 'template', 'temptoken', 'toolbox', 'user'); foreach ($aecclasses as $class) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/classes/acctexp.' . $class . '.class.php'; } global $aecConfig; if (!is_object($aecConfig)) { $aecConfig = new aecConfig(); }
public function copyAssets() { $handle = str_replace('mi_', '', $this->class_name); $syslangpath = JPATH_SITE . '/language'; $languages = xJLanguageHandler::getSystemLanguages(); $langpath = JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_acctexp/micro_integration/' . $handle . '/language'; foreach ($languages as $l) { $lpath = $langpath . '/' . $l; if (is_dir($lpath) && is_dir($syslangpath . '/' . $l)) { $filename = $l . '.com_acctexp.mi.' . $handle . '.ini'; $source = $lpath . '/' . $filename; if (!file_exists($source)) { continue; } $dest = $syslangpath . '/' . $l . '/' . $filename; copy($source, $dest); } } }
public function copyAssets() { $syslangpath = JPATH_SITE . '/language'; $languages = xJLanguageHandler::getSystemLanguages(); $langpath = JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_acctexp/services/' . $this->type . '/language'; foreach ($languages as $l) { $lpath = $langpath . '/' . $l; if (!is_dir($lpath) || !is_dir($syslangpath . '/' . $l)) { continue; } $filename = $l . '.com_acctexp.services.' . $this->type . '.ini'; $source = $lpath . '/' . $filename; if (!file_exists($source)) { continue; } $dest = $syslangpath . '/' . $l . '/' . $filename; copy($source, $dest); } }
public function fileEventlog() { // Make sure we have all the language stuff loaded $langlist = array('com_acctexp.admin' => JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR); xJLanguageHandler::loadList($langlist); $short = JText::_('AEC_LOG_SH_HEARTBEAT'); $event = array(JText::_('AEC_LOG_LO_HEARTBEAT') . ' '); $tags = array('heartbeat'); $level = 2; if ($this->result['expired']) { if ($this->result['expired'] > 1) { $event[] = 'Expires ' . $this->result['expired'] . ' subscriptions'; } else { $event[] = 'Expires 1 subscription'; } $tags[] = 'expiration'; } if ($this->result['fallback']) { if ($this->result['fallback'] > 1) { $event[] = $this->result['fallback'] . ' subscriptions assigned to a fallback subscription plan'; } else { $event[] = '1 subscription assigned to a fallback subscription plan'; } $tags[] = 'fallback'; } if ($this->result['fail_expired']) { if ($this->result['fail_expired'] > 1) { $event[] = 'Failed to expire ' . $this->result['fail_expired'] . ' subscriptions'; } else { $event[] = 'Failed to expire 1 subscription'; } $event[] = '- please check your subscriptions for problems'; $tags[] = 'error'; $level = 128; } if ($this->result['pre_exp_actions']) { $event[] = $this->result['pre_exp_actions'] . ' Pre-expiration action'; $event[] = $this->result['pre_exp_actions'] > 1 ? 's' : ''; $event[] = ' for ' . $this->result['pre_expired'] . ' subscription'; $event[] = $this->result['pre_expired'] > 1 ? 's' : ''; $tags[] = 'pre-expiration'; } if ($this->result['skipped']) { if ($this->result['fail_expired'] > 1) { $event[] = 'Skipped ' . $this->result['fail_expired'] . ' subscriptions'; } else { $event[] = 'Skipped 1 subscription'; } } if (count($event) === 0) { $event[] = JText::_('AEC_LOG_AD_HEARTBEAT_DO_NOTHING'); } $eventlog = new eventLog(); $eventlog->issue($short, implode(',', $tags), implode(" ", $event), $level); }
public function copyAssets() { $png = $this->processor_name . '.png'; $source = $this->path . '/media/images/' . $png; if (file_exists($source)) { $dest = JPATH_SITE . '/media/com_acctexp/images/site/' . $png; if (!file_exists($dest) && file_exists($source)) { copy($source, $dest); } } $syslangpath = JPATH_SITE . '/language'; $languages = xJLanguageHandler::getSystemLanguages(); $langpath = $this->path . '/language'; foreach ($languages as $l) { $lpath = $langpath . '/' . $l; if (is_dir($lpath) && is_dir($syslangpath . '/' . $l)) { $filename = $l . '.com_acctexp.processors.' . $this->processor_name . '.ini'; $source = $lpath . '/' . $filename; if (!file_exists($source)) { continue; } $dest = $syslangpath . '/' . $l . '/' . $filename; copy($source, $dest); } } }