} } return $var; } $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $language =& JFactory::getLanguage(); $url = wpro_stripTrailingSlash($mainframe->isAdmin() ? $mainframe->getSiteURL() : JURI::base()); $path = wpro_stripTrailingSlash($mainframe->isAdmin() ? JPATH_SITE : JPATH_BASE); $adminside = $mainframe->isAdmin() ? 1 : 0; define('WPRO_DIR', $path . '/plugins/editors/wysiwygPro3/wysiwygPro/'); switch (JRequest::getCmd('task')) { // routing case 'route': ob_end_clean(); include_once WPRO_DIR . 'wproRoute.class.php'; wproRoute::processRequests(); exit; break; // list content items // list content items case 'content': ob_end_clean(); define('IN_WPRO', true); include_once WPRO_DIR . 'wysiwygPro.class.php'; include_once $path . '/plugins/editors/wysiwygPro3/wysiwygPro/core/libs/wproTemplate.class.php'; // get WP params $query = "SELECT params FROM #__plugins WHERE element = 'WysiwygPro3' AND folder = 'editors'"; $db->setQuery($query); $params = $db->loadResult(); $params =& new JParameter($params); $wp_sef = $params->get('seo_links', 0);
function display() { global $EDITOR, $WPRO_EDITOR_URL; $this->_setDefaults(); require_once WPRO_DIR . 'core/libs/wproTemplate.class.php'; if (empty($this->options)) { $this->options = array(array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'ok', 'value' => $this->getLang('ok', 'OK')), array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'cancel', 'value' => $this->getLang('cancel', 'Cancel'))); } if (empty($EDITOR)) { //exit ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $iframeDialogs = false; $frameID = 0; if (defined('WPRO_IN_ROUTE')) { $editorURL = wproRoute::getEditorURL(); } else { $editorURL = $WPRO_EDITOR_URL; } $themeURL = $this->varReplace(WPRO_THEME_URL, array('EDITOR_URL' => $WPRO_EDITOR_URL)) . WPRO_THEME . '/wysiwygpro'; $tpl = new wproTemplate(); $tpl->path = WPRO_DIR . 'core/tpl/'; if (isset($_GET['iframe'])) { $iframeDialogs = true; } if (isset($_GET['dialogFrameID'])) { $iframeDialogs = true; $frameID = intval($_GET['dialogFrameID']); } if (isset($_GET['dialogOpenerID'])) { $openerID = intval($_GET['dialogOpenerID']); } else { $openerID = null; } } else { require_once WPRO_DIR . 'core/libs/wproDialog.class.php'; $DIALOG = new wproDialog(); $tpl =& $DIALOG->template; $DIALOG->bodyInclude = WPRO_DIR . 'core/tpl/messageExitBody.tpl.php'; $DIALOG->title = $this->title; $DIALOG->options = $this->options; $DIALOG->chromeless = $this->chromeless; if (isset($_GET['iframe'])) { $iframeDialogs = true; } if (isset($_GET['dialogFrameID'])) { $iframeDialogs = true; $DIALOG->frameID = intval($_GET['dialogFrameID']); } if (isset($_GET['dialogOpenerID'])) { $DIALOG->openerID = intval($_GET['dialogOpenerID']); } $editorURL = $EDITOR->editorURL; $themeURL = $EDITOR->themeFolderURL . $EDITOR->theme . '/wysiwygpro'; $iframeDialogs = $EDITOR->iframeDialogs; $frameID = $DIALOG->frameID; $openerID = $DIALOG->openerID; } $tpl->bulkAssign(array('iframeDialogs' => $iframeDialogs, 'frameID' => $frameID, 'openerID' => $openerID, 'editorURL' => $editorURL, 'themeURL' => $themeURL, 'hidden' => $this->hidden, 'jsAction' => $this->jsAction, 'action' => $this->action, 'title' => $this->title, 'icon' => $this->icon, 'options' => $this->options, 'msg' => $this->msg)); /** * Echo the results. */ if (empty($EDITOR)) { $tpl->display('messageExit.tpl.php'); } else { $DIALOG->display(); } exit; }