function GetWeatherByID($arg) { if (!is_numeric($arg)) { return FALSE; } $db = new Db(); $WeatherID = $db->quote($arg); $results = $db->select("SELECT * from Weather where WeatherID = {$WeatherID} limit 1"); if ($results) { $weather = new weather(); foreach ($results as $result) { $weather->hydrate($result); } return $weather; } else { return $results; } }
} else { if (isset($_ENV["TMP"])) { $cachedir = $_ENV["TMP"]; } else { if (isset($_ENV["TMPDIR"])) { $cachedir = $_ENV["TMPDIR"]; } else { $cachedir = "/tmp"; } } } $cachedir = str_replace('\\\\', '/', $cachedir); if (substr($cachedir, -1) != '/') { $cachedir .= '/'; } $weather_chile = new weather("CIXX0020", 3600, "C", $cachedir); // Parse the weather object via cached // This checks if there's an valid cache object allready. if yes // it takes the local object data, what's much FASTER!!! if it // is expired, it refreshes automatically from rss online! $weather_chile->parsecached(); // => RECOMMENDED! // allway refreshes from rss online. NOT SO FAST. //$weather_chile->parse(); // => NOT recommended! // ------------------- // OUTPUT // ------------------- // VARIOUS print "<h1>Various</h1>"; print "title: " . $weather_chile->forecast['TITLE'] . "<br>"; // Yahoo! Weather - Santiago, CI
private function parse_xml($xData) { libxml_use_internal_errors(true); try { $weather = new SimpleXMLElement($xData); } catch (Exception $err) { // Set current exception message last getMessage() throw new Exception($err->getMessage()); } // Select the current_conditions node ($cNode) if (!isset($weather->weather[0]->current_conditions)) { throw new Exception("Unable to find data for the specified location"); } $cNode = $weather->weather[0]->current_conditions; // ========= Set up our current conditions array ==================== // Tempreature - temp_f Fahrenheit, temp_c celsius - set as floats. $this->_wData['current']['temp_f'] = $cNode->temp_f->attributes()->data; $this->_wData['current']['temp_c'] = weather::to_celsius($this->_wData['current']['temp_f']); // Condition $this->_wData['current']['condition'] = $cNode->condition->attributes()->data; // Condition Icon - icon url is not absolute, append $this->_wData['current']['icon'] = "" . $cNode->icon->attributes()->data; // Wind Condition $this->_wData['current']['wind'] = $cNode->wind_condition->attributes()->data; // ============= Set up our forecast array ============= $fNode = $weather->weather[0]->forecast_conditions; // Iterate through each day of the week and create an assoc array. foreach ($fNode as $forecast) { // Get the day. $day = (string) $forecast->day_of_week->attributes()->data; // Insert an array of info for that day $this->_wData['forecast'][$day] = array("day" => $day, "high" => $forecast->high->attributes()->data, "low" => $forecast->low->attributes()->data, "icon" => "" . $forecast->icon->attributes()->data, "condition" => $forecast->condition->attributes()->data); } //foreach ($fNode as $forecast) // Let the class know wData is ready for use. }
* Updated: 12/26/15 * By: Mike Rogers * Notes * Generic dashboard for displaying time and weather. * 1.1 Implementing basic MVC style separation of business logic from view. *****************************/ //include files include_once "weather.php"; include_once "time.php"; include_once "getStocks.php"; include_once "navbar.php"; //DEBUG MODE // Report all PHP errors (see changelog) error_reporting(E_ALL); //pull in the weather class $weather = new weather(); $weatherWidget = $weather->weatherWidgetHTML(); $currentWeather = $weather->todaysWeather(); $tomorrowsWeather = $weather->tomorrowsWeather(); //extract the stocks $stocks = new stockPrices(); $currentPrices = $stocks->getStocksDiv(); //pull in the time object and provide weather info $time = new Time(); $welcomeWidget = $time->welcomeWidget($currentWeather, $tomorrowsWeather); $timeNatLangWidget = $time->timeNaturalLanguage(1); $wallpaperOverride = $time->wallpaperCss(); //import the navbar $navObj = new NavBar(); $navBar = $navObj->generateMenu('home'); ?>
public function execute($_options = array()) { $eqLogic_weather = weather::byId($this->eqLogic_id); $weather = $eqLogic_weather->getWeatherArea(); if (!is_array($weather)) { return false; } if ($this->getConfiguration('day') == -1) { if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'condition') { return $weather['condition']['text']; } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'temp') { return $weather['condition']['temperature']; } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'humidity') { return $weather['atmosphere']['humidity']; } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'pressure') { return $weather['atmosphere']['pressure']; } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'wind_speed') { return $weather['wind']['speed']; } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'wind_direction') { return $weather['wind']['direction']; } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'sunrise') { return $weather['astronomy']['sunrise']; } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'sunset') { return $weather['astronomy']['sunset']; } } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'condition') { return $weather['forecast'][$this->getConfiguration('day')]['condition']; } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'low') { return $weather['forecast'][$this->getConfiguration('day')]['low_temperature']; } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'high') { return $weather['forecast'][$this->getConfiguration('day')]['high_temperature']; } return false; }
* Jeedom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jeedom. If not, see <>. */ try { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../core/php/'; include_file('core', 'authentification', 'php'); if (!isConnect('admin')) { throw new Exception(__('401 - Accès non autorisé', __FILE__)); } if (init('action') == 'getWeather') { $weather = weather::byId(init('id')); if (!is_object($weather)) { throw new Exception(__('Weather inconnu verifié l\'id', __FILE__)); } $return = utils::o2a($weather); $return['cmd'] = array(); foreach ($weather->getCmd() as $cmd) { $cmd_info = utils::o2a($cmd); $cmd_info['value'] = $cmd->execCmd(null, 0); $return['cmd'][] = $cmd_info; } ajax::success($return); } throw new Exception(__('Aucune methode correspondante à : ', __FILE__) . init('action')); /* * *********Catch exeption*************** */ } catch (Exception $e) {
public function execute($_options = array()) { if ($this->getLogicalId() == 'refresh') { weather::cron30($this->getEqLogic_id()); } else { $eqLogic_weather = $this->getEqLogic(); $weather = $eqLogic_weather->getWeatherFromYahooXml(); if (!is_array($weather)) { sleep(1); $weather = $eqLogic_weather->getWeatherFromYahooXml(); if (!is_array($weather)) { return false; } } if ($this->getConfiguration('day') == -1) { if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'condition') { return $weather['condition']['text']; } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'temp') { return $weather['condition']['temperature']; } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'humidity') { return $weather['atmosphere']['humidity']; } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'pressure') { return $weather['atmosphere']['pressure']; } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'wind_speed') { return $weather['wind']['speed']; } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'wind_direction') { return $weather['wind']['direction']; } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'sunrise') { return $weather['astronomy']['sunrise']; } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'sunset') { return $weather['astronomy']['sunset']; } } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'condition') { return $weather['forecast'][$this->getConfiguration('day')]['condition']; } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'low') { return $weather['forecast'][$this->getConfiguration('day')]['low_temperature']; } if ($this->getConfiguration('data') == 'high') { return $weather['forecast'][$this->getConfiguration('day')]['high_temperature']; } return false; } }
<div id="dataReturn_table" style="display: none; "></div> <?php //require_once('assetModelling/fileUploader.html'); ?> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <br /><br /> </div> © Copyright Conservation Resource Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. Site Design by <a href="" target="_blank">Rearview</a>. </div> <?php //$mdrUser->preDebugger($_SESSION['UserObject']->PointChannels()->participationTypeList()); //$mdrUser->preDebugger($_POST); //$mdrUser->preDebugger($_COOKIE['dsn']); //$mdrUser->preDebugger($_SESSION); ?> </body> <?php echo $includesFoot; if (!empty($_SESSION['iemsID'])) { require_once 'includes/'; $weather = new weather(); echo "\n\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n \n\t\t\$('weatherReturn_res').setProperty('html','" . $weather->Load($zipcode) . "');\n\n\t\t</script>\n\t"; } echo '<!-- end page | time to render: ' . (microtime(true) - $pageStartTime) . '-->';
<?php if (isset($_POST['apa']) && $_POST['apa'] != "") { include 'modules/model/'; $data = new weather(); switch ($_POST['apa']) { case "get-cuaca": $collect = array(); if (isset($_POST['tglAwal']) && $_POST['tglAwal'] != "" && isset($_POST['tglAkhir']) && $_POST['tglAkhir'] != "") { if ($query = $data->get_weather($_POST['tglAwal'], $_POST['tglAkhir'], "%")) { while ($rs = $query->fetch_array()) { if ($rs["event"] == "1") { $event = "Cerah"; } elseif ($rs["event"] == "2") { $event = "Hujan"; } elseif ($rs["event"] == "3") { $event = "Berawan / Badai Petir"; } elseif ($rs["event"] == "4") { $event = "Hujan Disertai Badai Petir"; } else { $event = "Tidak Diketahui"; } $detail = array(); array_push($detail, $rs["date"]); array_push($detail, $event); array_push($detail, "<button type='button' class='btn btn-sm btn-primary' id='btn-show-detail' data-id='" . $rs['id'] . "'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<i class='fa fa-eye'></i></button>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<button type='button' class='btn btn-sm btn-danger' id='btn-hapus-data' data-id='" . $rs['id'] . "'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<i class='fa fa-trash-o'></i></button>"); array_push($collect, $detail); unset($detail); } } }
if (isset($_ENV["TMP"])) { $cachedir = $_ENV["TMP"]; } else { if (isset($_ENV["TMPDIR"])) { $cachedir = $_ENV["TMPDIR"]; } else { // Default Cache Directory $cachedir = "/tmp"; } } } $cachedir = str_replace('\\\\', '/', $cachedir); if (substr($cachedir, -1) != '/') { $cachedir .= '/'; } $weather_current = new weather($userzip, 600, "C", $cachedir); // Parse the weather object via cached // This checks if there's an valid cache object allready. if yes // it takes the local object data, what's much FASTER!!! if it // is expired, it refreshes automatically from rss online! $weather_current->parsecached(); // => RECOMMENDED! // allway refreshes from rss online. NOT SO FAST. //$weather_current->parse(); // => NOT recommended! // ------------------- // OUTPUT // ------------------- // VARIOUS $day = 0; $city_current = $weather_current->forecast['CITY']; // Santiago
$timeout = 3 * 60 * 60; // 3 hours if (isset($_ENV["TEMP"])) { $cachedir = $_ENV["TEMP"]; } else { if (isset($_ENV["TMP"])) { $cachedir = $_ENV["TMP"]; } else { if (isset($_ENV["TMPDIR"])) { $cachedir = $_ENV["TMPDIR"]; } else { // Default Cache Directory $cachedir = "/tmp"; } } } $cachedir = str_replace('\\\\', '/', $cachedir); if (substr($cachedir, -1) != '/') { $cachedir .= '/'; } $weather_location = new weather("USIL0070", 3600, "F", $cachedir); // <-- Change this for different weather location // Parse the weather object via cached // This checks if there's an valid cache object allready. if yes // it takes the local object data, what's much FASTER!!! if it // is expired, it refreshes automatically from rss online! // $weather_location->parsecached(); // => RECOMMENDED! // allway refreshes from rss online. NOT AS FAST. (I DON"T CARE! I'm refreshing the data every 5min, it'll be ok if it takes a few extra mill) $weather_location->parse(); // => NOT recommended! echo json_encode($weather_location->forecast);
if (!isset($_SESSION)) { // print ("Starting Session SaveFLower<br><br>"); session_start(); } if (isset($_SESSION)) { if (isset($_SESSION['current_user'])) { $user = $_SESSION['current_user']; } } // to see what is defined and included use this: // debug_print_backtrace(); $php_errormsg = null; $Plant = new Plant(); $Soil = new soil(); $Location = new Location(); $Weather = new weather(); if (isset($_GET['uid'])) { $Plant->setPlantUser($_GET['uid']); } else { $php_errormsg = "Missing UserID. "; } if (isset($_GET['PlantName'])) { $Plant->setPlantName($_GET['PlantName']); } else { $php_errormsg = $php_errormsg . "Missing Plant Name.<br> "; } if (isset($_GET['OnSite'])) { $Plant->setPlantEnteredOnSite($_GET['OnSite']); } else { $php_errormsg = $php_errormsg . "Missing On Site.<br> "; }
.city{color: red} .city span{font-weight: bold;} </style> </head> <body> <?php header("content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); include_once "./weather.class.php"; $text = $_REQUEST['location_c']; echo '<div class="waterbox">'; echo '<div class="citybox">'; echo '<p class="city">你查询的城市是:<span> ' . $text . '</span></p>'; echo '<br/>'; $appkey = '902b689cae6ccba5d0a659a50a980688'; //您申请的天气查询appkey $weather = new weather($appkey); $cityWeatherResult = $weather->getWeather($text); if ($cityWeatherResult['error_code'] == 0) { //以下可根据实际业务需求,自行改写 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $data = $cityWeatherResult['result']; echo "=======当前天气实况=======<br/>"; echo "温度:" . $data['sk']['temp'] . " "; echo "风向:" . $data['sk']['wind_direction'] . " (" . $data['sk']['wind_strength'] . ")"; echo "湿度:" . $data['sk']['humidity'] . " "; echo "<br/><br/>"; echo "=======未来几天天气预报=======<br/>"; foreach ($data['future'] as $wkey => $f) { echo "日期:" . $f['date'] . " " . $f['week'] . " " . $f['weather'] . " " . $f['temperature'] . "<br/>"; } echo "<br/><br/>";
if (isset($_ENV["TMP"])) { $cachedir = $_ENV["TMP"]; } else { if (isset($_ENV["TMPDIR"])) { $cachedir = $_ENV["TMPDIR"]; } else { $cachedir = "/tmp"; } } } $cachedir = str_replace('\\\\', '/', $cachedir); if (substr($cachedir, -1) != '/') { $cachedir .= '/'; } foreach ($yahooLocCodes as $locCode) { $weather = new weather($locCode, $timeout, $units, $cachedir); $weather->parsecached(); print "<tr>"; $attr = substr($locCode, 0, 2) == $country ? "style='background-color:yellow;'" : ""; print XmlCell($weather->forecast['CITY'], $attr); print XmlCell($weather->forecast['PUBDATE']); print XmlCell($weather->forecast['SUNRISE']); print XmlCell($weather->forecast['SUNSET']); @(print XmlCell($weather->forecast['CURRENT']['TEXT'])); @(print tempCell($weather->forecast['CURRENT']['TEMP'])); print tempCell($weather->forecast[0]['LOW']); print tempCell($weather->forecast[0]['HIGH']); print XmlCell($weather->forecast[0]['TEXT']); print XmlCell($weather->source); print "</tr>"; }
print ("<br>AFter session print <br>"); */ if (isset($_SESSION['current_plant'])) { $Plant = $_SESSION['current_plant']; } else { $Plant = new Plant(); } if (isset($_SESSION['current_location'])) { $Location = $_SESSION['current_location']; } else { $Location = new Location(); } if (isset($_SESSION['current_weather'])) { $Weather = $_SESSION['current_weather']; } else { $Weather = new weather(); } } $Soil = new soil(); $SoilList = $Soil->GetAllSoils(); $SoilMenu = new selectMenu(); $SoilMenu->setOptions($SoilList); include_once 'include/header.php'; if (isset($php_errormsg)) { ?> <h1> Please correct the following errors: <?php $php_errormsg; ?> </h1> <?php }