public function execute()
     $action = waRequest::param('action', 'default');
     $disable_sidebar = waRequest::param('disable_sidebar', false);
     $this->view->assign('action', $action);
     $this->view->assign('breadcrumbs', waRequest::param('breadcrumbs', array()));
     if (!$this->getResponse()->getTitle()) {
         $title = waRequest::param('title') ? waRequest::param('title') : wa()->accountName();
     $this->view->assign('nofollow', waRequest::param('nofollow', false));
     $this->view->assign('disable_sidebar', $disable_sidebar);
      * Include plugins js and css
      * @event frontend_assets
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%] Extra header data (css/js/meta)
     $this->view->assign('frontend_assets', wa()->event('frontend_assets'));
      * @event frontend_layout
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['header'] Header menu section
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['footer'] Footer section
     $this->view->assign('frontend_layout', wa()->event('frontend_layout'));
      * @event frontend_sidebar
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['menu'] Sidebar menu item
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['section'] Sidebar section item
     $this->view->assign('frontend_sidebar', wa()->event('frontend_sidebar'));
 public function execute()
     $url = trim(waRequest::param('url', '', waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM), '/');
     if (!$url) {
         throw new waException(_w('Page not found', 404));
     if (!$this->album) {
         throw new waException(_w('Page not found', 404));
     $this->album = photosFrontendAlbum::escapeFields($this->album);
     // retrieve user params
     $album_params_model = new photosAlbumParamsModel();
     $params = $album_params_model->get($this->album['id']);
     $params = photosPhoto::escape($params);
     $this->album += $params;
     // "childcrumbs" - list of childs (sub-albums). Use in 'plain' template
     $childcrumbs = $this->album_model->getChildcrumbs($this->album['id'], true);
     waRequest::setParam('breadcrumbs', $this->album_model->getBreadcrumbs($this->album['id'], true));
     waRequest::setParam('nofollow', $this->album['status'] <= 0 ? true : false);
     waRequest::setParam('disable_sidebar', true);
     $this->view->assign('album', $this->album);
     $this->view->assign('childcrumbs', $childcrumbs);
     $this->getResponse()->addJs('js/common.js?v=' . wa()->getVersion(), true);
 public function dispatch()
     $env = $this->system->getEnv();
     if ($env == 'frontend') {
         $module = 'frontend';
     } else {
         $module = waRequest::get($this->options['module'], $this->system->getEnv());
     $module = waRequest::param('module', $module);
     $action = waRequest::param('action', waRequest::get($this->options['action']));
     $plugin = waRequest::param('plugin', $env == 'backend' ? waRequest::get('plugin', '') : '');
     // event init
     if (!waRequest::request('background_process')) {
         if (method_exists($this->system->getConfig(), 'onInit')) {
     if ($this->system->getEnv() == 'backend') {
         if ($widget = waRequest::get('widget')) {
             $this->executeWidget($widget, $action);
         } else {
             $this->execute($plugin, $module, $action);
     } else {
         $this->execute($plugin, $module, $action);
 public function execute()
     $this->setLayout(new shopFrontendLayout());
     $product_model = new shopProductModel();
     $product = $product_model->getByField('url', waRequest::param('product_url'));
     if (!$product) {
         throw new waException('Product not found', 404);
     $product = new shopProduct($product);
     $this->getBreadcrumbs($product, true);
     $reviews_model = new shopProductReviewsModel();
     $reviews = $reviews_model->getFullTree($product['id'], 0, null, 'datetime DESC', array('escape' => true));
     $config = wa()->getConfig();
     $this->view->assign(array('product' => $product, 'reviews' => $reviews, 'reviews_count' => $reviews_model->count($product['id']), 'reply_allowed' => true, 'auth_adapters' => $adapters = wa()->getAuthAdapters(), 'request_captcha' => $config->getGeneralSettings('require_captcha'), 'require_authorization' => $config->getGeneralSettings('require_authorization')));
     $storage = wa()->getStorage();
     $current_auth = $storage->read('auth_user_data');
     $current_auth_source = $current_auth ? $current_auth['source'] : shopProductReviewsModel::AUTH_GUEST;
     $this->view->assign('current_auth_source', $current_auth_source);
     $this->view->assign('current_auth', $current_auth, true);
      * @event frontend_product
      * @param shopProduct $product
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['menu'] html output
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['cart'] html output
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['block_aux'] html output
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['block'] html output
     $this->view->assign('frontend_product', wa()->event('frontend_product', $product, array('menu', 'cart', 'block_aux', 'block')));
    public function execute()
        $type = waRequest::param(0);
        $types = array('sms', 'payment', 'shipping');
        $id = waRequest::param(1);
        $params = waRequest::param();
        $pattern = '/^[a-z][a-z0-9]*$/';
        if (empty($type) || empty($params) || isset($params['help']) || !in_array($type, $types) || !preg_match($pattern, $id)) {
            $help = <<<HELP
Usage: php wa.php createSystemPlugin type plugin_id [parameters]
    type - Plugin type: shipping, payment, or sms
    plugin_id - Plugin id (string in lower case) 
Optional parameters:
    -name (Plugin name; if comprised of several words, enclose in quotes; e.g., 'My plugin')
    -version (Plugin version; e.g., 1.0.0)
    -vendor (Numerical vendor id)
    -settings (Supports user settings)
Example: php wa.php createSystemPlugin shipping myshipping -name 'My shipping' -version 1.0.0 -vendor 123456
            print $help . "\n";
        } else {
            $plugin_path = wa()->getConfig()->getPath('plugins') . '/' . $type . '/' . $id;
            $this->create($type, $id, $plugin_path, $params);
 public function execute()
     $blog_id = wa()->getRequest()->param('blog_url_type');
     if ($blog_id <= 0) {
         $blog_id = waRequest::request('blog_id', 0, 'int');
     $this->setLayout(new blogFrontendLayout());
     // Get contact id and name as post author
     if (wa()->getUser()->get('is_user')) {
         $post_contact_id = wa()->getUser()->getId();
         $post_contact_name = wa()->getUser()->getName();
     } else {
         foreach (blogHelper::getAuthors($blog_id) as $post_contact_id => $post_contact_name) {
     // Prepare empty fake post data
     $post_model = new blogPostModel();
     $post = $post_model->prepareView(array(array('id' => 0, 'blog_id' => $blog_id, 'contact_id' => $post_contact_id, 'contact_name' => $post_contact_name, 'datetime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'title' => '%replace-with-real-post-title%', 'status' => 'published', 'text' => '<div class="replace-with-real-post-text"></div>' . $this->getScripts(), 'comments_allowed' => 0) + $post_model->getEmptyRow()));
     $post = array_merge($post[0], array('comments' => array(), 'comment_link' => '', 'link' => ''));
     $this->getResponse()->setMeta('keywords', '');
     $this->getResponse()->setMeta('description', '');
     $current_auth = wa()->getStorage()->read('auth_user_data');
     $current_auth_source = $current_auth ? $current_auth['source'] : null;
     $this->view->assign(array('realtime_preview' => true, 'frontend_post' => array(), 'errors' => array(), 'form' => array(), 'show_comments' => false, 'request_captcha' => false, 'require_authorization' => false, 'theme' => waRequest::param('theme', 'default'), 'current_auth_source' => $current_auth_source, 'current_auth' => $current_auth, true, 'auth_adapters' => wa()->getAuthAdapters(), 'post' => $post));
 public function execute()
     $f = waRequest::param('f');
     $fid = waRequest::param('fid', waRequest::post('fid'));
     $prefix = waRequest::param('prefix', waRequest::post('prefix', 'options'));
     $full_parent = waRequest::param('parent', waRequest::post('parent', null));
     $parent = explode('.', $full_parent);
     $parent = $parent[0];
     $new_field = false;
     if ($f && $f instanceof waContactField) {
         $ftype = $f->getType();
         if ($ftype == 'Select') {
             if ($f instanceof waContactBranchField) {
                 $ftype = 'branch';
             } else {
                 if ($f instanceof waContactRadioSelectField) {
                     $ftype = 'radio';
     } else {
         $ftype = strtolower(waRequest::param('ftype', waRequest::post('ftype', 'string')));
         $f = self::getField($fid, $ftype);
         $new_field = true;
     $ftype = strtolower($ftype);
     $this->view->assign('f', $f);
     $this->view->assign('fid', $fid);
     $this->view->assign('ftype', $ftype);
     $this->view->assign('prefix', $prefix);
     $this->view->assign('parent', $parent);
     $this->view->assign('uniqid', 'fe_' . uniqid());
     $this->view->assign('new_field', $new_field);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function execute()
     $e = $this->getRequest()->param('exception');
     if ($e && $e instanceof Exception) {
          * @var Exception $e
         $code = $e->getCode();
         if (!$code) {
             $code = 500;
         $message = $e->getMessage();
     } else {
         $code = 404;
         $message = _ws("Page not found");
     $this->getResponse()->setTitle(htmlentities($code . '. ' . $message, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'));
     $this->view->assign('error_code', $code);
     $this->view->assign('error_message', $message);
     if ($code == 404) {
         $this->setLayout(new blogFrontendLayout());
     $this->setThemeTemplate('error.html', waRequest::param('theme', 'default'));
 public function execute()
     $type = waRequest::param('type');
     $this->hash = waRequest::param('hash');
     if ($type == 'tag') {
         $this->view->assign('criteria', 'by-tag');
         $this->view->assign('tag', waRequest::param('tag'));
     } else {
         if ($type == 'favorites') {
             $this->view->assign('criteria', 'favorites');
     if (in_array($type, array('author', 'search', 'tag', 'favorites', 'id'))) {
         waRequest::setParam('disable_sidebar', true);
         $template = 'search.html';
     } else {
         $template = 'home.html';
         if (!file_exists($this->getTheme()->getPath() . '/' . $template)) {
             $template = 'view-thumbs.html';
             // for backward compatibility reason
     if ($type != 'all' && $type != 'favorites') {
         waRequest::setParam('nofollow', true);
     $layout = $this->getLayout();
     if ($layout) {
         $layout->assign('hash', $this->hash);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function execute()
     $this->getResponse()->addJs("js/jquery.pageless2.js?v=" . wa()->getVersion(), true);
     $this->view->assign('site_theme_url', wa()->getDataUrl('themes', true, 'site') . '/' . waRequest::param('theme', 'default') . '/');
     $this->view->assign('action', $action = waRequest::param('action', 'default'));
     waRequest::setParam('action', $action);
     $params = waRequest::param();
      * @event frontend_action_default
      * @event frontend_action_post
      * @event frontend_action_page
      * @event frontend_action_error
      * @param array[string]mixed $params request params
      * @return array[string][string]string $return['%plugin_id%']
      * @return array[string][string]string $return['%plugin_id%'][nav_before]
      * @return array[string][string]string $return['%plugin_id%'][footer]
      * @return array[string][string]string $return['%plugin_id%'][head]
      * @return array[string][string]string $return['%plugin_id%'][sidebar]
     $this->view->assign('settlement_one_blog', isset($params['blog_id']) && $params['blog_url_type'] == $params['blog_id']);
     $this->view->assign('frontend_action', $res = wa()->event('frontend_action_' . $action, $params));
     if (!$this->view->getVars('links')) {
         $this->view->assign('links', array());
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function execute()
     $cache = null;
     if ($cache_time = $this->getConfig()->getOption('cache_time')) {
         //$cache = new waSerializeCache('pages/'.$domain.$url.'page');
     $page = array();
     if ($cache && $cache->isCached()) {
         $page = $cache->get();
     } else {
         $site = new siteFrontend();
         if (waRequest::param('error')) {
             $page = array();
         } else {
             $page = $site->getPage(waRequest::param('url', ''));
         if ($page && $cache) {
     if (!waRequest::isXMLHttpRequest()) {
         $this->setLayout(new siteFrontendLayout());
     try {
         $this->executeAction(new siteFrontendAction($page));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
             echo $e;
         } else {
             $this->executeAction(new siteFrontendAction($e));
Exemplo n.º 12
    public function execute()
        $app_id = waRequest::param(0);
        $params = waRequest::param();
        if (empty($app_id) || isset($params['help'])) {
            $help = <<<HELP
Usage: php wa.php createApp [app_id] [parameters] 
    app_id - App id (string in lower case)
Optional parameters:
    -name (App name; if comprised of several words, enclose in quotes; e.g., 'My app')
    -version (App version; e.g., 1.0.0)
    -vendor (Numerical vendor id)
    -frontend (Has frontend)
    -themes (Supports design themes)
    -plugins (Supports plugins)
    -cli (Has CLI handlers)
    -api (Has API)
Example: php wa.php createApp myapp -name 'My app' -version 1.0.0 -vendor 123456 -frontend -themes -plugins -cli -api
            print $help . "\n";
        } else {
            $errors = array();
            if (!empty($params['version']) && !preg_match('@^[\\d]+(\\.\\d+)*$@', $params['version'])) {
                $errors[] = 'Invalid version format';
            if ($errors) {
                print "ERROR:\n";
                print implode("\n", $errors);
            } else {
                $app_path = wa()->getAppPath(null, $app_id);
                $this->create($app_id, $app_path, $params);
 public function dispatch()
     if ($this->system->getEnv() == 'frontend') {
         $module = 'frontend';
     } else {
         $module = waRequest::get($this->options['module'], $this->system->getEnv());
     $module = waRequest::param('module', $module);
     $action = waRequest::param('action', waRequest::get($this->options['action']));
     $plugin = waRequest::param('plugin', waRequest::get('plugin', ''));
     // event init
     if (!waRequest::request('background_process')) {
         if (method_exists($this->system->getConfig(), 'onInit')) {
     if ($widget = waRequest::param('widget')) {
         $this->executeWidget($widget, $action);
     } elseif ($this->system->getEnv() == 'backend') {
         $url = explode("/", $this->system->getConfig()->getRequestUrl(true));
         if (isset($url[2]) && isset($url[3]) && $url[2] == 'widgets') {
             $this->executeWidget($url[3], $action);
         } else {
             $this->execute($plugin, $module, $action);
     } else {
         $this->execute($plugin, $module, $action);
 public function execute()
     // Setting the frontend layout
     // Задаём лайаут для фронтенда
     $this->setLayout(new guestbook2FrontendLayout());
     // Setting the theme template
     // Задаём шаблон темы
     // if a POST request has been received then write a new record to the database
     // Если пришёл POST-запрос, то нужно записать в БД новую запись
     if (waRequest::method() == 'post') {
     // Creating a model instance for retrieving data from the database
     // Создаем экземпляр модели для получения данных из БД
     $model = new guestbook2Model();
     // Retrieving the record count per page from the app's settings
     // Получаем количество записей на одной странице из настроек приложения
     $limit = $this->getConfig()->getOption('records_per_page');
     // Current page
     // Текущая страница
     $page = waRequest::param('page');
     if (!$page) {
         $page = 1;
     $this->view->assign('page', $page);
     // Calculating offset
     // Вычисляем смещение
     $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
     // Retrieving all records from the database
     // Получаем записи гостевой книги из БД
     $records = $model->getRecords($offset, $limit);
     // Total record count
     // Всего записей
     $records_count = $model->countAll();
     $pages_count = ceil($records_count / $limit);
     $this->view->assign('pages_count', $pages_count);
     // Preparing records for being passed to the theme template
     // Подготавливаем записи для передачи в шаблон темы
     foreach ($records as &$r) {
         if ($r['contact_id']) {
             $r['name'] = htmlspecialchars($r['contact_name']);
             // getting contact photo URL
             // получаем URL на фотографию контакта
             $r['photo_url'] = waContact::getPhotoUrl($r['contact_id'], $r['photo'], 20);
         } else {
             $r['name'] = htmlspecialchars($r['name']);
         $r['text'] = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($r['text']));
     // Passing records to the template
     // Передаем записи в шаблон
     $this->view->assign('records', $records);
     // URL portion for links to pages
     // Часть урла для ссылок на страницы
     $this->view->assign('url', wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend'));
 public function execute()
     $code = waRequest::param('code');
     $encoded_order_id = waRequest::param('id');
     $order_id = shopHelper::decodeOrderId($encoded_order_id);
     if (!$order_id) {
         // fall back to non-encoded id
         $order_id = $encoded_order_id;
         $encoded_order_id = shopHelper::encodeOrderId($order_id);
     if (!$order_id || $order_id != substr($code, 16, -16)) {
         throw new waException(_w('Order not found'), 404);
     // When user is authorized, check if order belongs to him.
     // When it does, redirect to plain order page.
     if (wa()->getUser()->isAuth()) {
         $om = new shopOrderModel();
         $order = $om->getOrder($order_id);
         if (!$order) {
             throw new waException(_w('Order not found'), 404);
         if ($order['contact_id'] == wa()->getUser()->getId()) {
             $this->redirect(wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/myOrder', array('id' => $order_id)));
     // Check auth code
     $opm = new shopOrderParamsModel();
     $params = $opm->get($order_id);
     if (ifset($params['auth_code']) !== $code || empty($params['auth_pin'])) {
         throw new waException(_w('Order not found'), 404);
     // Check auth pin and show order page if pin is correct
     $pin = waRequest::request('pin', wa()->getStorage()->get('shop/pin/' . $order_id));
     if ($pin && $pin == $params['auth_pin']) {
         wa()->getStorage()->set('shop/pin/' . $order_id, $pin);
         if (!waRequest::isXMLHttpRequest()) {
             $this->layout->assign('breadcrumbs', self::getBreadcrumbs());
     // No pin or pin is incorrect: show form to enter pin
     $this->view->assign('wrong_pin', !!$pin);
     $this->view->assign('pin_required', true);
     $this->view->assign('encoded_order_id', $encoded_order_id);
     $this->view->assign('my_nav_selected', 'orders');
     // Set up layout and template from theme
     if (!waRequest::isXMLHttpRequest()) {
         $this->setLayout(new shopFrontendLayout());
         $this->getResponse()->setTitle(_w('Order') . ' ' . $encoded_order_id);
         $this->view->assign('breadcrumbs', self::getBreadcrumbs());
         $this->layout->assign('nofollow', true);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function execute()
     $search = new shopIndexSearch();
     if (waRequest::param(0)) {
     } else {
         $product_model = new shopProductModel();
         $n = $product_model->countAll();
         $limit = 100;
         $i = 0;
         $product_model->exec("TRUNCATE TABLE shop_search_index");
         while ($i < $n) {
             echo $i . "/" . $n . "\n";
             $sql = "SELECT p.*, type_name FROM " . $product_model->getTableName() . " p\n                LEFT JOIN shop_type t ON p.type_id =\n                LIMIT " . $i . ", " . $limit;
             $products = $product_model->query($sql)->fetchAll('id');
             $product_ids = array_keys($products);
             // get skus
             $sql = "SELECT * FROM shop_product_skus WHERE product_id IN (i:id)";
             $data = $product_model->query($sql, array('id' => $product_ids));
             foreach ($data as $row) {
                 $products[$row['product_id']]['skus'][] = $row;
             // get tags
             $sql = "SELECT pt.product_id, FROM shop_product_tags pt\n                JOIN shop_tag t ON pt.tag_id = WHERE pt.product_id IN (i:id)";
             $data = $product_model->query($sql, array('id' => $product_ids));
             foreach ($data as $row) {
                 $products[$row['product_id']]['tags'][] = $row['name'];
             // get features
             $sql = "SELECT pf.product_id, fv.value FROM shop_product_features pf\n                JOIN shop_feature f ON pf.feature_id = AND f.type = 'varchar'\n                JOIN shop_feature_values_varchar fv ON pf.feature_value_id = WHERE pf.product_id IN (i:id)";
             $data = $product_model->query($sql, array('id' => $product_ids));
             foreach ($data as $row) {
                 $products[$row['product_id']]['features'][] = $row['value'];
             $sql = "SELECT pf.product_id, fv.value FROM shop_product_features pf\n                JOIN shop_feature f ON pf.feature_id = AND f.type = 'double'\n                JOIN shop_feature_values_double fv ON pf.feature_value_id = WHERE pf.product_id IN (i:id)";
             $data = $product_model->query($sql, array('id' => $product_ids));
             foreach ($data as $row) {
                 $products[$row['product_id']]['features'][] = $row['value'];
             $sql = "SELECT pf.product_id, fv.value FROM shop_product_features pf\n                JOIN shop_feature f ON pf.feature_id = AND f.type = 'text'\n                JOIN shop_feature_values_text fv ON pf.feature_value_id = WHERE pf.product_id IN (i:id)";
             $data = $product_model->query($sql, array('id' => $product_ids));
             foreach ($data as $row) {
                 $products[$row['product_id']]['features'][] = $row['value'];
             // get skus
             $sql = "SELECT * FROM shop_product_skus WHERE product_id IN (i:id)";
             $data = $product_model->query($sql, array('id' => $product_ids));
             foreach ($data as $row) {
                 $products[$row['product_id']]['skus'][] = $row;
             foreach ($products as $p) {
                 $search->indexProduct($p, false);
             $i += $limit;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public function display()
     $plugin_model = new shopPluginModel();
     if (waRequest::param('payment_id') && is_array(waRequest::param('payment_id'))) {
         $methods = $plugin_model->getById(waRequest::param('payment_id'));
     } else {
         $methods = $plugin_model->listPlugins('payment');
     $shipping = $this->getSessionData('shipping');
     if ($shipping) {
         $disabled = shopHelper::getDisabledMethods('payment', $shipping['id']);
     } else {
         $disabled = array();
     $currencies = wa('shop')->getConfig()->getCurrencies();
     $selected = null;
     foreach ($methods as $key => $m) {
         $method_id = $m['id'];
         if (in_array($method_id, $disabled)) {
         $plugin = shopPayment::getPlugin($m['plugin'], $m['id']);
         $plugin_info = $plugin->info($m['plugin']);
         $methods[$key]['icon'] = $plugin_info['icon'];
         $custom_fields = $this->getCustomFields($method_id, $plugin);
         $custom_html = '';
         foreach ($custom_fields as $c) {
             $custom_html .= '<div class="wa-field">' . $c . '</div>';
         $methods[$key]['custom_html'] = $custom_html;
         $allowed_currencies = $plugin->allowedCurrency();
         if ($allowed_currencies !== true) {
             $allowed_currencies = (array) $allowed_currencies;
             if (!array_intersect($allowed_currencies, array_keys($currencies))) {
                 $methods[$key]['error'] = sprintf(_w('Payment procedure cannot be processed because required currency %s is not defined in your store settings.'), implode(', ', $allowed_currencies));
         if (!$selected && empty($methods[$key]['error'])) {
             $selected = $method_id;
     $view = wa()->getView();
     $view->assign('checkout_payment_methods', $methods);
     $view->assign('payment_id', $this->getSessionData('payment', $selected));
     $checkout_flow = new shopCheckoutFlowModel();
     $step_number = shopCheckout::getStepNumber('payment');
     // IF no errors
     $checkout_flow->add(array('step' => $step_number));
     // ELSE
     //        $checkout_flow->add(array(
     //            'step' => $step_number,
     //            'description' => ERROR MESSAGE HERE
     //        ));
Exemplo n.º 18
 public function execute()
     $page = array();
     if ($id = waRequest::param('page_id')) {
         $page = $this->getPageModel()->get($id);
         foreach ($page as $k => $v) {
             if ($k != 'content' && $k != 'title') {
                 $page[$k] = htmlspecialchars($v);
     if (!$page) {
         $this->getResponse()->setTitle('404. ' . _ws("Page not found"));
         $this->view->assign('error_code', 404);
         $this->view->assign('error_message', _ws("Page not found"));
     } else {
         $breadcrumbs = array();
         $parents = array();
         $p = $page;
         $root_url = wa()->getAppUrl(null, true);
         $root_page_id = $p['id'];
         while ($p['parent_id']) {
             $p = $this->getPageModel()->select('id, parent_id, name, title, url, full_url')->where("id = ?", $p['parent_id'])->fetch();
             $parents[] = $p;
             $breadcrumbs[] = array('name' => $p['name'], 'url' => $root_url . $p['full_url']);
             $root_page_id = $p['id'];
         $this->view->assign('root_page_id', $root_page_id);
         if ($this->layout) {
             $this->layout->assign('root_page_id', $root_page_id);
         $this->view->assign('page_parents', array_reverse($parents));
         if ($this->layout && $breadcrumbs) {
             $this->layout->assign('breadcrumbs', array_reverse($breadcrumbs));
         $this->getResponse()->setMeta(array('keywords' => isset($page['keywords']) ? $page['keywords'] : '', 'description' => isset($page['description']) ? $page['description'] : ''));
         $this->view->assign('page', $page);
         try {
             $this->view->assign('wa_theme_url', $this->getThemeUrl());
             $page['content'] = $this->view->fetch('string:' . $page['content']);
         } catch (SmartyCompilerException $e) {
             $message = preg_replace('/"[a-z0-9]{32,}"/', " of content Site page with id {$page['id']}", $e->getMessage());
             throw new SmartyCompilerException($message, $e->getCode());
         if ($this->layout) {
             $this->layout->assign('page_id', $page['id']);
         $this->view->assign('page', $page);
Exemplo n.º 19
 public function execute()
     if (wa()->getEnv() == 'frontend' && ($currency = waRequest::get("currency"))) {
         if ($this->getConfig()->getCurrencies(array($currency))) {
             wa()->getStorage()->set('shop/currency', $currency);
         $url = $this->getConfig()->getCurrentUrl();
         $url = preg_replace('/[\\?&]currency=' . $currency . '/i', '', $url);
     // save referer
     // @todo: save keywords for referers from search
     if (wa()->getEnv() == 'frontend' && ($ref = waRequest::server('HTTP_REFERER'))) {
         // check $ref domain
         $ref_parts = parse_url($ref);
         if ($ref_parts['host'] != waRequest::server('HTTP_HOST')) {
             wa()->getStorage()->set('shop/referer', waRequest::server('HTTP_REFERER'));
     $this->view->assign('action', waRequest::param('action', 'default'));
      * @event frontend_head
      * @return array[string]string $return[%plugin_id%] html output
     $this->view->assign('frontend_head', wa()->event('frontend_head'));
      * @event frontend_header
      * @return array[string]string $return[%plugin_id%] html output
     $this->view->assign('frontend_header', wa()->event('frontend_header'));
     if (!$this->view->getVars('frontend_nav')) {
          * @event frontend_nav
          * @return array[string]string $return[%plugin_id%] html output for navigation section
         $this->view->assign('frontend_nav', wa()->event('frontend_nav'));
      * @event frontend_footer
      * @return array[string]string $return[%plugin_id%] html output
     $this->view->assign('frontend_footer', wa()->event('frontend_footer'));
     $this->view->assign('currencies', $this->getConfig()->getCurrencies());
     // set globals
     $params = waRequest::param();
     foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
         if (in_array($k, array('url', 'module', 'action', 'meta_keywords', 'meta_description', 'private', 'url_type', 'type_id', 'payment_id', 'shipping_id', 'currency', 'stock_id'))) {
 private function renderTemplate($assign, $template)
     $theme = waRequest::param('theme', 'default');
     $theme_path = wa()->getDataPath('themes', true) . '/' . $theme;
     if (!file_exists($theme_path) || !file_exists($theme_path . '/theme.xml')) {
         $theme_path = wa()->getAppPath() . '/themes/' . $theme;
     $view = wa()->getView(array('template_dir' => $theme_path));
     return $view->fetch($template);
Exemplo n.º 21
 public function execute()
     $app_id = waRequest::param(0);
     $params = waRequest::param();
     if (empty($app_id) || isset($params['help'])) {
         print "Usage: php wa.php APP_ID[ -name APP_NAME][ -version APP_VERSION][ -frontend[ -themes]][ -plugins][ -cli][ -api[ API_VERSION]]\n";
     } else {
         $app_path = wa()->getAppPath(null, $app_id);
         $this->create($app_id, $app_path, $params);
 protected function getParameters()
     $app_id = strtolower(waRequest::param(0));
     $layout = strtolower(waRequest::param(1));
     if (!wa()->appExists($app_id)) {
         $this->dieWithErrors(array('App ' . $app_id . ' does not exist'));
     if (!preg_match('~^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$~', $layout)) {
         $this->dieWithErrors(array('Incorrect layout name: ' . $layout));
     return array($app_id, $layout);
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function execute()
     $params = waRequest::request();
     $params['result'] = true;
     $module_id = waRequest::param('module_id');
     $result = waShipping::execCallback($params, $module_id);
     if (!empty($result['template'])) {
         $this->template = $result['template'];
     $this->view->assign('params', $params);
     $this->view->assign('result', $result);
 public function execute()
     $f = waRequest::param('f');
     $fid = waRequest::param('fid');
     $parent = waRequest::param('parent');
     $css_class = waRequest::param('css_class');
     $new_field = false;
     if (!$f instanceof waContactField) {
         $new_field = true;
         $f = new waContactStringField($fid, '', array('app_id' => 'shop'));
     $prefix = 'options';
     if ($parent) {
         $prefix .= '[' . $parent . '][fields]';
     static $ftypes = null;
     if ($ftypes === null) {
         $ftypes = array('NameSubfield' => _w('Text (input)'), 'Email' => _w('Text (input)'), 'Address' => _w('Address'), 'Text' => _w('Text (textarea)'), 'String' => _w('Text (input)'), 'Select' => _w('Select'), 'Phone' => _w('Text (input)'), 'IM' => _w('Text (input)'), 'Url' => _w('Text (input)'), 'Date' => _w('Date'), 'Composite' => _w('Composite field group'), 'Checkbox' => _w('Checkbox'));
     $form = waContactForm::loadConfig(array('_default_value' => $f), array('namespace' => "{$prefix}[{$fid}]"));
     // Get default value
     $default_value = null;
     if (!$new_field && $f->getParameter('_disabled')) {
         $settings = wa('shop')->getConfig()->getCheckoutSettings();
         if (!isset($settings['contactinfo'])) {
             $settings = wa('shop')->getConfig()->getCheckoutSettings(true);
         $fields_config = ifset($settings['contactinfo']['fields'], array());
         if ($parent) {
             if (!empty($fields_config[$parent]['fields'][$fid]['hidden'])) {
                 $default_value = ifset($fields_config[$parent]['fields'][$fid]['value']);
         } else {
             if (!empty($fields_config[$fid]['hidden'])) {
                 $default_value = ifset($fields_config[$fid]['value']);
         if ($default_value !== null) {
             $form->setValue('_default_value', $default_value);
     $this->view->assign('f', $f);
     $this->view->assign('fid', $fid);
     $this->view->assign('form', $form);
     $this->view->assign('parent', $parent);
     $this->view->assign('prefix', $prefix);
     $this->view->assign('uniqid', 'f' . uniqid());
     $this->view->assign('new_field', $new_field);
     $this->view->assign('tr_classes', $css_class);
     $this->view->assign('default_value', $default_value);
     $this->view->assign('ftypes', $ftypes);
 public function execute()
     $count = $this->getConfig()->getOption('photos_per_page');
     $padding_count = 2;
     $direction = waRequest::get('direction', 1, waRequest::TYPE_INT);
     $album = waRequest::param('album');
     $hash = waRequest::param('hash');
     $url = waRequest::param('url');
     $album = waRequest::param('album');
     if (!$url) {
         throw new waException(_w('Page not found', 404));
     if ($album && $album['status'] <= 0) {
         $album['full_url'] = photosCollection::frontendAlbumHashToUrl($hash);
     $photo_model = new photosPhotoModel();
     $photo = $photo_model->getByField('url', $url);
     $real_count = $count;
     if ($photo) {
         $c = new photosCollection($hash);
         $offset = $c->getPhotoOffset($photo);
         if ($direction > 0) {
             $offset += 1;
             // next photos
         } else {
             $offset -= $real_count;
             // prev photos
             if ($offset < 0) {
                 $real_count += $offset;
                 $offset = 0;
         $photo_stream = $c->getPhotos('*,thumb,thumb_crop,tags', $offset, $real_count);
         $photo_stream = photosCollection::extendPhotos($photo_stream);
         foreach ($photo_stream as &$item) {
             $item['thumb_custom'] = array('url' => photosPhoto::getPhotoUrlTemplate($item));
             $item['full_url'] = photosFrontendPhoto::getLink(array('url' => $item['url']), $album ? $album : $hash);
         $real_count = count($photo_stream);
         if ($real_count < $count) {
             if ($direction > 0) {
                 $photo_stream = array_merge($photo_stream, array_pad(array(), $padding_count, null));
             } else {
                 $photo_stream = array_merge(array_pad(array(), $padding_count, null), $photo_stream);
         $renderer = new photosPhotoHtmlRenderer($this->getTheme());
         echo $renderer->getPhotoStream($photo_stream, null);
 public function execute()
     $om = new shopOrderModel();
     $encoded_order_id = waRequest::param('id');
     $code = waRequest::param('code');
     $order_id = shopHelper::decodeOrderId($encoded_order_id);
     if (!$order_id) {
         // fall back to non-encoded id
         $order_id = $encoded_order_id;
         $encoded_order_id = shopHelper::encodeOrderId($order_id);
     $order = $om->getOrder($order_id);
     if (!$order) {
         throw new waException(_w('Order not found'), 404);
     } elseif (!$this->isAuth($order, $code)) {
         if ($code && $order_id != substr($code, 16, -16)) {
             throw new waException(_w('Order not found'), 404);
         } else {
             $redirect = array('id' => $order_id);
             if (!empty($code)) {
                 $redirect['code'] = $code;
             $url = $code ? '/frontend/myOrderByCode' : '/frontend/myOrder';
             $this->redirect(wa()->getRouteUrl($url, $redirect));
     } elseif ($code && $order['contact_id'] == wa()->getUser()->getId()) {
         $redirect = array('id' => $order_id, 'form_type' => waRequest::param('form_type'), 'form_id' => waRequest::param('form_id'));
         $this->redirect(wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/myOrderPrintform', $redirect));
     $order_params_model = new shopOrderParamsModel();
     $order['params'] = $order_params_model->get($order['id']);
     $order['id_str'] = $encoded_order_id;
     switch (waRequest::param('form_type')) {
         case 'payment':
             if (empty($order['params']['payment_id']) || !($payment = shopPayment::getPlugin(null, $order['params']['payment_id']))) {
                 throw new waException(_w('Printform not found'), 404);
             $form_id = waRequest::param('form_id');
             $params = null;
             if (strpos($form_id, '.')) {
                 $form = explode('.', $form_id, 2);
                 $form_id = array_shift($form);
                 $params = array_shift($form);
             print $payment->displayPrintForm(ifempty($form_id, $payment->getId()), shopPayment::getOrderData($order, $payment), intval($params));
             throw new waException(_w('Printform not found'), 404);
 protected function afterAuth()
     if (waRequest::get('return')) {
         $url = $this->getStorage()->get('auth_referer');
         if ($url) {
     $url = waRequest::param('secure') ? $this->getConfig()->getCurrentUrl() : wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/my');
 public function pages($parent_id = 0, $with_params = true)
     if (is_bool($parent_id)) {
         $with_params = $parent_id;
         $parent_id = 0;
     try {
         $domain_model = new siteDomainModel();
         $domain = $domain_model->getByName(waSystem::getInstance()->getRouting()->getDomain(null, true));
         $page_model = new sitePageModel();
         $exclude_ids = waRequest::param('_exclude');
         $sql = "SELECT id, parent_id, name, title, full_url, url, create_datetime, update_datetime FROM " . $page_model->getTableName() . '
                 WHERE domain_id = i:domain_id AND route = s:route AND status = 1' . ($exclude_ids ? " AND id NOT IN (:ids)" : '') . ' ORDER BY sort';
         $pages = $page_model->query($sql, array('domain_id' => $domain['id'], 'ids' => $exclude_ids, 'route' => wa()->getRouting()->getRoute('url')))->fetchAll('id');
         if ($with_params) {
             $page_params_model = new sitePageParamsModel();
             $data = $page_params_model->getByField('page_id', array_keys($pages), true);
             foreach ($data as $row) {
                 $pages[$row['page_id']][$row['name']] = $row['value'];
         // get current rool url
         $url = $this->wa->getAppUrl(null, true);
         foreach ($pages as &$page) {
             $page['url'] = $url . $page['full_url'];
             if (!isset($page['title']) || !$page['title']) {
                 $page['title'] = $page['name'];
             foreach ($page as $k => $v) {
                 if ($k != 'content') {
                     $page[$k] = htmlspecialchars($v);
         // make tree
         foreach ($pages as $page_id => $page) {
             if ($page['parent_id'] && isset($pages[$page['parent_id']])) {
                 $pages[$page['parent_id']]['childs'][] =& $pages[$page_id];
         foreach ($pages as $page_id => $page) {
             if ($page['parent_id']) {
         return $pages;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return array();
 public function execute()
     $plugin_id = waRequest::param('plugin_id', 0, 'int');
     if (!$plugin_id) {
         throw new waException('Plugin not found', 404);
     $plugin = shopShipping::getPlugin(null, $plugin_id);
     $action = waRequest::param('action_id');
     $method = $action . 'Action';
     if (!$action || !method_exists($plugin, $method)) {
         throw new waException('Action not found', 404);
 public function execute()
     $url = waRequest::param('url');
     $domain = waRequest::server('HTTP_HOST');
     $model = new waModel();
     //    $main_domain = $model->query("SELECT value FROM wa_app_settings WHERE app_id = 'webasyst' AND name = 'url'")->fetchField();
     $app_settings_model = new waAppSettingsModel();
     $main_domain = trim(str_replace(array('https', 'http', '://'), '', $app_settings_model->get('webasyst', 'url')), "/");
     $data = $model->query("\nSELECT\n  shop_deliveryshop_city_description.*\n,\n, shop_deliveryshop_city.region\nFROM\n  shop_deliveryshop_city_description\nLEFT JOIN\n  shop_deliveryshop_city ON shop_deliveryshop_city_description.cityCode = shop_deliveryshop_city.cityCode\nLEFT JOIN\n  wa_region ON wa_region.code = shop_deliveryshop_city.region AND wa_region.country_iso3='rus'\nWHERE\n  (url = '{$url}' OR city = '{$url}')\nAND\n  domain IN ('{$domain}', '{$main_domain}')\nLIMIT 1\n  ")->fetchAssoc();
     // Уменьшаем стоимость доставки на сумму указанную в настройках плагина
     $delivery_compensation = $model->query("SELECT price FROM shop_deliveryshop_delivery WHERE domain = '" . $domain . "'")->fetchField();
     $delivery_compensation = intval($delivery_compensation);
     $delivery_price = intval($data['delivery_price']);
     $courier_price = intval($data['courier_price']);
     if ($delivery_price > $delivery_compensation) {
         $data['delivery_price'] = (int) (($delivery_price - $delivery_compensation) / 50) * 50;
         //Уменьшаем до ближайшего полтинника
     } else {
         $data['delivery_price'] = 0;
     if ($courier_price > $delivery_compensation) {
         $data['courier_price'] = (int) (($courier_price - $delivery_compensation) / 50) * 50;
         //Уменьшаем до ближайшего полтинника
     } else {
         $data['courier_price'] = 0;
     foreach (array('meta_title' => $main_domain, 'meta_description' => '', 'meta_keywords' => '', 'delivery_time' => '', 'courier_time' => '') as $key => $value) {
         $data[$key] = isset($data[$key]) ? $data[$key] : $value;
     wa()->getResponse()->setMeta('description', $data['meta_description']);
     wa()->getResponse()->setMeta('keywords', $data['meta_keywords']);
     $city_code = isset($data['cityCode']) ? $data['cityCode'] : 0;
     $pvz = $model->query("\nSELECT\n  shop_deliveryshop_pvz.*\nFROM\n  shop_deliveryshop_pvz\nWHERE\n  cityCode = {$city_code}\nAND\n  status = 'completed'\nAND\n  (domain IN ('{$domain}', '{$main_domain}') OR domain IS NULL)\n")->fetchAll();
     //$site_model = new siteDomainModel();
     //$domain_id = $site_model->getByName($domain);
     $domain_id = $model->query("SELECT id FROM site_domain WHERE name = '" . $domain . "'")->fetchField();
     $template_path = wa()->getDataPath('plugins/deliveryshop/templates/actions/frontend/FrontendDostavka' . $domain_id . '.html', false, 'shop', true);
     if (!file_exists($template_path)) {
         $template_path = wa()->getDataPath('plugins/deliveryshop/templates/actions/frontend/FrontendDostavka.html', false, 'shop', true);
     if (!file_exists($template_path)) {
         $template_path = wa()->getAppPath('plugins/deliveryshop/templates/actions/frontend/FrontendDostavka.html', 'shop');
     $this->view->assign('data', $data);
     $this->view->assign('pvz', $pvz);
     $this->view->assign('page', array('id' => null, 'name' => '', 'content' => $this->view->fetch($template_path)));