Exemplo n.º 1
 public function notify()
     global $AppUI, $w2Pconfig, $locale_char_set;
     $df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT');
     $df .= ' ' . $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT');
     $mail = new w2p_Utilities_Mail();
     $mail->Subject('Hello', $locale_char_set);
     if ($this->contact_email) {
         $emailManager = new w2p_Output_EmailManager();
         $body = $emailManager->getContactUpdateNotify($AppUI, $this);
         $mail->Body($body, isset($GLOBALS['locale_char_set']) ? $GLOBALS['locale_char_set'] : '');
     if ($mail->ValidEmail($this->contact_email)) {
         $mail->To($this->contact_email, true);
     return '';
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Called by the Event Queue processor to process a reminder
  * on a task.
  * @access		  public
  * @param		 string		   $module		  Module name (not used)
  * @param		 string		   $type Type of event (not used)
  * @param		 integer		$id ID of task being reminded
  * @param		 integer		$owner		  Originator of event
  * @param		 mixed		  $args event-specific arguments.
  * @return		  mixed		   true, dequeue event, false, event stays in queue.
  * -1, event is destroyed.
 public function remind($module, $type, $id, $owner, &$args)
     global $locale_char_set, $AppUI;
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
     // At this stage we won't have an object yet
     if (!$this->load($id)) {
         return -1;
         // No point it trying again later.
     // Only remind on working days.
     $today = new w2p_Utilities_Date();
     if (!$today->isWorkingDay()) {
         return true;
     // Check if the task is completed
     if ($this->task_percent_complete == 100) {
         return -1;
     $contacts = $this->getAssigned();
     // Now we also check the owner of the task, as we will need
     // to notify them as well.
     $owner_is_not_assignee = false;
     $q->addTable('users', 'u');
     $q->addJoin('contacts', 'c', 'c.contact_id = u.user_contact', 'inner');
     $q->addQuery('c.contact_id, contact_first_name, contact_last_name, contact_email');
     $q->addWhere('u.user_id = ' . (int) $this->task_owner);
     if ($q->exec(ADODB_FETCH_NUM)) {
         list($owner_contact, $owner_first_name, $owner_last_name, $owner_email) = $q->fetchRow();
         if (!isset($contacts[$owner_contact])) {
             $owner_is_not_assignee = true;
             $contacts[$owner_contact] = array('contact_id' => $owner_contact, 'contact_first_name' => $owner_first_name, 'contact_last_name' => $owner_last_name, 'contact_email' => $owner_email);
     // build the subject line, based on how soon the
     // task will be overdue.
     $starts = new w2p_Utilities_Date($this->task_start_date);
     $expires = new w2p_Utilities_Date($this->task_end_date);
     $now = new w2p_Utilities_Date();
     $diff = $expires->dateDiff($now);
     $diff *= w2p_Utilities_Date::compare($expires, $now);
     $prefix = $AppUI->_('Task Due', UI_OUTPUT_RAW);
     if ($diff == 0) {
         $msg = $AppUI->_('TODAY', UI_OUTPUT_RAW);
     } elseif ($diff == 1) {
         $msg = $AppUI->_('TOMORROW', UI_OUTPUT_RAW);
     } elseif ($diff < 0) {
         $msg = $AppUI->_(array('OVERDUE', abs($diff), 'DAYS'));
         $prefix = $AppUI->_('Task', UI_OUTPUT_RAW);
     } else {
         $msg = $AppUI->_(array($diff, 'DAYS'));
     $project = new CProject();
     $project_name = $project->load($this->task_project)->project_name;
     // Check to see that the project is both active and not a template
     if (!$project->project_active || $project->project_status == w2PgetConfig('template_projects_status_id', 0)) {
         return -1;
     $subject = $prefix . ' ' . $msg . ' ' . $this->task_name . '::' . $project_name;
     $body = $AppUI->_('Task Due', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ': ' . $msg . "\n" . $AppUI->_('Project', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ': ' . $project_name . "\n" . $AppUI->_('Task', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ': ' . $this->task_name . "\n" . $AppUI->_('Start Date', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ': START-TIME' . "\n" . $AppUI->_('Finish Date', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ': END-TIME' . "\n" . $AppUI->_('URL', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ': ' . W2P_BASE_URL . '/index.php?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=' . $this->task_id . '&reminded=1' . "\n\n" . $AppUI->_('Resources', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ":\n";
     foreach ($contacts as $contact) {
         if (!$owner_is_not_assignee || $owner_is_not_assignee && $contact['contact_id'] != $owner_contact) {
             $body .= $contact['contact_first_name'] . ' ' . $contact['contact_last_name'] . ' <' . $contact['contact_email'] . ">\n";
     $body .= "\n" . $AppUI->_('Description', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ":\n" . $this->task_description . "\n";
     $mail = new w2p_Utilities_Mail();
     $mail->Subject($subject, $locale_char_set);
     foreach ($contacts as $contact) {
         $user_id = CUser::getUserIdByContactID($contact['contact_id']);
         $df = $AppUI->getPref('DISPLAYFORMAT');
         $tz = $AppUI->getPref('TIMEZONE');
         $body = str_replace('START-TIME', $starts->convertTZ($tz)->format($df), $body);
         $body = str_replace('END-TIME', $expires->convertTZ($tz)->format($df), $body);
         $mail->Body($body, $locale_char_set);
         if ($mail->ValidEmail($contact['contact_email'])) {
             $mail->To($contact['contact_email'], true);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function __construct()
     trigger_error("Mail has been deprecated in v2.0 and will be removed by v4.0. Please use w2p_Utilities_Mail instead.", E_USER_NOTICE);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function sendWatchMail($debug = false)
     // Get the message from details.
     $q = $this->_getQuery();
     $q->addTable('users', 'u');
     $q->addQuery('contact_first_name, contact_last_name, contact_email');
     $q->addJoin('contacts', 'con', 'contact_id = user_contact', 'inner');
     $q->addWhere('user_id = ' . (int) $this->message_author);
     if ($row = $q->fetchRow()) {
         $message_from = $row['contact_first_name'] . ' ' . $row['contact_last_name'] . '<' . $row['contact_email'] . '>';
     } else {
         $message_from = 'Unknown user';
     // Get the forum name;
     $q->addWhere('forum_id = \'' . $this->message_forum . '\'');
     $res = $q->exec();
     if ($row = $q->fetchRow()) {
         $forum_name = $row['forum_name'];
     } else {
         $forum_name = 'Unknown';
     // SQL-Query to check if the message should be delivered to all users (forced)
     // In positive case there will be a (0,0,0) row in the forum_watch table
     $q->addWhere('watch_user = 0 AND watch_forum = 0 AND watch_topic = 0');
     $resAll = $q->exec();
     $AllCount = db_num_rows($resAll);
     $q->addQuery('DISTINCT user_id, contact_first_name, contact_last_name, contact_email');
     $q->leftJoin('contacts', 'con', 'con.contact_id = user_contact');
     if ($AllCount < 1) {
         //message is only delivered to users that checked the forum watch
         $q->addWhere('user_id = watch_user AND (watch_forum = ' . (int) $this->message_forum . ' OR watch_topic = ' . (int) $this->message_parent . ')');
     if (!($res = $q->exec(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC))) {
     if (db_num_rows($res) < 1) {
     $mail = new w2p_Utilities_Mail();
     $subj_prefix = $this->_AppUI->_('forumEmailSubj', UI_OUTPUT_RAW);
     $mail->Subject($subj_prefix . ' ' . $this->message_title);
     $emailManager = new w2p_Output_EmailManager($this->_AppUI);
     $body = $emailManager->getForumWatchEmail($this, $forum_name, $message_from);
     $mail->Body($body, isset($GLOBALS['locale_char_set']) ? $GLOBALS['locale_char_set'] : '');
     while ($row = $q->fetchRow()) {
         $mail->To($row['contact_email'], true);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function notifyContacts($notifyContacts)
     global $w2Pconfig, $locale_char_set;
     if ($notifyContacts) {
         //if no project specified than we will not do anything
         if ($this->file_project != 0) {
             $this->_project = new CProject();
             $mail = new w2p_Utilities_Mail();
             if ($this->file_task == 0) {
                 //notify all developers
                 $mail->Subject($this->_AppUI->_('Project') . ': ' . $this->_project->project_name . '::' . $this->file_name, $locale_char_set);
             } else {
                 //notify all assigned users
                 $this->_task = new CTask();
                 $mail->Subject($this->_AppUI->_('Project') . ': ' . $this->_project->project_name . '::' . $this->_task->task_name . '::' . $this->file_name, $locale_char_set);
             $emailManager = new w2p_Output_EmailManager($this->_AppUI);
             $body = $emailManager->getFileNotifyContacts($this);
             $mail->Body($body, isset($GLOBALS['locale_char_set']) ? $GLOBALS['locale_char_set'] : '');
             $q = $this->_getQuery();
             $q->addTable('project_contacts', 'pc');
             if (intval($this->_task->task_id) != 0) {
                 $q->addQuery('c.contact_email as contact_email, c.contact_first_name as contact_first_name, c.contact_last_name as contact_last_name');
                 $q->addJoin('contacts', 'c', 'c.contact_id = pc.contact_id');
                 $q->addWhere('pc.project_id = ' . (int) $this->_project->project_id);
                 $sql = '(' . $q->prepare() . ')';
                 $sql .= ' UNION ';
                 $q->addTable('task_contacts', 'tc');
                 $q->addQuery('c.contact_email as contact_email, c.contact_first_name as contact_first_name, c.contact_last_name as contact_last_name');
                 $q->addJoin('contacts', 'c', 'c.contact_id = tc.contact_id');
                 $q->addWhere('tc.task_id = ' . (int) $this->_task->task_id);
             } else {
                 $q->addQuery('pc.project_id, pc.contact_id');
                 $q->addQuery('c.contact_email as contact_email, c.contact_first_name as contact_first_name, c.contact_last_name as contact_last_name');
                 $q->addJoin('contacts', 'c', 'c.contact_id = pc.contact_id');
                 $q->addWhere('pc.project_id = ' . (int) $this->file_project);
             $this->_users = $q->loadList();
             foreach ($this->_users as $row) {
                 if ($mail->ValidEmail($row['contact_email'])) {
                     $mail->To($row['contact_email'], true);
             return '';
Exemplo n.º 6
function notifyNewUserCredentials($address, $username, $logname, $logpwd)
    global $AppUI, $w2Pconfig;
    $mail = new w2p_Utilities_Mail();
    if ($mail->ValidEmail($address)) {
        if ($mail->ValidEmail($AppUI->user_email)) {
            $email = $AppUI->user_email;
        } else {
            $email = "web2project@" . $AppUI->cfg['site_domain'];
        $mail->Subject('New Account Created - web2Project Project Management System');
        $mail->Body($username . ",\n\n" . "An access account has been created for you in our web2Project project management system.\n\n" . "You can access it here at " . w2PgetConfig('base_url') . "\n\n" . "Your username is: " . $logname . "\n" . "Your password is: " . $logpwd . "\n\n" . "This account will allow you to see and interact with projects. If you have any questions please contact us.");
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function notifyContacts($isNotNew)
     global $AppUI, $w2Pconfig, $locale_char_set;
     $subject = intval($isNotNew) ? "Project Updated: {$this->project_name} " : "Project Submitted: {$this->project_name} ";
     $users = CProject::getContacts($AppUI, $this->project_id);
     if (count($users)) {
         if (intval($isNotNew)) {
             $body = $AppUI->_('Project') . ": {$this->project_name} Has Been Updated Via Project Manager. You can view the Project by clicking: ";
         } else {
             $body = $AppUI->_('Project') . ": {$this->project_name} Has Been Submitted Via Project Manager. You can view the Project by clicking: ";
         $body .= "\n" . $AppUI->_('URL') . ':     ' . w2PgetConfig('base_url') . '/index.php?m=projects&a=view&project_id=' . $this->project_id;
         $body .= "\n\n(You are receiving this message because you are a contact or assignee for this Project)";
         $body .= "\n\n" . $AppUI->_('Description') . ':' . "\n{$this->project_description}";
         if (intval($isNotNew)) {
             $body .= "\n\n" . $AppUI->_('Updater') . ': ' . $AppUI->user_first_name . ' ' . $AppUI->user_last_name;
         } else {
             $body .= "\n\n" . $AppUI->_('Creator') . ': ' . $AppUI->user_first_name . ' ' . $AppUI->user_last_name;
         if ($this->_message == 'deleted') {
             $body .= "\n\nProject " . $this->project_name . ' was ' . $this->_message . ' by ' . $AppUI->user_first_name . ' ' . $AppUI->user_last_name;
         foreach ($users as $row) {
             $mail = new w2p_Utilities_Mail();
             $mail->Body($body, isset($GLOBALS['locale_char_set']) ? $GLOBALS['locale_char_set'] : '');
             $mail->Subject($subject, $locale_char_set);
             if ($mail->ValidEmail($row['contact_email'])) {
                 $mail->To($row['contact_email'], true);
     return '';
 public function sendWatchMail($debug = false)
     global $AppUI, $debug, $w2Pconfig;
     $subj_prefix = $AppUI->_('forumEmailSubj', UI_OUTPUT_RAW);
     $body_msg = $AppUI->_('forumEmailBody', UI_OUTPUT_RAW);
     // Get the message from details.
     $q = $this->_query;
     $q->addTable('users', 'u');
     $q->addQuery('contact_first_name, contact_last_name, contact_email');
     $q->addJoin('contacts', 'con', 'contact_id = user_contact', 'inner');
     $q->addWhere('user_id = ' . (int) $this->message_author);
     $res = $q->exec();
     if ($row = $q->fetchRow()) {
         $message_from = $row['contact_first_name'] . ' ' . $row['contact_last_name'] . '<' . $row['contact_email'] . '>';
     } else {
         $message_from = 'Unknown user';
     // Get the forum name;
     $q->addWhere('forum_id = \'' . $this->message_forum . '\'');
     $res = $q->exec();
     if ($row = $q->fetchRow()) {
         $forum_name = $row['forum_name'];
     } else {
         $forum_name = 'Unknown';
     // SQL-Query to check if the message should be delivered to all users (forced)
     // In positive case there will be a (0,0,0) row in the forum_watch table
     $q->addWhere('watch_user = 0 AND watch_forum = 0 AND watch_topic = 0');
     $resAll = $q->exec();
     $AllCount = db_num_rows($resAll);
     $q->addQuery('DISTINCT user_id, contact_first_name, contact_last_name, contact_email');
     $q->leftJoin('contacts', 'con', 'con.contact_id = user_contact');
     if ($AllCount < 1) {
         //message is only delivered to users that checked the forum watch
         $q->addWhere('user_id = watch_user AND (watch_forum = ' . (int) $this->message_forum . ' OR watch_topic = ' . (int) $this->message_parent . ')');
     if (!($res = $q->exec(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC))) {
     if (db_num_rows($res) < 1) {
     $mail = new w2p_Utilities_Mail();
     $mail->Subject($subj_prefix . ' ' . $this->message_title, isset($GLOBALS['locale_char_set']) ? $GLOBALS['locale_char_set'] : '');
     $body = $body_msg;
     $body .= "\n\n" . $AppUI->_('Forum', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ': ' . $forum_name;
     $body .= "\n" . $AppUI->_('Subject', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ': ' . $this->message_title;
     $body .= "\n" . $AppUI->_('Message From', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ': ' . $message_from;
     $body .= "\n\n" . W2P_BASE_URL . '/index.php?m=forums&a=viewer&forum_id=' . $this->message_forum;
     $body .= "\n\n" . $this->message_body;
     $mail->Body($body, isset($GLOBALS['locale_char_set']) ? $GLOBALS['locale_char_set'] : '');
     while ($row = $q->fetchRow()) {
         if ($mail->ValidEmail($row['contact_email'])) {
             $mail->To($row['contact_email'], true);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function notifyContacts($notifyContacts)
     global $AppUI, $w2Pconfig, $locale_char_set;
     if ($notifyContacts) {
         //if no project specified than we will not do anything
         if ($this->file_project != 0) {
             $this->_project = new CProject();
             $mail = new w2p_Utilities_Mail();
             if ($this->file_task == 0) {
                 //notify all developers
                 $mail->Subject($AppUI->_('Project') . ': ' . $this->_project->project_name . '::' . $this->file_name, $locale_char_set);
             } else {
                 //notify all assigned users
                 $this->_task = new CTask();
                 $mail->Subject($AppUI->_('Project') . ': ' . $this->_project->project_name . '::' . $this->_task->task_name . '::' . $this->file_name, $locale_char_set);
             $body = $AppUI->_('Project') . ': ' . $this->_project->project_name;
             $body .= "\n" . $AppUI->_('URL') . ':     ' . W2P_BASE_URL . '/index.php?m=projects&a=view&project_id=' . $this->_project->project_id;
             if (intval($this->_task->task_id) != 0) {
                 $body .= "\n\n" . $AppUI->_('Task') . ':    ' . $this->_task->task_name;
                 $body .= "\n" . $AppUI->_('URL') . ':     ' . W2P_BASE_URL . '/index.php?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=' . $this->_task->task_id;
                 $body .= "\n" . $AppUI->_('Description') . ":\n" . $this->_task->task_description;
                 $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
                 $q->addTable('project_contacts', 'pc');
                 $q->addQuery('c.contact_email as contact_email, c.contact_first_name as contact_first_name, c.contact_last_name as contact_last_name');
                 $q->addJoin('contacts', 'c', 'c.contact_id = pc.contact_id');
                 $q->addWhere('pc.project_id = ' . (int) $this->_project->project_id);
                 $sql = '(' . $q->prepare() . ')';
                 $sql .= ' UNION ';
                 $q->addTable('task_contacts', 'tc');
                 $q->addQuery('c.contact_email as contact_email, c.contact_first_name as contact_first_name, c.contact_last_name as contact_last_name');
                 $q->addJoin('contacts', 'c', 'c.contact_id = tc.contact_id');
                 $q->addWhere('tc.task_id = ' . (int) $this->_task->task_id);
             } else {
                 $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
                 $q->addTable('project_contacts', 'pc');
                 $q->addQuery('pc.project_id, pc.contact_id');
                 $q->addQuery('c.contact_email as contact_email, c.contact_first_name as contact_first_name, c.contact_last_name as contact_last_name');
                 $q->addJoin('contacts', 'c', 'c.contact_id = pc.contact_id');
                 $q->addWhere('pc.project_id = ' . (int) $this->file_project);
             $this->_users = $q->loadList();
             $body .= "\n\nFile " . $this->file_name . ' was ' . $this->_message . ' by ' . $AppUI->user_first_name . ' ' . $AppUI->user_last_name;
             if ($this->_message != 'deleted') {
                 $body .= "\n" . $AppUI->_('URL') . ':     ' . W2P_BASE_URL . '/fileviewer.php?file_id=' . $this->file_id;
                 $body .= "\n" . $AppUI->_('Description') . ":\n" . $this->file_description;
             //send mail
             $mail->Body($body, isset($GLOBALS['locale_char_set']) ? $GLOBALS['locale_char_set'] : '');
             foreach ($this->_users as $row) {
                 if ($mail->ValidEmail($row['contact_email'])) {
                     $mail->To($row['contact_email'], true);
             return '';
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function notify($assignees, $update = false, $clash = false)
     global $AppUI, $locale_char_set, $w2Pconfig;
     $mail_owner = $AppUI->getPref('MAILALL');
     $assignee_list = explode(',', $assignees);
     $owner_is_assigned = in_array($this->event_owner, $assignee_list);
     if ($mail_owner && !$owner_is_assigned && $this->event_owner) {
         array_push($assignee_list, $this->event_owner);
     // Remove any empty elements otherwise implode has a problem
     foreach ($assignee_list as $key => $x) {
         if (!$x) {
     if (!count($assignee_list)) {
     $q = $this->_query;
     $q->addTable('users', 'u');
     $q->addTable('contacts', 'con');
     $q->addQuery('user_id, contact_first_name, contact_last_name, con.contact_id, contact_email');
     $q->addWhere('u.user_contact = con.contact_id');
     $q->addWhere('user_id in (' . implode(',', $assignee_list) . ')');
     $users = $q->loadHashList('user_id');
     $date_format = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT');
     $time_format = $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT');
     $fmt = $date_format . ' ' . $time_format;
     $start_date = new w2p_Utilities_Date($this->event_start_date);
     $end_date = new w2p_Utilities_Date($this->event_end_date);
     $mail = new w2p_Utilities_Mail();
     $type = $update ? $AppUI->_('Updated') : $AppUI->_('New');
     if ($clash) {
         $mail->Subject($AppUI->_('Requested Event') . ': ' . $this->event_title, $locale_char_set);
     } else {
         $mail->Subject($type . ' ' . $AppUI->_('Event') . ': ' . $this->event_title, $locale_char_set);
     $body = '';
     if ($clash) {
         $emailManager = new w2p_Output_EmailManager();
         $body .= $emailManager->getCalendarConflictEmail($AppUI);
     $body .= $AppUI->_('Event') . ":\t" . $this->event_title . "\n";
     if (!$clash) {
         $body .= $AppUI->_('URL') . ":\t" . w2PgetConfig('base_url') . "/index.php?m=calendar&a=view&event_id=" . $this->event_id . "\n";
     $body .= $AppUI->_('Starts') . ":\t" . $start_date->format($fmt) . " GMT/UTC\n";
     $body .= $AppUI->_('Ends') . ":\t" . $end_date->format($fmt) . " GMT/UTC\n";
     // Find the project name.
     if ($this->event_project) {
         $project = new CProject();
         $body .= $AppUI->_('Project') . ":\t" . $project->project_name . "\n";
     $types = w2PgetSysVal('EventType');
     $body .= $AppUI->_('Type') . ":\t" . $AppUI->_($types[$this->event_type]) . "\n";
     $body .= $AppUI->_('Attendees') . ":\t";
     $body_attend = '';
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $body_attend .= ($body_attend ? ', ' : '') . $user['contact_first_name'] . ' ' . $user['contact_last_name'];
     $body .= $body_attend . "\n\n" . $this->event_description . "\n";
     $mail->Body($body, $locale_char_set);
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         if (!$mail_owner && $user['user_id'] == $this->event_owner) {
         $mail->To($user['contact_email'], true);
Exemplo n.º 11
function sendNewPass()
    global $AppUI;
    $_live_site = w2PgetConfig('base_url');
    $_sitename = w2PgetConfig('company_name');
    // ensure no malicous sql gets past
    $checkusername = trim(w2PgetParam($_POST, 'checkusername', ''));
    $checkusername = db_escape($checkusername);
    $confirmEmail = trim(w2PgetParam($_POST, 'checkemail', ''));
    $confirmEmail = strtolower(db_escape($confirmEmail));
    $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
    $q->addJoin('contacts', 'con', 'user_contact = contact_id', 'inner');
    $q->addWhere('user_username = \'' . $checkusername . '\'');
    /* Begin Hack */
     * This is a particularly annoying hack but I don't know of a better
     *   way to resolve #457. In v2.0, there was a refactoring to allow for
     *   muliple contact methods which resulted in the contact_email being
     *   removed from the contacts table. If the user is upgrading from
     *   v1.x and they try to log in before applying the database, crash.
     *   Info: http://bugs.web2project.net/view.php?id=457
    $qTest = new w2p_Database_Query();
    $dbVersion = $qTest->loadResult();
    if ($dbVersion >= 21 && $dbVersion < 26) {
        $q->leftJoin('contacts_methods', 'cm', 'cm.contact_id = con.contact_id');
        $q->addWhere("cm.method_value = '{$confirmEmail}'");
    } else {
        $q->addWhere("LOWER(contact_email) = '{$confirmEmail}'");
    /* End Hack */
    if (!($user_id = $q->loadResult()) || !$checkusername || !$confirmEmail) {
        $AppUI->setMsg('Invalid username or email.', UI_MSG_ERROR);
    $newpass = makePass();
    $message = $AppUI->_('sendpass0', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ' ' . $checkusername . ' ' . $AppUI->_('sendpass1', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ' ' . $_live_site . ' ' . $AppUI->_('sendpass2', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ' ' . $newpass . ' ' . $AppUI->_('sendpass3', UI_OUTPUT_RAW);
    $subject = $_sitename . ' :: ' . $AppUI->_('sendpass4', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ' - ' . $checkusername;
    $m = new w2p_Utilities_Mail();
    // create the mail
    $m->Body($message, isset($GLOBALS['locale_char_set']) ? $GLOBALS['locale_char_set'] : '');
    // set the body
    // send the mail
    $newpass = md5($newpass);
    $q->addUpdate('user_password', $newpass);
    $q->addWhere('user_id=' . $user_id);
    $cur = $q->exec();
    if (!$cur) {
        die('SQL error' . $database->stderr(true));
    } else {
        $AppUI->setMsg('New User Password created and emailed to you');
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function notifyContacts($isNotNew)
     $subject = intval($isNotNew) ? "Project Updated: {$this->project_name} " : "Project Submitted: {$this->project_name} ";
     $users = CProject::getContacts($this->_AppUI, $this->project_id);
     if (count($users)) {
         $emailManager = new w2p_Output_EmailManager($this->_AppUI);
         $body = $emailManager->getProjectNotify($this, $isNotNew);
         foreach ($users as $row) {
             $mail = new w2p_Utilities_Mail();
             $mail->To($row['contact_email'], true);
             $mail->Body($body, isset($GLOBALS['locale_char_set']) ? $GLOBALS['locale_char_set'] : '');
     return '';
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function notify($assignees, $update = false, $clash = false)
     $mail_owner = $this->_AppUI->getPref('MAILALL');
     $assignee_list = explode(',', $assignees);
     $owner_is_assigned = in_array($this->event_owner, $assignee_list);
     if ($mail_owner && !$owner_is_assigned && $this->event_owner) {
         array_push($assignee_list, $this->event_owner);
     // Remove any empty elements otherwise implode has a problem
     foreach ($assignee_list as $key => $x) {
         if (!$x) {
     if (!count($assignee_list)) {
     $q = $this->_getQuery();
     $q->addTable('users', 'u');
     $q->addTable('contacts', 'con');
     $q->addQuery('user_id, con.contact_id, contact_email');
     $q->addQuery('contact_display_name, contact_display_name as contact_name');
     $q->addWhere('u.user_contact = con.contact_id');
     $q->addWhere('user_id in (' . implode(',', $assignee_list) . ')');
     $users = $q->loadHashList('user_id');
     $mail = new w2p_Utilities_Mail();
     $type = $update ? $this->_AppUI->_('Event updated') : $this->_AppUI->_('New event');
     $mail->Subject($type . ': ' . $this->event_name);
     $emailManager = new w2p_Output_EmailManager($this->_AppUI);
     $body = $emailManager->getEventNotify($this, false, $users);
     $mail->Body($body, $this->_locale_char_set);
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         if (!$mail_owner && $user['user_id'] == $this->event_owner) {
         $mail->To($user['contact_email'], true);
Exemplo n.º 14
function sendNewPass()
    global $AppUI;
    // ensure no malicous sql gets past
    $checkusername = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", w2PgetParam($_POST, 'checkusername', ''));
    $confirmEmail = trim(w2PgetParam($_POST, 'checkemail', ''));
    $confirmEmail = strtolower(db_escape($confirmEmail));
    $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
    $q->addJoin('contacts', 'con', 'user_contact = contact_id', 'inner');
    $q->addWhere("user_username = '******'");
    /* Begin Hack */
     * This is a particularly annoying hack but I don't know of a better
     *   way to resolve #457. In v2.0, there was a refactoring to allow for
     *   muliple contact methods which resulted in the contact_email being
     *   removed from the contacts table. If the user is upgrading from
     *   v1.x and they try to log in before applying the database, crash.
     *   Info: http://bugs.web2project.net/view.php?id=457
    $qTest = new w2p_Database_Query();
    $dbVersion = $qTest->loadResult();
    if ($dbVersion >= 21 && $dbVersion < 26) {
        $q->leftJoin('contacts_methods', 'cm', 'cm.contact_id = con.contact_id');
        $q->addWhere("cm.method_value = '{$confirmEmail}'");
    } else {
        $q->addWhere("LOWER(user_email) = '{$confirmEmail}'");
    /* End Hack */
    $user_id = $q->loadResult();
    if (!$user_id) {
        $AppUI->setMsg('Invalid username or email.', UI_MSG_ERROR);
    $auth = new w2p_Authenticators_SQL();
    $newpass = $auth->createNewPassword();
    $hashed = $auth->hashPassword($newpass);
    $q->addUpdate('user_password', $hashed);
    $q->addWhere('user_id=' . $user_id);
    $cur = $q->exec();
    if ($cur) {
        $emailManager = new w2p_Output_EmailManager($AppUI);
        $body = $emailManager->notifyPasswordReset($checkusername, $newpass);
        $m = new w2p_Utilities_Mail();
        // create the mail
        $subject = $_sitename . ' :: ' . $AppUI->_('sendpass4', UI_OUTPUT_RAW) . ' - ' . $checkusername;
        $m->Body($body, isset($GLOBALS['locale_char_set']) ? $GLOBALS['locale_char_set'] : '');
        // set the body
        // send the mail
        $AppUI->setMsg('New User Password created and emailed to you');
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Called by the Event Queue processor to process a reminder
  * on a task.
  * @access  public
  * @param   string  $notUsed    Module name (not used)
  * @param   string  $notUsed2   Type of event (not used)
  * @param   integer $id         ID of task being reminded
  * @param   integer $owner      Originator of event
  * @param   mixed   $notUsed    event-specific arguments.
  * @return  mixed   true, dequeue event, false, event stays in queue.
  * -1, event is destroyed.
 public function remind($notUsed = null, $notUsed2 = null, $id, $owner, $notUsed3 = null)
     // At this stage we won't have an object yet
     if (!$this->load($id)) {
         return -1;
         // No point it trying again later.
     // Only remind on working days.
     $today = new w2p_Utilities_Date();
     if (!$today->isWorkingDay()) {
         return true;
     // Check if the task is completed
     if ($this->task_percent_complete == 100) {
         return -1;
     $contacts = $this->assignees($this->task_id);
     $contact = new CContact();
     $owner = $contact->findContactByUserId($this->task_owner);
     $contacts[$owner->contact_id] = array('user_id' => $this->task_owner, 'contact_id' => $owner->contact_id, 'contact_name' => $owner->contact_display_name, 'contact_email' => $owner->contact_email);
     // build the subject line, based on how soon the
     // task will be overdue.
     $starts = new w2p_Utilities_Date($this->task_start_date);
     $expires = new w2p_Utilities_Date($this->task_end_date);
     $now = new w2p_Utilities_Date();
     $diff = $expires->dateDiff($now);
     $diff *= $expires->compare($expires, $now);
     $prefix = $this->_AppUI->_('Task Due', UI_OUTPUT_RAW);
     if ($diff == 0) {
         $msg = $this->_AppUI->_('TODAY', UI_OUTPUT_RAW);
     } elseif ($diff == 1) {
         $msg = $this->_AppUI->_('TOMORROW', UI_OUTPUT_RAW);
     } elseif ($diff < 0) {
         $msg = $this->_AppUI->_(array('OVERDUE', abs($diff), 'DAYS'));
         $prefix = $this->_AppUI->_('Task', UI_OUTPUT_RAW);
     } else {
         $msg = $this->_AppUI->_(array($diff, 'DAYS'));
     $project = new CProject();
     $project_name = $project->load($this->task_project)->project_name;
     // Check to see that the project is both active and not a template
     if (!$project->project_active || $project->project_status == w2PgetConfig('template_projects_status_id', 0)) {
         return -1;
     $subject = $prefix . ' ' . $msg . ' ' . $this->task_name . '::' . $project_name;
     $emailManager = new w2p_Output_EmailManager($this->_AppUI);
     $body = $emailManager->getTaskRemind($this, $msg, $project_name, $contacts);
     $mail = new w2p_Utilities_Mail();
     foreach ($contacts as $contact) {
         $user_id = $contact['user_id'];
         $df = $this->_AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT');
         $tz = $this->_AppUI->getPref('TIMEZONE');
         $body = str_replace('START-TIME', $starts->convertTZ($tz)->format($df), $body);
         $body = str_replace('END-TIME', $expires->convertTZ($tz)->format($df), $body);
         $mail->Body($body, $this->_locale_char_set);
         $mail->To($contact['contact_email'], true);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function notify()
     $emailManager = new w2p_Output_EmailManager($this->_AppUI);
     $body = $emailManager->getContactUpdateNotify(null, $this);
     $mail = new w2p_Utilities_Mail();
     $mail->To($this->contact_email, true);
     $mail->Body($body, isset($GLOBALS['locale_char_set']) ? $GLOBALS['locale_char_set'] : '');
     return $mail->Send();