Exemplo n.º 1
    $AppUI->setState('CompIdxOrderDir', $orderdir);
$orderby = $AppUI->getState('CompIdxOrderBy') ? $AppUI->getState('CompIdxOrderBy') : 'company_name';
$orderdir = $AppUI->getState('CompIdxOrderDir') ? $AppUI->getState('CompIdxOrderDir') : 'asc';
$owner_filter_id = $AppUI->processIntState('owner_filter_id', $_POST, 'owner_filter_id', 0);
$search_string = w2PgetParam($_POST, 'search_string', '');
$search_string = w2PformSafe($search_string, true);
$company = new CCompany();
$canCreate = $company->canCreate();
$perms =& $AppUI->acl();
$baseArray = array(0 => $AppUI->_('All', UI_OUTPUT_RAW));
$allowedArray = $perms->getPermittedUsers('companies');
$owner_list = is_array($allowedArray) ? $baseArray + $allowedArray : $baseArray;
// setup the title block
$titleBlock = new w2p_Theme_TitleBlock('Companies', 'icon.png', $m);
$titleBlock->addFilterCell('Owner', 'owner_filter_id', $owner_list, $owner_filter_id);
if ($canCreate) {
    $titleBlock->addButton('new company', '?m=companies&a=addedit');
// load the company types
$companyTypes = w2PgetSysVal('CompanyType');
$tabBox = new CTabBox('?m=companies', W2P_BASE_DIR . '/modules/companies/', $tab);
if ($tabBox->isTabbed()) {
    array_unshift($companyTypes, $AppUI->_('All Companies', UI_OUTPUT_RAW));
foreach ($companyTypes as $type_name) {
    $tabBox->add('vw_companies', $type_name);
Exemplo n.º 2
$AppUI->setState('ProjIdxOrderDir', $orderdir);
// collect the full projects list data via function in projects.class.php
$search_text = $search_string;
// @note this is only because the projects_list_data function takes a bunch of globals
//$projects = projects_list_data();
$oCompany = new CCompany();
$allowedCompanies[-1] = $AppUI->_('all');
$allowedCompanies += $oCompany->getAllowedRecords($AppUI->user_id, 'company_id,company_name', 'company_name');
$project_types = array(-1 => '(' . $AppUI->_('all') . ')') + w2PgetSysVal('ProjectType');
$user_list = array(0 => '(' . $AppUI->_('all') . ')') + CProject::getOwners();
// setup the title block
$titleBlock = new w2p_Theme_TitleBlock('Projects', 'icon.png', $m);
$titleBlock->addFilterCell('Type', 'project_type', $project_types, $project_type);
$titleBlock->addFilterCell('Company', 'project_company', $allowedCompanies, $company_id);
$titleBlock->addFilterCell('Owner', 'project_owner', $user_list, $owner);
if ($canCreate) {
    $titleBlock->addButton('new project', '?m=projects&a=addedit');
$titleBlock->addCell('<span title="' . $AppUI->_('Projects') . '::' . $AppUI->_('Print projects list') . '.">' . '<a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick ="window.open(\'index.php?m=projects&a=printprojects&dialog=1&suppressHeaders=1&company_id=' . $company_id . '&project_type=' . $project_type . '&project_owner=' . $owner . '\', \'printprojects\',\'width=1200, height=600, menubar=1, scrollbars=1\')">
		<img src="' . w2PfindImage('printer.png') . '" />
$project_statuses = array();
$project_statuses = w2PgetSysVal('ProjectStatus');
$project_statuses[-2] = 'All Projects';
$project_statuses[-1] = 'All Active';
$project_statuses[] = 'Archived';
Exemplo n.º 3
$folder = (int) w2PgetParam($_GET, 'folder', 0);
// to pass to "new file" button
// get the list of visible companies
$extra = array('from' => 'files', 'where' => 'projects.project_id = file_project', 'join' => 'project_departments', 'on' => 'projects.project_id = project_departments.project_id');
//get "Allowed" projects for filter list ("All" is always allowed when basing permission on projects)
$project = new CProject();
$projects = $project->getAllowedRecords($AppUI->user_id, 'projects.project_id,project_name', 'project_name', null, $extra, 'projects');
$projects = arrayMerge(array('0' => $AppUI->_('All', UI_OUTPUT_RAW)), $projects);
// get SQL for allowed projects/tasks
$task = new CTask();
$allowedTasks = $task->getAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id, 'file_task');
// setup the title block
$titleBlock = new w2p_Theme_TitleBlock('Files', 'icon.png', $m);
$titleBlock->addFilterCell('Filter', 'project_id', $projects, $project_id);
// override the $canEdit variable passed from the main index.php in order to check folder permissions
/** get permitted folders **/
$cfObj = new CFile_Folder();
$allowed_folders_ary = $cfObj->getAllowedRecords($AppUI->user_id);
$denied_folders_ary = $cfObj->getDeniedRecords($AppUI->user_id);
$limited = count($allowed_folders_ary) < $cfObj->countFolders() ? true : false;
if (!$limited) {
    $canEdit = true;
} elseif ($limited and array_key_exists($folder, $allowed_folders_ary)) {
    $canEdit = true;
} else {
    $canEdit = false;
if ($canEdit) {
    $titleBlock->addButton('new folder', '?m=files&a=addedit_folder');
Exemplo n.º 4
// get CCompany() to filter tasks by company
$obj = new CCompany();
$companies = $obj->getAllowedRecords($AppUI->user_id, 'company_id,company_name', 'company_name');
$filters2 = arrayMerge(array('allcompanies' => $AppUI->_('All Companies', UI_OUTPUT_RAW)), $companies);
$filters = array('my' => 'My Tasks', 'myunfinished' => 'My Unfinished Tasks', 'allunfinished' => 'All Unfinished Tasks', 'myproj' => 'My Projects', 'mycomp' => 'All Tasks for my Company', 'unassigned' => 'All Tasks (unassigned)', 'taskowned' => 'All Tasks That I Am Owner', 'taskcreated' => 'All Tasks I Have Created', 'all' => 'All Tasks', 'allfinished7days' => 'All Tasks Finished Last 7 Days', 'myfinished7days' => 'My Tasks Finished Last 7 Days');
$search_string = w2PgetParam($_POST, 'search_string', '');
$AppUI->setState($m . '_search_string', $search_string);
$search_string = w2PformSafe($search_string, true);
// setup the title block
$titleBlock = new w2p_Theme_TitleBlock('Tasks', 'icon.png', $m);
// Let's see if this user has admin privileges
if (canView('users')) {
    $user_list = array(0 => '');
    $user_list += $perms->getPermittedUsers('tasks');
    $titleBlock->addFilterCell('User', 'user_id', $user_list, $user_id);
$titleBlock->addFilterCell('Company', 'f2', $filters2, $f2);
if (w2PgetParam($_GET, 'inactive', '') == 'toggle') {
    $AppUI->setState('inactive', $AppUI->getState('inactive') == -1 ? 0 : -1);
$in = $AppUI->getState('inactive') == -1 ? '' : 'in';
$titleBlock->showhelp = false;
$titleBlock->addCell('<form action="?m=tasks" method="post" name="taskFilter" accept-charset="utf-8">' . arraySelect($filters, 'f', 'size="1" class="text" onChange="document.taskFilter.submit();"', $f, true) . '</form>');
$titleBlock->addCell($AppUI->_('Task Filter') . ':');
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=tasks&amp;a=todo&amp;user_id=' . $user_id, 'my todo');
if (w2PgetParam($_GET, 'pinned') == 1) {
    $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=tasks', 'all tasks');
} else {
    $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=tasks&amp;pinned=1', 'my pinned tasks');
Exemplo n.º 5
$ctoday = new w2p_Utilities_Date();
$today = $ctoday->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE);
$date = w2PgetParam($_GET, 'date', $today);
// get the list of visible companies
$company = new CCompany();
$companies = $company->getAllowedRecords($AppUI->user_id, 'company_id,company_name', 'company_name');
$companies = arrayMerge(array('0' => $AppUI->_('All')), $companies);
$event_filter_list = array('my' => 'My Events for selected Company', 'own' => 'Events I Created', 'all' => 'All Events for selected Company');
// setup the title block
$titleBlock = new w2p_Theme_TitleBlock('Monthly Calendar', 'icon.png', $m);
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=events&a=year_view&date=' . $date, 'year view');
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=events&date=' . $date, 'month view');
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=events&a=week_view&date=' . $date, 'week view');
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=events&a=day_view&date=' . $date, 'day view');
$titleBlock->addFilterCell('Company', 'company_id', $companies, $company_id);
$titleBlock->addFilterCell('Event Filter', 'event_filter', $event_filter_list, $event_filter);
$titleBlock->addButton('New event', '?m=events&a=addedit&date=' . $today);

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function clickDay( uts, fdate ) {
	window.location = './index.php?m=events&a=day_view&date='+uts+'&tab=0';
function clickWeek( uts, fdate ) {
	window.location = './index.php?m=events&a=week_view&date='+uts;

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%" id="month-view"><tr><td>
Exemplo n.º 6
    $AppUI->setState('ForumIdxOrderBy', w2PgetParam($_GET, 'orderby', null));
    $AppUI->setState('ForumIdxOrderDir', $orderdir);
$orderby = $AppUI->getState('ForumIdxOrderBy') ? $AppUI->getState('ForumIdxOrderBy') : 'forum_name';
$orderdir = $AppUI->getState('ForumIdxOrderDir') ? $AppUI->getState('ForumIdxOrderDir') : 'asc';
$f = w2PgetParam($_REQUEST, 'f', 0);
$items = $forum->getAllowedForums($AppUI->user_id, $AppUI->user_company, $f, $orderby, $orderdir);
$filters = array('- Filters -');
if (isset($a) && $a == 'viewer') {
    array_push($filters, 'My Watched', 'Last 30 days');
} else {
    array_push($filters, 'My Forums', 'My Watched', 'My Projects', 'My Company', 'Inactive Projects');
// setup the title block
$titleBlock = new w2p_Theme_TitleBlock('Forums', 'icon.png', $m);
$titleBlock->addFilterCell('Filter', 'f', $filters, $f);
if ($canAdd) {
    $titleBlock->addButton('New forum', '?m=forums&a=addedit');
//TODO: this is a little hack to make sure the table header gets generated in the show() method below
global $a;
$a = 'list';
// End of little hack
$tabBox = new CTabBox('?m=forums', W2P_BASE_DIR . '/modules/forums/', $tab);
$module = new w2p_System_Module();
$fields = $module->loadSettings('forums', 'index_list');
if (0 == count($fields)) {
    $fieldList = array('forum_project', 'forum_name', 'forum_description', 'forum_owner', 'forum_topics', 'forum_replies', 'forum_last_date');
    $fieldNames = array('Project', 'Forum Name', 'Description', 'Owner', 'Topics', 'Replies', 'Last Post Info');
Exemplo n.º 7

if (!defined('W2P_BASE_DIR')) {
    die('You should not access this file directly.');
$filter_param = w2PgetParam($_REQUEST, 'filter', '');
$options = array();
$options[-1] = $AppUI->_('Show all');
$options = $options + $AppUI->getActiveModules();
$options['login'] = $AppUI->_('Login/Logouts');
 * This validates that anything provided via the filter_param is definitely an
 *   active module and not some other crazy garbage.
if (!isset($options[$filter_param])) {
    $filter_param = 'projects';
$titleBlock = new w2p_Theme_TitleBlock('History', 'icon.png', $m);
$titleBlock->addFilterCell('Changes to', 'filter', $options, $filter_param);
$tabBox = new CTabBox('?m=history', W2P_BASE_DIR . '/modules/history/');
$tabBox->add('index_table', $AppUI->_('History'));