Exemplo n.º 1
 public function save()
     if (!$_POST) {
     $this->rsp = Response::instance();
     if (!valid::email($_POST['email'])) {
         $this->rsp->msg = 'Invalid Email!';
     } elseif ($this->owner->unique_key_exists($_POST['email'])) {
         $this->rsp->msg = 'Email already exists!';
     $pw = text::random('alnum', 8);
     $this->owner->email = $_POST['email'];
     $this->owner->password = $pw;
     $replyto = 'unknown';
     $body = "Hi there, thanks for saving your progess over at http://pluspanda.com \r\n" . "Your auto-generated password is: {$pw} \r\n" . "Change your password to something more appropriate by going here:\r\n" . "http://pluspanda.com/admin/account?old={$pw} \r\n\n" . "Thank you! - Jade from pluspanda";
     # to do FIX THE HEADERS.
     $subject = 'Your Pluspanda account information =)';
     $headers = "From: welcome@pluspanda.com \r\n" . "Reply-To: Jade \r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
     mail($_POST['email'], $subject, $body, $headers);
     # add to mailing list.
     include Kohana::find_file('vendor/mailchimp', 'MCAPI');
     $config = Kohana::config('mailchimp');
     $mailchimp = new MCAPI($config['apikey']);
     $mailchimp->listSubscribe($config['list_id'], $_POST['email'], '', 'text', FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
     $this->rsp->status = 'success';
     $this->rsp->msg = 'Thanks, Account Saved!';
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function page($page_id = NULL)
     #TODO: if any tools are protected on this page, search for a possible
     # theme template and load that within the page css.
     # Is page_name protected?
     #$page_config_value = yaml::does_key_exist($this->site_name, 'pages_config', $page_name);
     # parse custom page sass file if it exists.
     $page_sass = $this->assets->themes_dir("{$this->theme}/pages/{$page_id}.sass");
     if (file_exists($page_sass)) {
         echo Kosass::factory('compact')->compile(file($page_sass));
     # load custom tool css files
     $db = new Database();
     # get all tools that are added to this page.
     $tool_data = $db->query("\n      SELECT *, LOWER(system_tools.name) AS name, tools.id AS guid\n      FROM pages_tools \n      JOIN tools ON pages_tools.tool_id = tools.id\n      JOIN system_tools ON tools.system_tool_id = system_tools.id\n      WHERE (page_id BETWEEN 1 AND 5 OR page_id = '{$page_id}')\n      AND pages_tools.fk_site = '{$this->site_id}'\n      ORDER BY pages_tools.container, pages_tools.position\n    ");
     $tool_dir = $this->assets->themes_dir("{$this->theme}/tools");
     foreach ($tool_data as $tool) {
         # get the type and the view from the system.
         # TODO: try and optimize this later.
         $table = ORM::factory($tool->name)->where('fk_site', $this->site_id)->find($tool->parent_id);
         $custom_file = "{$tool_dir}/{$tool->name}/{$tool->parent_id}/{$table->type}_{$table->view}.css";
         if (file_exists($custom_file)) {
     # cache the full result as the live global css file.
     file_put_contents("{$this->cache_dir}/{$page_id}.css", ob_get_clean());
     return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function url_test()
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Parses a remote feed into an array.
  * @param   string   remote feed URL
  * @param   integer  item limit to fetch
  * @return  array
 public static function parse($feed, $limit = 0)
     // Check if SimpleXML is installed
     if (!function_exists('simplexml_load_file')) {
         throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Feed Error', 'SimpleXML must be installed!');
     // Make limit an integer
     $limit = (int) $limit;
     // Disable error reporting while opening the feed
     $ER = error_reporting(0);
     // Allow loading by filename or raw XML string
     $load = (is_file($feed) or valid::url($feed)) ? 'simplexml_load_file' : 'simplexml_load_string';
     // Load the feed
     $feed = $load($feed, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
     // Restore error reporting
     // Feed could not be loaded
     if ($feed === FALSE) {
         return array();
     // Detect the feed type. RSS 1.0/2.0 and Atom 1.0 are supported.
     $feed = isset($feed->channel) ? $feed->xpath('//item') : $feed->entry;
     $i = 0;
     $items = array();
     foreach ($feed as $item) {
         if ($limit > 0 and $i++ === $limit) {
         $items[] = (array) $item;
     return $items;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function __construct($username = '', $password = '', $email = '')
     // load database library into $this->db
     if ($username != '' and $password != '' and $email != '') {
         if (strlen($username) < 3) {
             throw new Exception('Username too short');
         } elseif (strlen($username) > 12) {
             throw new Exception('Username too long');
         } elseif (strlen($password) < 6) {
             throw new Exception('Password too short');
         } elseif (strlen($username) > 255) {
             throw new Exception('Password too long');
         } elseif (valid::email($email) == False) {
             throw new Exception('Invalid email supplied');
         } elseif ($this->user_exists($username, $email)) {
             throw new Exception('User already exists (login or email matched)');
         if ($this->register($username, $password, $email)->valid()) {
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Converts a file location to an absolute URL or returns the absolute URL if absolute URL
  * is passed. This function is for uploaded files since it uses the configured upload dir
  * @param   string  file location or full URL
  * @return  string
 public static function convert_uploaded_to_abs($file)
     if (valid::url($file) == true) {
         return $file;
     return url::base() . Kohana::config('upload.relative_directory') . '/' . $file;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Allows a model to be loaded by username or email address.
 public function unique_key($id)
     if (!empty($id) and is_string($id) and !ctype_digit($id)) {
         return valid::email($id) ? 'email' : 'username';
     return parent::unique_key($id);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function get_item($table, $id = FALSE)
     $id = $id ? $id : valid::id_key($this->item_id);
     $item = ORM::factory($table)->where('fk_site', $this->site_id)->find($id);
     if (!$item->loaded) {
         die("invalid item for {$table}");
     return $item;
  * Method that allows sending any kind of HTTP request to remote url
  * @param string $method
  * @param string $url
  * @param array $headers
  * @param array $data
  * @return HTTP_Response
 public static function request($method, $url, $headers = array(), $data = array())
     $valid_methods = array('POST', 'GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE');
     $method = utf8::strtoupper($method);
     if (!valid::url($url, 'http')) {
         return FALSE;
     if (!in_array($method, $valid_methods)) {
         return FALSE;
     // Get the hostname and path
     $url = parse_url($url);
     if (empty($url['path'])) {
         // Request the root document
         $url['path'] = '/';
     // Open a remote connection
     $remote = fsockopen($url['host'], 80, $errno, $errstr, 5);
     if (!is_resource($remote)) {
         return FALSE;
     // Set CRLF
     $CRLF = "\r\n";
     $path = $url['path'];
     if ($method == 'GET' and !empty($url['query'])) {
         $path .= '?' . $url['query'];
     $headers_default = array('Host' => $url['host'], 'Connection' => 'close', 'User-Agent' => 'Ushahidi Scheduler (+http://ushahidi.com/)');
     $body_content = '';
     if ($method != 'GET') {
         $headers_default['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
         if (count($data) > 0) {
             $body_content = http_build_query($data);
         $headers_default['Content-Length'] = strlen($body_content);
     $headers = array_merge($headers_default, $headers);
     // Send request
     $request = $method . ' ' . $path . ' HTTP/1.0' . $CRLF;
     foreach ($headers as $key => $value) {
         $request .= $key . ': ' . $value . $CRLF;
     // Send one more CRLF to terminate the headers
     $request .= $CRLF;
     if ($body_content) {
         $request .= $body_content . $CRLF;
     fwrite($remote, $request);
     $response = '';
     while (!feof($remote)) {
         // Get 1K from buffer
         $response .= fread($remote, 1024);
     // Close the connection
     return new HTTP_Response($response, $method);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function tool()
     if (empty($_GET['tool_id'])) {
         die('invalid tool_id');
     $tool_id = valid::id_key($_GET['tool_id']);
     $tool = ORM::factory('tool', $tool_id);
     if (!$tool->loaded) {
         die('invalid tool');
     $toolname = strtolower($tool->system_tool->name);
     # load the tool parent
     $parent = ORM::factory($toolname, $tool->parent_id);
     if (!$parent->loaded) {
         die('invalid parent table');
     # build the object.
     $export = new stdClass();
     $export->name = $toolname;
     # export the parent table.
     $parent_table = new stdClass();
     foreach ($parent->table_columns as $key => $value) {
         $parent_table->{$key} = $parent->{$key};
     $export->parent_table = $parent_table;
     # export any child tables.
     $child_tables = new stdClass();
     # loop through data from available child tables.
     foreach ($parent->has_many as $table_name) {
         $table_name = inflector::singular($table_name);
         $child_tables->{$table_name} = array();
         # get the child table model so we can iterate through the fields.
         $table = ORM::factory($table_name);
         # get any rows beloning to the parent.
         $rows = ORM::factory($table_name)->where(array('fk_site' => $this->site_id, "{$toolname}_id" => $parent->id))->find_all();
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $object = new stdClass();
             foreach ($table->table_columns as $key => $value) {
                 $object->{$key} = $row->{$key};
             array_push($child_tables->{$table_name}, $object);
     $export->child_tables = $child_tables;
     # get the css file.
     $export->css = file_get_contents($this->assets->themes_dir("{$this->theme}/tools/{$toolname}/_created/{$parent->id}/{$parent->type}_{$parent->view}.css"));
     $json = json_encode($export);
     echo '<h2>Copy this exactly and place into the importer=)</h2>';
     echo "<textarea style='width:99%;height:400px;'>{$json}</textarea>";
     echo kohana::debug($export);
     # just testing ...
     echo self::import($json);
Exemplo n.º 11
 private function get_tag()
     $tag = ORM::factory('tag')->where('owner_id', $this->owner->id)->find($this->tag_id);
     if (!$tag->loaded) {
         $this->rsp->msg = 'Tag does not exist';
     return $tag;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function length()
     var_dump(valid::length(1, 10, 'evan'));
     var_dump(valid::length(1, 10, 'evan byrne'));
     var_dump(valid::length(1, 10, 'evan thomas byrne'));
     var_dump(valid::length(1, 10, ''));
     var_dump(valid::length(1, 3, 'evan'));
     var_dump(valid::length(4, 10, 'evan'));
     var_dump(valid::length(5, 10, 'evan'));
     var_dump(valid::length(5, 6, 'evan b'));
 private function validate_email_form()
     $messages = array();
     if (valid::email($this->input->post('email')) == false) {
         $messages[] = 'The supplied email address does not appear valid';
     if ($this->input->post('body') == '') {
         $messages[] = 'The body of your message should not be empty';
     return $messages;
Exemplo n.º 14
 function save_tree()
     if ($_POST) {
         $json = json_decode($_POST['json']);
         if (NULL === $json or !is_array($json)) {
             die('invalid json');
         echo Tree::save_tree('navigation', 'navigation_item', $this->pid, $this->site_id, $json);
Exemplo n.º 15
 private function get_testimonial()
     if (0 == $this->testimonial_id) {
         $new = ORM::factory('testimonial');
         $new->owner_id = $this->owner->id;
         return $new;
     $testimonial = ORM::factory('testimonial')->where('owner_id', $this->owner->id)->find($this->testimonial_id);
     if (!$testimonial->loaded) {
         $this->rsp->msg = 'Testimonial does not exist';
     return $testimonial;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Quickly pulls data from a URI. This only works with GET requests but
  * can handle HTTP Basic Auth
  * @param   string       uri  the url to pull from
  * @param   string       username  the username for the service [Optional]
  * @param   string       password  the password for the user [Optional]
  * @return  string
  * @throws  Kohana_User_Exception
  * @author  Sam Clark
  * @access  public
  * @static
 public static function pull($uri, $username = FALSE, $password = FALSE)
     if (!valid::url($uri)) {
         throw new Kohana_User_Exception('Curl::pull()', 'The URL : ' . $uri . ' is not a valid resource');
     // Initiate a curl session based on the URL supplied
     $curl = Curl::factory(array(CURLOPT_POST => FALSE), $uri);
     // If a username/password is supplied
     if ($username and $password) {
         // Add the HTTP Basic Auth headers
         $curl->setopt_array(array(CURLOPT_USERPWD => $username . ':' . $password));
     // Launch the request and return the result
     return $curl->exec()->result();
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Performs validation checks on the layer url and layer file - Checks that at least
  * one of them has been specified using the applicable validation rules
  * @param Validation $array Validation object containing the field names to be checked
 public function layer_url_file_check(Validation $array)
     // Ensure at least a layer URL or layer file has been specified
     if (empty($array->layer_url) and empty($array->layer_file) and empty($array->layer_file_old)) {
         $array->add_error('layer_url', 'atleast');
     // Add validation rule for the layer URL if specified
     if (!empty($array->layer_url) and (empty($array->layer_file) or empty($array->layer_file_old))) {
         if (!valid::url($array->layer_url)) {
             $array->add_error('layer_url', 'url');
     // Check if both the layer URL and the layer file have been specified
     if (!empty($array->layer_url) and (!empty($array->layer_file_old) or !empty($array->layer_file))) {
         $array->add_error('layer_url', 'both');
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Displays a profile page for a user
 public function user()
     // Cacheable Controller
     $this->is_cachable = TRUE;
     $this->template->header->this_page = 'profile';
     // Check if we are looking for a user. Argument must be set to continue.
     if (!isset(Router::$arguments[0])) {
     $username = Router::$arguments[0];
     // We won't allow profiles to be public if the username is an email address
     if (valid::email($username)) {
     $user = User_Model::get_user_by_username($username);
     // We only want to show public profiles here
     if ($user->public_profile == 1) {
         $this->template->content = new View('profile/user');
         $this->template->content->user = $user;
         // User Reputation Score
         $this->template->content->reputation = reputation::calculate($user->id);
         // All users reports
         $this->template->content->reports = ORM::factory('incident')->where(array('user_id' => $user->id, 'incident_active' => 1))->with('incident:location')->find_all();
         // Get Badges
         $this->template->content->badges = Badge_Model::users_badges($user->id);
         // Logged in user id (false if not logged in)
         $logged_in_id = FALSE;
         if (isset(Auth::instance()->get_user()->id)) {
             $logged_in_id = Auth::instance()->get_user()->id;
         $this->template->content->logged_in_id = $logged_in_id;
         // Is this the logged in user?
         $logged_in_user = FALSE;
         if ($logged_in_id == $user->id) {
             $logged_in_user = TRUE;
         $this->template->content->logged_in_user = $logged_in_user;
     } else {
         // this is a private profile so get out of here
     $this->template->header->page_title .= $user->name . Kohana::config('settings.title_delimiter');
     $this->template->header->header_block = $this->themes->header_block();
     $this->template->footer->footer_block = $this->themes->footer_block();
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Normalizes a hexadecimal HTML color value. All values will be converted
  * to lowercase, have a "#" prepended and contain six characters.
  * @param   string  hexadecimal HTML color value
  * @return  string
 public static function color($str = '')
     // Reject invalid values
     if (!valid::color($str)) {
         return '';
     // Convert to lowercase
     $str = strtolower($str);
     // Prepend "#"
     if ($str[0] !== '#') {
         $str = '#' . $str;
     // Expand short notation
     if (strlen($str) === 4) {
         $str = '#' . $str[1] . $str[1] . $str[2] . $str[2] . $str[3] . $str[3];
     return $str;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public function validate($array)
     $default = array("title" => "", "display_name" => "", "email" => "");
     $array = arr::overwrite($default, $array);
     $errors = array();
     if ($array['display_name'] == "") {
         $errors['display_name'] = "Please enter a display name";
     if (!valid::email($array['email'])) {
         $errors['email'] = "Please enter a valid email";
     if ($array['title'] == "") {
         $errors['title'] = "Please enter text for your comment";
     $array['title'] = strip_tags($array['title']);
     $array['errors'] = $errors;
     return $array;
 public function edit()
     $this->template->content = new View('coaches/edit');
     $this->template->title = 'Редактирование тренера';
     $this->selected_page = PAGE_COACHES;
     $this->selected_subpage = null;
     if (!$this->haveAccess()) {
     $this->template->content->teams = $this->db->select('*')->from('teams_store')->join('cups_store', 'cups_store.cp_id', 'teams_store.cp_id', ' AND cups_store.back_up_id is null AND cups_store.moder_rating > 0')->where('1=1 and teams_store.back_up_id IS NULL')->orderby('tm_id', 'desc')->get();
     if ($_POST) {
         $data['ch_name'] = trim($_POST['footballer']['name']);
         $data['tm_id'] = intval(@$_POST['footballer']['team']);
         $data['ch_photo'] = trim($_POST['footballer']['photo']);
         $data['moder_id'] = $this->moderId;
         $data['ch_status'] = ITEM_STATUS_NEW;
         if (empty($data['ch_name'])) {
             $this->error .= 'Укажите имя тренера' . $this->NL();
         if (!$data['tm_id']) {
             $this->error .= 'Укажите команду' . $this->NL();
         if (empty($data['ch_photo'])) {
             $this->error .= 'Укажите адрес фотографии тренера для анкеты' . $this->NL();
         } elseif (!valid::URL($data['ch_photo'])) {
             $this->error .= 'Укажите правильный адрес фотографии для анкеты' . $this->NL();
         if (is_null($this->error)) {
             if (!$this->haveAccessByStatus($this->template->content->item->ch_status)) {
                 $this->error .= 'Запрещённая операция' . $this->NL();
             } else {
                 $id = intval($this->uri->segment('id'));
                 $this->makeCopy('coaches_store', 'ch_id', $id, 'ch_status');
                 $status = $this->db->update('coaches_store', $data, array('ch_id' => $id));
                 if (count($status)) {
                     $this->info = 'Тренер отредактирован.';
                     url::redirect(url::site() . "coaches/info/id/" . intval($this->uri->segment('id')) . '/updated/yes');
Exemplo n.º 22
 public function edit()
     $this->template->content = new View('teams/edit');
     $this->template->title = 'Редактирование конады';
     $this->selected_page = PAGE_TEAMS;
     $this->selected_subpage = null;
     if (!$this->haveAccess()) {
     $this->template->content->champ = $this->db->select('*')->from('cups_store')->where('1=1 AND back_up_id is null AND moder_rating > 0')->orderby('cp_name', 'asc')->get();
     if ($_POST) {
         $data['tm_name'] = trim($_POST['footballer']['name']);
         $data['tm_photo'] = trim($_POST['footballer']['photo']);
         $data['cp_id'] = intval(@$_POST['footballer']['champ']);
         $data['moder_id'] = $this->moderId;
         $data['tm_status'] = ITEM_STATUS_NEW;
         if (empty($data['tm_name'])) {
             $this->error .= 'Укажите название команды' . $this->NL();
         if (empty($data['cp_id'])) {
             $this->error .= 'Укажите чемпионат' . $this->NL();
         if (empty($data['tm_photo'])) {
             $this->error .= 'Укажите адрес фотографии игрока для анкеты' . $this->NL();
         } elseif (!valid::URL($data['tm_photo'])) {
             $this->error .= 'Укажите правильный адрес фотографии для анкеты' . $this->NL();
         if (is_null($this->error)) {
             if (!$this->haveAccessByStatus($this->template->content->item->tm_status)) {
                 $this->error .= 'Запрещённая операция' . $this->NL();
             } else {
                 $id = intval($this->uri->segment('id'));
                 $this->makeCopy('teams_store', 'tm_id', $id, 'tm_status');
                 $status = $this->db->update('teams_store', $data, array('tm_id' => $id));
                 if (count($status)) {
                     $this->info = 'Команда отредактирована.';
                     url::redirect(url::site() . "teams/info/id/" . intval($this->uri->segment('id')) . '/updated/yes');
Exemplo n.º 23
 public static function status($url)
     if (!valid::url($url, 'http')) {
         return FALSE;
     // Get the hostname and path
     $url = parse_url($url);
     if (empty($url['path'])) {
         // Request the root document
         $url['path'] = '/';
     // Open a remote connection
     if (isset($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"])) {
         $server_port = $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"];
     } else {
         $server_port = '80';
     $remote = fsockopen($url['host'], $server_port, $errno, $errstr, 5);
     if (!is_resource($remote)) {
         return FALSE;
     // Set CRLF
     $CRLF = "\r\n";
     // Send request
     fwrite($remote, 'HEAD ' . $url['path'] . ' HTTP/1.0' . $CRLF);
     fwrite($remote, 'Host: ' . $url['host'] . $CRLF);
     fwrite($remote, 'Connection: close' . $CRLF);
     fwrite($remote, 'User-Agent: Kohana Framework (+http://kohanaphp.com/)' . $CRLF);
     // Send one more CRLF to terminate the headers
     fwrite($remote, $CRLF);
     while (!feof($remote)) {
         // Get the line
         $line = trim(fgets($remote, 512));
         if ($line !== '' and preg_match('#^HTTP/1\\.[01] (\\d{3})#', $line, $matches)) {
             // Response code found
             $response = (int) $matches[1];
     // Close the connection
     return isset($response) ? $response : FALSE;
 public function add()
     $this->template->content = new View('sponsors/add');
     $this->template->title = 'Добавление спонсора';
     $this->selected_page = PAGE_SPONSORS;
     $this->selected_subpage = Sponsors_Controller::SUBPAGE_ADD;
     if (!$this->haveAccess()) {
     if ($_POST) {
         $data['sp_name'] = trim($_POST['footballer']['name']);
         $data['sp_level'] = trim(@$_POST['footballer']['level']);
         $data['sp_rating'] = trim(@$_POST['footballer']['rating']);
         $data['sp_photo'] = trim($_POST['footballer']['photo']);
         $data['moder_id'] = $this->moderId;
         $data['sp_status'] = ITEM_STATUS_NEW;
         if (empty($data['sp_name'])) {
             $this->error .= 'Укажите название спонсора' . $this->NL();
         if (!$data['sp_level']) {
             $this->error .= 'Укажите уровень' . $this->NL();
         if (!$data['sp_rating']) {
             $this->error .= 'Укажите рейтинг' . $this->NL();
         if (empty($data['sp_photo'])) {
             $this->error .= 'Укажите адрес фотографии спонсора для анкеты' . $this->NL();
         } elseif (!valid::URL($data['sp_photo'])) {
             $this->error .= 'Укажите правильный адрес фотографии' . $this->NL();
         if (is_null($this->error)) {
             $status = $this->db->insert('sponsors_store', $data);
             if (count($status)) {
                 $this->info = 'Спонсор добавлен.';
                 url::redirect(url::site() . "sponsors/info/id/" . $status->insert_id());
Exemplo n.º 25
  * generates the request to pay at nitpay
 public function action_pay()
     $this->auto_render = FALSE;
     $id_order = $this->request->param('id');
     //retrieve info for the item in DB
     $order = new Model_Order();
     $order = $order->where('id_order', '=', $id_order)->where('status', '=', Model_Order::STATUS_CREATED)->limit(1)->find();
     if ($order->loaded()) {
         //options send to create the invoice
         $options = array('buyerName' => $order->user->name, 'buyerEmail' => $order->user->email, 'currency' => $order->currency, 'redirectURL' => Route::url('oc-panel', array('controller' => 'profile', 'action' => 'orders')));
         $invoice = Bitpay::bpCreateInvoice($order->id_order, $order->amount, '', $options);
         if (!isset($invoice['error']) and valid::url($invoice['url'])) {
         } else {
             Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Could not create bitpay invoice'));
             $this->redirect(Route::url('default', array('controller' => 'ad', 'action' => 'checkout', 'id' => $order->id_order)));
     } else {
         Alert::set(Alert::INFO, __('Product could not be loaded'));
Exemplo n.º 26
 public function save(array $person = array(), $person_id = null)
     $result = array('success' => false, 'error' => '');
     $valid = true;
     $person = $this->get_trimmed_allowed($person, array('space_id', 'email', 'x', 'y', 'active'));
     if (isset($person['space_id']) && !valid::digit($person['space_id'])) {
         $valid = false;
     if (isset($person['email']) && !valid::email($person['email'])) {
         $valid = false;
     if (isset($person['x']) && !valid::numeric($person['x'])) {
         $valid = false;
     if (isset($person['y']) && !valid::numeric($person['y'])) {
         $valid = false;
     if (isset($person['active']) && !valid::digit($person['active'])) {
         $valid = false;
     if ($valid) {
         if ($person_id) {
             $this->db->from('people')->set($person)->where(array('id' => (int) $person_id))->update();
             $result['success'] = true;
         } else {
             // INSERT
             $new_person = $this->db->from('people')->set($person)->insert();
             $result['success'] = true;
             $person_id = $new_person->insert_id();
         $person = $this->db->select('people.*')->from('people')->where(array('id' => $person_id))->get();
         $person = $this->result_as_array($person);
         $result['person'] = $person;
     } else {
         $result['error'] = "The supplied data was invalid";
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 27
  * Parses a remote feed into an array.
  * @param   string   remote feed URL
  * @param   integer  item limit to fetch
  * @return  array
 public static function parse($feed, $limit = 0)
     // Make limit an integer
     $limit = (int) $limit;
     // Disable error reporting while opening the feed
     $ER = error_reporting(0);
     // Allow loading by filename/url or raw XML string
     if (valid::url($feed)) {
         $feed = remote::get($feed, 45);
         $feed = $feed['content'];
     } elseif (is_file($feed)) {
         $feed = file_get_contents($feed);
     // Double check we have something to work with
     if (empty($feed)) {
         return FALSE;
     // Load the feed
     $feed = simplexml_load_string($feed, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
     // Restore error reporting
     // Feed could not be loaded
     if ($feed === NO) {
         return array();
     // Detect the feed type. RSS 1.0/2.0 and Atom 1.0 are supported.
     $feed = isset($feed->channel) ? $feed->xpath('//item') : $feed->entry;
     $i = 0;
     $items = array();
     foreach ($feed as $item) {
         if ($limit > 0 and $i++ === $limit) {
         $items[] = (array) $item;
     return $items;
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Delete Photo
  * @param int $id The unique id of the photo to be deleted
 public static function delete_photo($id)
     $photo = ORM::factory('media', $id);
     $photo_large = $photo->media_link;
     $photo_medium = $photo->media_medium;
     $photo_thumb = $photo->media_thumb;
     if (file_exists(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $photo_large)) {
         unlink(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $photo_large);
     } elseif (Kohana::config("cdn.cdn_store_dynamic_content") and valid::url($photo_large)) {
     if (file_exists(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $photo_medium)) {
         unlink(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $photo_medium);
     } elseif (Kohana::config("cdn.cdn_store_dynamic_content") and valid::url($photo_medium)) {
     if (file_exists(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $photo_thumb)) {
         unlink(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . $photo_thumb);
     } elseif (Kohana::config("cdn.cdn_store_dynamic_content") and valid::url($photo_thumb)) {
     // Finally Remove from DB
Exemplo n.º 29

<h2 class="faq_header"><?php 
echo $format->name;

<dl class="faq_list">
$x = 0;
foreach ($format->format_items as $item) {
    $url_question = valid::filter_php_url($item->title);
		<span id="format_item_<?php 
    echo $item->id;
" class="format_item" rel="<?php 
    echo $item->id;
			<dt class="minus">
    echo ++$x;
. <a href="#<?php 
    echo $url_question;
" class="toggle"><?php 
    echo $item->title;
Exemplo n.º 30
  * Tests the text::random() function.
  * @dataProvider random_provider
  * @group core.helpers.text.random
  * @test
 public function random($type, $length = 8)
     //$this->markTestIncomplete('Test for PHP 5.3 bug needs to be counted, Kohana is still supporting 5.2');
     $result = text::random($type, $length);
     if ((string) $type) {
         // Checking length
         $this->assertEquals(mb_strlen($result), $length);
         $pool = '';
         switch ($type) {
             case 'alnum':
             case 'alpha':
             case 'numeric':
             case 'nozero':
             case 'hexdec':
                 $pool = '0123456789abcdef';
             case 'distinct':
                 $pool = '2345679ACDEFHJKLMNPRSTUVWXYZ';
                 $pool = (string) $type;
         if ($pool) {
             // PHP versions before 5.3 have a bug with preg_quote and it doesn't escape '-'
             $pool = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '>=') ? preg_quote((string) $pool, '/') : utf8::str_ireplace('-', '\\-', preg_quote((string) $pool, '/'));
             if (preg_match('/[' . $pool . ']*/u', $result, $match)) {
                 $this->assertEquals($match[0], $result);
             } else {
     } else {
         // Checking length
         $this->assertEquals($result, '');