public function updateImage() { require_once 'helpers/upload.php'; $code = ''; if (isset($_POST['id']) && isset($_POST['path'])) { $id = intval($_POST['id']); $handle = new upload($_FILES['image_field']); if ($handle->uploaded) { $handle->file_new_name_body = $id; $handle->image_resize = true; $handle->image_x = 100; $handle->image_ratio_y = true; $handle->file_overwrite = true; $handle->process($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/EduDB/imageUploads/'); if ($handle->processed) { $handle->clean(); } else { $_SESSION['ERROR'] = $handle->error; // Failure } } Identity::updateImage($id, '/EduDB/imageUploads/' . $handle->file_dst_name); } header("Location: " . $_POST['path']); }
public function saveAction() { $cid = intval($_POST['wid']); $name = $_POST['name_cn']; $name_en = $_POST['name_en']; $type = $_POST['type']; $price = $_POST['price']; $desc = $_POST['desc']; $year = $_POST['years']; $active = isset($_POST['active']) && $_POST['active'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0; if ($cid) { $sql = "Update \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`product` \n\t\t\t\t\t\tset \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`name_cn`='" . ms($name) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`name_en`='" . ms($name_en) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`price`='" . intval($price) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`years`=" . intval($year) . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`desc`='" . ms($desc) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`type`=" . intval($type) . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`active`=" . intval($active) . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`modify_time`=" . time() . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`id`=" . ms($cid); } else { $sql = "Insert into\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t `product` (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t`name_cn`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t`name_en`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t`price`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t`years`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t`desc`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t`type`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t`active`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t`modify_time`) \n\t\t\t\t\t\tValues(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . ms($name) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . ms($name_en) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . ms($price) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . ms($year) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . ms($desc) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . ms($type) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . ms($active) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . time() . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)"; } if (DB::query($sql) && !$cid) { $b_id = DB::lastInsertID(); } else { if (DB::query($sql) && $cid) { $b_id = $cid; } } if (!empty($_FILES)) { $order = 1; foreach ($_FILES as $i => $v) { if (!$v['error']) { $handle1 = new upload($v); if ($handle1->uploaded) { $handle1->file_name_body_pre = '16du_'; $handle1->file_new_name_body = $b_id . '_' . $order; //$handle1->file_new_name_ext = 'png'; $handle1->file_overwrite = true; $handle1->file_max_size = '40480000'; // $handle1->image_convert = 'png'; //$handle1->png_compression = 5; $handle1->process(PRODUCT_SRC . $b_id . '/'); if ($handle1->processed) { $sql = "Update `product` set `src" . $order . "` = '" . $handle1->file_dst_name . "' where `id`=" . $b_id; DB::query($sql); $handle1->clean(); } else { //echo 'error : ' . $handle1->error; } $order++; } } } } $res = new ResultObj(true, '', '保存成功'); echo $res->toJson(); exit; }
public function saveFile($file) { $rep_dest = "../var/uploads/"; $upload = new upload($file); $upload->file_overwrite = true; //supprime le fichier si existe if ($upload->uploaded) { //file $upload->file_new_name_body = uniqid(); $upload->Process($rep_dest); $upload->clean(); return $rep_dest . $upload->file_dst_name; } return null; }
public function editarAction() { $this->view->setFile('editar'); $user_id = $this->auth->getUserId(); $this->request->setCustomFilters(array('email' => FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)); $post = $this->request->post(); if (!empty($post)) { $atualizarUsuario = User::atualizar($user_id, $post); if ($atualizarUsuario->status === false) { $this->load('Helpers\\Alert', array('danger', 'Ops! Não foi possível atualizar seu perfil. <br> Verifique os erros abaixo:', $atualizarUsuario->errors)); } else { if (isset($_FILES['image']) && !empty($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'])) { $uploadUserImage = new upload($_FILES['image']); if ($uploadUserImage->uploaded) { $image_name = md5(uniqid()); $uploadUserImage->file_new_name_body = $image_name; $uploadUserImage->file_new_name_ext = 'png'; $uploadUserImage->resize = true; $uploadUserImage->image_x = 500; $uploadUserImage->image_ratio_y = true; $dir_path = ROOT_PATH . DS . 'public' . DS . 'uploads' . DS . 'users' . DS . $atualizarUsuario->user->id . DS; $uploadUserImage->process($dir_path); if ($uploadUserImage->processed) { $uploadUserImage->clean(); $this->load('Helpers\\Alert', array('success', 'Uhuul! Perfil atualizado com sucesso!')); if (!is_null($atualizarUsuario->user->image)) { unlink($dir_path . $atualizarUsuario->user->image); } $atualizarUsuario->user->image = $image_name . '.png'; $atualizarUsuario->user->save(false); } else { $this->load('Helpers\\Alert', array('error', 'Oops! Não foi possível atualizar a sua imagem de perfil', $uploadUserImage->error)); } } } else { $this->load('Helpers\\Alert', array('success', 'Uhuul! Perfil atualizado com sucesso!')); } $this->view->setVar('user', $atualizarUsuario->user); } } }
public function newContact() { $identity = array('fName' => $_POST['firstName'], 'mName' => $_POST['middleName'], 'lName' => $_POST['lastName'], 'gender' => $_POST['gender'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'type' => 2); $contactIdentityId = Identity::newIdentity($identity); if (!$contactIdentityId) { $_SESSION['Error'] = "Unable to create a Contact Identity!"; header("Location: " . $_POST['path']); // TODO: This should go to an error page. return false; } require_once 'helpers/upload.php'; $code = ''; if ($contactIdentityId) { $id = intval($contactIdentityId); $handle = new upload($_FILES['image_field']); if ($handle->uploaded) { $handle->file_new_name_body = $id; $handle->image_resize = true; $handle->image_x = 100; $handle->image_ratio_y = true; $handle->file_overwrite = true; $handle->process($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/EduDB/imageUploads/'); if ($handle->processed) { $handle->clean(); } else { $_SESSION['ERROR'] = $handle->error; // Failure } } Identity::updateImage($id, '/EduDB/imageUploads/' . $handle->file_dst_name); } // If we get here then we have made an identity but have not linked it // to the target contact yet. We will need to set the relationship. if (!session_id()) { session_start(); } $_SESSION['contact']['studentId'] = $_POST['studentId']; $_SESSION['contact']['studentIdentityId'] = $_POST['identityId']; $_SESSION['contact']['contactIdentityId'] = $contactIdentityId; header("Location: ?controller=contact&action=setRelationship"); }
public function elem($post, $get, $FILES) { require_once sys . '/plugin/class.upload/class.upload.php'; $post = array_merge(array('chpu' => '', 'marker' => '', 'active_path' => ''), $post); $file = isset($FILES['form']) ? $FILES['form'] : array(); $form = isset($post['form']) ? $post['form'] : array(); $activePath = isset($post['active_path']) && $post['active_path'] != '' ? 1 : 0; $updateId = isset($post['id']) && $post['id'] != '' ? (int) $post['id'] : false; if ($updateId !== false) { Fx::db()->update(Fx::service_context()->namespace['construct_db'], array('chpu' => $post['chpu'], 'active_path' => $activePath, 'marker' => $post['marker'], 'date' => time()), array('id' => $updateId)); $ref = Fx::db()->find(Fx::service_context()->namespace['construct_db'], array('ref' => $updateId)); foreach ($ref as $v) { Fx::db()->update(Fx::service_context()->namespace['construct_db'], array('chpu' => $post['chpu'], 'active_path' => $post['active_path'], 'marker' => $post['marker'], 'date' => time()), array('id' => $v['id'])); } $lastId = $updateId; } else { $num = count(Fx::db()->find(Fx::service_context()->namespace['construct_db'], array('parent' => (int) $post['parent']))); Fx::db()->insert(Fx::service_context()->namespace['construct_db'], array('parent' => (int) $post['parent'], 'ref' => '', 'object' => $post['object'], 'chpu' => $post['chpu'], 'num' => $num, 'active_path' => $activePath, 'marker' => $post['marker'], 'date' => time())); $form['id'] = $lastId = Fx::db()->lastID(); } $table = Fx::db()->find(Fx::service_context()->namespace['struct_db'], array('code' => $post['object'])); $table = $table[0]; $row = Fx::db()->find(Fx::service_context()->namespace['struct_td'], array('parent' => $table['id'])); $rows = array(); foreach ($row as $v) { $rows[$v['code']] = array('id' => $v['id'], 'size' => $v['size'], 'type' => $v['type'], 'param' => json_decode($v['param'], true)); } foreach ($form as $k => $v) { if (is_string($v)) { $form[$k] = Fx::db()->esc($v); } } foreach ($rows as $k => $v) { if (!isset($form[$k])) { $form[$k] = ''; } } $path = root . '/' . Fx::service_context()->config['folder']['files'] . '/' . $lastId . '/'; if (isset($file['tmp_name'])) { foreach ($file['tmp_name'] as $k => $v) { $savePath = '/' . Fx::service_context()->config['folder']['files'] . '/' . $lastId . '/'; $fileName = isset($form[$k]['name']) && $form[$k]['name'] != '' ? trim($form[$k]['name']) : $k; $gist = $rows[$k]; $fn = isset($form[$k]['url']) && $form[$k]['url'] != '' ? $form[$k]['url'] : $v['file']; $mime = Fx::io()->mime($file['name'][$k]['file'] != '' ? $file['name'][$k]['file'] : $form[$k]['url']); if (isset($form[$k]['url']) && $form[$k]['url'] !== '') { Fx::io()->create_file(root . '/' . 'temporary.tmp'); Fx::io()->in_file(root . '/' . 'temporary.tmp', file_get_contents($fn)); $fn = root . '/' . 'temporary.tmp'; } if ($fn != '') { if (empty($fn)) { continue; } $IMG = new upload($fn); if ($IMG->uploaded) { $IMG->file_new_name_body = $fileName; $IMG->file_new_name_ext = $mime; $gistParam = $gist['param']; $width = isset($gistParam['width']) && $gistParam['width'] != '' ? $gistParam['width'] : 1000; $height = isset($gistParam['height']) && $gistParam['height'] != '' ? $gistParam['height'] : 1000; // Param if (isset($gist['param']['method'])) { switch ($gist['param']['method']) { case 'scale': // Подгоняем по размеру и пропорциям, без полей $IMG->image_resize = true; $IMG->image_ratio = true; $IMG->image_y = $height; $IMG->image_x = $width; break; case 'crop': // Точно по размеру игнорируя пропорции $IMG->image_resize = true; $IMG->image_ratio_crop = true; $IMG->image_y = $height; $IMG->image_x = $width; break; case 'width': // ресайзим по ширине $IMG->image_resize = true; $IMG->image_ratio_x = true; $IMG->image_y = $height; break; case 'height': // ресайзим по высоте $IMG->image_resize = true; $IMG->image_ratio_y = true; $IMG->image_x = $width; break; } } if (is_file($path . $fileName . '.' . $mime)) { unlink($path . $fileName . '.' . $mime); } $IMG->Process($path); if (!$IMG->processed) { setSystemMessage('error', $IMG->error); } $IMG->clean(); if (isset($gist['param']['zip']) && $gist['param']['zip'] == 1) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($path . $fileName . '.zip', ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) === TRUE) { $zip->addFile($path . $fileName . '.' . $mime, $fileName . '.' . $mime); } $zip->close(); if (file_exists($path . $fileName . '.' . $mime)) { unlink($path . $fileName . '.' . $mime); } $savePath = $savePath . $fileName . '.zip'; } else { $savePath = $savePath . $fileName . '.' . $mime; } } else { setSystemMessage('error', $IMG->error); } $form[$k] = file_exists(root . $savePath) ? $savePath : ''; } if (is_array($form[$k])) { if (isset($form[$k]['remove']) && $form[$k]['remove'] == 1) { if (file_exists(root . $form[$k]['src'])) { unlink(root . $form[$k]['src']); } $form[$k] = ''; } else { if (isset($form[$k]['src']) && isset($form[$k]['name'])) { $imagePath = explode('/', $form[$k]['src']); $imageName = array_pop($imagePath); $imageName = explode('.', $imageName); $imageMime = array_pop($imageName); $imageName = implode('.', $imageName); if ($imageName !== $form[$k]['name']) { $newImageName = implode('/', $imagePath) . '/' . $form[$k]['name'] . '.' . $imageMime; if (is_file(root . $newImageName)) { unlink(root . $newImageName); } rename(root . $form[$k]['src'], root . $newImageName); $form[$k] = $newImageName; } else { $form[$k] = $form[$k]['src']; } } else { $form[$k] = ''; } } } } } foreach ($form as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { $form[$k] = serialize($v); } } if ($updateId !== false) { Fx::db()->update($post['object'], $form, array('id' => $updateId)); } else { Fx::db()->insert($post['object'], $form); } load_url(); }
function install() { $rep = $this->getResponse('json'); $this->msg = "installation échouée"; if (isset($_FILES["archive"])) { $rep_dest = "var/uploads/"; $upload = new upload($_FILES["archive"]); $upload->file_overwrite = true; //supprime le file si existe $upload->allowed = array('application/zip'); if ($upload->uploaded) { // It could be something like $upload->Process('www/my_uploads/'); $upload->Process($rep_dest); //extraction de larchive $zip = new ZipArchive(); $zip->open($upload->file_dst_pathname); // if (!$zip->getFromName('module.xml')) { //if module file doesnt exists $this->msg = "installation échouée: fichier d'installation absent"; } else { $moduleXml = simplexml_load_string($zip->getFromName('module.xml')); //verifiying the compatibility with jelix core version if ($this->compatibility($moduleXml->dependencies->jelix)) { $zip->extractTo('modules/' . $moduleXml->info['name'] . '/'); //we extract to module directory $this->setConfig($moduleXml->info['name']); //set module config $this->installScript($moduleXml->info['name']); //$this->showOnMenu($moduleXml->info['name']); $this->msg = "module installé"; $this->success = true; } else { $this->success = false; $this->msg = "module non installé : versions non compatibles"; } } $zip->close(); //close archive $upload->clean(); //clean server temp unlink($upload->file_dst_pathname); //clean second app temp } } $rep->data = array('success' => $this->success, 'msg' => $this->msg); return $rep; }
function upload_excel_file() { $excel_file = $_FILES['excel_file']; $this->directory = PATH . "Excel_File/"; if ($excel_file['name'] != "") { if ($excel_file["type"] == "application/") { $excel_file_upload = new upload($excel_file); $excel_file_upload->file_overwrite = true; $excel_file_upload->file_new_name_body = "student_current_enroll"; $excel_file_upload->process($this->directory); //if ($image_upload->processed) { //$this->registered(); $this->template->setAlert("File was Successfully Uploaded!..", Template::ALERT_SUCCESS); $excel_file_upload->clean(); $filename = "../Excel_File/student_current_enroll.xls"; if (file_exists($filename)) { $this->template->assign('excel_file', 'true'); } /* inserting into database table */ $excel_data = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader('../Excel_File/student_current_enroll.xls'); for ($y = 2; $y <= $excel_data->rowCount(); $y++) { $student_id = $excel_data->val($y, A); $lastname = $excel_data->val($y, B); $firstname = $excel_data->val($y, C); $middle_initial = $excel_data->val($y, D); if ($this->registered_student_model->isValid($student_id, $lastname, $firstname) && $this->administrator_model->isValid($student_id, $lastname, $firstname)) { $this->registered_student_model->insert($student_id, $lastname, $firstname, $middle_initial); } } /* ------------------------------- */ } else { $this->template->setAlert("You can Upload a XLS file only!..", Template::ALERT_ERROR); } } }
public function process($parameters) { $articleManager = new ArticleManager(); $userManager = new UserManager(); $validation = new Validation(); $this->checkUser(); $loggedUser = $userManager->returnUser(); //editor je pristupny iba pre admina a redaktorov if ($loggedUser['admin'] == 1 || $loggedUser['admin'] == 2) { $article = array('article_id' => '', 'title' => '', 'thumbnail_img' => '', 'content' => '', 'url' => '', 'category' => '', 'description' => '', 'key_words' => '', 'author' => ''); //ak je odoslany formular if ($_POST) { //ziskanie clanku z $_POST $keys = array('article_id', 'title', 'thumbnail_img', 'content', 'url', 'category', 'description', 'key_words', 'author', 'public'); $article = array_intersect_key($_POST, array_flip($keys)); //upload a spracovanie suboru $imageUpload = new upload($_FILES['image_field'], 'sk_SK'); //nastavenie ID noveho clanku if (empty($article['article_id'])) { $article['article_id'] = $articleManager->returnLastArticleId() + 1; } $targetDirectory = 'img/articles/' . $article['article_id'] . '/'; $filePath = $targetDirectory . 'thumbnail.png'; try { //vytvori novy adresar podla ID noveho clanku if (!file_exists($targetDirectory)) { mkdir($targetDirectory, '0777', true); } //ak bol obrazok nahraty if ($imageUpload->uploaded) { $imageUpload->allowed = array('image/*'); //povolene formaty $imageUpload->mime_check = true; //kontrola formatu zapnuta $imageUpload->file_new_name_body = 'thumbnail'; //novy nazov suboru $imageUpload->image_resize = true; //zmensenie $imageUpload->image_convert = 'png'; //konvertovanie na png $imageUpload->image_x = 120; //vysledna sirka 120px $imageUpload->image_ratio_y = true; //vyska: auto //zmazanie existujuceho nahladoveho obrazka if (file_exists($filePath)) { unlink($filePath); } $imageUpload->process($targetDirectory); //uloz vysledny obrazok //ak bol obrazok ulozeny if ($imageUpload->processed) { //uloz cestu k obrazku do '$article' $article['thumbnail_img'] = $filePath; $imageUpload->clean(); } else { throw new UserError($imageUpload->error); } } } catch (UserError $error) { $this->createMessage($error->getMessage(), 'warning'); } //ulozenie clanku do databazy try { //vytvorenie URL adresy z pola title $article['url'] = $validation->checkUrl($article['title']); //ulozenie clanku do databazy $articleManager->saveArticle($_POST['article_id'], $article); $this->createMessage('Článok bol úspešne uložený', 'success'); //presmeruj na clanok $this->redirect('clanky/' . $article['url']); } catch (UserError $error) { $this->createMessage($error->getMessage(), 'warning'); $this->redirect('editor'); } } //ak je zadana URL adresa clanku na jeho editaciu if (!empty($parameters[0])) { $loadedArticle = $articleManager->returnArticle($parameters[0]); if ($loadedArticle) { $article = $loadedArticle; } else { $this->createMessage('Článok sa nenašiel', 'warning'); $this->redirect('chyba'); } $this->data['article'] = $article; //hlavicka stranky $this->head = array('title' => 'Editor - ' . $article['title'], 'key_words' => ' - editor', 'description' => 'Editor článkov'); $this->view = 'editor'; } else { $article['author'] = $userManager->returnUser()['name']; $this->data['article'] = $article; //hlavicka stranky $this->head = array('title' => 'Editor - Nový článok', 'key_words' => ' - editor', 'description' => 'Editor článkov'); $this->view = 'editor'; } } }
$klasor = "formlar/a5"; /* CLASS.UPLOAD.PHP ��ER�S�NDEK� Y�KLEME FONKS�YONLARIMIZI KULLANMAYA BA�LIYORUZ. */ /* SINIFIMIZI BA�LATIYORUZ */ $yukle = new upload(@$resim); /* E�ER Y�KLEME ��LEM�M�Z GER�EKLE�T� �SE */ if ($yukle->uploaded) { $yukle->process($klasor); /* RESM�M�Z�N TA�INACA�I KLAS�R */ /* OPS�YONEL SE�ENEKLER VEROT.NET DEN DAHA FAZLA �ZELL��E ULA�AB�L�RS�N�Z. */ $yukle->image_resize = true; /* RES�M BOYUTLANDIRMAYI AKT�FLE�T�R�YORUZ */ $yukle->image_x = 250; /* GEN��L�K DE�ER� */ $yukle->image_y = 200; /* Y�KSEKL�K DE�ER� */ /* OPS�YONEL ��LEMLER BA�ARILI OLDU �SE */ if ($yukle->processed) { /* Y�KLENEN DOSYA �SM�N� ALIP $yuklenen_resim DE���KEN�NE ATIYORUZ */ $yuklenen_resim = $yukle->file_dst_name; /* Y�KLENEN RESM�M�Z� EKRANA BASIYORUZ (BU KISIMDA VER�TABANINA DA YAZDIRAB�L�RS�N�Z AMACINIZA UYGUN KULLANAB�L�RS�N�Z.)*/ //print '<img src="resimler/'.$yuklenen_resim.'" />'; /* EN SON $yukle DE���KEN�M�Z� TEM�ZL�YORUZ */ $yukle->clean(); } /* 3. �F B�T�� */ } /* 2.�F B�T�� */ } /* FOR B�T�� */ } /* 1.�F B�T�� */
// Count how many photos have already been uploaded for this ticket $i = 0; if ($handle = opendir($directory)) { while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { if (!in_array($file, array('.', '..')) && !is_dir($directory . $file)) { $i++; } } } // Create new file name from directory count $filename = $i + 1; // Create new upload object with posted photo $photo = new upload($_FILES['photo']); // Configure photo processing options if ($photo->uploaded) { $photo->file_new_name_body = rand(0, 9999); $photo->image_convert = 'jpg'; $photo->jpeg_quality = 70; $photo->png_compression = 7; $photo->image_resize = true; $photo->image_x = 1000; $photo->image_ratio_y = true; $photo->process($directory); if ($photo->processed) { // success! $photo->clean(); } else { // echo 'error : ' . $photo->error; } } }
function UlozObrazek($cesta, $nazev, $typmenu) { $tmp_name = $_FILES["userfile"]["tmp_name"]; if ($tmp_name) { $handle = new upload($_FILES['userfile']); $x = $handle->image_src_x; $y = $handle->image_src_y; $mratiox = 0; // Only proceed if the file has been uploaded if ($handle->uploaded) { // Set the new filename of the uploaded image $handle->file_new_name_body = "nahled-" . $nazev; // Make sure the image is resized switch ($typmenu) { case "V": $maxx = X_VISUAL_NAHLED; $maxy = Y_VISUAL_NAHLED; break; case "P": $maxx = X_PUDORYS_NAHLED; $maxy = Y_PUDORYS_NAHLED; break; case "M": $maxx = X_DUM_NAHLED; $maxy = Y_DUM_NAHLED; break; default: $maxx = X_DUM_NAHLED; $maxy = Y_DUM_NAHLED; } if ($x != $maxx || $y != $maxy) { // Set the width of the image if ($mratiox) { $handle->image_resize = true; $handle->image_x = $maxx; $handle->image_ratio_y = true; echo "OBRAZEK ZMENEN NA {$maxx},{$maxy} : a ratiox:" . $mratiox; } else { $handle->image_resize = true; $handle->image_x = $maxx; $handle->image_y = $maxy; } $handle->jpeg_quality = 100; $handle->process($cesta); } else { $handle->image_resize = false; $handle->process($cesta); } switch ($typmenu) { case "V": $ratiox = X_VISUAL_VELKE; break; case "P": $ratiox = X_PUDORYS_VELKE; break; case "M": $ratiox = 0; default: $ratiox = 0; } if ($ratiox) { if ($x > $ratiox) { $handle->image_resize = true; $handle->image_ratio_y = true; $handle->image_x = $ratiox; } else { $handle->image_resize = false; $handle->image_x = $x; $handle->image_y = $y; } $handle->file_new_name_body = "obr-" . $nazev; $handle->process($cesta); } if ($handle->processed) { $nazevobr = $handle->file_dst_name; $handle->clean(); } else { echo 'error : ' . $handle->error; return 0; } return $nazevobr; } } }
if ($upload_image->uploaded) { // ย่อขนาดภาพให้เล็กลงหน่อย โดยยึดขนาดภาพตามความกว้าง ความสูงให้คำณวนอัตโนมัติ // ถ้าหากไม่ต้องการย่อขนาดภาพ ก็ลบ 3 บรรทัดด้านล่างทิ้งไปได้เลย $upload_image->image_resize = true; // อนุญาติให้ย่อภาพได้ $upload_image->image_x = 1024; // กำหนดความกว้างภาพเท่ากับ 400 pixel $upload_image->image_ratio_y = true; // ให้คำณวนความสูงอัตโนมัติ $upload_image->process("upload_images"); // เก็บภาพไว้ในโฟลเดอร์ที่ต้องการ *** โฟลเดอร์ต้องมี permission 0777 // ถ้าหากว่าการจัดเก็บรูปภาพไม่มีปัญหา เก็บชื่อภาพไว้ในตัวแปร เพื่อเอาไปเก็บในฐานข้อมูลต่อไป if ($upload_image->processed) { $image_name = $upload_image->file_dst_name; // ชื่อไฟล์หลังกระบวนการเก็บ จะอยู่ที่ file_dst_name $upload_image->clean(); // คืนค่าหน่วยความจำ $image_path = "upload_images/" . $image_name; // กำหนด sql ใหม่ เพื่อให้เก็บชื่อภาพลงฐานข้อมูลด้วย $sql = "UPDATE `siitticket`.`machine` SET `name` = '{$mname}' , `owner` = '{$owner}',`place` = '{$place}',`image` = '{$image_path}',`os` = '{$os}' , `tuid` = '{$tuid}' , `detail` = '{$detail}' WHERE `machine`.`mid` ='{$mid}'"; //echo $insertSQL ; //mysql_select_db($database_connection, $connection); //$Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $connection) or die(mysql_error()); } // END if ( $upload_image->processed ) } //END if ( $upload_image->uploaded ) //$sql = "insert into image (id, image) values ('', '$image') "; //เพิ่มข้อมูลลงดาต้าเบส โดยเก็บชื่อรูปไว้ // $dbquery = mysql_db_query($dbname, $sql); } include "connectdb.php";
$handle2->image_x = 100; $handle2->image_ratio_y = true; $handle2->allowed = array('image/*'); $handle2->image_convert = 'jpg'; $handle2->file_overwrite = true; $handle2->process('..uploads/talent/talent_profiles/'); if ($handle2->processed) { // save uploaded file name and path in database table field logo_url $last_modified_by = $_SESSION['user_id']; $last_modified_on = getDateTime(NULL, "mySQL"); /* if client id is not empty update the database */ if ($talent_id != "") { $update = DB::update('tams_talent', array('photo2_url' => '/talent/uploads/talent/talent_profiles/' . $talent_id . '_photo1.jpg', 'last_modified_by' => $last_modified_by, 'last_modified_on' => $last_modified_on), "talent_id=%s", $talent_id); } echo 'Photo is uploaded and path select saved in database'; $handle2->clean(); } else { echo 'error : ' . $handle2->error; } // close handle processed } // close handle uploaded //if update is successful redirect the page to view client list if ($update) { echo '<script>alert("Edited Details Successfully");</script>'; echo '<script>window.location.replace("' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?route=modules/talent/view_talents");</script>'; } } if (isset($_GET['talent_id'])) { $talent_id = $_GET['talent_id']; $sql = "SELECT\n\t\t\t\t*\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\ttams_talent\n\t\t\t\tWHERE talent_id = {$talent_id} ;";
public static function resize($src_imagepath, $src_imagefilename, $ndest_loc, $nwidth, $nheight, $nfilename) { try { if (!JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jvrelatives' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'class.resize_image.php')) { throw new Exception("Verot does not exist. JV-LD component may not be installed"); } require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jvrelatives' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'class.resize_image.php'; JvrelInit::debug('resize: Uploaded file: ' . $src_imagepath . DS . $src_imagefilename); // copy file to /tmp/subdir $t = time() . rand(0, 99999); if (!JFolder::exists(_JVREL_ABS_JTMP . DS . $t)) { JFolder::create(_JVREL_ABS_JTMP . DS . $t); } JFile::copy($src_imagepath . DS . $src_imagefilename, _JVREL_ABS_JTMP . DS . $t . DS . $src_imagefilename); $handle = new upload(_JVREL_ABS_JTMP . DS . $t . DS . $src_imagefilename); $handle->image_resize = true; $handle->file_overwrite = false; $handle->image_convert = 'jpg'; $handle->image_x = $nwidth; if ($nheight) { $handle->image_y = $nheight; } else { $handle->image_ratio_y = true; } $handle->file_new_name_body = substr($nfilename, 0, -4); $handle->process($ndest_loc); $handle->clean(); @JFolder::delete(_JVREL_ABS_JTMP . DS . $t); return $nfilename; } catch (Exception $ex) { JvrelInit::debug($ex->getMessage()); return ""; } }
$size_y = $matches[2]; $img->file_overwrite = true; $img->image_resize = true; $img->image_default_color = '#e1e1e1'; if ($matches[3] == 'x1') { $img->image_ratio_fill = true; } else { $img->image_ratio_crop = true; } $img->dir_auto_create = true; $img->image_x = $size_x; $img->image_y = $size_y; $img->process($cache_dir . $size . '/'); // Вывод ошибок и очистка if ($img->processed) { $img->clean(); } else { echo 'error : ' . $img->error; } $image_name = Text::strtolow(str_replace(' ', '_', $image_name)); $image_name = str_replace('(', '', $image_name); $image_name = str_replace(')', '', $image_name); // Получаем изображение из кэша $img = new upload($cache_dir . $size . '/' . $image_name); // Вывод изображения header('Content-type: ' . $img->file_src_mime); echo $img->Process(); exit; } } } else {
} /** * Simplify using filters for STRINGS * @param $x * @return mixed */ function FStr($x) { return filter_var($x, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); } /** * UPLOADING IMAGES * NEEDS THIS CLASS : */ $Upload = new upload($_FILES["bannerupload"]); if ($Upload->uploaded) { $Upload->Process("../IMG/bannersystem/"); if ($Upload->processed) { /** * PUT MORE CODE HERE - HERE IS WHEN ALL GOES WELL */ $FileName = $Upload->file_dst_name; $Upload->clean(); } else { echo 'error : ' . $Upload->error; } } else { echo 'error : ' . $Upload->error; echo "<br><br>"; echo "LOG: " . $Upload->log; }
function UlozSoubor($cesta) { $tmp_name = $_FILES["userfile"]["tmp_name"]; if ($tmp_name) { $handle = new upload($_FILES['userfile']); if ($handle->uploaded) { $handle->process($cesta); if ($handle->processed) { $nazevs = $handle->file_dst_name; $handle->clean(); } else { echo 'error : ' . $handle->error; return 0; } return $nazevs; } } }
function __convertImages() { $images = $this->TeamsObject->Team->PersonalImage->find('all', array('fields' => array('filename'), 'conditions' => array('model' => 'Team', 'prop' => 'Personal'))); App::import('Vendor', 'example', array('file' => 'class.upload.php')); $this->settings['baseDir'] = WWW_ROOT . 'img' . DS . 'Team' . DS; $this->settings['thumbsDir'] = WWW_ROOT . 'img' . DS . 'Team' . DS . 'thumbs' . DS; if ($handle1 = opendir($this->settings['baseDir'])) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle1))) { $handle = new upload($this->settings['baseDir'] . $file); if ($handle->uploaded) { // $image['PersonalImage']['filename'] = str_replace('.jpg','',$image['PersonalImage']['filename']); //$image['PersonalImage']['filename'] = str_replace('.gif','',$image['PersonalImage']['filename']); //$image['PersonalImage']['filename'] = str_replace('.png','',$image['PersonalImage']['filename']); //$handle->file_new_name_body = $image['PersonalImage']['filename']; $handle->image_resize = true; //$handle->image_ratio_crop = true; $handle->image_resize = true; $handle->image_x = 120; $handle->image_ratio_y = true; //$handle->image_x = 120; //$handle->image_y = 120; //$handle->image_ratio_fill = 'C'; $handle->process($this->settings['thumbsDir']); if ($handle->processed) { echo 'image resized<br>'; $handle->clean(); } else { echo 'error : ' . $handle->error . '<br>'; } } else { echo $this->settings['baseDir'] . $file . " is not uploaded<br>"; } } closedir($handle1); } exit; }
public function addStudent() { $identity = array('fName' => $_POST['firstName'], 'mName' => $_POST['middleName'], 'lName' => $_POST['lastName'], 'gender' => $_POST['gender'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'type' => 1); $studentIdentityId = Identity::newIdentity($identity); if (!$studentIdentityId) { $_SESSION['Error'] = "Unable to create Student Identity!"; header("Location: " . $_POST['path']); // TODO: This should go to an error page. return false; } require_once 'helpers/upload.php'; $code = ''; if ($studentIdentityId) { $id = intval($studentIdentityId); $handle = new upload($_FILES['image_field']); if ($handle->uploaded) { $handle->file_new_name_body = $id; $handle->image_resize = true; $handle->image_x = 100; $handle->image_ratio_y = true; $handle->file_overwrite = true; $handle->process($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/EduDB/imageUploads/'); if ($handle->processed) { $handle->clean(); } else { $_SESSION['ERROR'] = $handle->error; // Failure } } Identity::updateImage($id, '/EduDB/imageUploads/' . $handle->file_dst_name); } $student = array('gradeId' => $_POST['grade'], 'identityId' => $studentIdentityId, 'schoolId' => $_POST['school']); $sId = Student::newStudent($student); if (!$sId) { $_SESSION['Error'] = "Unable to update Student!"; } header("Location: ?controller=student&action=viewStudent&id={$sId}"); }
$handle->image_x = 100; $handle->image_ratio_y = true; $handle->allowed = array('image/*'); $handle->image_convert = 'jpg'; $handle->file_overwrite = true; $handle->process('../uploads/clients/'); if ($handle->processed) { // save uploaded file name and path in database table field logo_url $last_modified_by = $_SESSION['user_id']; $last_modified_on = getDateTime(NULL, "mySQL"); /* if client id is not empty update the database */ if ($client_id != "") { $update = DB::update('tams_clients', array('logo_url' => '/talent/uploads/clients/' . $client_id . '_logo.jpg', 'last_modified_by' => $last_modified_by, 'last_modified_on' => $last_modified_on), "client_id=%s", $client_id); } echo 'Logo file uploaded and path select saved in database'; $handle->clean(); } else { echo 'error : ' . $handle->error; } // close handle processed } // close handle uploaded } // close file exist //if update is successful redirect the page to view client list if ($update) { echo '<script>alert("Edited Details Successfully");</script>'; echo '<script>window.location.replace("' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?route=modules/clients/view_clients");</script>'; } } echo '<h2> $_FILES variable</h2>';
public function process($parameters) { $userManager = new UserManager(); $validation = new Validation(); $user = $userManager->returnUser(); //ak bol odoslany formular pre ulozenie udajov uzivatela //udaje z formularu sa ukladaju do premennej $data, z ktorej sa nakoniec vyberu a zapisu do DB vsetky udaje //v celom bloku try sa odchytavaju vsetky vynimky if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { try { $this->checkUser(); //polia pre zmenu hesla //ak bolo vyplnene aspon jedno z poli if (!empty($_POST['old']) || !empty($_POST['password'] != '') || !empty($_POST['password2'] != '')) { $userManager->checkPassword($user['name'], $_POST['old']); //over stare heslo if (!empty($_POST['password']) && !empty($_POST['password2'])) { if ($_POST['password'] == $_POST['password2']) { $validation->checkPasswordLength($_POST['password']); //overi minimalnu dlzku hesla $data['password'] = $userManager->returnHash($_POST['password']); //pripravi pole a zasifruje heslo $this->createMessage('Heslo bolo úspešne zmenené.', 'success'); } else { throw new UserError('Heslá sa nezhodujú.'); } } else { throw new UserError('Nevyplnené pole.'); } } //radio button pohlavie if ($_POST['sex'] == 'male') { $data['sex'] = 'muž'; } else { $data['sex'] = 'žena'; } $userManager->updateUserData($user['name'], $data); //zapis udajov uzivatela do DB $this->createMessage('Nastavenia boli úspešne uložené.', 'success'); } catch (UserError $error) { $this->createMessage($error->getMessage(), 'warning'); } } //ak bol odoslany formular pre upload profiloveho obrazka if (isset($_POST['uploadImage'])) { $imageUpload = new upload($_FILES['image_field']); $targetDirectory = 'img/users/' . $user['name'] . '/'; $filePath = $targetDirectory . 'user_avatar.gif'; try { //ak neexistuje uzivatelov adresar, vytvor ho if (!file_exists($targetDirectory)) { mkdir($targetDirectory, '0777', true); } //ak bol obrazok nahraty if ($imageUpload->uploaded) { $imageUpload->allowed = array('image/*'); //povolene formaty $imageUpload->mime_check = true; //kontrola formatu zapnuta $imageUpload->file_new_name_body = 'user_avatar'; //novy nazov suboru $imageUpload->image_resize = true; //zmensenie $imageUpload->image_convert = 'gif'; //konvertovanie na gif $imageUpload->image_x = 100; //vysledna sirka 100px $imageUpload->image_ratio_y = true; //vyska: auto //zmazanie existujuceho avataru if (file_exists($filePath)) { unlink($filePath); } $imageUpload->process($targetDirectory); //uloz vysledny obrazok //ak bol obrazok ulozeny if ($imageUpload->processed) { //uloz avatar do databazy $userManager->updateUserData($user['name'], array('avatar' => $filePath)); $imageUpload->clean(); } else { throw new UserError($imageUpload->error); } $this->createMessage('Váš obrázok bol úspešne uložený.', 'success'); } else { throw new UserError('Obrázok sa nenahral'); } } catch (UserError $error) { $this->createMessage($error->getMessage(), 'warning'); } } //ak je zadana URL pre odstranenie uzivatela if (!empty($parameters[1]) && $parameters[1] == 'odstranit') { $this->checkUser(true); $userManager->deleteUser($parameters[0]); $this->createMessage('Užívateľ<strong> ' . $parameters[0] . ' </strong>bol odstránený', 'success'); $this->redirect('uzivatelia'); } //ak je zadana URL pre zmenu opravnenia uzivatela if (!empty($parameters[1]) && $parameters[1] == 'zmenit-opravnenie') { $this->checkUser(true); $requiredUser = $userManager->returnUserInfo($parameters[0]); //ak ma uzivatel hodnost 'Clen', zmen ho na 'Redaktor' if ($requiredUser['admin'] == 0) { $value = array('admin' => 2); $userManager->updateUserData($parameters[0], $value); $this->createMessage('Užívateľovi ' . $parameters[0] . ' bola priradená hodnosť Redaktor', 'success'); $this->redirect('uzivatelia'); } //ak ma uzivatel hodnost 'Redaktor', zmen ho na 'Clen' if ($requiredUser['admin'] == 2) { $value = array('admin' => 0); $userManager->updateUserData($parameters[0], $value); $this->createMessage('Užívateľovi ' . $parameters[0] . ' bola priradená hodnosť Člen', 'success'); $this->redirect('uzivatelia'); } } //ak je zadane URL profilu uzivatela if (!empty($parameters[0])) { $user = $userManager->returnUserInfo($parameters[0]); //ak pouzivatel nebol najdeny, presmeruj na chybove hlasenie if (!$user) { $this->redirect('chyba'); } //premenne pre sablonu $this->head['title'] = 'Užívateľský profil - ' . $user['name']; $this->data['userRank'] = $validation->returnUserRank($user['admin']); $this->data['user'] = $user['name']; $this->data['avatar'] = $user['avatar']; $this->data['registrationDate'] = $user['registration_date']; $this->data['lastVisit'] = $user['last_visit']; $this->data['comments'] = $user['comments']; $this->data['articles'] = $user['articles']; $this->data['sex'] = $user['sex']; $this->data['email'] = $user['email']; $this->data['loggedUser'] = $userManager->returnUser(); //sablona $this->view = 'profile'; } else { $this->checkUser(true); //premenne pre sablonu $this->head['title'] = 'Správa užívateľov'; $this->data['admin'] = $user && $user['admin']; $this->data['users'] = $userManager->returnUsers(); $this->data['loggedUser'] = $userManager->returnUser(); $index = 0; foreach ($this->data['users'] as $userData) { $this->data['users'][$index]['rank'] = $validation->returnUserRank($userData['admin']); $index += 1; } //sablona $this->view = 'users'; } }