/** * * * @param unknown $params * @param unknown $bBlog (reference) * @return unknown */ function smarty_function_links($params, &$bBlog) { $markedlinks = ''; if (!isset($params['sep'])) { $sep = "<br />"; } else { $sep = $params['sep']; } if (isset($params['presep'])) { $presep = $params['presep']; } // use this for lists if (isset($params['desc'])) { $asde = "DESC"; } else { $asde = ""; } if (isset($params['ord'])) { $order = $params['ord']; } else { $order = "position"; } if (isset($params['num'])) { $max = $params['num']; } else { $max = "20"; } if (isset($params['cat'])) { $cat = $bBlog->get_var("select categoryid from " . T_CATEGORIES . " where name='" . $params['cat'] . "'"); } if (isset($params['notcat'])) { $notcat = $bBlog->get_var("select categoryid from " . T_CATEGORIES . " where name='" . $params['notcat'] . "'"); } if ($cat) { $links = $bBlog->get_results("select * from " . T_LINKS . " where category='" . $cat . "' order by " . $order . " " . $asde . " limit " . $max); } elseif ($notcat) { $links = $bBlog->get_results("select * from " . T_LINKS . " where category !='" . $notcat . "' order by " . $order . " " . $asde . " limit " . $max); } else { $links = $bBlog->get_results("select * from " . T_LINKS . " order by " . $order . " " . $asde . " limit " . $max); } if (!empty($links)) { foreach ($links as $link) { $url = $link->url; $nicename = $link->nicename; $markedlinks .= $presep . '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $nicename . '</a>' . $sep; } } return $markedlinks; }
/** * * * @param unknown $bBlog (reference) * @param unknown $id */ function deleteComment(&$bBlog, $id) { $id = intval($id); $postid = $bBlog->get_var('select postid from ' . T_COMMENTS . ' where commentid="' . $id . '"'); $childcount = $bBlog->get_var('select count(*) as c from ' . T_COMMENTS . ' where parentid="' . $id . '" group by commentid'); if ($childcount > 0) { // there are replies to the comment so we can't delete it. $bBlog->query('update ' . T_COMMENTS . ' set deleted="true", postername="", posteremail="", posterwebsite="", pubemail=0, pubwebsite=0, commenttext="Deleted Comment" where commentid="' . $val . '"'); } else { // just delete the comment $bBlog->query('delete from ' . T_COMMENTS . ' where commentid="' . $id . '"'); } $newnumcomments = $bBlog->get_var('SELECT count(*) as c FROM ' . T_COMMENTS . ' WHERE postid="' . $postid . '" and deleted="false" group by postid'); $bBlog->query('update ' . T_POSTS . ' set commentcount="' . $newnumcomments . '" where postid="' . $postid . '"'); $bBlog->modifiednow(); }
/** * * * @param unknown $bBlog (reference) */ function admin_plugin_links_run(&$bBlog) { if (isset($_GET['linkdo'])) { $linkdo = $_GET['linkdo']; } elseif (isset($_POST['linkdo'])) { $linkdo = $_POST['linkdo']; } else { $linkdo = ''; } switch ($linkdo) { case "New": // add new link $maxposition = $bBlog->get_var("select position from " . T_LINKS . " order by position desc limit 0,1"); $position = $maxposition + 10; $bBlog->query("insert into " . T_LINKS . "\n set nicename='" . my_addslashes($_POST['nicename']) . "',\n url='" . my_addslashes($_POST['url']) . "',\n category='" . my_addslashes($_POST['category']) . "',\n\t position='{$position}'"); break; case "Delete": // delete link $bBlog->query("delete from " . T_LINKS . " where linkid=" . $_POST['linkid']); break; case "Save": // update an existing link $bBlog->query("update " . T_LINKS . "\n set nicename='" . my_addslashes($_POST['nicename']) . "',\n url='" . my_addslashes($_POST['url']) . "',\n category='" . my_addslashes($_POST['category']) . "'\n where linkid=" . $_POST['linkid']); break; case "Up": $bBlog->query("update " . T_LINKS . " set position=position-15 where linkid=" . $_POST['linkid']); reorder_links(); break; case "Down": $bBlog->query("update " . T_LINKS . " set position=position+15 where linkid=" . $_POST['linkid']); reorder_links(); break; default: // show form break; } if (isset($_GET['catdo'])) { $catdo = $_GET['catdo']; } elseif (isset($_POST['catdo'])) { $catdo = $_POST['catdo']; } else { $catdo = ''; } switch ($catdo) { case "New": // add new category $bBlog->query("insert into " . T_CATEGORIES . "\n set name='" . my_addslashes($_POST['name']) . "'"); break; case "Delete": // delete category // have to remove all references to the category in the links $bBlog->query("update " . T_LINKS . "\n set linkid=0 where linkid=" . $_POST['categoryid']); // delete the category $bBlog->query("delete from " . T_CATEGORIES . " where categoryid=" . $_POST['categoryid']); break; case "Save": // update an existing category $bBlog->query("update " . T_CATEGORIES . "\n set name='" . my_addslashes($_POST['name']) . "'\n where categoryid=" . $_POST['categoryid']); break; default: // show form break; } $bBlog->assign('ecategories', $bBlog->get_results("select * from " . T_CATEGORIES)); $bBlog->assign('elinks', $bBlog->get_results("select * from " . T_LINKS . " order by position")); }