Exemplo n.º 1
  * Gets the date.
  * Returns a localized string "will be announced" if there's no date set.
  * Returns just one day if the timespan takes place on only one day.
  * Returns a date range if the timespan takes several days.
  * @param tx_seminars_Model_AbstractTimeSpan $timeSpan the timespan to get the date for
  * @param string $dash the character or HTML entity used to separate start date and end date
  * @return string the timespan date
 public function render(tx_seminars_Model_AbstractTimeSpan $timeSpan, $dash = '–')
     if (!$timeSpan->hasBeginDate()) {
         return $this->translator->translate('message_willBeAnnounced');
     $beginDate = $timeSpan->getBeginDateAsUnixTimeStamp();
     $endDate = $timeSpan->getEndDateAsUnixTimeStamp();
     // Is the timespan open-ended or does it span one day only?
     if (!$timeSpan->hasEndDate() || $this->isSameDay($beginDate, $endDate)) {
         return $this->getAsDateFormatYmd($beginDate);
     if ($this->configuration->getAsBoolean('abbreviateDateRanges')) {
         $formattedBeginDate = $this->getAsAbbreviatedDateRange($beginDate, $endDate, $dash);
     } else {
         $formattedBeginDate = $this->getAsDateFormatYmd($beginDate);
     return $formattedBeginDate . $dash . $this->getAsDateFormatYmd($endDate);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Returns the formatted countdown message using $countdownValue and $countdownText.
  * @param int $countdownValue
  * @param string $countdownText
  * @return string the formatted countdown message
 protected function getFormattedMessage($countdownValue, $countdownText)
     return sprintf($this->translator->translate('message_countdown'), $countdownValue, $countdownText);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @test
 public function renderWithBeginDateInTwoDaysReturnsTwoDaysLeft()
     $offset = 2 * 86400;
     self::assertSame(sprintf($this->translator->translate('message_countdown'), $offset, $this->translator->translate('countdown_days_plural')), $this->fixture->render($GLOBALS['SIM_ACCESS_TIME'] + $offset));
Exemplo n.º 4
  * @test
 public function renderWithTimeSpanWithNoDatesReturnMessageWillBeAnnounced()
     $timeSpan = new tx_seminars_tests_fixtures_TestingTimeSpan();
     self::assertSame($this->translator->translate('message_willBeAnnounced'), $this->fixture->render($timeSpan));