Exemplo n.º 1
  * Generates a custom forum category menu.
  * This function generates a custom navigation with a HMENU. This function can be included
  * as special.userfunc in HMENUs in TypoScript in order to display the mm_forum category
  * tree as a navigation line.
  * @param   string $content The content variable
  * @param   array  $conf    The configuration array
  * @return  array           An array containing a set of HMENU items
 function catMenu($content, $conf)
     $result = array();
     $forumPid = $conf['forumPID'] ? $conf['forumPID'] : $this->getForumPID();
     $categoryAction = $conf['categoryAction'] ? $conf['categoryAction'] : 'list_cat';
     $boardAction = $conf['boardAction'] ? $conf['boardAction'] : 'list_topic';
     $activeCategory = intval($this->piVars['cid']);
     $activeBoard = intval($this->piVars['fid']);
     $activeTopic = intval($this->piVars['tid']);
     if ($activeTopic && !$activeBoard) {
         $activeBoard = tx_mmforum_pi1::get_forum_id($activeTopic);
     $res = $this->databaseHandle->exec_SELECTquery('uid, forum_name AS name, parentID', 'tx_mmforum_forums', 'deleted = 0 AND hidden = 0' . $this->getStoragePIDQuery(), '', 'parentID ASC, sorting ASC');
     // compile every entry in the list
     while ($row = $this->databaseHandle->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
         // top level = categories
         if ($row['parentID'] == 0) {
             $linkParams = array('action' => $categoryAction, 'cid' => $row['uid']);
             $menuItem = array('id' => $row['uid'], 'title' => $row['name'], '_OVERRIDE_HREF' => $this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars_url($linkParams, 1, 1, $forumPid), 'ITEM_STATE' => $row['uid'] == $activeCategory ? 'ACT' : 'NO');
             $result[] = $menuItem;
         } else {
             // 2nd level == forums
             $linkParams = array('action' => $boardAction, 'fid' => $row['uid']);
             $menuItem = array('id' => $row['uid'], 'title' => $row['name'], '_OVERRIDE_HREF' => $this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars_url($linkParams, 1, 1, $forumPid), 'ITEM_STATE' => $row['uid'] == $activeBoard ? 'ACT' : 'NO');
             $forums[$row['parentID']][] = $menuItem;
     // if a "forum" (2nd level) is active, we need to find the parentID to highlight
     // the parentID as ACTIFSUB
     foreach ($forums as $parentID => $menuItems) {
         foreach ($menuItems as $menuItem) {
             if ($menuItem['ITEM_STATE'] == 'ACT') {
                 $activeCategory = $parentID;
     // unless we use special.expAll = 1, set the parentID to ACTIFSUB and add
     // the second level of the category menu
     foreach ($result as &$menuItem) {
         if (($menuItem['ITEM_STATE'] == 'ACT' || $menuItem['id'] == $activeCategory || $conf['expAll']) && is_array($forums[$menuItem['id']])) {
             $menuItem['_SUB_MENU'] = $forums[$menuItem['id']];
             $menuItem['ITEM_STATE'] = $menuItem['ITEM_STATE'] == 'ACT' || $menuItem['id'] == $activeCategory ? 'ACTIFSUB' : 'IFSUB';
     // we also need to have the option that the category automatically displays the first subcategory
     if ($conf['linkCatToFirstBoard']) {
         foreach ($result as &$menuItem) {
             if (is_array($forums[$menuItem['id']])) {
                 $firstBoard = reset($forums[$menuItem['id']]);
                 if (is_array($firstBoard)) {
                     $menuItem['_OVERRIDE_HREF'] = $firstBoard['_OVERRIDE_HREF'];
     return $result;