Exemplo n.º 1
  * Fetches the meta data from the index by a given file path or file info array and a hash value.
  * This can be used to find the meta data for a "lost" file so the file and meta data can be reconnected.
  * Index entries which have a current valid file but have the same hash value will be removed from the result.
  * It will be searched in deleted records too to find a related index entry.
  * This function returns an array of meta data arrays because it's possible to match more than one index entry!
  * The returned records may be related to an existing file! In that case changing the index entry will create a lost file again!
  * @param	mixed		$fileInfo Is a file path or an array containing a file info from tx_dam::file_compileInfo().
  * @param	string		$hash The hash value will be used to identify the file if the file name was not found. That can happen if the file was renamed or moved without index update.
  * @param	string		$fields A list of fields to be fetched. Default is a list of fields generated by tx_dam_db::getMetaInfoFieldList().
  * @param	string		$mode TYPO3_MODE to be used: 'FE', 'BE'. Constant TYPO3_MODE is default.
  * @return	array		Array of Meta data arrays or false.
 function meta_findDataForFile($fileInfo, $hash = '', $fields = '', $mode = TYPO3_MODE)
     $rows = false;
     if (!is_array($fileInfo)) {
         $fileInfo = tx_dam::file_compileInfo($fileInfo, true);
     if (is_array($fileInfo)) {
         if (!$hash and @is_file(tx_dam::file_absolutePath($fileInfo))) {
             $hash = tx_dam::file_calcHash($fileInfo);
         $fields = $fields ? $fields : tx_dam_db::getMetaInfoFieldList();
         $where = array();
         $where['enableFields'] = '';
         $where['file_name'] = 'file_name=' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($fileInfo['file_name'], 'tx_dam');
         $where['file_path'] = 'file_path=' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($fileInfo['file_path'], 'tx_dam');
         if ($hash) {
             $where['hash'] = 'file_hash=' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($hash, 'tx_dam');
         // max 3 tries to find the record
         // 1: hash, name and path
         // 2: hash, name
         // 3: by hash only
         for ($index = 0; $index < 3; $index++) {
             $rowsResult = tx_dam_db::getDataWhere($fields, $where, '', '', '1');
             if ($rowsResult) {
                 $rows = array();
                 foreach ($rowsResult as $row) {
                     // the file itself - we're done
                     if ($row['file_name'] == $fileInfo['file_name'] and $row['file_path'] == $fileInfo['file_path']) {
                         $rows[$row['uid']] = $row;
                     // a lost file
                     if (!@is_file(tx_dam::file_absolutePath($row))) {
                         $rows[$row['uid']] = $row;
             } else {
                 if (!$where['hash']) {
                     // just leave the for-loop if there's no hash
                 switch ($index) {
                     case 0:
                         // search for filename AND hash
                     case 1:
                         // search for hash only
                         break 2;
     return $rows;
  * Main function
  * @return	string		HTML output
 function main()
     $content = '';
     $table = 'tx_dam';
     // get records by query depending on option 'Show deselected only'
     $origSel = $this->pObj->selection->sl->sel;
     if ($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_onlyDeselected']) {
         if (is_array($this->pObj->selection->sl->sel['NOT']['txdamRecords'])) {
             $excludeUidList = array_keys($this->pObj->selection->sl->sel['NOT']['txdamRecords']);
         } else {
             $excludeUidList = array(0);
         if (is_array($excludeUidList)) {
             $this->pObj->selection->qg->query['WHERE']['WHERE']['NOT_txdamRecords'] = 'AND tx_dam.uid IN (' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->cleanIntList(implode(',', $excludeUidList)) . ')';
     } else {
         // will display deselected unset($this->pObj->selection->sl->sel['NOT']['txdamRecords']);
     $this->pObj->selection->sl->sel = $origSel;
     // set language query
     $langRows = $this->pObj->getLanguages($this->pObj->defaultPid);
     $langCurrent = intval($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_langSelector']);
     if (!isset($langRows[$langCurrent])) {
         $langCurrent = $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_langSelector'] = key($langRows);
     $langQuery = '';
     $languageField = $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['languageField'];
     if ($langCurrent && $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_langOverlay'] === 'exclusive') {
         // if ($langCurrent) { This works but create NULL columns for non-translated records so we need to use language overlay anyway
         $lgOvlFields = tx_dam_db::getLanguageOverlayFields($table, 'tx_dam_lgovl');
         $languageField = $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['languageField'];
         $transOrigPointerField = $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['transOrigPointerField'];
         $this->pObj->selection->qg->query['SELECT']['tx_dam as tx_dam_lgovl'] = implode(', ', $lgOvlFields) . ', tx_dam.uid as _dlg_uid, tx_dam.title as _dlg_title';
         $this->pObj->selection->qg->query['LEFT_JOIN']['tx_dam as tx_dam_lgovl'] = 'tx_dam.uid=tx_dam_lgovl.' . $transOrigPointerField;
         if ($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_langOverlay'] === 'exclusive') {
             $this->pObj->selection->qg->query['WHERE']['WHERE']['tx_dam_lgovl.' . $languageField] = 'AND tx_dam_lgovl.' . $languageField . '=' . $langCurrent;
             $this->pObj->selection->qg->query['WHERE']['WHERE']['tx_dam_lgovl.deleted'] = 'AND tx_dam_lgovl.deleted=0';
         } else {
             $this->pObj->selection->qg->query['WHERE']['WHERE']['tx_dam_lgovl.' . $languageField] = 'AND (tx_dam_lgovl.' . $languageField . ' IN (' . $langCurrent . ', 0, -1) )';
             $this->pObj->selection->qg->query['WHERE']['WHERE']['tx_dam_lgovl.deleted'] = 'AND (tx_dam_lgovl.sys_language_uid=1 OR tx_dam.sys_language_uid=0 )';
     } else {
         $this->pObj->selection->qg->query['WHERE']['WHERE']['tx_dam.' . $languageField] = 'AND tx_dam.' . $languageField . ' IN (0,-1)';
     // Add the current selection to the query
     #		$this->pObj->selection->addSelectionToQuery();
     // Use the current selection to create a query and count selected records
     // output header: info bar, result browser, ....
     $content .= $this->pObj->guiItems->getOutput('header');
     $content .= $this->pObj->doc->spacer(10);
     // any records found?
     if ($this->pObj->selection->pointer->countTotal) {
         // init db list object
         $dblist = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_dam_listrecords');
         $dblist->setParameterName('form', $this->pObj->formName);
         $dblist->setActionsEnv(array('currentLanguage' => $langCurrent, 'allowedLanguages' => $langRows));
         // process multi action if needed
         if ($processAction = $dblist->getMultiActionCommand()) {
             if ($processAction['onItems'] === '_all') {
                 $uidList = array();
                 $res = $this->pObj->selection->execSelectionQuery();
                 while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                     $uidList[] = $row['uid'];
                 $itemList = implode(',', $uidList);
             } else {
                 $itemList = $processAction['onItems'];
                 $uidList = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $itemList, true);
             if ($uidList) {
                 switch ($processAction['actionType']) {
                     case 'url':
                         $url = str_replace('###ITEMLIST###', $itemList, $processAction['action']);
                         header('Location: ' . $url);
                     case 'tce-data':
                         $params = '';
                         foreach ($uidList as $uid) {
                             $params .= str_replace('###UID###', $uid, $processAction['action']);
                         $url = $GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc->issueCommand($params, -1);
                         $url = $BACK_PATH . 'tce_db.php?&redirect=' . rawurlencode(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI')) . '&vC=' . $BE_USER->veriCode() . '&prErr=1&uPT=1' . $params;
                         header('Location: ' . $url);
         // set fields to display
         $titleColumn = $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['label'];
         $allFields = tx_dam_db::getFieldListForUser($table);
         $selectedFields = t3lib_div::_GP('tx_dam_list_list_displayFields');
         $selectedFields = is_array($selectedFields) ? $selectedFields : explode(',', $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_displayFields']);
         // remove fields that can not be selected
         if (is_array($selectedFields)) {
             $selectedFields = array_intersect($allFields, $selectedFields);
             $selectedFields = array_merge(array($titleColumn), $selectedFields);
         } else {
             $selectedFields = array();
             $selectedFields[] = $titleColumn;
         // store field list
         $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_displayFields'] = implode(',', $selectedFields);
         $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->pushModuleData($this->pObj->MCONF['name'], $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS);
         // set query and sorting
         $orderBy = $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['sortby'] ? 'tx_dam.' . $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['sortby'] : 'tx_dam.title';
         if ($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_sortField']) {
             if (in_array($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_sortField'], $allFields)) {
                 $orderBy = 'tx_dam.' . $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_sortField'];
                 if ($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_sortRev']) {
                     $orderBy .= ' DESC';
         $queryFieldList = tx_dam_db::getMetaInfoFieldList(false, $selectedFields);
         // exec query
         $res = $this->pObj->selection->execSelectionQuery();
         // init iterator for query
         $conf = array('table' => 'tx_dam', 'countTotal' => $this->pObj->selection->pointer->countTotal);
         if ($langCurrent > 0 and $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_langOverlay'] !== 'exclusive') {
             $dbIterator = new tx_dam_iterator_db_lang_ovl($res, $conf);
             $dbIterator->initLanguageOverlay($table, $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_langSelector']);
         } else {
             $dbIterator = new tx_dam_iterator_db($res, $conf);
         // make db list
         // add columns to list
         $cc = 0;
         foreach ($selectedFields as $field) {
             $fieldLabel = is_array($TCA[$table]['columns'][$field]) ? preg_replace('#:$#', '', $LANG->sL($TCA[$table]['columns'][$field]['label'])) : '[' . $field . ']';
             $dblist->addColumn($field, $fieldLabel);
             if ($cc == 1) {
                 // add control at second column
                 $dblist->addColumn('_CONTROL_', '');
         // enable display of action column
         $dblist->showActions = true;
         // enable display of multi actions
         $dblist->showMultiActions = $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_showMultiActions'];
         // enable context menus
         $dblist->enableContextMenus = $this->pObj->config_checkValueEnabled('contextMenuOnListItems', true);
         // Enable/disable display of thumbnails
         $dblist->showThumbs = $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_showThumb'];
         // Enable/disable display of AlternateBgColors
         $dblist->showAlternateBgColors = $this->pObj->config_checkValueEnabled('alternateBgColors', true);
         $dblist->setCurrentSorting($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_sortField'], $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_sortRev']);
         $dblist->setParameterName('sortField', 'SET[tx_dam_list_list_sortField]');
         $dblist->setParameterName('sortRev', 'SET[tx_dam_list_list_sortRev]');
         $this->pObj->doc->JScodeArray['dblist-JsCode'] = $dblist->getJsCode();
         // todo Clipboard
         // It is set, if the clickmenu-layer is active AND the extended view is not enabled.
         #			$dblist->dontShowClipControlPanels = $CLIENT['FORMSTYLE'] && !$BE_USER->uc['disableCMlayers'];
         #$content.= '<form action="'.htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::linkThisScript()).'" method="post" name="'.$dblist->paramName['form'].'">';
         // get all avalibale languages for the page
         if ($languageSwitch = $this->pObj->languageSwitch($langRows, intval($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_langSelector']))) {
             $this->pObj->markers['LANGUAGE_SELECT'] = '<div class="languageSwitch">' . $languageSwitch . '</div>';
         } else {
             $this->pObj->markers['LANGUAGE_SELECT'] = '';
         // wraps the list table with the form
         $content .= tx_dam_SCbase::getFormTag();
         $content .= $dblist->getListTable();
         $content .= '</form>';
         $fieldSelectBoxContent = $this->fieldSelectBox($table, $allFields, $selectedFields);
         $content .= $this->pObj->buttonToggleDisplay('fieldselector', $LANG->getLL('field_selector'), $fieldSelectBoxContent);
     } else {
         // no search result: showing selection box
         if ($languageSwitch = $this->pObj->languageSwitch($langRows, intval($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_langSelector']))) {
             $this->pObj->markers['LANGUAGE_SELECT'] = '<div class="languageSwitch">' . $languageSwitch . '</div>';
         } else {
             $this->pObj->markers['LANGUAGE_SELECT'] = '';
         // is in footer now $content .= $this->pObj->getCurrentSelectionBox();
     return $content;
  * Set the Information of the images if mode = dam
  * @param boolean $fromCategory
  * @return boolean
 protected function setDataDam($fromCategory = false, $table = 'tt_content', $uid = 0)
     // clear the imageDir
     $this->imageDir = '';
     // get all fields for captions
     $damCaptionFields = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $this->conf['damCaptionFields'], true);
     $damDescFields = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $this->conf['damDescFields'], true);
     $damHrefFields = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $this->conf['damHrefFields'], true);
     $fieldsArray = array_merge($damCaptionFields, $damDescFields, $damHrefFields);
     $fields = NULL;
     if (count($fieldsArray) > 0) {
         foreach ($fieldsArray as $field) {
             $fields .= ',tx_dam.' . $field;
     if ($fromCategory === true) {
         // Get the images from dam category
         $damcategories = $this->getDamcats($this->lConf['damcategories']);
         $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_mm_query(tx_dam_db::getMetaInfoFieldList() . $fields, 'tx_dam', 'tx_dam_mm_cat', 'tx_dam_cat', " AND tx_dam_cat.uid IN (" . implode(",", $damcategories) . ")", '', 'tx_dam.sorting', '');
         while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
             $images['rows'][] = $row;
     } else {
         // Get the images from dam
         $images = tx_dam_db::getReferencedFiles($table, $uid, 'imagecarousel', 'tx_dam_mm_ref', tx_dam_db::getMetaInfoFieldList() . $fields, '', '', 'tx_dam_mm_ref.sorting_foreign');
     if (count($images['rows']) > 0) {
         // overlay the translation
         $conf = array('sys_language_uid' => $this->sys_language_uid, 'lovl_mode' => '');
         // add image
         foreach ($images['rows'] as $key => $row) {
             $row = tx_dam_db::getRecordOverlay('tx_dam', $row, $conf);
             $absFileName = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName($row['file_path'] . $row['file_name']);
             $size = @getimagesize($absFileName);
             if (preg_match("/^image\\//i", $size['mime'])) {
                 // set the data
                 $this->images[] = $row['file_path'] . $row['file_name'];
                 ${$href} = '';
                 if (count($damHrefFields) > 0) {
                     foreach ($damHrefFields as $damHrefField) {
                         if (!isset($href) && trim($row[$damHrefField])) {
                             $href = $row[$damHrefField];
                 $this->hrefs[] = $href;
                 // set the caption
                 $caption = '';
                 if (count($damCaptionFields) > 0) {
                     if (isset($this->conf['damCaptionObject'])) {
                         foreach ($damCaptionFields as $damCaptionField) {
                             if (isset($row[$damCaptionField])) {
                                 $GLOBALS['TSFE']->register['dam_' . $damCaptionField] = $row[$damCaptionField];
                         $caption = trim($this->cObj->cObjGetSingle($this->conf['damCaptionObject'], $this->conf['damCaptionObject.']));
                         // Unset the registered values
                         foreach ($damCaptionFields as $damCaptionField) {
                             unset($GLOBALS['TSFE']->register['dam_' . $damCaptionField]);
                     } else {
                         // the old way
                         foreach ($damCaptionFields as $damCaptionField) {
                             if (!isset($caption) && trim($row[$damCaptionField])) {
                                 $caption = $row[$damCaptionField];
                 $this->captions[] = $caption;
                 // set the description
                 $description = '';
                 if (count($damDescFields) > 0) {
                     if (isset($this->conf['damDescObject'])) {
                         foreach ($damDescFields as $damDescField) {
                             if (isset($row[$damDescField])) {
                                 $GLOBALS['TSFE']->register['dam_' . $damDescField] = $row[$damDescField];
                         $description = trim($this->cObj->cObjGetSingle($this->conf['damDescObject'], $this->conf['damDescObject.']));
                         // Unset the registered values
                         foreach ($damDescFields as $damDescField) {
                             unset($GLOBALS['TSFE']->register['dam_' . $damDescField]);
                     } else {
                         // the old way
                         foreach ($damDescFields as $damDescField) {
                             if (!isset($description) && trim($row[$damDescField])) {
                                 $description = $row[$damDescField];
                 $this->description[] = $description;
     return true;
  * Hat der DAM Eintrag noch Referenzen?
  * @return 	bool
 public static function damRecordHasReferences($iLocalUid, $foreign_table = '', $foreign_uid = '', $MM_ident = '', $MM_table = 'tx_dam_mm_ref', $options = array())
     if (!self::isLoaded()) {
         return false;
     require_once t3lib_extMgm::extPath('dam') . 'lib/class.tx_dam_db.php';
     $fields = tx_dam_db::getMetaInfoFieldList();
     $res = tx_dam_db::referencesQuery('tx_dam', $iLocalUid, $foreign_table, $foreign_uid, $MM_ident, $MM_table, $fields);
     if ($res && ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res))) {
         return true;
     return false;
  * Creates a list of indexed files by uid
  * @param	string		$uidList Comma list of uid's
  * @param	mixed		$res DB result pointer. If set will be used to fetch records instead of the $uidList.
  * @return	array		Data
  * @todo this could be less lowlevel (media objects?)
 function compileItemArray($uidList, $res = FALSE)
     global $BACK_PATH, $LANG;
     $items = array();
     if ($res) {
         $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_data_seek($res, 0);
     } else {
         $infoFields = tx_dam_db::getMetaInfoFieldList();
         $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery($infoFields, 'tx_dam', 'tx_dam.uid IN (' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->cleanIntList($uidList) . ')');
     while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
         $items[$row['uid']] = array('uid' => $row['uid'], 'meta' => $row, 'meta_is_all' => 0, 'errors' => array());
     return $items;
  * "Finding" the files belonging to tx_dam records.
  * @param	string	The uid of the record from $table
  * @param	string	The filename (usually found in field "file_name")
  * @param	array	Parameters set for the softref parser key in TCA/columns (currently unused)
  * @return	array	Result array on positive matches, containing one or null results
 function findRef_dam_file($uid, $fileName, $spParams)
     $resultArray = array();
     $fileInfo = tx_dam::meta_getDataByUid($uid, tx_dam_db::getMetaInfoFieldList() . ', description');
     if ($fileInfo) {
         $file = $fileInfo['file_path'] . $fileInfo['file_name'];
         $tokenID = $this->makeTokenID(0);
         $resultArray = array('content' => '{softref:' . $tokenID . '}', 'elements' => array(0 => array('matchString' => $fileName, 'subst' => array('type' => 'file', 'tokenID' => $tokenID, 'tokenValue' => $fileName, 'relFileName' => $file, 'title' => $fileInfo['title'], 'description' => $fileInfo['description']))));
         if (!@is_file(tx_dam::file_absolutePath($fileInfo))) {
             // Finally, notice if the file does not exist.
             $resultArray['elements'][0]['error'] = 'File does not exist!';
     return $resultArray;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Make a list of files by a mm-relation to the tx_dam table which is used to get eg. the references tt_content<>tx_dam
  * 	Returns:
  * 	array (
  * 		'files' => array(
  * 			record-uid => 'fileadmin/example.jpg',
  * 		)
  * 		'rows' => array(
  * 			record-uid => array(meta data array),
  * 		)
  * 	);
  * @param	string		$foreign_table Table name to get references for. Eg tt_content
  * @param	integer		$foreign_uid The uid of the referenced record
  * @param	mixed		$MM_ident Array of field/value pairs that should match in MM table. If it is a string, it will be used as value for the field 'ident'.
  * @param	string		$MM_table The mm table to use. Default: tx_dam_mm_ref
  * @param	string		$fields The fields to select. Needs to be prepended with table name: tx_dam.uid, tx_dam.title
  * @param	array		$whereClauses WHERE clauses as array with associative keys (which can be used to overwrite 'enableFields') or a single one as string.
  * @param	string		$groupBy: ...
  * @param	string		$orderBy: ...
  * @param	string		$limit: Default: 1000
  * @return	array		...
 function getReferencedFiles($foreign_table = '', $foreign_uid = '', $MM_ident = '', $MM_table = 'tx_dam_mm_ref', $fields = '', $whereClauses = array(), $groupBy = '', $orderBy = '', $limit = 1000)
     $fields = $fields ? $fields : tx_dam_db::getMetaInfoFieldList();
     $local_table = 'tx_dam';
     $files = array();
     $rows = array();
     $res = tx_dam_db::referencesQuery($local_table, '', $foreign_table, $foreign_uid, $MM_ident, $MM_table, $fields, $whereClauses, $groupBy, $orderBy, $limit);
     if ($res) {
         while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
             $files[$row['uid']] = $row['file_path'] . $row['file_name'];
             $rows[$row['uid']] = $row;
     return array('files' => $files, 'rows' => $rows);
  * Makes a DAM db query and collects data to be used in EB display
  * @param	string		$allowedFileTypes Comma list of allowed file types
  * @param	string		$disallowedFileTypes Comma list of disallowed file types
  * @param	string		$mode EB mode: "db", "file", ...
  * @return	array		Array of file elements
 function getFileListArr($allowedFileTypes, $disallowedFileTypes, $mode)
     global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS, $TYPO3_DB;
     $filearray = array();
     // Use the current selection to create a query and count selected records
     $this->damSC->selection->qg->query['FROM']['tx_dam'] = tx_dam_db::getMetaInfoFieldList(true, array('hpixels', 'vpixels', $this->imgTitleDAMColumn, 'alt_text'));
     if ($allowedFileTypes) {
         $extList = '"' . implode('","', explode(',', $allowedFileTypes)) . '"';
         $this->damSC->selection->qg->addWhere('AND tx_dam.file_type IN (' . $extList . ')', 'WHERE', 'tx_dam.file_type');
     if ($disallowedFileTypes) {
         $extList = '"' . implode('","', explode(',', $disallowedFileTypes)) . '"';
         $this->damSC->selection->qg->addWhere('AND NOT tx_dam.file_type IN (' . $extList . ')', 'WHERE', 'NOT tx_dam.file_type');
     if ($this->act == 'plain') {
         $this->damSC->selection->qg->addWhere('AND tx_dam.hpixels <= ' . intval($this->plainMaxWidth), 'WHERE', 'tx_dam.hpixels');
         $this->damSC->selection->qg->addWhere('AND tx_dam.vpixels <= ' . intval($this->plainMaxHeight), 'WHERE', 'tx_dam.vpixels');
     // any records found?
     if ($this->damSC->selection->pointer->countTotal) {
         // limit query for browsing
         if ($this->damSC->selection->res) {
             while ($row = $TYPO3_DB->sql_fetch_assoc($this->damSC->selection->res)) {
                 $row['file_title'] = $row['title'] ? $row['title'] : $row['file_name'];
                 $row['file_path_absolute'] = tx_dam::path_makeAbsolute($row['file_path']);
                 $row['file_name_absolute'] = $row['file_path_absolute'] . $row['file_name'];
                 $row['__exists'] = @is_file($row['file_name_absolute']);
                 if ($mode == 'db') {
                     $row['_ref_table'] = 'tx_dam';
                     $row['_ref_id'] = $row['uid'];
                     $row['_ref_file_path'] = '';
                 } else {
                     $row['_ref_table'] = '';
                     $row['_ref_id'] = t3lib_div::shortMD5($row['file_name_absolute']);
                     $row['_ref_file_path'] = $row['file_name_absolute'];
                 $filearray[] = $row;
                 if (count($filearray) >= $this->damSC->selection->pointer->itemsPerPage) {
     return $filearray;
  * Main function
  * @return	string		HTML output
 function main()
     $content = '';
     $table = 'tx_dam';
     // get records by query depending on option 'Show deselected only'
     $origSel = $this->pObj->selection->sl->sel;
     if ($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_editsel_onlyDeselected']) {
         if (is_array($this->pObj->selection->sl->sel['NOT']['txdamRecords'])) {
             $ids = array_keys($this->pObj->selection->sl->sel['NOT']['txdamRecords']);
         } else {
             $ids = array(0);
         if (is_array($ids)) {
             $this->pObj->selection->qg->query['WHERE']['WHERE']['NOT_txdamRecords'] = 'AND tx_dam.uid IN (' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->cleanIntList(implode(',', $ids)) . ')';
     } else {
     $this->pObj->selection->sl->sel = $origSel;
     // Use the current selection to create a query and count selected records
     // output header: info bar, result browser, ....
     $content .= $this->pObj->guiItems->getOutput('header');
     $content .= $this->pObj->doc->spacer(10);
     // current selection box
     $content .= $this->pObj->getCurrentSelectionBox();
     $content .= $this->pObj->doc->spacer(25);
     // any records found?
     if ($this->pObj->selection->pointer->countTotal) {
         // set fields to display
         $titleColumn = $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['label'];
         $allFields = tx_dam_db::getFieldListForUser($table);
         $selectedFields = t3lib_div::_GP('tx_dam_list_list_displayFields');
         $selectedFields = is_array($selectedFields) ? $selectedFields : explode(',', $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_displayFields']);
         // remove fields that can not be selected
         if (is_array($selectedFields)) {
             $selectedFields = array_intersect($allFields, $selectedFields);
             $selectedFields = array_merge(array($titleColumn), $selectedFields);
         } else {
             $selectedFields = array();
             $selectedFields[] = $titleColumn;
         // store field list
         $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_displayFields'] = implode(',', $selectedFields);
         $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->pushModuleData($this->pObj->MCONF['name'], $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS);
         // set query and sorting
         $orderBy = $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['sortby'] ? 'tx_dam.' . $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['sortby'] : 'tx_dam.title';
         if ($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_sortField']) {
             if (in_array($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_sortField'], $allFields)) {
                 $orderBy = 'tx_dam.' . $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_sortField'];
                 if ($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_sortRev']) {
                     $orderBy .= ' DESC';
         $queryFieldList = tx_dam_db::getMetaInfoFieldList(false, $selectedFields);
         // exec query
         $res = $this->pObj->selection->execSelectionQuery();
         // init iterator for query
         $conf = array('table' => 'tx_dam', 'countTotal' => $this->pObj->selection->pointer->countTotal);
         $dbIterator = new tx_dam_iterator_db($res, $conf);
         // make db list
         $dblist = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_dam_listrecords');
         $dblist->init($table, $dbIterator);
         // add columns to list
         $cc = 0;
         foreach ($selectedFields as $field) {
             $fieldLabel = is_array($TCA[$table]['columns'][$field]) ? preg_replace('#:$#', '', $LANG->sL($TCA[$table]['columns'][$field]['label'])) : '[' . $field . ']';
             $dblist->addColumn($field, $fieldLabel);
             if ($cc == 1) {
                 // add control at second column
                 $dblist->addColumn('_CONTROL_', '');
         // enable display of action column
         $dblist->showActions = true;
         // enable context menus
         $dblist->enableContextMenus = true;
         // Enable/disable display of thumbnails
         $dblist->showThumbs = $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_showThumb'];
         // Enable/disable display of AlternateBgColors
         $dblist->showAlternateBgColors = $this->pObj->config_checkValueEnabled('alternateBgColors', true);
         $dblist->setCurrentSorting($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_sortField'], $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tx_dam_list_list_sortRev']);
         $dblist->setParameterName('sortField', 'SET[tx_dam_list_list_sortField]');
         $dblist->setParameterName('sortRev', 'SET[tx_dam_list_list_sortRev]');
         #$content.= '<form action="'.htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::linkThisScript()).'" method="post" name="dblistForm">';
         $content .= $dblist->getListTable();
         #$content.= '<input type="hidden" name="cmd_table"><input type="hidden" name="cmd"></form>';
         $fieldSelectBoxContent = $this->fieldSelectBox($table, $allFields, $selectedFields);
         $content .= $this->pObj->buttonToggleDisplay('fieldselector', $LANG->getLL('field_selector'), $fieldSelectBoxContent);
     return $content;
  * Makes a DAM db query and collects data to be used in EB display
  * @param	array		$allowedFileTypes Array list of allowed file types
  * @param	array		$disallowedFileTypes Array list of disallowed file types
  * @param	string		$mode EB mode: "db", "file", ...
  * @return	array		Array of file elements
 function getFileListArr($allowedFileTypes, $disallowedFileTypes, $mode)
     global $TCA;
     $filearray = array();
     // Use the current selection to create a query and count selected records
     $this->damSC->selection->qg->query['FROM']['tx_dam'] = tx_dam_db::getMetaInfoFieldList(true, array('hpixels', 'vpixels', 'caption'));
     // set sorting
     $allFields = tx_dam_db::getFieldListForUser('tx_dam');
     if ($this->damSC->MOD_SETTINGS['txdam_sortField']) {
         if (in_array($this->damSC->MOD_SETTINGS['txdam_sortField'], $allFields)) {
             $orderBy = 'tx_dam.' . $this->damSC->MOD_SETTINGS['txdam_sortField'];
     } else {
         $orderBy = $TCA['tx_dam']['ctrl']['sortby'] ? $TCA['tx_dam']['ctrl']['sortby'] : $TCA['tx_dam']['ctrl']['default_sortby'];
         $orderBy = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->stripOrderBy($orderBy);
         $this->damSC->MOD_SETTINGS['txdam_sortField'] = $orderBy;
     if ($this->damSC->MOD_SETTINGS['txdam_sortRev']) {
         $orderBy .= ' DESC';
     // allowed media types
     $allowedMediaTypes = array();
     $disallowedMediaTypes = array();
     foreach ($allowedFileTypes as $key => $type) {
         if ($mediaType = tx_dam::convert_mediaType($type)) {
             $allowedMediaTypes[] = $mediaType;
     foreach ($disallowedFileTypes as $key => $type) {
         if ($mediaType = tx_dam::convert_mediaType($type)) {
             $disallowedMediaTypes[] = $mediaType;
     if ($allowedFileTypes) {
         $extList = implode(',', $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteArray($allowedFileTypes, 'tx_dam'));
         $this->damSC->selection->qg->addWhere('AND tx_dam.file_type IN (' . $extList . ')', 'WHERE', 'tx_dam.file_type');
     if ($disallowedFileTypes) {
         $extList = implode(',', $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteArray($disallowedFileTypes, 'tx_dam'));
         $this->damSC->selection->qg->addWhere('AND tx_dam.file_type NOT IN (' . $extList . ')', 'WHERE', 'NOT tx_dam.file_type');
     if ($allowedMediaTypes) {
         $extList = implode(',', $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteArray($allowedMediaTypes, 'tx_dam'));
         $this->damSC->selection->qg->addWhere('AND tx_dam.media_type IN (' . $extList . ')', 'WHERE', 'tx_dam.media_type');
     if ($disallowedMediaTypes) {
         $extList = implode(',', $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteArray($disallowedMediaTypes, 'tx_dam'));
         $this->damSC->selection->qg->addWhere('AND tx_dam.media_type NOT IN (' . $extList . ')', 'WHERE', 'NOT tx_dam.media_type');
     // any records found?
     if ($this->damSC->selection->pointer->countTotal) {
         // limit query for browsing
         if ($this->damSC->selection->res) {
             while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($this->damSC->selection->res)) {
                 $row = $this->enhanceItemArray($row, $mode);
                 $filearray[] = $row;
                 if (count($filearray) >= $this->damSC->selection->pointer->itemsPerPage) {
     return $filearray;
  * Returns an array with reference items + an array with the sorted items
  * @param	string		$selection: reference to a selection object
  * @param	array		$columns: Array of column names required from the entries
  * @return	void
 function read(&$selection, $columns)
     $local_table = 'tx_dam';
     $softRef_table = 'sys_refindex';
     $tracking_table = 'tx_dam_file_tracking';
     // Use the current selection to create a query and count selected records
     $selection->qg->query['DISTINCT'] = false;
     $countTotal = 0;
     // Save selection where for softRef query
     $queryParts = $selection->qg->getQueryParts();
     $softRefWhere = $queryParts['WHERE'];
     // Look for references in mm table
     $selection->qg->queryAddMM($mm_table = 'tx_dam_mm_ref', $foreign_table = '', $local_table);
     $queryArr = $selection->qg->getQueryParts();
     $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryArr);
     if ($res) {
         list($countTotal) = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_row($res);
     // If we have a selection...
     if ($selection->sl->hasSelection()) {
         // Look for references in refindex table
         $fields = ' COUNT(' . $local_table . '.uid) as count';
         $res = tx_dam_db::softRefIndexQuery($local_table, '', '', '', '', '', $fields, array($softRefWhere));
         if ($res) {
             list($softRefCountTotal) = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_row($res);
             $countTotal += $softRefCountTotal;
         // Look for references in file tracking table
         $where = array($softRefWhere);
         $where[] = $tracking_table . '.file_hash=' . $local_table . '.file_hash';
         // use index to preselect records
         $where[] = $softRef_table . '.ref_string = CONCAT(' . $tracking_table . '.file_path,' . $tracking_table . '.file_name)';
         $where[] = $softRef_table . '.ref_string LIKE CONCAT(' . $tracking_table . '.file_path,' . $tracking_table . '.file_name)';
         $whereClause = implode(' AND ', $where);
         $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery($fields, $local_table . ',' . $tracking_table . ',' . $softRef_table, $whereClause, '', '', 1000);
         if ($res) {
             list($fileTrackingCountTotal) = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_row($res);
             $countTotal += $fileTrackingCountTotal;
     // If we have references..
     if ($countTotal) {
         $rows = array();
         // Get references from mm table
         $selection->qg->query['FROM'][$local_table] = tx_dam_db::getMetaInfoFieldList();
         $selection->qg->query['FROM']['tx_dam_mm_ref'] = 'tx_dam_mm_ref.uid_foreign,tx_dam_mm_ref.tablenames,tx_dam_mm_ref.ident';
         $selection->qg->addOrderBy('tablenames', 'tx_dam_mm_ref');
         $queryArr = $selection->qg->getQueryParts();
         $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryArr);
         if ($res) {
             while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                 $rows[] = $row;
         // Get soft references
         $queryParts = $selection->qg->getQueryParts();
         $fields = tx_dam_db::getMetaInfoFieldList() . ', ' . $softRef_table . '.tablename AS tablenames, ' . $softRef_table . '.recuid AS uid_foreign, ' . $softRef_table . '.ref_uid AS uid_local, ' . $softRef_table . '.field, ' . $softRef_table . '.softref_key';
         $res = tx_dam_db::softRefIndexQuery($local_table, '', '', '', '', '', $fields, array($softRefWhere), $queryParts['GROUPBY'], $queryParts['ORDERBY'], $queryParts['LIMIT']);
         if ($res) {
             while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                 $rows[] = $row;
         // Look for references in file tracking table
         $uids = array();
         $fields = $local_table . '.uid';
         $where = array($softRefWhere);
         $where[] = $tracking_table . '.file_hash=' . $local_table . '.file_hash';
         // use index to preselect records
         $where[] = $softRef_table . '.ref_string = CONCAT(' . $tracking_table . '.file_path,' . $tracking_table . '.file_name)';
         $where[] = $softRef_table . '.ref_string LIKE CONCAT(' . $tracking_table . '.file_path,' . $tracking_table . '.file_name)';
         $whereClause = implode(' AND ', $where);
         $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery($fields, $local_table . ',' . $tracking_table . ',' . $softRef_table, $whereClause, '', '', 1000);
         if ($res) {
             while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                 $uids[] = $row['uid'];
         // Get upload references
         $rows = array_merge($rows, tx_dam_db::getMediaUsageUploads(implode(',', array_unique($uids)), '', ''));
         // Post-process these rows to produce the reference entries array
         $this->processEntries($rows, $columns);
     // Set the pointer
     if (count($this->entries)) {