Exemplo n.º 1
function tracker_run()
    global $tweetQueue;
    $tweetQueue = new TweetQueue();
    $tweetQueue->setoption('replace', false);
        $tweetQueue->setoption('delayed', true);
        $tweetQueue->setoption('ignore', false);
    } else {
        $tweetQueue->setoption('ignore', true);
    if (!defined("CAPTURE")) {
        /* logged to no file in particular, because we don't know which one. this should not happen. */
        error_log("tracker_run() called without defining CAPTURE. have you set up config.php ?");
    $roles = unserialize(CAPTUREROLES);
    if (!in_array(CAPTURE, $roles)) {
        /* incorrect script execution, report back error to user */
        error_log("tracker_run() role " . CAPTURE . " is not configured to run");
    // log execution environment
    $phpstring = phpversion() . " in mode " . php_sapi_name() . " with extensions ";
    $extensions = get_loaded_extensions();
    $first = true;
    foreach ($extensions as $ext) {
        if ($first) {
            $first = false;
        } else {
            $phpstring .= ',';
        $phpstring .= "{$ext}";
    $phpstring .= " (ini file: " . php_ini_loaded_file() . ")";
    logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "running php version {$phpstring}");
    // install the signal handler
    if (function_exists('pcntl_signal')) {
        // tick use required as of PHP 4.3.0
        declare (ticks=1);
        // See signal method discussion:
        // http://darrendev.blogspot.nl/2010/11/php-53-ticks-pcntlsignal.html
        logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "installing term signal handler for this script");
        // setup signal handlers
        pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, "capture_signal_handler_term");
    } else {
        logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "your php installation does not support signal handlers. graceful reload will not work");
    // sanity check for geo bins functions
    if (geophp_sane()) {
        logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "geoPHP library is fully functional");
    } elseif (geobinsActive()) {
        logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "refusing to track until geobins are stopped or geo is functional");
    } else {
        logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "geoPHP functions are not yet available, see documentation for instructions");
    global $ratelimit, $exceeding, $ex_start, $last_insert_id;
    $ratelimit = 0;
    // rate limit counter since start of script
    $exceeding = 0;
    // are we exceeding the rate limit currently?
    $ex_start = 0;
    // time at which rate limit started being exceeded
    $last_insert_id = -1;
    global $twitter_consumer_key, $twitter_consumer_secret, $twitter_user_token, $twitter_user_secret, $lastinsert;
    $pid = getmypid();
    logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "started script " . CAPTURE . " with pid {$pid}");
    $lastinsert = time();
    $procfilename = BASE_FILE . "proc/" . CAPTURE . ".procinfo";
    if (file_put_contents($procfilename, $pid . "|" . time()) === FALSE) {
        logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "cannot register capture script start time (file \"{$procfilename}\" is not WRITABLE. make sure the proc/ directory exists in your webroot and is writable by the cron user)");
    $networkpath = isset($GLOBALS["HOSTROLE"][CAPTURE]) ? $GLOBALS["HOSTROLE"][CAPTURE] : 'https://stream.twitter.com/';
    // prepare queries
    if (CAPTURE == "track") {
        // check for geolocation bins
        $locations = geobinsActive() ? getActiveLocationsImploded() : false;
        // assemble query
        $querylist = getActivePhrases();
        if (empty($querylist) && !geobinsActive()) {
            logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "empty query list, aborting!");
        $method = $networkpath . '1.1/statuses/filter.json';
        $track = implode(",", $querylist);
        $params = array();
        if (geobinsActive()) {
            $params['locations'] = $locations;
        if (!empty($querylist)) {
            $params['track'] = $track;
    } elseif (CAPTURE == "follow") {
        $querylist = getActiveUsers();
        if (empty($querylist)) {
            logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "empty query list, aborting!");
        $method = $networkpath . '1.1/statuses/filter.json';
        $params = array("follow" => implode(",", $querylist));
    } elseif (CAPTURE == "onepercent") {
        $method = $networkpath . '1.1/statuses/sample.json';
        $params = array('stall_warnings' => 'true');
    logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "connecting to API socket");
    $tmhOAuth = new tmhOAuth(array('consumer_key' => $twitter_consumer_key, 'consumer_secret' => $twitter_consumer_secret, 'token' => $twitter_user_token, 'secret' => $twitter_user_secret, 'host' => 'stream.twitter.com'));
    $tmhOAuth->request_settings['headers']['Host'] = 'stream.twitter.com';
    if (CAPTURE == "track" || CAPTURE == "follow") {
        logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "connecting - query " . var_export($params, 1));
    } elseif (CAPTURE == "onepercent") {
        logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "connecting to sample stream");
    $capturebucket = array();
    $tmhOAuth->streaming_request('POST', $method, $params, 'tracker_streamCallback', array('Host' => 'stream.twitter.com'));
    // output any response we get back AFTER the Stream has stopped -- or it errors
    logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "stream stopped - error " . var_export($tmhOAuth, 1));
    logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "processing buffer before exit");
Exemplo n.º 2
 *      secret into the place in this code marked with (YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY
 * 3) From the application details page copy the access token and access token
 *      secret into the place in this code marked with (A_USER_TOKEN
 *      and A_USER_SECRET)
 * 4) In a terminal or server type:
 *      php /path/to/here/streaming.php
 * 5) To stop the Streaming API either press CTRL-C or, in the folder the
 *      script is running from type:
 *      touch STOP
 * @author themattharris
function my_streaming_callback($data, $length, $metrics)
    // Twitter sends keep alive's in their streaming API.
    // when this happens $data will appear empty.
    // ref: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/streaming-apis/messages#Blank_lines
    echo $data . PHP_EOL;
    return file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/STOP');
require '../tmhOAuth.php';
require '../tmhUtilities.php';
$tmhOAuth = new tmhOAuth(array('consumer_key' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY', 'consumer_secret' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET', 'user_token' => 'A_USER_TOKEN', 'user_secret' => 'A_USER_SECRET'));
$method = 'https://stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/filter.json';
// show Tweets which contan the word twitter OR have been geo-tagged within
// the bounding box -122.41,37.77,-122.40,37.78 OR are by themattharris
$params = array('track' => 'twitter', 'locations' => '-122.41,37.77,-122.40,37.78', 'follow' => '777925');
$tmhOAuth->streaming_request('POST', $method, $params, 'my_streaming_callback');
// output any response we get back AFTER the Stream has stopped -- or it errors
Exemplo n.º 3

require dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . './lib/tmhOAuth/tmhOAuth.php';
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . './oauth.php';
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . './action.php';
$tmhOAuth = new tmhOAuth(array("consumer_key" => $consumer_key, "consumer_secret" => $consumer_secret, "user_token" => $user_token, "user_secret" => $user_secret));
$method = "https://userstream.twitter.com/1.1/user.json";
$params = array();
$tmhOAuth->streaming_request('POST', $method, $params, 'filter_callback', true);
function filter_callback($data, $length, $metrics)
    global $tmhOAuth;
    @($res = json_decode($data));
    //各アクションを実行 必要ないものはコメントアウトしましょ
    /** えんくんのアレ **/
    Action::Event_Watch($tmhOAuth, $res);
    /** スクリーンネームとつぶやきを見る**/
    Action::Tweet_Watch($tmhOAuth, $res);
    /** らこらこらこ~w **/
    Action::Lacolacolaco($tmhOAuth, $res, @$your_screen_name);
 * [メモ]エラー時のレスポンス
 * [response][error] = connect() timed out!
 * [response][errno] = 28
 * 流れてくる情報は以下のURLを参照