Exemplo n.º 1
 $seat2 = new seat2();
 if ($func->isModActive('server')) {
     //Server auslesen
     $selections = array();
     $selections['0'] = t('Kein Server zugewiesen');
     $res = $db->qry("SELECT * FROM %prefix%server WHERE party_id = %int%", $party->party_id);
     while ($row = $db->fetch_array($res)) {
         $selections[$row['serverid']] = $row['caption'];
 $dsp->NewContent(t('Details der Partie %1 vs %2', $team1['name'], $team2['name']), t('Hier siehst du Details zu dieser Partie und kannst das Ergebnis eintragen.'));
 // Write Start and Enddate for each round
 $round_start = $tfunc->GetGameStart($tournament, $team1['round'], $team1['group_nr']);
 $round_end = $tfunc->GetGameEnd($tournament, $team1['round'], $team1['group_nr']);
 $dsp->AddDoubleRow(t('Spielzeit'), $func->unixstamp2date($round_start, "datetime") . " - " . $func->unixstamp2date($round_end, "datetime"));
 $dsp->AddDoubleRow(t('Map'), $map[abs(floor($team1['round'])) % count($map)]);
 if ($func->isModActive('server')) {
     $dsp->AddDoubleRow(t('Server'), '<a href="index.php?mod=server&action=show_details&serverid=' . $team1['server_id'] . '">' . $selections[$team1['server_id']] . '</a>');
 if ($func->isModActive('server') and $auth['type'] >= 2) {
     include_once 'inc/classes/class_masterform.php';
     $mf = new masterform();
     $mf->AddField(t('Server Zuweisen'), 'server_id', IS_SELECTION, $selections, FIELD_OPTIONAL);
     if ($mf->SendForm("index.php?mod=tournament2&action=submit_result&step=1&tournamentid=" . $tournamentid . "&gameid1=" . $gameid1 . "&gameid2=" . $gameid2, 't2_games', 'gameid', $gameid1)) {
         $db->qry("UPDATE %prefix%t2_games SET server_id = %int% WHERE gameid = %int%", $_POST['server_id'], $gameid2);
 $dsp->AddSingleRow("<b>" . t('Ergebnis melden') . "</b>");
Exemplo n.º 2
// Generate Table-head
$mintime = 9999999999;
$maxtime = 0;
$tournaments = $db->qry("SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(starttime) AS starttime\n  FROM %prefix%tournament_tournaments\n  WHERE party_id = %int% AND (%int% > 1 OR status != 'invisible')", $party->party_id, $auth['type']);
while ($tournament = $db->fetch_array($tournaments)) {
    // Calc Min-Time
    if ($tournament["starttime"] < $mintime) {
        $mintime = $tournament["starttime"];
    // Calc Max-Time
    $team_anz = $tfunc->GetTeamAnz($tournament["tournamentid"], $tournament["mode"]);
    $max_round = 1;
    for ($z = $team_anz / 2; $z >= 2; $z /= 2) {
    $endtime = $tfunc->GetGameEnd($tournament, $max_round);
    if ($endtime > $maxtime) {
        $maxtime = $endtime;
if ($maxtime > $mintime + 60 * 60 * 24 * 4) {
    $maxtime = $mintime + 60 * 60 * 24 * 4;
$head .= "<td><b>" . t('Turnier') . "</b></td>";
for ($z = $mintime; $z <= $maxtime; $z += 60 * 60 * 2) {
    $head .= "<td colspan = 4>" . $func->unixstamp2date($z, "time") . "</td>";
$smarty->assign('head', $head);
// Generate Table-foot
$rows = "";