$method = 'get_by_name';
echo "<pre>            {$method}('{$tcase_name}','{$tsuite_name}','{$tproject_name}')";
echo "</pre>";
$info = $tcase_mgr->{$method}($tcase_name, $tsuite_name, $tproject_name);
new dBug($info);
$tcase_id = 4;
echo "<pre> testcase - check_link_and_exec_status(\$id)";
echo "</pre>";
echo "<pre>            check_link_and_exec_status({$tcase_id})";
echo "</pre>";
$link_and_exec_status = $tcase_mgr->check_link_and_exec_status($tcase_id);
new dBug($link_and_exec_status);
echo "<pre> testcase - get_linked_versions(\$id,\$exec_status='ALL',\$active_status='ALL')";
echo "<pre>            get_linked_versions({$tcase_id})";
$linked_versions = $tcase_mgr->get_linked_versions($tcase_id);
new dBug($linked_versions);
$tcase_id = 4;
echo "<pre> testcase - get_testproject(\$id)";
echo "<pre>            get_testproject({$tcase_id})";
$testproject_id = $tcase_mgr->get_testproject($tcase_id);
new dBug("testproject id=" . $testproject_id);
$tcase_id = 4;
echo "<pre> testcase - get_last_version_info(\$id)";
echo "<pre>            get_last_version_info({$tcase_id})";
$last_version_info = $tcase_mgr->get_last_version_info($tcase_id);
new dBug($last_version_info);
echo "<pre> testcase - get_versions_status_quo(\$id,\$tcversion_id=null, \$testplan_id=null)";
echo "<pre>            get_versions_status_quo({$tcase_id})";
$status_quo = $tcase_mgr->get_versions_status_quo($tcase_id);
new dBug($status_quo);
Exemplo n.º 2
$tcase_all_info = $tcase_mgr->get_by_id($args->tcase_id, testcase::ALL_VERSIONS, null, $options);
if (!is_null($tcase_all_info)) {
    foreach ($tcase_all_info as $tcversion_info) {
        if ($tcversion_info['id'] == $args->tcversion_id) {
            $version = $tcversion_info['version'];
            $gui->pageTitle = lang_get('test_case') . ':' . $tcversion_info['name'];
            $gui->tcaseIdentity = $tproject_mgr->getTestCasePrefix($args->tproject_id);
            $gui->tcaseIdentity .= $glue . $tcversion_info['tc_external_id'] . ':' . $tcversion_info['name'];
// 20100514 - franciscom
// Why I'm filter on NOT_EXECUTED ??? -> this causes BUGID 3189
// $link_info = $tcase_mgr->get_linked_versions($args->tcase_id,'NOT_EXECUTED');
$link_info = $tcase_mgr->get_linked_versions($args->tcase_id);
// 20100124 - work only on ACTIVE TEST PLANS => array('plan_status' => 1)
if (!is_null($tplanSet = $tproject_mgr->get_all_testplans($args->tproject_id, array('plan_status' => 1)))) {
    $has_links = array_fill_keys(array_keys($tplanSet), false);
    $linked_tplans = null;
    if (!is_null($link_info)) {
        foreach ($link_info as $tcversion_id => $info) {
            foreach ($info as $tplan_id => $platform_info) {
                $has_links[$tplan_id] = true;
                foreach ($platform_info as $platform_id => $value) {
                    // $gui->tplans[$tplan_id][$platform_id]['tcversion_id']=$value['id'];
                    $linked_tplans[$tplan_id][$platform_id]['tcversion_id'] = $value['tcversion_id'];
                    $linked_tplans[$tplan_id][$platform_id]['version'] = $value['version'];
                    $linked_tplans[$tplan_id][$platform_id]['draw_checkbox'] = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * @internal revisions
function importTestPlanLinksFromXML(&$dbHandler, &$tplanMgr, $targetFile, $contextObj)
    //   <testplan>
    //     <name></name>
    //     <platforms>
    //       <platform>
    //         <name> </name>
    //         <internal_id></internal_id>
    //       </platform>
    //       <platform>
    //       ...
    //       </platform>
    //     </platforms>
    //     <executables>
    //       <link>
    //         <platform>
    //           <name> </name>
    //         </platform>
    //         <testcase>
    //           <name> </name>
    //           <externalid> </externalid>
    //           <version> </version>
    //           <execution_order> </execution_order>
    //         </testcase>
    //       </link>
    //       <link>
    //       ...
    //       </link>
    //     </executables>
    //   </testplan>
    // </xml>
    $msg = array();
    $labels = init_labels(array('link_without_required_platform' => null, 'ok' => null, 'link_without_platform_element' => null, 'no_platforms_on_tproject' => null, 'tcase_link_updated' => null, 'link_with_platform_not_needed' => null, 'tproject_has_zero_testcases' => null, 'platform_not_on_tproject' => null, 'platform_linked' => null, 'platform_not_linked' => null, 'tcase_doesnot_exist' => null, 'tcversion_doesnot_exist' => null, 'not_imported' => null, 'link_to_tplan_feedback' => null, 'link_to_platform' => null));
    // Double Check
    // Check if Test Plan Parent (Test Project) has testcases, if not abort
    $tprojectMgr = new testproject($dbHandler);
    $tprojectInfo = $tprojectMgr->get_by_id($contextObj->tproject_id);
    $tcasePrefix = $tprojectInfo['prefix'] . config_get('testcase_cfg')->glue_character;
    $tprojectHasTC = $tprojectMgr->count_testcases($contextObj->tproject_id) > 0;
    if (!$tprojectHasTC) {
        $msg[] = array(sprintf($labels['tproject_has_zero_testcases'], $tprojectInfo['name']), $labels['not_imported']);
        return $msg;
        // >>>-----> Bye
    $xml = @simplexml_load_file_wrapper($targetFile);
    if ($xml !== FALSE) {
        $tcaseMgr = new testcase($dbHandler);
        $tcaseSet = array();
        $tprojectMgr->get_all_testcases_id($contextObj->tproject_id, $tcaseSet, array('output' => 'external_id'));
        $tcaseSet = array_flip($tcaseSet);
        // Test Plan name will not be used
        // <testplan>  <name></name>
        // Platform definition info will not be used
        // I will try to link the platforms if are defined
        $status_ok = true;
        if (property_exists($xml, 'platforms')) {
            $platformMgr = new tlPlatform($dbHandler, $contextObj->tproject_id);
            $platformUniverse = $platformMgr->getAllAsMap();
            if (is_null($platformUniverse)) {
                $status_ok = false;
                $msg[] = array($labels['no_platforms_on_tproject'], $labels['not_imported']);
            } else {
                $platformUniverse = array_flip($platformUniverse);
                $op = processPlatforms($platformMgr, $tplanMgr, $platformUniverse, $xml->platforms, $labels, $contextObj->tplan_id);
                $status_ok = $op['status_ok'];
                $msg = $op['msg'];
        if ($status_ok && $xml->xpath('//executables')) {
            $tables = tlObjectWithDB::getDBTables(array('testplan_tcversions'));
            $platformSet = $tplanMgr->getPlatforms($contextObj->tplan_id, array('outputFormat' => 'mapAccessByName'));
            $targetHasPlatforms = count($platformSet) > 0;
            $xmlLinks = $xml->executables->children();
            $loops2do = count($xmlLinks);
            // new dBug($platformSet);
            for ($idx = 0; $idx < $loops2do; $idx++) {
                // if Target Test Plan has platforms and importing file NO => Fatal Error
                $targetName = null;
                $platformID = -1;
                $linkWithPlatform = false;
                $status_ok = false;
                $dummy_msg = null;
                $import_status = $labels['ok'];
                if ($platformElementExists = property_exists($xmlLinks[$idx], 'platform')) {
                    $targetName = trim((string) $xmlLinks[$idx]->platform->name);
                    $linkWithPlatform = $targetName != '';
                // echo "\$targetHasPlatforms:$targetHasPlatforms<br>";
                // echo "\$linkWithPlatform:$linkWithPlatform<br>";
                if ($targetHasPlatforms) {
                    // each link need to have platform or will not be imported
                    if ($linkWithPlatform && isset($platformSet[$targetName])) {
                        $platformID = $platformSet[$targetName]['id'];
                        $status_ok = true;
                        $dummy_msg = null;
                    } else {
                        $import_status = $labels['not_imported'];
                        if (!$platformElementExists) {
                            $dummy_msg = sprintf($labels['link_without_platform_element'], $idx + 1);
                        } else {
                            if (!$linkWithPlatform) {
                                $dummy_msg = sprintf($labels['link_without_required_platform'], $idx + 1);
                            } else {
                                $dummy_msg = sprintf($labels['platform_not_linked'], $idx + 1, $targetName, $contextObj->tplan_name);
                } else {
                    if ($linkWithPlatform) {
                        $import_status = $labels['not_imported'];
                        $dummy_msg = sprintf($labels['link_with_platform_not_needed'], $idx + 1);
                    } else {
                        $platformID = 0;
                        $status_ok = true;
                if (!is_null($dummy_msg)) {
                    $msg[] = array($dummy_msg, $import_status);
                // echo '$status_ok' . $status_ok . ' ' . __LINE__ . '<br>' ;
                if ($status_ok) {
                    $createLink = false;
                    $updateLink = false;
                    // Link passed ok check on platform
                    // Now we need to understand if requested Test case is present on Test Project
                    $externalID = (int) $xmlLinks[$idx]->testcase->externalid;
                    $tcaseName = (string) $xmlLinks[$idx]->testcase->name;
                    $execOrder = (int) $xmlLinks[$idx]->testcase->execution_order;
                    $version = (int) $xmlLinks[$idx]->testcase->version;
                    if (isset($tcaseSet[$externalID])) {
                        // now need to check if requested version exists
                        $dummy = $tcaseMgr->get_basic_info($tcaseSet[$externalID], array('number' => $version));
                        if (count($dummy) > 0) {
                            // Check :
                            // for same test plan there is a different version already linked ?
                            // if YES => error.
                            $lvFilters = array('tplan_id' => $contextObj->tplan_id);
                            $linkedVersions = $tcaseMgr->get_linked_versions($dummy[0]['id'], $lvFilters);
                            $updateLink = false;
                            $doUpdateFeedBack = true;
                            // TICKET 5189: Import a test plan does not import test cases execution order
                            // new dBug($linkedVersions);
                            if (!($createLink = is_null($linkedVersions))) {
                                // Now need to understand if is already linked with this signature.
                                if (!isset($linkedVersions[$dummy[0]['tcversion_id']])) {
                                    //echo 'CREATE';
                                    $createLink = true;
                                } else {
                                    // linked platforms
                                    $createLink = false;
                                    $updateLink = false;
                                    $plat_keys = array_keys($linkedVersions[$dummy[0]['tcversion_id']][$contextObj->tplan_id]);
                                    $plat_keys = array_flip($plat_keys);
                                    if (isset($plat_keys[$platformID])) {
                                        $updateLink = true;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($platformID == 0) {
                                            // User request to add without platform, but platforms exist => SKIP
                                            $msg[] = array('platform 0 missing messages', $labels['not_imported']);
                                        } else {
                                            $createLink = true;
                            if ($createLink) {
                                // Create link
                                // function link_tcversions($id,&$items_to_link,$userId)
                                $item2link['items'] = array($dummy[0]['id'] => array($platformID => $dummy[0]['tcversion_id']));
                                $item2link['tcversion'] = array($dummy[0]['id'] => $dummy[0]['tcversion_id']);
                                $tplanMgr->link_tcversions($contextObj->tplan_id, $item2link, $contextObj->userID);
                                $dummy_msg = sprintf($labels['link_to_tplan_feedback'], $externalID, $version);
                                if ($platformID > 0) {
                                    $dummy_msg .= sprintf($labels['link_to_platform'], $targetName);
                                $msg[] = array($dummy_msg, $labels['ok']);
                                // TICKET 5189: Import a test plan does not import test cases execution order
                                $updateLink = true;
                                $doUpdateFeedBack = false;
                            if ($updateLink) {
                                $newOrder = array($dummy[0]['tcversion_id'] => $execOrder);
                                $tplanMgr->setExecutionOrder($contextObj->tplan_id, $newOrder);
                                if ($doUpdateFeedBack) {
                                    $dummy_msg = sprintf($labels['tcase_link_updated'], $tcasePrefix . $externalID . ' ' . $tcaseName, $version);
                                    $msg[] = array($dummy_msg, $labels['ok']);
                        } else {
                            $msg[] = array(sprintf($labels['tcversion_doesnot_exist'], $externalID, $version, $tprojectInfo['name']));
                    } else {
                        $msg[] = array(sprintf($labels['tcase_doesnot_exist'], $externalID, $tprojectInfo['name']));
                    // echo '<pre><xmp>';
                    // var_dump($xmlLinks[$idx]->testcase);
                    // echo 'TCBAME' . (string)$xmlLinks[$idx]->testcase->name;
                    // echo '</xmp></pre>';
    return $msg;