Exemplo n.º 1
  * Return the path to the gs binary if one exists and is executable, or null.
  * (ref: movie::find_ffmpeg())
 static function find_gs()
     if (!($gs_path = module::get_var("pdf", "gs_path")) || !@is_executable($gs_path)) {
         $gs_path = system::find_binary("gs", module::get_var("gallery", "graphics_toolkit_path"));
         module::set_var("pdf", "gs_path", $gs_path);
     return $gs_path;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Return the path to the ffmpeg binary if one exists and is executable, or null.
 static function find_ffmpeg()
     if (!($ffmpeg_path = module::get_var("gallery", "ffmpeg_path")) || !file_exists($ffmpeg_path)) {
         $ffmpeg_path = system::find_binary("ffmpeg", module::get_var("gallery", "graphics_toolkit_path"));
         module::set_var("gallery", "ffmpeg_path", $ffmpeg_path);
     return $ffmpeg_path;
 static function detect_dcraw()
     $dcraw = new stdClass();
     $path = system::find_binary("dcraw");
     if (empty($path)) {
         $dcraw->installed = false;
         $dcraw->error = t("The <em>dcraw</em> tool could not be located on your system.");
     } else {
         $dcraw->path = $path;
         if (!@is_file($path)) {
             $dcraw->installed = false;
             $dcraw->error = t("The <em>dcraw</em> tool is installed, " . "but PHP's <code>open_basedir</code> restriction " . "prevents Gallery from using it.");
         } else {
             if (!preg_match('/^Raw [Pp]hoto [Dd]ecoder(?: "dcraw")? v(\\S+)$/m', shell_exec(escapeshellcmd($path) . " 2>&1"), $matches)) {
                 $dcraw->installed = false;
                 $dcraw->error = t("The <em>dcraw</em> tool is installed, " . "but the version is not recognized.");
             } else {
                 $dcraw->version = $matches[1];
                 $dcraw->installed = true;
     return $dcraw;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Detect which graphics toolkits are available on this system.  Return an array of key value
  * pairs where the key is one of gd, imagemagick, graphicsmagick and the value is information
  * about that toolkit.  For GD we return the version string, and for ImageMagick and
  * GraphicsMagick we return the path to the directory containing the appropriate binaries.
 static function detect_toolkits()
     $toolkits = new stdClass();
     $toolkits->gd = new stdClass();
     $toolkits->imagemagick = new stdClass();
     $toolkits->graphicsmagick = new stdClass();
     // GD is special, it doesn't use exec()
     $gd = function_exists("gd_info") ? gd_info() : array();
     $toolkits->gd->name = "GD";
     if (!isset($gd["GD Version"])) {
         $toolkits->gd->installed = false;
         $toolkits->gd->error = t("GD is not installed");
     } else {
         $toolkits->gd->installed = true;
         $toolkits->gd->version = $gd["GD Version"];
         $toolkits->gd->rotate = function_exists("imagerotate");
         $toolkits->gd->sharpen = function_exists("imageconvolution");
         $toolkits->gd->binary = "";
         $toolkits->gd->dir = "";
         if (!$toolkits->gd->rotate && !$toolkits->gd->sharpen) {
             $toolkits->gd->error = t("You have GD version %version, but it lacks image rotation and sharpening.", array("version" => $gd["GD Version"]));
         } else {
             if (!$toolkits->gd->rotate) {
                 $toolkits->gd->error = t("You have GD version %version, but it lacks image rotation.", array("version" => $gd["GD Version"]));
             } else {
                 if (!$toolkits->gd->sharpen) {
                     $toolkits->gd->error = t("You have GD version %version, but it lacks image sharpening.", array("version" => $gd["GD Version"]));
     if (!function_exists("exec")) {
         $toolkits->imagemagick->installed = false;
         $toolkits->imagemagick->error = t("ImageMagick requires the <b>exec</b> function");
         $toolkits->graphicsmagick->installed = false;
         $toolkits->graphicsmagick->error = t("GraphicsMagick requires the <b>exec</b> function");
     } else {
         // ImageMagick & GraphicsMagick
         $magick_kits = array("imagemagick" => array("name" => "ImageMagick", "binary" => "convert", "version_arg" => "-v", "version_regex" => "/Version: \\S+ (\\S+)/"), "graphicsmagick" => array("name" => "GraphicsMagick", "binary" => "gm", "version_arg" => "version", "version_regex" => "/\\S+ (\\S+)/"));
         // Loop through the kits
         foreach ($magick_kits as $index => $settings) {
             $path = system::find_binary($settings["binary"], module::get_var("gallery", "graphics_toolkit_path"));
             $toolkits->{$index}->name = $settings["name"];
             if ($path) {
                 if (@is_file($path) && preg_match($settings["version_regex"], shell_exec($path . " " . $settings["version_arg"]), $matches)) {
                     $version = $matches[1];
                     $toolkits->{$index}->installed = true;
                     $toolkits->{$index}->version = $version;
                     $toolkits->{$index}->binary = $path;
                     $toolkits->{$index}->dir = dirname($path);
                     $toolkits->{$index}->rotate = true;
                     $toolkits->{$index}->sharpen = true;
                 } else {
                     $toolkits->{$index}->installed = false;
                     $toolkits->{$index}->error = t("%toolkit_name is installed, but PHP's open_basedir restriction prevents Gallery from using it.", array("toolkit_name" => $settings["name"]));
             } else {
                 $toolkits->{$index}->installed = false;
                 $toolkits->{$index}->error = t("We could not locate %toolkit_name on your system.", array("toolkit_name" => $settings["name"]));
     return $toolkits;