function _autolink_content($id, $content, $links, $limit, &$count, &$link_count, $round = 1, $linked_urls = array(), $context = 'the_content')
     $links = array_values($links);
     $count = 0;
     if (!is_array($link_count)) {
         $link_count = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($links as $data) {
         if (!isset($link_count[$i])) {
             $link_count[$i] = 0;
     if (!$this->get_setting('autolink_posttype_' . get_post_type($id))) {
         return $content;
     if ($this->get_postmeta('disable_autolinks', $id)) {
         return $content;
     $limit_enabled = $this->get_setting('limit_lpp', false);
     if ($limit_enabled && $limit < 1) {
         return $content;
     $oldlimit = $limit;
     $lpa_limit_enabled = $this->get_setting('limit_lpa', false);
     $lpa_limit = $lpa_limit_enabled ? $this->get_setting('limit_lpa_value', 5) : -1;
     $lpu_limit_enabled = $this->get_setting('limit_lpu', false);
     $lpu_limit = $lpu_limit_enabled ? $this->get_setting('limit_lpu_value', 1) : -1;
     $from_post_type = get_post_type();
     $dest_limit = $from_post_type ? (bool) $this->get_setting('dest_limit_' . $from_post_type, false) : false;
     $dest_limit_taxonomies = array();
     if ($dest_limit) {
         $from_post_type_taxonomies = suwp::get_object_taxonomy_names($from_post_type);
         foreach ($from_post_type_taxonomies as $from_post_type_taxonomy) {
             if ($this->get_setting('dest_limit_' . $from_post_type . '_within_' . $from_post_type_taxonomy, false)) {
                 $dest_limit_taxonomies[] = $from_post_type_taxonomy;
     $autolink_class = $this->get_setting('autolink_class', '');
     $post = get_post($id);
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($links as $data) {
         $anchor = $data['anchor'];
         $to_id = su_esc_attr($data['to_id']);
         if (strlen(trim($anchor)) && $to_id !== 0 && $to_id != 'http://') {
             //*** Begin sitewide links-per-anchor dampening effect ***
             //Get the dampening percentage for this link, but only if per-link values are enabled
             if ($this->get_setting('enable_perlink_dampen_sitewide_lpa', false)) {
                 $link_dswlpa = $data['dampen_sitewide_lpa'];
             } else {
                 $link_dswlpa = false;
             if (false === $link_dswlpa) {
                 //We need the === operator here so we don't match a zero
                 //There's no per-link value, so get the default, if a default value is specified and enabled
                 if ($this->get_setting('dampen_sitewide_lpa', false)) {
                     $link_dswlpa = $this->get_setting('dampen_sitewide_lpa_value', 0);
                 } else {
                     $link_dswlpa = false;
                 //Indicates there's neither a per-link value or a default value available
             if (false !== $link_dswlpa) {
                 $link_dswlpa = absint($link_dswlpa);
                 if ($link_dswlpa == 0) {
                 if ($link_dswlpa > 100) {
                     $link_dswlpa = 100;
                 //Rather than generating a random number, we use the MD5s of the anchor and the post's ID.
                 //This gives us a quasi-random dampening effect that will turn out the same way for any given post each time the dampener is applied.
                 //We don't want a post's autolinks changing every time the post is viewed.
                 $md5starts = array_slice(array_unique(str_split(md5($anchor))), 0, intval(round(16 * (1 - $link_dswlpa / 100))));
                 //Only apply this autolink if the MD5 of the post's ID starts with one of the allowed characters
                 if (!in_array(substr(md5($id), 0, 1), $md5starts)) {
                 //Don't apply autolink; continue to next item in the $links foreach loop
             //*** End sitewide LPA dampener ***
             $type = $data['to_type'];
             if (sustr::startswith($type, 'posttype_')) {
                 $to_id = intval($to_id);
                 $to_post = get_post($to_id);
                 if (get_post_status($to_id) != 'publish') {
                 if (count($dest_limit_taxonomies)) {
                     $shares_term = false;
                     foreach ($dest_limit_taxonomies as $dest_limit_taxonomy) {
                         $from_terms = suarr::flatten_values(get_the_terms(null, $dest_limit_taxonomy), 'term_id');
                         if (is_object_in_taxonomy($to_post, $dest_limit_taxonomy)) {
                             $to_terms = suarr::flatten_values(get_the_terms($to_id, $dest_limit_taxonomy), 'term_id');
                         } else {
                             $to_terms = array();
                         if (count(array_intersect($from_terms, $to_terms))) {
                             $shares_term = true;
                     if (!$shares_term) {
                 $url = get_permalink($to_id);
             } elseif ($type == 'url') {
                 $url = $to_id;
             } else {
                 $url = $this->jlsuggest_value_to_url($to_id ? "obj_{$type}/{$to_id}" : "obj_{$type}");
             if (!is_string($url)) {
             if (!$this->get_setting('enable_current_url_links', false) && suurl::equal($url, suurl::current())) {
             if (!$this->get_setting('enable_self_links', false) && is_singular() && suurl::equal($url, get_permalink())) {
             if ($lpu_limit_enabled && isset($linked_urls[$url]) && $linked_urls[$url] >= $lpu_limit) {
             $rel = $data['nofollow'] ? ' rel="nofollow"' : '';
             $target = $data['target'] == 'blank' ? ' target="_blank"' : '';
             $title = strlen($titletext = su_esc_attr($data['title'])) ? " title=\"{$titletext}\"" : '';
             $class = $autolink_class ? ' class="' . su_esc_attr($autolink_class) . '"' : '';
             $a_url = su_esc_attr($url);
             $h_anchor = esc_html($anchor);
             $link = "<a href=\"{$a_url}\"{$title}{$rel}{$target}{$class}>\$1</a>";
             $lpa_lpu_limits = array();
             if ($lpa_limit_enabled) {
                 $lpa_lpu_limits[] = $lpa_limit;
             if ($lpu_limit_enabled) {
                 $lpa_lpu_limits[] = $lpu_limit;
             $lpa_lpu_limits = count($lpa_lpu_limits) ? sunum::lowest($lpa_lpu_limits) : -1;
             $content = sustr::htmlsafe_str_replace($h_anchor, $link, $content, $limit_enabled ? 1 : $lpa_lpu_limits, $new_count, $this->get_linkfree_tags());
             $link_count[$i] += $new_count;
             $count += $new_count;
             if ($lpu_limit_enabled) {
                 if (isset($linked_urls[$url])) {
                     $linked_urls[$url] += $new_count;
                 } else {
                     $linked_urls[$url] = $new_count;
             if ($limit_enabled) {
                 $limit -= $new_count;
                 if ($limit < 1) {
                     return $content;
     if ($limit_enabled && $limit < $oldlimit && $round < $lpa_limit) {
         $content = $this->_autolink_content($id, $content, $links, $limit, $count, $link_count, $round + 1, $linked_urls, $context);
     return $content;