Exemplo n.º 1
 public static function showed(Event $event)
      * @var $request Request
     $q = self::find();
     $request = Yii::$app->request;
     if ($request->getIsRobot()) {
         return null;
     $ip = Yii::$app->request->getUserIP() ? ip2long(Yii::$app->request->getUserIP()) : null;
     $userId = !Yii::$app->user->isGuest ? Yii::$app->user->id : null;
     if (!$ip) {
         return false;
     $q->where(['and', ['or', ['=', 'ip', $ip], ['=', 'user_id', $userId]], ['=', 'event_id', $event->id]]);
     if (!$q->exists()) {
         $obj = new static();
         $obj->ip = $ip;
         $obj->user_id = $userId;
         $obj->event_id = $event->id;
         $obj->referrer = $request->getReferrer();
         return $obj->insert(false);
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Clone an item.  Data from $values takes precedence of data from cloned object.
  * @param unknown_type $mapper
  * @param unknown_type $values
  * @param unknown_type $options
 public function saveAs($document = array(), $options = array())
     $item_data = $this->cast();
     // preserve any key=>values from the original item that are not in the new document array
     $new_values = array_merge($document, array_diff_key($item_data, $document));
     if ($existing = $this->pathExists($this->path)) {
         if ($new_values['title'] == $existing->title) {
             //THEY CHANGED THE TITLE SO lets unset slug and path and regenerate
         } else {
             //Set path to something like string/string-2
             $i = 2;
             do {
                 $new_values['slug'] = $new_values['slug'] . '-' . $i;
                 $new_values['path'] = $this->path . '-' . $i;
                 if ($this->pathExists($new_values['path'])) {
                 } else {
                     $i = false;
             } while ($i);
         if ($new_values['details']['url'] == $existing->{'details.url'}) {
             //TODO I am not sure if we should append this as well or just alert them, I assume they would clone it to make a simliar URL so adding text to it could be annoying
             \Dsc\System::instance()->addMessage('Item shares a URL with another menu Item be sure to change it', 'warning');
     $item = new static($new_values);
     return $item->insert(array(), $options);
  * @param TypeDoc $type
  * @param $version
 public static function createRecord($type, $version)
     /** @var SearchApiType $model */
     $model = new static();
     $model->version = $version;
     $model->name = $type->name;
     $model->namespace = $type->namespace;
     $model->shortDescription = $type->shortDescription;
     $model->description = $type->description;
     $model->since = $type->since;
     $model->deprecatedSince = $type->deprecatedSince;
     $model->deprecatedReason = $type->deprecatedReason;
     if ($type instanceof ClassDoc) {
         $model->type = 'class';
     } elseif ($type instanceof InterfaceDoc) {
         $model->type = 'interface';
     } elseif ($type instanceof TraitDoc) {
         $model->type = 'trait';
     if ($type->methods !== null) {
         foreach ($type->methods as $method) {
             if ($method->visibility === 'private') {
             SearchApiPrimitive::createRecord($model, $method, $version);
     if ($type->properties !== null) {
         foreach ($type->properties as $property) {
             if ($property->visibility === 'private') {
             SearchApiPrimitive::createRecord($model, $property, $version);
     if ($type instanceof ClassDoc) {
         foreach ($type->constants as $const) {
             SearchApiPrimitive::createRecord($model, $const, $version);
         foreach ($type->events as $event) {
             SearchApiPrimitive::createRecord($model, $event, $version);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Приивязывает теги к элементам
  * @param Event| $obj  Связывает данные модели в БД с тегом, зависит от класса переданной модели
  * @param        array [string]  $tags Массив с тегами,
  * @return int
  * @throws \Exception
  * @throws \yii\db\Exception
 public static function bind($obj, array $tags)
      * @var \common\models\Tag[] $existsTag
     $tagsS = static::filter($tags);
     $tags = [];
     foreach ($tagsS as $tag) {
         $tags[mb_strtolower($tag)] = $tag;
     if (empty($tags)) {
         return false;
     $existsTag = static::find()->where(['name' => array_values($tags)])->all();
     if ($obj instanceof Event) {
         // если тэг привязываем к событию(в будущем возможно теги будем привязывать к другим сущностям)
         $updatedTag = [];
         $rows = [];
         //сначала записываем существующие теги
         foreach ($existsTag as $ex) {
             $updatedTag[] = $ex->id;
             $rows[] = [$ex->id, $obj->id];
         foreach ($tags as $tag) {
             $tagModel = new static(['name' => $tag]);
             if ($tagModel->id) {
                 $rows[] = [$tagModel->id, $obj->id];
         if (!empty($updatedTag)) {
             Yii::$app->db->createCommand('UPDATE tag SET popularity=popularity+1 WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', $updatedTag) . ')')->execute();
         return Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert(TagEvent::tableName(), ['tag_id', 'event_id'], $rows)->execute();
  * @param ApiType $parent
  * @param MethodDoc|PropertyDoc|ConstDoc|EventDoc $primitive
  * @param $version
 public static function createRecord($parent, $primitive, $version)
     /** @var SearchApiPrimitive $model */
     $model = new static();
     $model->version = $version;
     $model->name = $primitive->name;
     $model->parentId = $parent->getPrimaryKey();
     $model->shortDescription = $primitive->shortDescription;
     $model->description = $primitive->description;
     $model->since = $primitive->since;
     $model->deprecatedSince = $primitive->deprecatedSince;
     $model->deprecatedReason = $primitive->deprecatedReason;
     $model->definedBy = $primitive->definedBy;
     if ($primitive instanceof MethodDoc) {
         $model->type = 'method';
         $model->visibility = $primitive->visibility;
         $model->isStatic = $primitive->isStatic;
         $model->isAbstract = $primitive->isAbstract;
         $model->isFinal = $primitive->isFinal;
         $params = [];
         foreach ($primitive->params as $param) {
             $params[] = ['name' => $param->name, 'description' => $param->description, 'isOptional' => $param->isOptional, 'defaultValue' => $param->defaultValue, 'isPassedByReference' => $param->isPassedByReference, 'typeHint' => $param->typeHint, 'types' => $param->types];
         $model->params = $params;
         $exceptions = [];
         foreach ($primitive->exceptions as $name => $description) {
             $exceptions[] = ['name' => $name, 'description' => $description];
         $model->exceptions = $exceptions;
         $model->return = $primitive->return;
         $model->returnTypes = $primitive->returnTypes;
         $model->isReturnByReference = $primitive->isReturnByReference;
     } elseif ($primitive instanceof PropertyDoc) {
         $model->type = 'property';
         $model->writeOnly = $primitive->isWriteOnly;
         $model->readOnly = $primitive->isReadOnly;
         $model->types = $primitive->types;
         $model->defaultValue = $primitive->defaultValue;
         $model->setter = $primitive->setter ? $primitive->setter->name : null;
         $model->getter = $primitive->getter ? $primitive->getter->name : null;
     } elseif ($primitive instanceof ConstDoc) {
         $model->type = 'const';
         $model->value = $primitive->value;
     } elseif ($primitive instanceof EventDoc) {
         $model->type = 'event';
         $model->value = $primitive->value;
     $model->insert(false, null, ['op_type' => 'create', 'parent' => $model->parentId]);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * @param \nodge\eauth\ServiceBase $service
  * @return User
  * @throws ErrorException
 public static function findByEAuth($service)
     if (!$service->getIsAuthenticated()) {
         throw new ErrorException('Авторизован.');
      * @var $social    UserSocial
      * @var $socialOth UserSocial
     $email = $service->getAttribute('email');
     $social = UserSocial::findOne(['service' => $service->getServiceName(), 'service_id' => "{$service->getId()}"]);
     if ($social) {
         return $social->user;
     $socialOth = $email ? UserSocial::findOne(['email' => $email]) : false;
     $user = User::findOne(['email' => $email]);
     if (!$user) {
         if (!$socialOth) {
             $user = new static(['username' => $service->getAttribute('name'), 'email' => $email, 'auth_key' => Yii::$app->security->generateRandomString()]);
         } else {
             $user = $socialOth->user;
     $social = new UserSocial(['service' => $service->getServiceName(), 'service_id' => $service->getId(), 'user_id' => $user->id, 'email' => $user->email]);
     return $user;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Clone an item.  Data from $values takes precedence of data from cloned object.
  * @param unknown_type $mapper
  * @param unknown_type $values
  * @param unknown_type $options
 public function saveAs($document = array(), $options = array())
     $item_data = $this->cast();
     // preserve any key=>values from the original item that are not in the new document array
     $new_values = array_merge($document, array_diff_key($item_data, $document));
     $item = new static($new_values);
     return $item->insert(array(), $options);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Create table rows in bulk mode.
  * @param array $batch and array of column-value pairs.
  * @return int The number of affected rows.
  * @throws Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception
 public static function bulkInsert(array $batch)
     $table = new static();
     if (1 === sizeof($batch)) {
         return $table->insert(array_shift($batch));
     $adapter = $table->getAdapter();
     $counter = 0;
     $sqlBinds = [];
     $values = [];
     // Do some voodoo here...
     foreach ($batch as $i => $row) {
         $placeholders = [];
         foreach ($row as $column => $value) {
             if ($adapter->supportsParameters('positional')) {
                 $placeholders[] = '?';
                 $values[] = $value;
             } elseif ($adapter->supportsParameters('named')) {
                 $name = ":col{$i}{$counter}";
                 $placeholders[] = $name;
                 $values[$name] = $value;
             } else {
                 throw new Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception(sprintf('%s doesn\'t support positional or named binding', get_class($table)));
         // and more blacky magic over here...
         $sqlBinds[] = '(' . implode(',', $placeholders) . ')';
     // extract column names...
     $columns = array_keys($row);
     // and quoteIdentifier() them.
     array_walk($columns, function (&$index) use($adapter) {
         $index = $adapter->quoteIdentifier($index, true);
     // Shit, shit, shit! F U ZF.
     $spec = $adapter->quoteIdentifier(($table->_schema ? "{$table->_schema}." : '') . $table->_name);
     // Build the SQL using the placeholders...
     $sql = sprintf('INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES %s', $spec, implode(',', $columns), implode(',', $sqlBinds));
     // Ready?
     $stmt = $adapter->prepare($sql);
     // Fight!
     // aaaaaaand voilá!
     return $stmt->rowCount();
Exemplo n.º 9
  * "Installs" the plugin
  * @return boolean success
 public static function install()
     $plugin = new static();
     $plugin->last_cron = 0;