Exemplo n.º 1
$tpl_profile = str_replace("%HOME%", $HOME_TEXT, $tpl_profile);
$tpl_profile = str_replace("%HOME_LINK%", $linkurl, $tpl_profile);
$tpl_friends = addslashes($tpl_friends);
$tpl_friends = str_replace("%HOME%", $HOME_TEXT, $tpl_friends);
$tpl_friends = str_replace("%HOME_LINK%", $linkurl, $tpl_friends);
$db = new sqldb2($DB_CONFIG_v2);
// get users
$name_id = array();
$all_users = array();
$t = $db->query('SELECT * FROM nlb_users;');
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($t)) {
    $all_users[] = $row;
    $name_id[$row['username']] = $row['id'];
// get blogs
$all_blogs = $db->getAllArray('SELECT * FROM nlb_blogs;');
// get comments
$all_com = $db->getAllArray('SELECT * FROM nlb_comments;');
$now = time();
$past = 458895600;
foreach ($all_users as $u) {
    if (isset($_GET['old']) && $_GET['old'] == 'true') {
        $u['bio'] = addslashes($u['bio']);
        $u['custom_title'] = addslashes($u['custom_title']);
        $u['username'] = addslashes($u['username']);
Exemplo n.º 2
         *	S H O W   N E W S
         * =======================================
        $ets_outter->main_title = $config->get('site_name') . ': ' . $l['title-news'];
        $ets_outter->page_title = $l['title-news'];
        $page = 0;
        if (isset($_PATH['page'])) {
            $page = $_PATH['page'];
        $q = '# GET NEWS POSTS
		SELECT t1.blog_id, t1.author_id, t1.date, t1.subject, t1.body, t1.access, t1.custom AS custom_text, t1.comments, t1.html, t1.smiles, t1.bb, t2.username AS author, t2.custom AS custom_title
		FROM ' . db_blogs . ' AS t1, ' . db_users . ' AS t2
		WHERE t1.author_id = t2.user_id AND t1.access = ' . access_news . '
		ORDER BY t1.date DESC
		LIMIT ' . $page . ' , ' . $config->get('news_per_page') . ' ;';
        $newsitems = $db->getAllArray($q);
        foreach ($newsitems as $news) {
            $ets->news[] = $b->format(false, $user, $l['edit']);
        $USESKIN = skin_news;
    case 'comment':
         * =======================================
         *	N E W S   C O M M E N T S
         * =======================================
        $USESKIN = skin_news;
        $ets_outter->main_title = $config->get('site_name') . ': ' . $l['title-news'];
Exemplo n.º 3
 $perpage = $u->get('perpage');
 $page_start = $page * $perpage;
 // get avatar for this user
 $av = $db->getArray('SELECT file, isCustom FROM ' . db_avatars . ' WHERE owner_id=' . $USERID . ' AND type=1;');
 if (!empty($av)) {
     if ($av['isCustom'] == 1) {
         $file = 'avatars/';
     } else {
         $file = 'avatars/default/';
     $file .= $av['file'];
     $ets->avatar_url = script_path . $file;
     $ets->avatar = '<img src="' . script_path . $file . '" />';
 // get list of friends
 $list = $db->getAllArray('SELECT friend_id FROM ' . db_friends . ' WHERE owner_id = ' . $USERID . ';');
 if ($db->getRowCount() == 0) {
     // This user has no friends.
     $ets->blog[0]->body = $l['no-friends'];
     $ets->blog[0]->comments = false;
     $ets->blog[0]->author = $u->get('username');
     $ets->blog[0]->date = date('M jS, Y g:i a');
 } else {
     // this user does have friends.
     // build it into an IN() paramater
     $in = '';
     foreach ($list as $row) {
         $in .= $row['friend_id'] . ', ';
     $in = substr($in, 0, -2);
     // get avatars of friends.
Exemplo n.º 4
$allowed_sort = array('username', 'blog_count', 'registered');
if (isset($_PATH['sort']) && in_array($_PATH['sort'], $allowed_sort)) {
    $sort = $_PATH['sort'];
$way = 'asc';
if (isset($_PATH['way']) && ($_PATH['way'] == 'asc' || $_PATH['way'] == 'desc')) {
    $way = $_PATH['way'];
$page = 0;
if (isset($_PATH['page'])) {
    $page = $_PATH['page'];
$start = $page * $perpage;
// get and process a page of members
$i = 0;
$all = $db->getAllArray("SELECT user_id, username, blog_count, registered FROM " . db_users . " WHERE valid = 1 ORDER BY {$sort} {$way} LIMIT {$start}, {$perpage} ;");
foreach ($all as $row) {
    $ets->members[$i]->username = $row['username'];
    $ets->members[$i]->blog_count = $row['blog_count'];
    $ets->members[$i]->url_blogs = build_link('blog.php', array('user' => $row['user_id']));
    $ets->members[$i]->url_profile = build_link('profile.php', array('user' => $row['user_id']));
    $ets->members[$i]->registered = date($date_format, $row['registered']);
// setup next/prev links
$total = $db->getArray("SELECT count(*) as c FROM " . db_users . ";");
$total = $total['c'];
if ($page > 0) {
    $ets->url_page_prev = build_link('members.php', array('page' => $page - 1, 'sort' => $sort, 'way' => $way));
Exemplo n.º 5
 $mask = 'results';
 $page = $_GET['page'] + 0;
 // easy cast to int
 $start = $page * 10;
 $end = $start + 10;
 $url = build_link('search.php?page=%d');
 if ($page > 0) {
     $ets->url_prev = sprintf($url, $page - 1);
 if ($end < $_SESSION['results']) {
     $ets->url_next = sprintf($url, $page + 1);
 $ets->matches = $_SESSION['results'];
 $q = $_SESSION['query'];
 $q .= " \nORDER BY b.date DESC \nLIMIT {$start}, {$end};";
 $page = $db->getAllArray($q);
 $i = 0;
 foreach ($page as $b) {
     $ets->entries[$i]->author = $b['username'];
     $ets->entries[$i]->url = build_link('blog.php', array('id' => $b['blog_id']));
     $ets->entries[$i]->subject = $b['subject'];
     $ets->entries[$i]->comments = $b['comments'];
     if ($b['html'] == 0) {
         $b['body'] = htmlspecialchars($b['body']);
     if ($b['bb'] == 1) {
         $b['body'] = insertBBCode($b['body']);
     $b['body'] = nl2br($b['body']);
     $ets->entries[$i]->body = truncate($b['body'], 800);
Exemplo n.º 6
        // default is public blogs only.
        if ($user->isLogedIn) {
            // if we are the author, we can see all
            if ($user->id == $u->id) {
                $access_in = access_public . ', ' . access_private . ', ' . access_friendsonly;
            // are we a friend?
            if ($u->areFriends($user->id)) {
                $access_in = access_public . ', ' . access_friendsonly;
        // get the blogs
        $all = $db->getAllArray('# Get page of blogs
	SELECT b.blog_id, b.author_id, b.date, b.subject, b.body, b.access, 
		b.mood, b.custom AS custom_text, b.comments, b.html, b.smiles, 
		b.bb, u.username AS author, u.custom AS custom_title, u.date_format
	FROM ' . db_blogs . ' AS b, ' . db_users . ' AS u
	WHERE u.user_id = ' . $USERID . ' AND b.author_id = u.user_id AND b.access IN(' . $access_in . ')
	LIMIT ' . $limit . ';');
        // timezone settings
        if ($user->isLogedIn) {
            $blog->setDateOffset($config->get('server_timezone'), $user->get('timezone'));
        // check for avatars
        $avatar = $db->getArray('SELECT file, isCustom FROM ' . db_avatars . ' WHERE owner_id=' . $USERID . ' AND type=1;');
        if (!empty($avatar)) {
            if ($avatar['isCustom'] == 1) {
                $file = 'avatars/';
            } else {
                $file = 'avatars/default/';