Exemplo n.º 1
 public static function getInstance()
     if (self::$instance === null) {
         self::$instance = new self();
     return self::$instance;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function returnShortCodes()
     $tpl = static::returnTpl();
     shortcode::add("gallery", function ($params = null) use($tpl) {
         $default = array('tpl' => "gallery-default");
         $params = array_merge($default, (array) $params);
         if (empty($params['tpl']) || !View::exists($tpl . $params['tpl'])) {
             throw new Exception('Template not found: ' . $tpl . $params['tpl']);
         if (!isset($params['id'])) {
             #return false;
             #return "Error: id of gallery is not defined!";
             throw new Exception('ID of gallery is not defined');
         $gallery_id = $params['id'];
         $gallery = Gallery::where('id', $gallery_id)->first();
         if (!is_object($gallery) || !@$gallery->id) {
             return false;
             #return "Error: gallery #{$gallery_id} doesn't exist!";
         $photos = $gallery->photos;
         if (!$photos->count()) {
             return false;
         #return View::make($tpl.$params['tpl'], compact($photos)); ## don't work
         return View::make($tpl . $params['tpl'], array('photos' => $photos));
Exemplo n.º 3
 private static function shortcode($clear, $data = NULL)
     ## $clear - строка шорткода без квадратных скобок []
     $str = explode(" ", $clear);
     #$type = $str[0]; ## name of shortcode
     $type = array_shift($str);
     $options = NULL;
     if (count($str)) {
         #for($i=1; $i<count($str); $i++) {
         foreach ($str as $expr) {
             if (!strpos($expr, "=")) {
             #preg_match_all("~([^\=]+?)=['\"]([^'\"\s\t\r\n]+?)['\"]~", $str[$i], $rendered);
             list($key, $value) = explode("=", $expr);
             $key = trim($key);
             $value = trim($value, "'\"");
             if ($key != '' && $value != '') {
                 $options[$key] = $value;
     return shortcode::run($type, $options);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static function returnShortCodes()
     $tpl = static::returnTpl();
     shortcode::add("news", function ($params = null) use($tpl) {
         #print_r($params); die;
         if (!Allow::module('news')) {
             return false;
         ## Параметры по-умолчанию
         $default = array('tpl' => Config::get('app-default.news_template', 'default'), 'limit' => Config::get('app-default.news_count_on_page', 3), 'order' => Helper::stringToArray(News::$order_by), 'pagination' => 1, 'type' => false, 'exclude_type' => false, 'include' => false, 'exclude' => false);
         ## Применяем переданные настройки
         $params = $params + $default;
         #echo $tpl.$params['tpl'];
         if (empty($params['tpl']) || !View::exists($tpl . $params['tpl'])) {
             throw new Exception('Template [' . $tpl . $params['tpl'] . '] not found.');
         $news = News::orderBy('news.published_at', 'desc')->with('meta.photo', 'meta.gallery.photos', 'meta.seo');
         ## Получаем новости, делаем LEFT JOIN с news_meta, с проверкой языка и тайтла
         $selected_news = News::where('news.publication', 1)
                                 ->leftJoin('news_meta', 'news_meta.news_id', '=', 'news.id')
                                 ->where('news_meta.language', Config::get('app.locale'))
                                 ->where('news_meta.title', '!=', '')
                                 ->select('*', 'news.id AS original_id', 'news.published_at AS created_at')
                                 ->orderBy('news.published_at', 'desc');
         #$selected_news = $selected_news->where('news_meta.wtitle', '!=', '');
         ## Получаем новости с учетом пагинации
         #echo $selected_news->toSql(); die;
         $news = $selected_news->paginate($params['limit']); ## news list with pagination
         #$news = $selected_news->get(); ## all news, without pagination
          * Показываем новости только определенных типов
         if (@$params['type']) {
             $params['types'] = (array) explode(',', $params['type']);
             if (isset($params['types']) && is_array($params['types']) && count($params['types']) && Allow::module('dictionaries') && class_exists('DicVal')) {
                 $types = DicVal::whereIn('slug', $params['types'])->get();
                 if ($types->count()) {
                     $types = $types->lists('id');
                     if (count($types)) {
                         $news = $news->whereIn('type_id', $types);
          * Исключаем новости определенных типов
         if (@$params['exclude_type']) {
             $params['exclude_types'] = (array) explode(',', $params['exclude_type']);
             if (isset($params['exclude_types']) && is_array($params['exclude_types']) && count($params['exclude_types']) && Allow::module('dictionaries') && class_exists('DicVal')) {
                 $types = DicVal::whereIn('slug', $params['exclude_types'])->get();
                 if ($types->count()) {
                     $types = $types->lists('id');
                     if (count($types)) {
                         $news = $news->whereNotIn('type_id', $types);
          * Будем выводить только новости, ID которых указаны
         if (@$params['include']) {
             $params['includes'] = (array) explode(',', $params['include']);
             if (isset($params['includes']) && is_array($params['includes']) && count($params['includes'])) {
                 $news = $news->whereIn('id', $params['includes']);
          * Исключаем новости с заданными ID
         if (@$params['exclude']) {
             $params['excludes'] = (array) explode(',', $params['exclude']);
             if (isset($params['excludes']) && is_array($params['excludes']) && count($params['excludes'])) {
                 $news = $news->whereNotIn('id', $params['excludes']);
         $news = $news->paginate($params['limit']);
         foreach ($news as $n => $new) {
             #print_r($new); die;
             $gall = Rel_mod_gallery::where('module', 'news')->where('unit_id', $new->original_id)->first();
             #foreach ($gall->photos as $photo) {
             #	print_r($photo->path());
             #print_r($gall->photos); die;
             $new->gall = @$gall;
             $new->image = is_object(@$gall->photos[0]) ? @$gall->photos[0]->path() : "";
         #echo $news->count(); die;
         if (!$news->count()) {
             return false;
         return View::make($tpl . $params['tpl'], compact('news'));