Exemplo n.º 1
  * protected function buildVariations
 protected function buildVariations($buttonName)
     $path = $this->builderFolder . $buttonName . '/';
     $files = scandir($path . 'model/');
     if (file_exists($path . 'passive.php')) {
         $addToPassive = '.' . sh_imagesBuilder::PASSIVE;
     if (file_exists($path . 'selected.php')) {
         $isThereSelected = true;
         $addToPassive = '.' . sh_imagesBuilder::PASSIVE;
     if (file_exists($path . 'active.php')) {
         $isThereActive = true;
         $addToPassive = '.' . sh_imagesBuilder::PASSIVE;
     echo 'Successfully built variations : ';
     $mtime = explode(" ", microtime());
     $starttime = array_sum($mtime);
     for ($degree = 0; $degree <= 360; $degree += 20) {
         if (!is_dir($path . 'variations/' . $degree)) {
             mkdir($path . 'variations/' . $degree);
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $forcedSaturation = 0;
             if (array_pop(explode('.', $file)) == 'png') {
                 $srcImage = $path . 'model/' . $file;
                 $shortName = str_replace('.png', '', $file);
                 $destImage = $path . 'variations/' . $degree . '/' . $shortName . $addToPassive . '.png';
                 if ($degree == 360) {
                     $forcedSaturation = -100;
                 sh_colors::setHueToImage($srcImage, $destImage, $degree, $forcedSaturation);
                 if ($isThereSelected) {
                     sh_colors::setHueToImage($srcImage, $path . 'variations/' . $degree . '/' . $shortName . '.' . sh_imagesBuilder::SELECTED . '.png', $degree, $forcedSaturation, -10);
                 if ($isThereActive) {
                     sh_colors::setHueToImage($srcImage, $path . 'variations/' . $degree . '/' . $shortName . '.' . sh_imagesBuilder::ACTIVE . '.png', $degree, $forcedSaturation, 10);
         echo $separator . $degree;
         $separator = ' - ';
     $mtime = explode(" ", microtime());
     echo '<br />Build time : ' . (array_sum($mtime) - $starttime) . 's.<br />';
     echo 'Press F5 to reload the form properly.<hr />';
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
 protected function variation_change_folder($sourceFolder, $destinationFolder, $variation, $transposedValue)
     if (!is_dir($destinationFolder)) {
     $files = scandir($sourceFolder);
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (substr($file, -4) == '.png') {
             sh_colors::setHueToImage($sourceFolder . $file, $destinationFolder . $file, $variation, 0, $transposedValue);
         } elseif (substr($file, 0, 1) != '.' && is_dir($sourceFolder . $file)) {
             $this->variation_change_folder($sourceFolder . $file . '/', $destinationFolder . $file . '/', $variation, $transposedValue);
     * protected function buildVariations
    protected function buildVariations($variationFolder, $templateName = '', $baseVariation = '')
        echo '<html><head>
<title>Shopsailors - Variations builder</title>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="' . $this->linker->favicon->getPath() . '"></link>';
        echo '</head><body>';
        echo '<div style="font-weight:bold">Building the variations for the template ' . $templateName . '</div>';
        echo 'Base variation : ' . $baseVariation;
        $filesList = $this->getFilesList($variationFolder . 'default/');
        $hexColors = array('#cb0000', '#cb4200', '#cb8700', '#cbcb00', '#87cb00', '#42cb00', '#00cb00', '#00cb43', '#00cb86', '#00cbcb', '#0086cb', '#0042cb', '#0000cb', '#4200cb', '#8700cb', '#cb00cb', '#cb0087', '#cb0043', '#cbcbcb');
        if (is_array($filesList)) {
            $total = 0;
            for ($degree = 0; $degree <= 360; $degree += 20) {
                $this->helper->emptyDir($variationFolder . $degree);
                if (!is_dir($variationFolder . $degree)) {
                    mkdir($variationFolder . $degree);
            echo '<style>table td{background-color:white;text-align:center;font-size:70%;padding:2px;}</style>';
            echo '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" style="background-color:black;"><tr><td>#</td>';
            foreach ($filesList as $file) {
                echo '<td style="background-color:orange;">' . str_replace('.png', '', $file['name']) . '</td>';
            echo '<td>Time</td><td>Total</td>';
            echo '</tr>';
            for ($degree = 0; $degree <= 360; $degree += 20) {
                $mtime = explode(" ", microtime());
                $starttime = array_sum($mtime);
                $allowedExts = array('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg');
                echo '<tr>';
                echo '<td style="background-color:' . $hexColors[$degree / 20] . '">' . $degree . '</td> ';
                foreach ($filesList as $file) {
                    $ext = strtolower(array_pop(explode('.', $file['name'])));
                    if (in_array($ext, $allowedExts)) {
                        if (!is_dir($variationFolder . $degree . '/' . $file['folder'] . '/')) {
                            mkdir($variationFolder . $degree . '/' . $file['folder'] . '/', 0777, true);
                        $destImage = $variationFolder . $degree . '/' . $file['folder'] . '/' . $file['name'];
                        $destImage = str_replace('//', '/', $destImage);
                        $srcImage = $variationFolder . 'default/' . $file['folder'] . '/' . $file['name'];
                        $srcImage = str_replace('//', '/', $srcImage);
                        $mtime2 = microtime(true);
                        if ($degree != 360) {
                            sh_colors::setHueToImage($srcImage, $destImage, $degree);
                        } else {
                            sh_colors::setHueToImage($srcImage, $destImage, 0, -100);
                        echo '<td>' . substr(microtime(true) - $mtime2, 0, 5) . 's</td>';
                $mtime = explode(" ", microtime());
                $thisTime = array_sum($mtime) - $starttime;
                $total += $thisTime;
                echo '<td>' . substr($thisTime, 0, 5) . 's</td><td>' . substr($total, 0, 5) . 's</td>';
                echo '</tr>';
            echo '</table>';
            echo 'All variations were built successfully in ' . floor($total / 60) . " minutes and " . $total % 60 . ' seconds<br />';
            echo 'Press F5 to continue (and press OK if needed).';
            echo '</body></html>';
Exemplo n.º 4
 protected function addLayer($destination, $layerParams, $imageParams, $palette, $state, $width, $height, $destX, $destY)
     // we create a temp image
     $tempImage = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
     imagesavealpha($tempImage, true);
     imagealphablending($tempImage, false);
     $transp = imagecolorallocatealpha($tempImage, 0, 0, 0, 127);
     imagefill($tempImage, 0, 0, $transp);
     $variationName = $this->linker->site->variation . '_' . $this->linker->site->saturation;
     $saturations = array('reallyDark' => -50, 'dark' => -25, 'normal' => 0, 'shiny' => 25, 'reallyShiny' => 50);
     $hsvValue = $saturations[$this->linker->site->saturation];
     // we loop in all the images parts, to fill an array
     foreach ($imageParams as $partId => $part) {
         if (preg_match('`([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)(_x)?(_y)?`', $partId, $matches)) {
             $folder = dirname($part);
             $image = baseName($part);
             // We check if the variation exists
             $src = $folder . '/variations/' . $variationName . '/' . $image;
             if (!file_exists($this->builtImageRoot . $src)) {
                 if (!is_dir(dirname($this->builtImageRoot . $src))) {
                     $this->helper->createDir(dirname($this->builtImageRoot . $src));
                 if ($this->linker->site->variation < 370) {
                     $hue = $this->linker->site->variation;
                     $opacity = 127;
                     if ($palette == 'none') {
                         copy($this->builtImageRoot . $part, $this->builtImageRoot . $src);
                     } else {
                         // We check if we have to use a custom palette
                         if ($palette != 'default') {
                             // We do, so we will read the hue in it (present in $this->allParams)
                             //$palette = $this->allParams['palettes'][$layerParams['palette'][$state]];
                             $col = $palette[$this->linker->site->variation][$this->linker->site->saturation];
                             $hue = $col['H'];
                             $opacity = 127 - $col['alpha'];
                         sh_colors::setHueToImage($this->builtImageRoot . $part, $this->builtImageRoot . $src, $hue, 0, $hsvValue, $opacity / 127);
                 } else {
                     if ($palette == 'none') {
                         copy($this->builtImageRoot . $src, $this->builtImageRoot . $part);
                     } else {
                         // Greyscale
                         sh_colors::setHueToImage(SH_TEMPIMAGES_FOLDER . 'greyscale.png', $this->builtImageRoot . $src, 0, 0, $hsvValue, $opacity / 127);
                         sh_colors::setGreyScaleToImage($this->builtImageRoot . $part, SH_TEMPIMAGES_FOLDER . 'greyscale.png');
             $parts[$matches[1]][$matches[2]] = array('src' => $src, 'stretchX' => $matches[3] == '_x', 'stretchY' => $matches[4] == '_y');
             if ($matches[3] == '_x') {
                 $columnsToStretch[$matches[2]] = true;
             if ($matches[4] == '_y') {
                 $linesToStretch[$matches[1]] = true;
         } else {
             if ($partId == 'minimalWidth') {
                 $minimimalWidth = $part;
             } elseif ($partId == 'minimalHeight') {
                 $minimimalHeight = $part;
     // Calculating the number of pixels to add in width
     $numberOfStretchableX = count($columnsToStretch);
     $stretchXSize = (int) (($width - $minimimalWidth) / $numberOfStretchableX);
     $numberOfPixelsToAddX = ($width - $minimimalWidth) % $numberOfStretchableX;
     $numberOfStretchableY = count($linesToStretch);
     $stretchYSize = (int) (($height - $minimimalHeight) / $numberOfStretchableY);
     $numberOfPixelsToAddY = ($height - $minimimalHeight) % $numberOfStretchableY;
     $top = 0;
     $tempNumberOfPixelsToAddY = $numberOfPixelsToAddY;
     foreach ($parts as $lineNumber => $line) {
         $left = 0;
         $tempNumberOfPixelsToAddX = $numberOfPixelsToAddX;
         foreach ($line as $cellNumber => $cell) {
             // We get the image
             $srcImage = imagecreatefrompng($this->builtImageRoot . $cell['src']);
             // We get the image size
             $srcWidth = imagesx($srcImage);
             $srcHeight = imagesy($srcImage);
             if ($cell['stretchX']) {
                 if ($tempNumberOfPixelsToAddX > 0) {
                     $imageDestX = $stretchXSize + 1;
                 } else {
                     $imageDestX = $stretchXSize;
             } else {
                 $imageDestX = $srcWidth;
             $totalWidth += $imageDestX;
             if ($cell['stretchY']) {
                 if ($tempNumberOfPixelsToAddY > 0) {
                     $imageDestY = $stretchYSize + 1;
                 } else {
                     $imageDestY = $stretchYSize;
             } else {
                 $imageDestY = $srcHeight;
             // We copy the image
             imagecopyresampled($tempImage, $srcImage, $destX + $left, $destY + $top, 0, 0, $imageDestX, $imageDestY, $srcWidth, $srcHeight);
             $left += $imageDestX;
         $totalWidth = 0;
         $top += $imageDestY;
     // We then copy the content of the temp image on the destination image
     imagealphablending($destination, true);
     imagecopy($destination, $tempImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);
     imagealphablending($destination, false);
     return $destination;