$t->is($w->getFormFormatterName(), 'table', '__construct() sets "form_formatter" option to "table" by default');
$w = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array(), array('form_formatter' => 'list'));
$t->is($w->getFormFormatterName(), 'list', '__construct() can override the default value for the "form_formatter" option');
$t->is($w->getNameFormat(), '%s', '__construct() sets "name_format" option to "table" by default');
$w = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array(), array('name_format' => 'name_%s'));
$t->is($w->getNameFormat(), 'name_%s', '__construct() can override the default value for the "name_format" option');
// implements ArrayAccess
$t->diag('implements ArrayAccess');
$w = new sfWidgetFormSchema();
$w['w1'] = $w1;
$w['w2'] = $w2;
$t->ok($w->getFields() == array('w1' => $w1, 'w2' => $w2), 'sfWidgetFormSchema implements the ArrayAccess interface for the fields');
$t->is($w1->getParent(), $w, 'The widget schema is associated with the fields');
$t->is($w2->getParent(), $w, 'The widget schema is associated with the fields');
try {
    $w['w1'] = 'string';
    $t->fail('sfWidgetFormSchema implements the ArrayAccess interface for the fields');
} catch (LogicException $e) {
    $t->pass('sfWidgetFormSchema implements the ArrayAccess interface for the fields');
$w = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array('w1' => $w1));
$t->is(isset($w['w1']), true, 'sfWidgetFormSchema implements the ArrayAccess interface for the fields');
$t->is(isset($w['w2']), false, 'sfWidgetFormSchema implements the ArrayAccess interface for the fields');
$w = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array('w1' => $w1));
$t->ok($w['w1'] == $w1, 'sfWidgetFormSchema implements the ArrayAccess interface for the fields');
$t->is($w['w2'], null, 'sfWidgetFormSchema implements the ArrayAccess interface for the fields');
$w = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array('w1' => $w1, 'w2' => $w2));