  * @param  string $name        The element name
  * @param  string $value       The value displayed in this widget
  * @param  array  $attributes  An array of HTML attributes to be merged with the default HTML attributes
  * @param  array  $errors      An array of errors for the field
  * @return string An HTML tag string
  * @see sfWidgetForm
 public function render($name, $value = null, $attributes = array(), $errors = array())
     $input = parent::render($name, $value, $attributes, $errors);
     $object = $this->getOption('invoker');
     if (!$object->exists()) {
         return $input;
     if (class_exists('sfJSLibManager')) {
     if ($this->getOption('with_delete')) {
         $deleteName = ']' == substr($name, -1) ? substr($name, 0, -1) . '_delete]' : $name . '_delete';
         $form = $this->getOption('form');
         if ($form->getOption('embedded', false) && $form->getOption('parent_model', false)) {
             $delete = $form->getOption('parent_model')->getDeleteLinkFor($object);
             $deleteLabel = '';
         } else {
             $delete = $this->renderTag('input', array_merge(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => $deleteName), $attributes));
             $deleteLabel = $this->renderContentTag('label', $this->getOption('delete_label'), array_merge(array('for' => $this->generateId($deleteName))));
     } else {
         $delete = '';
         $deleteLabel = '';
     return strtr($this->getOption('template') . $this->getJCropJS(), array('%input%' => $input, '%delete%' => $delete, '%delete_label%' => $deleteLabel, '%file%' => $this->getFileAsTag($attributes)));
 public function render($name, $value = array(), $attributes = array(), $errors = array())
     $widget = array();
     $widget['%thumbnails%'] = '';
     $widget['%thumbnails%'] .= '';
     $j = 0;
     foreach ($value as $j => $image) {
         if (!isset($image['id'])) {
         $fileIdInput = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden();
         $fileNameInput = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden();
         $commentInput = new sfWidgetFormInput(array(), array('maxlength' => 255));
         $largeInput = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden();
         $thumbnailInput = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden();
         $widget['%thumbnails%'] .= '<div class="upload_item" style="margin-bottom: 10px;" >' . '<span style="display: inline; width: 260px; float: left; text-align: center; padding-top: 10px;">' . link_to($image['name'], strval($image['Large']), array('class' => 'preview', 'rel' => strval($image['Thumbnail']))) . '</span>' . '&nbsp;' . $thumbnailInput->render($name . "[" . $j . "][Thumbnail]", strval($image['Thumbnail']), array()) . $largeInput->render($name . "[" . $j . "][Large]", strval($image['Large']), array()) . $fileNameInput->render($name . "[" . $j . "][name]", $image['name'], array()) . $fileIdInput->render($name . "[" . $j . "][id]", $image['id'], array()) . '<span>Title:</span>' . $commentInput->render($name . "[" . $j . "][description]", $image['description'], array('class' => 'text  input-mercha-account')) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#" class="del-photo"><img src="/images/cross.gif"  style="vertical-align:middle;" /></a>' . '</div>';
     $i = $j + 1;
     $fileInput = new sfWidgetFormInputFile();
     $commentInput = new sfWidgetFormInput();
     $widget['%thumbnails%'] .= '<div class="upload_item" style="margin-bottom: 10px;" >' . $fileInput->render($name . "[" . $i . "][file]", null, array('class' => '', 'style' => "padding-left:0px;  width: 260px;  padding:0px; ")) . '&nbsp;' . '<span>Title:</span>' . $commentInput->render($name . "[" . $i . "][description]", null, array('class' => 'text  input-mercha-account')) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#" class="del-photo" style="vertical-align:middle;"><img src="/images/cross.gif" /></a>' . '</div>' . '<div class=" add-another-location bottom_add_new_category_link" style="padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 15px;">' . '<div class="plus_category">' . '<div class="left margin1"><img src="/images/plus.gif" /></div>' . '<div class="left margin_top3"><a href="#" class="add-photo">Add Another Photo</a></div>' . '</div>' . '</div>';
     $js = jq_javascript_tag("\r\n      jQuery(document).ready(function(){\r\n        i = jQuery('.upload_item').length + 1;\r\n        \r\n        jQuery('a.del-photo').live('click', function(e){\r\n          e.preventDefault();\r\n          jQuery(this).parents('.upload_item').remove();\r\n        });\r\n        \r\n        jQuery('.preview').tooltip({ \r\n            delay: 0, \r\n            showURL: false, \r\n            bodyHandler: function() { \r\n                return jQuery('<img/>').attr('src', jQuery(this).attr('rel')); \r\n            } \r\n        });\r\n        \r\n        jQuery('a.add-photo').live('click', function(e){\r\n          \r\n          e.preventDefault();\r\n          \r\n          var already = jQuery('.upload_item');\r\n          \r\n          var newUpload = '';\r\n          \r\n          var maxCount = " . intval($this->getOption('max_count')) . ";\r\n          \r\n          if ((maxCount > 0 && already.length < maxCount) || maxCount == 0) {\r\n          \r\n            newUpload = \r\n              '<div class=\\'upload_item\\' style=\\'margin-bottom: 10px;\\'><input type=\\'file\\' name=\\'" . $name . "[' + i + '][file]" . "\\' class=\"\" style=\"padding-left:0px;  width: 260px; padding:0px; \" />' +\n              '&nbsp;<span>Title:</span>' +\r\n              '<input type=\\'text\\' name=\\'" . $name . "[' + i + '][description]" . "\\' class=\\'text input-mercha-account\\' >';\r\n          \r\n            newUpload += \r\n              '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\\'#\\' class=\\'del-photo\\'><img src=\\'/images/cross.gif\\'  style=\\'vertical-align:middle;\\' /></a>';\r\n          \r\n            \r\n            \r\n            newUpload += '</div>';\r\n            \r\n            jQuery(newUpload).insertBefore(jQuery(this).parents('div.add-another-location'));\r\n            i++;\r\n          }\r\n        })\r\n      \r\n      });\r\n    ");
     return $js . '<div id="uploader" style="width: 590px;">' . strtr($this->getOption('template'), $widget) . '</div>';
  * Renders the widget.
  * @param  string $name        The element name
  * @param  string $value       The value displayed in this widget
  * @param  array  $attributes  An array of HTML attributes to be merged with the default HTML attributes
  * @param  array  $errors      An array of errors for the field
  * @return string An HTML tag string
  * @see sfWidgetForm
 public function render($name, $value = null, $attributes = array(), $errors = array())
     if ($this->getOption('multiple')) {
         $name .= '[]';
         $attributes['multiple'] = $this->getOption('multiple');
     return parent::render($name, $value, $attributes, $errors);
 public function render($name, $value = null, $attributes = array(), $errors = array())
     $i18n = sfContext::getInstance()->getI18N();
     $widget = new sfWidgetFormInputFile(array(), $attributes);
     $file = '<dt>' . $i18n->__($this->getOption('file_label')) . '</dt>' . '<dd>' . $widget->render($name . '[file]', null, array('id' => $this->generateId($name))) . '</dd>';
     $widget = new sfWidgetFormInput(array(), $attributes);
     $description = '<dt>' . $i18n->__($this->getOption('description_label')) . '</dt>' . '<dd>' . $widget->render($name . '[description]') . '</dd>';
     $emptyValues = $this->getOption('empty_values');
     return '<dl>' . $file . $description . '</dl>';
  * @param  string $name        The element name
  * @param  string $value       The value displayed in this widget
  * @param  array  $attributes  An array of HTML attributes to be merged with the default HTML attributes
  * @param  array  $errors      An array of errors for the field
  * @return string An HTML tag string
  * @see sfWidgetForm
 public function render($name, $value = null, $attributes = array(), $errors = array())
     $input = parent::render($name, $value, $attributes, $errors);
     if (!$this->getOption('edit_mode')) {
         return $input;
     if ($this->getOption('with_delete')) {
         $deleteName = ']' == substr($name, -1) ? substr($name, 0, -1) . '_delete]' : $name . '_delete';
         $delete = $this->renderTag('input', array_merge(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => $deleteName), $attributes));
         $deleteLabel = $this->renderContentTag('label', $this->getOption('delete_label'), array_merge(array('for' => $this->generateId($deleteName))));
     } else {
         $delete = '';
         $deleteLabel = '';
     return strtr($this->getOption('template'), array('%input%' => $input, '%delete%' => $delete, '%delete_label%' => $deleteLabel, '%file%' => $this->getFileAsTag($attributes)));
    public function render($name, $value = null, $attributes = array(), $errors = array())
        $output = parent::render($name, $value, $attributes, $errors);
        $widget_id = $this->getAttribute('id') ? $this->getAttribute('id') : $this->generateId($name);
        $session_name = ini_get('session.name');
        $session_id = session_id();
        $uploader = sfConfig::get('app_ddWidgetFormInputUploadifyPlugin_uploadify_path') . '/' . sfConfig::get('app_ddWidgetFormInputUploadifyPlugin_uploader');
        $cancel_img = sfConfig::get('app_ddWidgetFormInputUploadifyPlugin_uploadify_path') . '/' . sfConfig::get('app_ddWidgetFormInputUploadifyPlugin_cancel_img');
        $sim_upload_limit = sfConfig::get('app_ddWidgetFormInputUploadifyPlugin_sim_upload_limit');
        $display_data = sfConfig::get('app_ddWidgetFormInputUploadifyPlugin_display_data');
        $auto = sfConfig::get('app_ddWidgetFormInputUploadifyPlugin_auto');
        $multi = sfConfig::get('app_ddWidgetFormInputUploadifyPlugin_multi');
        $form = new BaseForm();
        $csrf_token = $form->getCSRFToken();
        $output .= <<<EOF
      <div class="swfupload-buttontarget">
          We're sorry.  SWFUpload could not load.  You must have JavaScript enabled to enjoy SWFUpload.
      <script type="text/javascript">
        \$(document).ready(function() {
            'scriptData': {'{$session_name}':'{$session_id}', '_csrf_token':'{$csrf_token}'},
            'uploader': '{$uploader}',
            'cancelImg': '{$cancel_img}',
            'auto'      : {$auto},
            'script': \$('#{$widget_id}').closest('form').attr('action')+'/upload',
            'folder': '/',
            'multi': {$multi},
            'displayData': '{$display_data}',
            'fileDataName': '{$widget_id}',
            'simUploadLimit': {$sim_upload_limit}
        return $output;
    public function render($name, $value = null, $attributes = array(), $errors = array())
        $extensions = is_array($this->getOption('swf_upload_file_types')) ? implode(';', $this->getOption('swf_upload_file_types')) : $this->getOption('swf_upload_file_types');
        $output = parent::render($name, $value, $attributes, $errors);
        $widget_id = $this->getAttribute('id') ? $this->getAttribute('id') : $this->generateId($name);
        $button_id = $widget_id . "_swfupload_target";
        $swfupload_button_image_url = $this->getOption('swfupload_button_image_url') === null ? '' : public_path($this->getOption('swfupload_button_image_url'));
        $max_size = $this->iniSize2Int($this->getOption('swfupload_file_size_limit'));
        $swfupload_post_name = $this->getOption('swfupload_post_name') === null ? $name : $this->getOption('swfupload_post_name');
        $send_serialized_values = $this->getOption('send_serialized_values') ? 'true' : 'false';
        $collapse_queue_on_init = $this->getOption('collapse_queue_on_init') ? 'true' : 'false';
        $prevent_form_submit = $this->getOption('prevent_form_submit') ? 'true' : 'false';
        $output .= <<<EOF
      <div class="swfupload-buttontarget" id="{$button_id}">
          We're sorry.  SWFUpload could not load.  You must have JavaScript enabled to enjoy SWFUpload.
      <script type="text/javascript">
        SWFUpload.onload = function()
          new SWFUpload
            upload_url : "{$this->getOption('swfupload_upload_url')}",
            flash_url : "{$this->getOption('swfupload_flash_url')}",
            button_placeholder_id : "{$button_id}",
            file_post_name : "{$swfupload_post_name}",
            post_params :
            custom_settings :
              widget_id: "{$widget_id}",
              send_serialized_values: {$send_serialized_values},
              collapse_queue_on_init: {$collapse_queue_on_init},
              prevent_form_submit: {$prevent_form_submit}
            use_query_string : false,
            requeue_on_error : false,
            assume_success_timeout : 0,
            file_types : "{$extensions}",
            file_types_description: "Web Image Files",
            file_size_limit : "{$max_size}",
            file_upload_limit : {$this->getOption('swfupload_file_upload_limit')},
            file_queue_limit : {$this->getOption('swfupload_file_queue_limit')},
            debug : false,
            prevent_swf_caching : true,
            preserve_relative_urls : false,

            button_image_url : "{$swfupload_button_image_url}",
            button_width : {$this->getOption('swfupload_button_width')},
            button_height : {$this->getOption('swfupload_button_height')},
            button_text : "{$this->getOption('swfupload_button_text')}",
            button_text_style : "{$this->getOption('swfupload_button_style')}",
            button_text_left_padding : {$this->getOption('swfupload_button_text_left_padding')},
            button_text_top_padding : {$this->getOption('swfupload_button_text_top_padding')},
            button_disabled : {$this->getOption('swfupload_button_disabled')},
            button_cursor : {$this->getOption('swfupload_button_cursor')},
            button_window_mode : {$this->getOption('swfupload_button_window_mode')},
            button_action : {$this->getOption('swfupload_button_action')},

            swfupload_loaded_handler : {$this->getOption('swfupload_swfupload_loaded_handler')},
            file_dialog_start_handler : {$this->getOption('swfupload_file_dialog_start_handler')},
            file_queued_handler : {$this->getOption('swfupload_file_queued_handler')},
            file_queue_error_handler : {$this->getOption('swfupload_file_queue_error_handler')},
            file_dialog_complete_handler : {$this->getOption('swfupload_file_dialog_complete_handler')},
            upload_start_handler : {$this->getOption('swfupload_upload_start_handler')},
            upload_progress_handler : {$this->getOption('swfupload_upload_progress_handler')},
            upload_error_handler : {$this->getOption('swfupload_upload_error_handler')},
            upload_success_handler : {$this->getOption('swfupload_upload_success_handler')},
            upload_complete_handler : {$this->getOption('swfupload_upload_complete_handler')},
            queue_complete_handler : {$this->getOption('swfupload_queue_complete_handler')},

            // swf object
            swfupload_pre_load_handler : {$this->getOption('swfupload_swfupload_pre_load_handler')},
            swfupload_load_failed_handler : {$this->getOption('swfupload_swfupload_load_failed_handler')},

            minimum_flash_version : "{$this->getOption('swfupload_minimum_flash_version')}"
        return $output;
Exemplo n.º 8

 * This file is part of the symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <*****@*****.**>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/unit.php';
$t = new lime_test(1);
$w = new sfWidgetFormInputFile();
// ->render()
$t->is($w->render('foo'), '<input type="file" name="foo" id="foo" />', '->render() renders the widget as HTML');