require_once $project_rootdir . '/plugins/sfWebRPCPlugin/lib/vendor/';
$client = new IXR_Client($project_baseurl . "/sfWebRPCPluginDemo/RPC2");
// query remote neoip-casti to pull cast_mdata
$succeed = $client->query('add', 3, 7);
$t->is($client->query('add', 3, 7), true, 'call to sfWebRPCPluginDemo::add succeed');
// if it failed, notify the error
//if(! $succeed )	throw new Exception("Error doing xmlrpc to casti_srv_uri due to ".$client->getErrorMessage());
$t->is($client->getResponse(), 10, 'add 3+7 is 10');
$t->is($client->query('fctnamej_which_doesnt_exist'), false, 'call to unexisting function fails as expected');
/*		Test handler JSON					*/
$t->diag('sfWebRPCPlugin JSON');
$b->get($project_baseurl . "/sfWebRPCPluginDemo/JSON?method=add&arg0=3&arg1=2");
$t->is($b->getResponseCode(), 200, 'http code 200 on "add" JSON handler');
$t->is($b->getResponseHeader("Content-Type"), "application/json", "mimetype is application/json on json call");
$t->is($b->getResponseText(), 5, "response is 5 (as expected for add(3,2))");
$b->get($project_baseurl . "/sfWebRPCPluginDemo/JSON?method=add&arg0=3");
$t->isnt($b->getResponseCode(), 200, 'http code NOT 200 "add" when wrong number of parameters');
/*		Test handler JSONP					*/
$t->diag('sfWebRPCPlugin JSONP');
$b->get($project_baseurl . "/sfWebRPCPluginDemo/JSON?callback=cbsample&method=add&arg0=3&arg1=2");
$t->is($b->getResponseCode(), 200, 'http code 200 on "add" JSON handler');
$t->like($b->getResponseHeader("Content-Type"), "/text\\/javascript/", "mimetype is text/javascript on JSONP call");
$t->is($b->getResponseText(), 'cbsample("5")', 'response is cbsample("5")');
/*		Test handler XDOMRPC					*/
$t->diag('sfWebRPCPlugin XDOMRPC');