<p>Second paragraph</p>
      <p>Third <a href='#'>paragraph</a></p>

    <div id="footer">footer</div>
$dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$dom->validateOnParse = true;
// ->getTexts()
$c = new sfDomCssSelector($dom);
$t->diag('basic selectors');
$t->is($c->getTexts('h1'), array('Test page'), '->getTexts() takes a CSS selector as its first argument');
$t->is($c->getTexts('h2'), array('Title 1', 'Title 2'), '->getTexts() returns an array of matching texts');
$t->is($c->getTexts('#footer'), array('footer'), '->getTexts() supports searching html elements by id');
$t->is($c->getTexts('div#footer'), array('footer'), '->getTexts() supports searching html elements by id for a tag name');
$t->is($c->getTexts('.header'), array('header'), '->getTexts() supports searching html elements by class name');
$t->is($c->getTexts('p.header'), array('header'), '->getTexts() supports searching html elements by class name for a tag name');
$t->is($c->getTexts('div.header'), array(), '->getTexts() supports searching html elements by class name for a tag name');
$t->is($c->getTexts('.foo'), array('multi-classes'), '->getTexts() supports searching html elements by class name for multi-class elements');
$t->is($c->getTexts('.bar'), array('multi-classes'), '->getTexts() supports searching html elements by class name for multi-class elements');
$t->is($c->getTexts('.foobar'), array('multi-classes'), '->getTexts() supports searching html elements by class name for multi-class elements');
$t->is($c->getTexts('ul#mylist ul li'), array('element 3', 'element 4'), '->getTexts() supports searching html elements by several selectors');
$t->is($c->getTexts('#nonexistant'), array(), '->getTexts() returns an empty array if the id does not exist');
$t->diag('attribute selectors');
$t->is($c->getTexts('ul#list li a[href]'), array('link'), '->getTexts() supports checking attribute existence');
$t->is($c->getTexts('ul#list li a[class~="foo1"]'), array('link'), '->getTexts() supports checking attribute word matching');
$t->is($c->getTexts('ul#list li a[class~="bar1"]'), array('link'), '->getTexts() supports checking attribute word matching');