'CategoryId' => '1'

$t->is($finder->getLatestQuery(), $query, 'filter() calls filterBy() on each condition');

$finder = new sfDoctrineFinder('DArticle');
$articles = $finder->filter(array(
  'title' => '*foo*',
  'category_id' => '1'
), true)->find();

$t->is($finder->getLatestQuery(), $query, 'filter() converts underscore column names to CamelCase when the second argument is true');

$finder = new sfDoctrineFinder('DArticle');
  'Title' => '*foo*',
  'CategoryId' => '1'
), false, array('Title'))->find();

$t->is($finder->getLatestQuery(), 'SELECT d.id AS d__id, d.title AS d__title, d.category_id AS d__category_id FROM d_article d WHERE d.title LIKE \'%foo%\'', 'filter() ignores column names that are not part of the third argument if passed');

$called = false;

class myArticleFinder extends DbFinder
  protected $class = 'DArticle';
  public function filterByTitle($value)
    global $called;
    $called = $value;