Exemplo n.º 1
 public function toDate($date = null)
     if (!($date = $this->filterDate($date))) {
         return $this;
     } else {
         return $this->andWhere('inv.issue_date < ?', sfDate::getInstance($date)->addDay(1)->to_database())->andWhere('inv.draft = ?', 0);
    protected function configure()
        $this->addOptions(array(new sfCommandOption('env', null, sfCommandOption::PARAMETER_REQUIRED, 'The environment', 'prod'), new sfCommandOption('connection', null, sfCommandOption::PARAMETER_REQUIRED, 'The connection name', 'doctrine'), new sfCommandOption('date', null, sfCommandOption::PARAMETER_REQUIRED, 'Date', sfDate::getInstance()->dump())));
        $this->namespace = 'siwapp';
        $this->name = 'create-pending-invoices';
        $this->briefDescription = 'Generates all pending invoices';
        $this->detailedDescription = <<<EOF

The [create-pending-invoices|INFO] task checks the database and generates all pending invoices.
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Retrieve Items that has been invoiced with this product
  * and whose invoice status is not draft
  * @return Doctrine_Collection 
  * @author JoeZ99 <*****@*****.**>
 public function getInvoicedItems($product_id, $date_range = array())
     $res = Doctrine::getTable('Item')->createQuery()->addSelect("i.quantity, i.unitary_cost")->from("Item i")->innerJoin("i.Common as inv WITH (inv.type = ? AND inv.draft != ?)", array('Invoice', 1))->where('product_id = ?', $product_id);
     if (isset($date_range['from']) && ($filtered_date = Tools::filterDate($date_range['from']))) {
         $res->andWhere('inv.issue_date >= ?', sfDate::getInstance($filtered_date)->to_database());
     if (isset($date_range['to']) && ($filtered_date = Tools::filterDate($date_range['to']))) {
         $res->andWhere('inv.issue_date <= ?', sfDate::getInstance($filtered_date)->to_database());
     return $res->execute();
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function process()
     DB::query("DELETE FROM CachedCalendarEntry");
     $future_years = $this->config()->cache_future_years;
     foreach (Calendar::get() as $calendar) {
         echo "<h2>Caching calendar '{$calendar->Title}'</h2>\n";
         foreach ($calendar->getAllCalendars() as $c) {
             foreach ($c->AllChildren() as $event) {
                 // All the dates of regular events
                 if ($event->Recursion) {
                     echo "<h3>Creating recurring events for '{$event->Title}'</h3>\n";
                     $i = 0;
                     $dt = $event->DateTimes()->first();
                     if (!$dt) {
                     if ($dt->EndDate) {
                         $end_date = sfDate::getInstance($dt->EndDate);
                     } else {
                         $end_date = sfDate::getInstance()->addYear($future_years);
                     $start_date = sfDate::getInstance($dt->StartDate);
                     $recursion = $event->getRecursionReader();
                     while ($start_date->get() <= $end_date->get()) {
                         if ($recursion->recursionHappensOn($start_date->get())) {
                             $dt->StartDate = $start_date->format('Y-m-d');
                             $cached = CachedCalendarEntry::create_from_datetime($dt, $calendar);
                             $cached->EndDate = $cached->StartDate;
                     echo "<p>{$i} events created.</p>\n";
                 } else {
                     foreach ($event->DateTimes() as $dt) {
                         echo "<p>Adding dates for event '{$event->Title}'</p>\n";
                         $cached = CachedCalendarEntry::create_from_datetime($dt, $calendar);
                 // Announcements
             foreach ($c->Announcements() as $a) {
                 echo "<p>Adding announcement {$a->Title}</p>\n";
                 $cached = CachedCalendarEntry::create_from_announcement($a, $calendar);
     echo "Done!";
  * Handles returning the JSON events data for a time range.
  * @param  SS_HTTPRequest $request
  * @return SS_HTTPResponse
 public function eventsdata($request)
     $start = $request->getVar('start');
     $end = $request->getVar('end');
     // for testing
     if (!$end) {
         $end = '2013-12-12';
     $events = $this->owner->data()->getEventList(sfDate::getInstance($start)->date(), sfDate::getInstance($end)->date(), null, null);
     $result = array();
     if ($events) {
         foreach ($events as $event) {
             $result[] = array('id' => $event->ID, 'title' => $event->getTitle(), 'start' => strtotime("{$event->StartDate} {$event->StartTime}"), 'end' => strtotime("{$event->EndDate} {$event->EndTime}"), 'startTime' => $event->getFormattedStartTime(), 'endTime' => $event->getFormattedEndTime(), 'allDay' => (bool) $event->AllDay, 'url' => $event->Link());
     $this->owner->getRequest()->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     return Convert::array2json($result);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static function sfDateFromArray($date_array, $lastminute = false)
     $valid = true;
     foreach (array('year', 'month', 'day') as $key) {
         $valid = isset($date_array[$key]) && strlen($date_array[$key]) && $valid;
     if (!$valid) {
         return false;
     $date = sfDate::getInstance()->clearTime();
     if ($lastminute) {
     return $date;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function getAllDatesInRange()
     $start = sfDate::getInstance($this->StartDate);
     $end = sfDate::getInstance($this->EndDate);
     $dates = array();
     while ($start->get() <= $end->get()) {
         $dates[] = $start->format('Y-m-d');
     return $dates;
Exemplo n.º 8
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-01-01 01:01:00')->diffHour('2010-01-01 00:00:00'), 1, 'diffHour');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-01-01 00:00:00')->diffHour('2010-01-01 01:01:00'), -1, 'diffHour inverse');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-01-01 01:59:00')->diffHour('2010-01-01 00:00:00'), 1, 'diffHour almost 2');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-01-02')->diffDay('2010-01-01'), 1, 'diffDay');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-01-01')->diffDay('2010-01-02'), -1, 'diffDay inverse');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-01-01 23:59:59')->diffDay('2010-01-01 00:00:00'), 0, 'diffDay almost 2');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-01-08')->diffWeek('2010-01-01'), 1, 'diffWeek');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-01-01')->diffWeek('2010-01-08'), -1, 'diffWeek inverse');
// addCalendarMonth and subtractCalendarMonth
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-01-21')->addCalendarMonth(1)->format('Ymd'), '20100221', 'add calendar month simple');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-01-30')->addCalendarMonth(1)->format('Ymd'), '20100228', 'add calendar month special');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-01-31')->addCalendarMonth(3)->format('Ymd'), '20100430', 'add calendar month special adding 3');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-11-30')->addCalendarMonth(3)->format('Ymd'), '20110228', 'add calendar month special changing year');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-02-21')->subtractCalendarMonth(1)->format('Ymd'), '20100121', 'subtract calendar month simple');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-03-30')->subtractCalendarMonth(1)->format('Ymd'), '20100228', 'subtract calendar month special');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-07-31')->subtractCalendarMonth(3)->format('Ymd'), '20100430', 'subtract calendar month special subtracting 3');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2011-02-28')->subtractCalendarMonth(3)->format('Ymd'), '20101128', 'subtract calendar month special changing year');
// diffMonth and diffYear
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-02-01')->diffMonth('2010-01-01'), 1, 'diffMonth');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-01-01')->diffMonth('2010-02-01'), -1, 'diffMonth inverse');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-03-31')->diffMonth('2010-01-01'), 2, 'diffMonth almost 3 but 2');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-01-01')->diffMonth('2010-03-31'), -2, 'diffMonth almost 3 but 2 inverse');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2011-03-22')->diffMonth('2010-01-01'), 14, 'diffMonth 14');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2011-01-01')->diffYear('2010-01-01'), 1, 'diffYear exactly 1');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-01-01')->diffYear('2011-01-01'), -1, 'diffYear exactly 1 inversed');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-01-01')->diffYear('2010-12-31'), 0, 'diffYear almost 1 year');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2011-01-01')->diffYear('2010-01-02'), 0, 'diffYear almost 1 year');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-01-02')->diffYear('2011-01-01'), 0, 'diffYear almost 1 year inverse');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2010-01-02')->diffYear('2014-03-15'), -4, 'diffYear 4 years and some months');
$t->is(sfDate::getInstance('2014-03-15')->diffYear('2010-01-02'), 4, 'diffYear 4 years and some months inversed');
 protected function generatePayments()
     // Payments
     $date1 = sfDate::getInstance($this->inv->getIssueDate());
     $date2 = sfDate::getInstance($this->inv->getDueDate());
     $total = $this->inv->setAmounts()->getGrossAmount();
     if (mt_rand(1, 10) == 1) {
         $q = mt_rand(1, 5);
         $paid = 0;
         for ($k = 0; $k < $q && $paid < $total; $k++) {
             $payment = new Payment();
             $payment_date = sfDate::getInstance($date2->get() - mt_rand(1, $date2->diff($date1)));
             $rest = $total - $paid;
             $sum = round($rest * (0.25 * mt_rand(1, 3)), 2);
             $paid += $sum;
             $this->inv->Payments[] = $payment;
     } else {
         $payment = new Payment();
         $payment_date = sfDate::getInstance($date2->get() - mt_rand(1, $date2->diff($date1)));
         $this->inv->Payments[] = $payment;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * @return	boolean		true if date is Holiday in culture 'fr'
 public function isHolidayFr()
     // add fixed holydays
     $holidays = array("Nouvel an" => array('month' => 1, 'day' => 1), "Armistice 39-45" => array('month' => 5, 'day' => 8), "Toussaint" => array('month' => 11, 'day' => 1), "Armistice 14-18" => array('month' => 11, 'day' => 11), "Assomption" => array('month' => 8, 'day' => 15), "Fete du travail" => array('month' => 5, 'day' => 1), "Fete nationnale" => array('month' => 7, 'day' => 14), "Noel" => array('month' => 12, 'day' => 25));
     // add mobile holidays too
     // add easter_day
     $easter_monday_date = sfDate::getInstance(easter_date($this->getYear()))->addDay(1);
     $holidays['Lundi de Paques'] = array('month' => $easter_monday_date->getMonth(), 'day' => $easter_monday_date->getDay());
     $ascension_date = sfDate::getInstance(easter_date($this->getYear()))->addDay(39);
     $holidays['Ascenscion'] = array('month' => $ascension_date->getMonth(), 'day' => $ascension_date->getDay());
     $pentecote_date = sfDate::getInstance(easter_date($this->getYear()))->addDay(49);
     $holidays['Pentecote'] = array('month' => $pentecote_date->getMonth(), 'day' => $pentecote_date->getDay());
     // test if the current date is in Holidays
     $cur_month = $this->retrieve(sfTime::MONTH);
     $cur_day = $this->retrieve(sfTime::DAY);
     foreach ($holidays as $key => $val) {
         // if not the proper month, goto the next
         if ($cur_month != $val['month']) {
         // if not the proper day, goto the next
         if ($cur_day != $val['day']) {
         // return true;
         return true;
     // if all the tests passed
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * this function sets the $search array with default settings 
  * if the user has default settings for the search form
  * @param $search array The search array
  * @return array The search array
 private function getSearchSettings($search)
     if ($profile = $this->getProfile()) {
         $from = $to = null;
         if (isset($search['from'])) {
             $from = Tools::sfDateFromArray($search['from']);
         if (isset($search['to'])) {
             $to = Tools::sfDateFromArray($search['to']);
         if (!isset($search['quick_dates']) && !$from && !$to && ($searchFilter = $profile->getSearchFilter())) {
             $to = sfDate::getInstance();
             $search['to'] = array('day' => $to->getDay(), 'month' => $to->format('n'), 'year' => $to->getYear());
             $from = sfDate::getInstance();
             switch ($searchFilter) {
                 case 'last_week':
                 case 'last_month':
                 case 'last_year':
                 case 'last_5_years':
                 case 'this_week':
                 case 'this_month':
                 case 'this_year':
             $search['from'] = array('day' => $from->format('j'), 'month' => $from->format('n'), 'year' => $from->getYear());
             $search['quick_dates'] = $searchFilter;
     return $search;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function getTitle()
     return strftime("%a", sfDate::getInstance()->nextDay($this->Value)->get());
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function generateInvoice()
     $invoice = new Invoice();
     // Get Invoice column mapping and intersect with Estimate columns
     // to remove non common columns. Unset id and type columns.
     $iKeys = array_flip(array_keys($invoice->getTable()->getColumns()));
     $data = $this->toArray(false);
     unset($data['id'], $data['type'], $data['created_at'], $data['updated_at'], $data['draft'], $data['number'], $data['sent_by_email']);
     $data = array_intersect_key($data, $iKeys);
     // $invoice->setDraft(true);
     // Copy Items and taxes
     foreach ($this->Items as $item) {
         $iTmp = $item->copy(false);
         foreach ($item->Taxes as $tax) {
             $iTmp->Taxes[] = $tax;
         $invoice->Items[] = $iTmp;
     // copy tags
     foreach ($this->getTags() as $tag) {
     if ($invoice->trySave()) {
         return $invoice;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Generates and saves an invoice based on this recurring
  * @return Invoice
 public function generateInvoice()
     $i = new Invoice();
     // Get Invoice column mapping and intersect with Recurring one
     // to remove non common columns. Unset id and type columns.
     $iKeys = array_flip(array_keys($i->getTable()->getColumns()));
     $data = $this->toArray(false);
     unset($data['id'], $data['type'], $data['must_occurrences'], $data['created_at'], $data['last_execution_date'], $data['occurrences']);
     $data = array_intersect_key($data, $iKeys);
     // Add specific fields for Invoice and hydrate.
     $data = array_merge($data, array('recurring_invoice_id' => $this->getId(), 'issue_date' => sfDate::getInstance()->format('Y-m-d'), 'due_date' => sfDate::getInstance()->addDay($this->getDaysToDue())->format('Y-m-d'), 'draft' => false));
     // Copy Items and taxes
     foreach ($this->Items as $item) {
         $iTmp = $item->copy(false);
         foreach ($item->Taxes as $tax) {
             $iTmp->Taxes[] = $tax;
         $i->Items[] = $iTmp;
     // copy tags
     foreach ($this->getTags() as $tag) {
     if ($i->trySave()) {
     return $i;
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Limits the results to those customer whose invoices are issued in a date smaller or equal than that
  * one passed as parameter.
  * @param mixed date value
  * @return InvoiceFinder the same instance
  * @author Carlos Escribano <*****@*****.**>
 public function toDate($date = null)
     if (!($date = $this->filterDate($date))) {
         return $this;
     } else {
         return $this->andWhere('i.customer_id = id')->andWhere('i.issue_date < ?', sfDate::getInstance($date)->addDay(1)->to_database());
 public function MonthJumpForm()
     $dummy = sfDate::getInstance($this->startDate);
     $range = range($dummy->subtractYear(3)->format('Y'), $dummy->addYear(6)->format('Y'));
     $year_map = array_combine($range, $range);
     $f = new Form($this, "MonthJumpForm", new FieldList($m = new DropdownField('Month', '', CalendarUtil::get_months_map('%B')), $y = new DropdownField('Year', '', $year_map)), new FieldList(new FormAction('doMonthJump', _t('Calendar.JUMP', 'Go'))));
     if ($this->startDate) {
     } else {
     return $f;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * checks and sets the status
  * @return Invoice  $this
 public function checkStatus()
     if ($this->getDraft()) {
     } else {
         if ($this->getClosed() || $this->getDueAmount() == 0) {
         } else {
             if ($this->getDueDate() > sfDate::getInstance()->format('Y-m-d')) {
             } else {
     return $this;