Exemplo n.º 1
  * The default action - show the home page
 public function preDispatch()
     //check Time management module enable
     if (!sapp_Helper::checkTmEnable()) {
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function preDispatch()
     //check Time management module enable
     if (!sapp_Helper::checkTmEnable()) {
     $ajaxContext = $this->_helper->getHelper('AjaxContext');
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('addtasksproject', 'html')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('addtasks', 'html')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('checkempforprojects', 'json')->initContext();
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function preDispatch()
     //check Time management module enable
     if (!sapp_Helper::checkTmEnable()) {
     $ajaxContext = $this->_helper->getHelper('AjaxContext');
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('save', 'json')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('submit', 'json')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('eraseweek', 'json')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('converdate', 'json')->initContext();
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function preDispatch()
     //check Time management module enable
     if (!sapp_Helper::checkTmEnable()) {
     $ajaxContext = $this->_helper->getHelper('AjaxContext');
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('viewtasksresources', 'html')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('deletetask', 'json')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('assignresourcestotask', 'html')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('saveresources', 'json')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('edittaskname', 'json')->initContext();
 public function preDispatch()
     /*$userModel = new Timemanagement_Model_Users();
     		$checkTmEnable = $userModel->checkTmEnable();
     //check Time management module enable
     if (!sapp_Helper::checkTmEnable()) {
     $ajaxContext = $this->_helper->getHelper('AjaxContext');
  * The default action - show the home page
 public function preDispatch()
     //check Time management module enable
     if (!sapp_Helper::checkTmEnable()) {
     $ajaxContext = $this->_helper->getHelper('AjaxContext');
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('displayweeks', 'html')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('empdisplayweeks', 'html')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('accordion', 'html')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('emptimesheetmonthly', 'html')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('emptimesheetweekly', 'html')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('getweekstartenddates', 'json')->initContext();
 public function preDispatch()
     //check Time management module enable
     if (!sapp_Helper::checkTmEnable()) {
     $ajaxContext = $this->_helper->getHelper('AjaxContext');
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('viewemptasks', 'html')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('addresourcesproject', 'html')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('addresources', 'html')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('deleteprojectresource', 'json')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('taskassign', 'json')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('assigntasktoresources', 'html')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('resourcetaskdelete', 'json')->initContext();
     $ajaxContext->addActionContext('resourcetaskassigndelete', 'json')->initContext();
Exemplo n.º 8
  * @param type $user_id
  * @return type
 public function getCompensationData($user_id)
     $db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
     $query = "select * from main_compensation_details where user_id = " . $user_id . ";";
     $result = $db->query($query);
     $row = $result->fetch();
     $panel = array();
     $panel[signonbonus] = sapp_Helper::_dataDecrypt($row["signonbonus"], ENCRYPTION_KEY);
     $panel[relocationcost] = sapp_Helper::_dataDecrypt($row["relocationcost"], ENCRYPTION_KEY);
     $panel[noticebuyout] = sapp_Helper::_dataDecrypt($row["noticebuyout"], ENCRYPTION_KEY);
     $panel[others1] = sapp_Helper::_dataDecrypt($row["others1"], ENCRYPTION_KEY);
     $panel[fixedctc] = sapp_Helper::_dataDecrypt($row["fixedctc"], ENCRYPTION_KEY);
     $panel[variablepay] = sapp_Helper::_dataDecrypt($row["variablepay"], ENCRYPTION_KEY);
     $panel[lta] = sapp_Helper::_dataDecrypt($row["lta"], ENCRYPTION_KEY);
     $panel[others2] = sapp_Helper::_dataDecrypt($row["others2"], ENCRYPTION_KEY);
     return $panel;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function recentlyviewed()
     $request = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
     $params = $request->getRequest()->getParams();
     $moduleName = $request->getRequest()->getModuleName();
     $controllerName = $request->getRequest()->getControllerName();
     $actionName = $request->getRequest()->getActionName();
     $mparams['module'] = $params['module'];
     $mparams['controller'] = $params['controller'];
     $mparams['action'] = $params['action'];
     $actionurl = '';
     $id_name = 'yes';
     $burl = $controllerName . "/" . $actionName;
     if ($actionName != '') {
         $actionurl = strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $actionName);
         $actionurl = str_replace($actionName, '', $actionurl);
     } else {
         if ($controllerName != '') {
             $actionurl = strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $controllerName);
             $actionurl = str_replace($actionName, '', $actionurl);
         } else {
             $actionurl = strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $moduleName);
             $actionurl = str_replace($actionName, '', $actionurl);
     $burl = $burl . $actionurl;
     $tmpPageLink = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     $pageName = $controllerName;
     $pageLink = $burl;
     $reportsArr = array('leavesreport' => '-' . TAB_EMP_LEAVES, 'leavemanagementreport' => '-Leave Management', 'holidaygroupreports' => '-' . TAB_EMP_HOLIDAYS, 'activeuser' => '-Active Users', 'employeereport' => '-Employees', 'rolesgroup' => '-Roles', 'emprolesgroup' => '-Employee Roles', 'userlogreport' => '-User Logs', 'activitylogreport' => '-Activity Logs', 'requisitionstatusreport' => '-Requisition', 'candidatesreport' => '-Candidates', 'interviewrounds' => '-Interview Rounds', 'agencylistreport' => '-Agency List', 'empscreening' => '-Employee Screening', 'businessunits' => '-Business Units', 'departments' => '-Departments');
     $emptabarr = array('dependencydetails' => TAB_EMP_DEPENDENCY, 'creditcarddetails' => TAB_EMP_CORPORATE_CARD, 'visaandimmigrationdetails' => TAB_EMP_VISA_EMIGRATION, 'workeligibilitydetails' => TAB_EMP_WORK_ELIGIBILITY, 'disabilitydetails' => TAB_EMP_DISABILITY, 'empcommunicationdetails' => TAB_EMP_CONTACT, 'empskills' => TAB_EMP_SKILLS, 'empleaves' => TAB_EMP_LEAVES, 'empholidays' => TAB_EMP_HOLIDAYS, 'medicalclaims' => TAB_EMP_MEDICAL_CLAIMS, 'educationdetails' => TAB_EMP_EDUCATION, 'experiencedetails' => TAB_EMP_EXPERIENCE, 'trainingandcertificationdetails' => TAB_EMP_TRAINING_CERTIFY, 'emppersonaldetails' => TAB_EMP_PERSONAL, 'empperformanceappraisal' => TAB_EMP_PERFORMANCE_APPRAISAL, 'emppayslips' => TAB_EMP_PAY_SLIPS, 'empbenefits' => TAB_EMP_BENEFITS, 'emprenumerationdetails' => TAB_EMP_REMUNERATION, 'empadditionaldetails' => TAB_EMP_ADDITIONAL, 'empsecuritycredentials' => TAB_EMP_SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, 'empsalarydetails' => TAB_EMP_SALARY, 'empjobhistory' => TAB_EMP_JOB_HISTORY, 'mydetails' => "", "myemployees" => "My Team", "userloginlog" => "User Log", "logmanager" => "Activity Log", "empconfiguration" => "Employee Tabs");
     $myemployees_arr = array('view' => '-View', 'trainingview' => '-' . TAB_EMP_TRAINING_CERTIFY, 'comview' => '-' . TAB_EMP_CONTACT, 'skillsview' => '-' . TAB_EMP_SKILLS, 'eduview' => '-' . TAB_EMP_EDUCATION, 'expview' => '-' . TAB_EMP_EXPERIENCE, 'perview' => '-' . TAB_EMP_PERSONAL, 'additionaldetailsview' => '-' . TAB_EMP_ADDITIONAL, 'jobhistoryview' => '-' . TAB_EMP_JOB_HISTORY);
     $myemployeesedit_arr = array('edit' => '-Edit', 'trainingedit' => '-' . TAB_EMP_TRAINING_CERTIFY, 'comedit' => '-' . TAB_EMP_CONTACT, 'skillsedit' => '-' . TAB_EMP_SKILLS, 'eduedit' => '-' . TAB_EMP_EDUCATION, 'expedit' => '-' . TAB_EMP_EXPERIENCE, 'peredit' => '-' . TAB_EMP_PERSONAL, 'additionaldetailsedit' => '-' . TAB_EMP_ADDITIONAL, 'jobhistoryedit' => '-' . TAB_EMP_JOB_HISTORY);
     $myDetailsEmployeesarr = array('mydetails', 'myemployees');
     $mydetails_arr = array('communicationdetailsview' => TAB_EMP_CONTACT . '-View', 'communication' => TAB_EMP_CONTACT . '-Edit', 'disabilitydetailsview' => TAB_EMP_DISABILITY . '-View', 'disability' => TAB_EMP_DISABILITY . '-Edit', 'workeligibilitydetailsview' => TAB_EMP_WORK_ELIGIBILITY . '-View', 'workeligibility' => TAB_EMP_WORK_ELIGIBILITY . '-Edit', 'visadetailsview' => TAB_EMP_VISA_EMIGRATION . '-View', 'visa' => TAB_EMP_VISA_EMIGRATION . '-Edit', 'creditcarddetailsview' => TAB_EMP_CORPORATE_CARD . '-View', 'creditcard' => TAB_EMP_CORPORATE_CARD . "-Edit", "additionaldetails" => TAB_EMP_ADDITIONAL . "-Edit", "additionaldetailsview" => TAB_EMP_ADDITIONAL . "-View", "salarydetails" => TAB_EMP_SALARY . "-Edit", "salarydetailsview" => TAB_EMP_SALARY . "-View", "personaldetailsview" => TAB_EMP_PERSONAL . "-View", "personal" => TAB_EMP_PERSONAL . "-Edit", "jobhistory" => TAB_EMP_JOB_HISTORY, "certification" => TAB_EMP_TRAINING_CERTIFY, "experience" => TAB_EMP_EXPERIENCE, "education" => TAB_EMP_EDUCATION, "medicalclaims" => TAB_EMP_MEDICAL_CLAIMS, "leaves" => TAB_EMP_LEAVES, "skills" => TAB_EMP_SKILLS, "dependency" => TAB_EMP_DEPENDENCY, "index" => TAB_EMP_OFFICIAL . "-View", "edit" => TAB_EMP_OFFICIAL . "-Edit");
     //The Logic used behind this functionality is we are using the object of zend session to store the action
     $recentlyViewed = new Zend_Session_Namespace('recentlyViewed');
     // Creating a new session with namespace
     if (!empty($recentlyViewed->recentlyViewedObject)) {
         echo '<div class="recentviewd"><label id="recentviewtext">Recently viewed</label><ul>';
         $rvSize = 0;
         if (sizeof($recentlyViewed->recentlyViewedObject) > 3) {
             $rvSize = 3;
             $recentlyViewed->recentlyViewedObject = array_slice($recentlyViewed->recentlyViewedObject, 1);
         } else {
             $rvSize = sizeof($recentlyViewed->recentlyViewedObject);
         $menuName = '';
         $pagesplitName = '';
         for ($i = 0; $i < $rvSize; $i++) {
             $pagesplit = $recentlyViewed->recentlyViewedObject[$i];
             $pagesplitName = isset($pagesplit['controller_name']) ? $pagesplit['controller_name'] : "";
             $pagesplitLink = isset($pagesplit['url']) ? $pagesplit['url'] : "";
             $pagesplit_action = isset($pagesplit['action_name']) ? $pagesplit['action_name'] : "";
             $pagesplit_idname = isset($pagesplit['id_name']) ? $pagesplit['id_name'] : "";
             // Instead of url - display menu name for each list item
             if ($pagesplitName != 'dashboard' && $pagesplitName != 'welcome' && $pagesplitName != 'viewsettings') {
                 if (array_key_exists($pagesplitName, $emptabarr) !== false) {
                     $menuName = $emptabarr[$pagesplitName];
                 } else {
                     $selectQuery1 = "select m.menuName from main_menu m where m.url = '/" . $pagesplitName . "'";
                     $db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
                     $sql = $db->query($selectQuery1);
                     $resultarray = $sql->fetchAll();
                     if (!empty($resultarray)) {
                         $menuName = ucfirst($resultarray[0]['menuName']);
                     } else {
                         $menuName = ucfirst($pagesplitName);
                         if ($menuName == 'Appraisalstatus') {
                             $menuName = '';
             } else {
                 if ($pagesplitName == 'viewsettings') {
                     $flagnumber = substr($pagesplitLink, -1);
                     if ($flagnumber != '') {
                         if ($flagnumber == 1) {
                             $menuName = "Settings-Widgets";
                         } else {
                             if ($flagnumber == 2) {
                                 $menuName = "Settings-Shortcuts";
                     } else {
                         $menuName = "Settings";
                 } else {
                     $menuName = ucfirst($pagesplitName);
             // Display of add, edit or view in each list item
             // Checking condition for my employee and my details static controllers
             if ($pagesplitName != '' && in_array($pagesplitName, $myDetailsEmployeesarr)) {
                 if ($pagesplit_action != '') {
                     if ($pagesplitName == 'myemployees') {
                         if (array_key_exists($pagesplit_action, $myemployees_arr) !== false) {
                             $menuName .= $myemployees_arr[$pagesplit_action];
                         } else {
                             if (array_key_exists($pagesplit_action, $myemployeesedit_arr) !== false) {
                                 $menuName .= $myemployeesedit_arr[$pagesplit_action];
                             } else {
                                 if ($actionName == 'add') {
                                     $menuName .= '-Add';
                     } else {
                         if (array_key_exists($pagesplit_action, $mydetails_arr) !== false) {
                             $menuName .= $mydetails_arr[$pagesplit_action];
                 } else {
                     if ($pagesplit_action == '') {
                         if ($pagesplitName == 'mydetails') {
                             $menuName .= TAB_EMP_OFFICIAL . "-View";
                     } else {
                         $menuName .= '';
             } else {
                 if ($pagesplitName != '' && $pagesplitName == 'reports') {
                     if ($pagesplit_action != '') {
                         if (array_key_exists($pagesplit_action, $reportsArr) !== false) {
                             $menuName .= $reportsArr[$pagesplit_action];
                 } else {
                     if ($pagesplitName != '' && $pagesplitName == 'servicerequests') {
                         if ($pagesplit_action != '') {
                             $param_t = isset($pagesplit['t']) ? sapp_Global::_decrypt($pagesplit['t']) : "";
                             $param_v = isset($pagesplit['v']) ? sapp_Global::_decrypt($pagesplit['v']) : "";
                             $service_menu = sapp_Helper::sd_menu_names();
                             $service_action_arr = sapp_Helper::sd_action_names();
                             if ($param_t != '' && isset($service_menu[$param_t])) {
                                 $menuName .= " - " . $service_menu[$param_t];
                             if ($param_v != '' && isset($service_action_arr[$param_v])) {
                                 $menuName .= " - " . $service_action_arr[$param_v];
                     } else {
                         if ($pagesplitName != '' && $pagesplitName == 'appraisalinit') {
                             if ($pagesplit_action != '') {
                                 if ($pagesplit_action == 'edit') {
                                     $menuName .= '-Edit';
                                 if ($pagesplit_action == 'view') {
                                     $menuName .= '-View';
                                 if ($pagesplit_action == 'add') {
                                     $menuName .= '-Add';
                                 if ($pagesplit_action == 'assigngroups') {
                                     $menuName .= '-Edit Questions';
                                 if ($pagesplit_action == 'confmanagers') {
                                     $menuName .= '-Edit Managers';
                                 if ($pagesplit_action == 'viewassigngroups') {
                                     $menuName .= '-View Questions';
                                 if ($pagesplit_action == 'viewconfmanagers') {
                                     $menuName .= '-View Managers';
                         } else {
                             if ($pagesplitName != '' && $pagesplitName == 'appraisalstatus') {
                                 if ($pagesplit_action != '') {
                                     if ($pagesplit_action == 'employee') {
                                         $menuName .= 'Employee Status';
                                     if ($pagesplit_action == 'manager') {
                                         $menuName .= 'Manager Status';
                             } else {
                                 if ($pagesplit_action != '' && $pagesplitName != 'reports') {
                                     if ($pagesplit_action == 'add') {
                                         $menuName .= '-Add';
                                     } else {
                                         if ($pagesplit_action == 'edit' && $pagesplit_idname == 'yes') {
                                             $menuName .= '-Edit';
                                         } else {
                                             if ($pagesplit_action == 'edit') {
                                                 $menuName .= '-Add';
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($pagesplit_action == 'view') {
                                                     $menuName .= '-View';
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($pagesplit_action == 'viewsettings') {
                                                         $menuName = 'Settings';
                                                     } else {
                                                         if ($pagesplit_action == 'viewprofile') {
                                                             $menuName = 'Profile';
                                                         } else {
                                                             if ($pagesplit_action == 'changepassword') {
                                                                 $menuName = 'Change password';
                                                             } else {
                                                                 if ($pagesplit_action == 'emailsettings') {
                                                                     $menuName = 'Email Settings';
                                                                 } else {
                                                                     if ($pagesplit_action == 'upgradeapplication') {
                                                                         $menuName = 'Upgrade Application';
             if ($menuName) {
                 echo '<li><span id="redirectlink"  title = "' . $menuName . '" onclick ="redirecttolink(\'' . $pagesplitLink . '\');">' . $menuName . '</span><a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="closetab(this,\'' . $pagesplitName . '\',\'' . $pagesplitLink . '\')"></a></li>';
     //end of display
     if (isset($recentlyViewed->recentlyViewedObject)) {
         if (sizeof($recentlyViewed->recentlyViewedObject) > 3 && $pageLink != DOMAIN && !in_array($pageName . "!@#" . $pageLink, $recentlyViewed->recentlyViewedObject)) {
         if ($pageName != 'public' && $pageName != 'welcome' && $controllerName != 'error') {
             if (!in_array('PIE.htc', $tmpPageLink)) {
                 if ($pageLink != DOMAIN && $controllerName != 'index' && $actionName != 'welcome') {
                     if ($this->recentlyviewed_helper($pageLink, $recentlyViewed->recentlyViewedObject) === true) {
                         if ($controllerName == 'servicerequests') {
                             array_push($recentlyViewed->recentlyViewedObject, array('url' => $burl, 'controller_name' => $controllerName, 'action_name' => $actionName, 'id_name' => $id_name, 't' => isset($params['t']) ? $params['t'] : "", 'v' => isset($params['v']) ? $params['v'] : ""));
                         } else {
                             array_push($recentlyViewed->recentlyViewedObject, array('url' => $burl, 'controller_name' => $controllerName, 'action_name' => $actionName, 'id_name' => $id_name));
     } else {
         $recentlyViewed->recentlyViewedObject = array();
         if ($pageLink != DOMAIN && $controllerName != 'index' && $actionName != 'welcome' && $controllerName != 'error' && !in_array('PIE.htc', $tmpPageLink)) {
             if ($this->recentlyviewed_helper($pageLink, $recentlyViewed->recentlyViewedObject) === true) {
                 if ($controllerName == 'servicerequests') {
                     array_push($recentlyViewed->recentlyViewedObject, array('url' => $burl, 'controller_name' => $controllerName, 'action_name' => $actionName, 'id_name' => $id_name, 't' => isset($params['t']) ? $params['t'] : "", 'v' => isset($params['v']) ? $params['v'] : ""));
                 } else {
                     array_push($recentlyViewed->recentlyViewedObject, array('url' => $burl, 'controller_name' => $controllerName, 'action_name' => $actionName, 'id_name' => $id_name));
     echo '</ul></div>';
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function breadcrumbs($baseUrlString = '')
     $request = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
     $params = $request->getRequest()->getParams();
     $controllerName = $request->getRequest()->getControllerName();
     $action_Name = $request->getRequest()->getActionName();
     $tName = '';
     $vName = '';
     $tUrl = '';
     $serviceUrl = '';
     $burl = $controllerName . "/" . $action_Name;
      * For service request modifying the breadcrum based on t and v params
      * @var t and @var v
     $param_t = isset($params['t']) ? sapp_Global::_decrypt($params['t']) : "";
     $param_v = isset($params['v']) ? sapp_Global::_decrypt($params['v']) : "";
     $service_menu = sapp_Helper::sd_menu_names();
     $service_action_arr = sapp_Helper::sd_action_names();
     if ($param_t != '' && isset($service_menu[$param_t])) {
         $tName = $service_menu[$param_t] . ' Summary';
         $tUrl = $baseUrlString . '/' . $controllerName . '/index/t/' . sapp_Global::_encrypt($param_t);
     if ($param_v != '' && isset($service_action_arr[$param_v])) {
         $vName = $service_action_arr[$param_v];
     } else {
         $vName = $action_Name != 'index' ? $action_Name : '';
     if ($vName != '') {
         if ($tName != '') {
             $serviceUrl = '<a href=' . $tUrl . '>' . $tName . '</a><span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span>';
         $serviceUrl .= '<span>' . ucfirst($vName) . '</span>';
     } else {
         $serviceUrl = '<span>' . $tName . '</span>';
      * End modifying breadcrum for servicerequest.
     unset($params['module'], $params['controller'], $params['action']);
     if (isset($params['error_handler'])) {
     $id_name = '';
     if (is_array($params) && !empty($params)) {
         foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
             if (!is_array($value)) {
                 $burl .= "/" . $key . "/" . $value;
         $id_name = "yes";
     $pageUrl = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     $serverUrl = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
     $reportsArr = array('leavesreport' => 'Leaves', 'holidaygroupreports' => 'Holidays', 'activeuser' => 'Active Users', 'employeereport' => 'Employees', 'rolesgroup' => 'Roles', 'emprolesgroup' => 'Employee Roles', 'userlogreport' => 'User Logs', 'activitylogreport' => 'Activity Logs', 'requisitionstatusreport' => 'Requisition');
     $pageName = $controllerName;
     $actionName = $action_Name;
     $breadCrumbsData = '';
     $mydetails_arr = array('jobhistory' => 'Employee Job History', 'certification' => 'Training & Certification Details', 'experience' => 'Experience Details', 'education' => 'Education Details', 'medicalclaims' => 'Medical Claims', 'leaves' => 'Employee Leaves', 'skills' => 'Employee Skills', 'communication' => 'Contact Details', 'communicationdetailsview' => 'Contact Details', 'disability' => 'Disability Details', 'disabilitydetailsview' => 'Disability Details', 'workeligibility' => 'Work Eligibility Details', 'workeligibilitydetailsview' => 'Work Eligibility Details', 'visa' => 'Visa and Immigration Details', 'visadetailsview' => 'Visa and Immigration Details', 'additionaldetails' => 'Additional Details', 'additionaldetailsview' => 'Additional Details', 'salarydetails' => 'Salary Details', 'salarydetailsview' => 'Salary Details', 'personal' => 'Personal Details', 'personaldetailsview' => 'Personal Details', 'creditcard' => 'Corporate Card Details', 'creditcarddetailsview' => 'Corporate Card Details', 'dependency' => 'Dependency Details', 'edit' => 'Edit');
     $myemployees_arr = array('additionaldetailsview' => 'Additional Details', 'jobhistoryview' => 'Job History', 'perview' => 'Personal Details', 'expview' => 'Experience Details', 'eduview' => 'Education Details', 'skillsview' => 'Employee Skills', 'comview' => 'Contact Details', 'trainingview' => 'Training & Certification Details', 'view' => 'View');
     if ($pageName == '' || $pageName == 'welcome') {
         $breadCrumbsData .= '';
     } else {
         if ($pageName == 'dashboard') {
             $breadCrumbsData = '<div class="breadcrumbs">';
             if ($actionName == 'viewsettings') {
                 $breadCrumbsData .= '<a href="' . $baseUrlString . '">Home</a> <span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> Settings';
             } else {
                 if ($actionName == 'viewprofile') {
                     $breadCrumbsData .= '<a href="' . $baseUrlString . '">Home</a> <span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> Profile';
                 } else {
                     if ($actionName == 'changepassword') {
                         $breadCrumbsData .= '<a href="' . $baseUrlString . '">Home</a> <span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> Change Password';
                     } else {
                         if ($actionName == 'emailsettings') {
                             $breadCrumbsData .= '<a href="' . $baseUrlString . '">Home</a> <span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> Email Settings';
                         } else {
                             if ($actionName == 'upgradeapplication') {
                                 $breadCrumbsData .= '<a href="' . $baseUrlString . '">Home</a> <span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> Upgrade Application  ';
             $breadCrumbsData .= '</div>';
         } else {
             if ($pageName == 'configuresite') {
                 $breadCrumbsData = '<div class="breadcrumbs">';
                 $breadCrumbsData .= '<a href="' . $baseUrlString . '">Home</a> <span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> Configure Site';
                 $breadCrumbsData .= '</div>';
             } else {
                 if ($pageName == 'managemenus') {
                     $breadCrumbsData = '<div class="breadcrumbs">';
                     $breadCrumbsData .= '<a href="' . $baseUrlString . '">Home</a> <span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> Manage Modules';
                     $breadCrumbsData .= '</div>';
                 } else {
                     if ($pageName == 'logmanager') {
                         $breadCrumbsData = '<div class="breadcrumbs">';
                         $breadCrumbsData .= '<a href="' . $baseUrlString . '">Home</a> <span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> Activity Log';
                         $breadCrumbsData .= '</div>';
                     } else {
                         if ($pageName == 'userloginlog') {
                             $breadCrumbsData = '<div class="breadcrumbs">';
                             $breadCrumbsData .= '<a href="' . $baseUrlString . '">Home</a> <span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> User Log';
                             $breadCrumbsData .= '</div>';
                         } else {
                             if ($pageName == 'servicerequests') {
                                 $breadCrumbsData = '<div class="breadcrumbs">';
                                 $breadCrumbsData .= '<a href="' . $baseUrlString . '">Home</a> <span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> Service Request Management<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span>' . $serviceUrl . '';
                                 $breadCrumbsData .= '</div>';
                             } else {
                                 if ($pageName == 'reports') {
                                     $breadCrumbsData = '<div class="breadcrumbs">';
                                     $breadCrumbsData .= '<a href="' . $baseUrlString . '">Home</a> <span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span>';
                                     if (isset($actionName) && $actionName != '') {
                                         $breadCrumbsData .= '<span><a href="' . $baseUrlString . '/reports">Analytics</a></span>';
                                         if ($actionName == 'userlogreport') {
                                             $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span>Audit Logs<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span><span>User log Report</span>';
                                         } else {
                                             if ($actionName == 'activitylogreport') {
                                                 $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span>Audit Logs<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span><span>Activity log Report</span>';
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($actionName == 'businessunits') {
                                                     $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span>Organization<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span><span>Business Units Report</span>';
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($actionName == 'departments') {
                                                         $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span>Organization<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span><span>Departments Report</span>';
                                                     } else {
                                                         if ($actionName == 'leavesreport') {
                                                             $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span>Leave Management<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span><span>Employee Leaves Summary Report</span>';
                                                         } else {
                                                             if ($actionName == 'leavemanagementreport') {
                                                                 $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span>Leave Management<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span><span>Leave Management Summary Report</span>';
                                                             } else {
                                                                 if ($actionName == 'holidaygroupreports') {
                                                                     $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span>Holiday Management<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span><span>Holiday Groups & Holidays Report</span>';
                                                                 } else {
                                                                     if ($actionName == 'employeereport') {
                                                                         $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span><span>Employees Report</span> ';
                                                                     } else {
                                                                         if ($actionName == 'rolesgroup') {
                                                                             $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span>User Management<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span><span>Groups & Roles Report</span>';
                                                                         } else {
                                                                             if ($actionName == 'emprolesgroup') {
                                                                                 $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span>User Management<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span><span>Groups, Roles & Employees Report</span>';
                                                                             } else {
                                                                                 if ($actionName == 'activeuser') {
                                                                                     $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span>User Management<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span><span>Users & Employees Report</span>';
                                                                                 } else {
                                                                                     if ($actionName == 'requisitionstatusreport') {
                                                                                         $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span>Resource Requisition<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span><span>Requisitions Report</span>';
                                                                                     } else {
                                                                                         if ($actionName == 'candidatesreport') {
                                                                                             $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span>Resource Requisition<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span><span>Candidate Details Report</span>';
                                                                                         } else {
                                                                                             if ($actionName == 'interviewrounds') {
                                                                                                 $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span>Resource Requisition<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span><span>Scheduled Interviews Report</span>';
                                                                                             } else {
                                                                                                 if ($actionName == 'empscreening') {
                                                                                                     $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span>Background Checks<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span><span>Employee / Candidate Screening Report</span>';
                                                                                                 } else {
                                                                                                     if ($actionName == 'agencylistreport') {
                                                                                                         $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span>Background Checks<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span><span>Background Checks Agencies Report</span>';
                                     } else {
                                         $breadCrumbsData .= '<span>Analytics</span>';
                                     $breadCrumbsData .= '</div>';
                                 } else {
                                     $breadCrumbsData = '<div class="breadcrumbs">';
                                     $url = "/" . $pageName;
                                     $breadCrumIds = $this->getBreadCrumDetails($url);
                                     $breadCrumNames = array();
                                     if (!empty($breadCrumIds)) {
                                         $menu_model = new Default_Model_Menu();
                                         $breadcrumstring = trim($breadCrumIds[0]['nav_ids'], ',');
                                         $breadcrumArr = explode(",", $breadcrumstring);
                                         $breadCrumNames = $breadCrumIds;
                                         $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="firstbreadcrumb" onclick="window.location=\'' . $baseUrlString . '\'">Home</span> <span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> ';
                                         for ($b = 0; $b < sizeof($breadCrumNames); $b++) {
                                             $breadCrumNames[$b]['menuName'] = $menu_model->getMenuText($breadCrumNames[$b]['menuName']);
                                             if ($b == 0) {
                                                 if ($breadCrumNames[$b]['url'] == '/sitepreference') {
                                                     $breadCrumbsData .= '<span>' . $breadCrumNames[$b]['menuName'] . '</span>';
                                                 } else {
                                                     $breadCrumbsData .= '<span>' . $breadCrumNames[$b]['menuName'] . '</span> <span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> ';
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($b == sizeof($breadCrumNames) - 1) {
                                                     if ($actionName == '') {
                                                         $breadCrumbsData .= '<span>' . $breadCrumNames[$b]['menuName'] . '</span>';
                                                     } else {
                                                         $breadCrumbsData .= '<a href="' . $baseUrlString . $breadCrumNames[$b]['url'] . '" >' . $breadCrumNames[$b]['menuName'] . '</a>';
                                                 } else {
                                                     $breadCrumbsData .= '<span>' . $breadCrumNames[$b]['menuName'] . '</span> <span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> ';
                                         if ($actionName == 'add' || $actionName == 'edit' && $id_name == '' || $actionName != '' && $actionName != 'view') {
                                             if ($actionName == 'edit' || $actionName != '') {
                                                 $idvalindex = '';
                                                 if (in_array('id', $pageUrl)) {
                                                     $idindex = array_search('id', $pageUrl);
                                                     $idvalindex = $idindex + 1;
                                                 } else {
                                                     if (in_array('userid', $pageUrl)) {
                                                         $idindex = array_search('userid', $pageUrl);
                                                         $idvalindex = $idindex + 1;
                                                 if ((in_array('id', $pageUrl) || in_array('userid', $pageUrl)) && $pageName != 'myemployees') {
                                                     $idval = intval($pageUrl[$idvalindex]);
                                                     if ($idval != 0) {
                                                         $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> <span>Edit</span>';
                                                     } else {
                                                         $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> <span>Add</span>';
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($pageName == 'mydetails') {
                                                         if (isset($actionName) && $actionName != '') {
                                                             if (array_key_exists($actionName, $mydetails_arr) !== false) {
                                                                 $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> <span>' . $mydetails_arr[$actionName] . '</span>';
                                                         } else {
                                                             $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> <span>Edit</span>';
                                                     } else {
                                                         if ($pageName == 'myemployees') {
                                                             if (isset($actionName) && $actionName != '') {
                                                                 if (array_key_exists($actionName, $myemployees_arr) !== false) {
                                                                     $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> <span>' . $myemployees_arr[$actionName] . '</span>';
                                                             } else {
                                                                 $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> <span>View</span>';
                                                         } else {
                                                             if ($actionName == 'multipleresume') {
                                                                 $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> <span>Add multiple CVs</span>';
                                                             if ($actionName == 'edit' && $pageName == 'heirarchy') {
                                                                 $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> <span>Edit</span>';
                                                             } else {
                                                                 if ($actionName == 'edit' || $actionName == 'add') {
                                                                     $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> <span>Add</span>';
                                                                 } else {
                                                                     $breadCrumbsData .= '';
                                             } else {
                                                 $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> <span>Add</span>';
                                         } else {
                                             if ($actionName == 'edit') {
                                                 $idvalindex = '';
                                                 if (in_array('id', $pageUrl)) {
                                                     $idindex = array_search('id', $pageUrl);
                                                     $idvalindex = $idindex + 1;
                                                 } else {
                                                     if (in_array('userid', $pageUrl)) {
                                                         $idindex = array_search('userid', $pageUrl);
                                                         $idvalindex = $idindex + 1;
                                                 if (in_array('id', $pageUrl) || in_array('userid', $pageUrl)) {
                                                     $idval = intval($pageUrl[$idvalindex]);
                                                     if ($idval != '') {
                                                         $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> <span>Edit</span>';
                                                     } else {
                                                         $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> <span>Add</span>';
                                                 } else {
                                                     $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> <span>Add</span>';
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($actionName == 'view') {
                                                     $breadCrumbsData .= '<span class="arrows">&rsaquo;</span> <span>View</span>';
                                         $breadCrumbsData .= '</div>';
                                     } else {
                                         $breadCrumbsData = '';
     echo $breadCrumbsData;
Exemplo n.º 11
  **	1. gets menudata from database
  **	2. prepares the first and second level menuids array
  **	3. builds the menu tree html
  **	4. con = settings for settings menu
 public function menubuilder($con = "", $userRole = 2, $flag = "", $usergroup)
     $uploadPath = BASE_URL . '/public/media/images/menuIcons/';
     $menuheightclass = '';
     $groupbasedclass = '';
     $ulclass = '';
     if ($usergroup == '' || $usergroup == MANAGEMENT_GROUP) {
         $menuheightclass = '';
         $groupbasedclass = '';
     } else {
         $menuheightclass = 'menuheight';
         $groupbasedclass = '-common';
         $ulclass = 'new-roles';
     $menu_model = new Default_Model_Menu();
     $marr = $menu_model->getgroup_formenu($usergroup, $userRole, '');
     $menuarr = $marr['tmpArr'];
     $parent_menu_class = array(SITECONFIGURATION => 'site-configuration', EMPLOYEECONFIGURATION => "employee-configuration", SITEPREFERENCE => "site-preferences", ORGANIZATION => "organization-menu", USERMANAGEMENT => "user-management", HUMANRESOURCE => "hr-module", RESOURCEREQUISITION => "req-module", EMPLOYEESELFSERVICE => "ess-module", BGCHECKS => "bg-module", REPORTS => "report-module", MANAGEMODULE => "manage-module", SERVICEDESK => 'service-desk', PERFORMANCEAPPRAISAL => "perf-app", FEED_FORWARD => "feed-forward", DASHBOARD_MENU => "dashboard");
     $parent_menu_selected_class = array(SITECONFIGURATION => 'sitec-selected', EMPLOYEECONFIGURATION => "employeec-selected", SITEPREFERENCE => "sitep-selected", ORGANIZATION => "organization-selected", USERMANAGEMENT => "user-selected", HUMANRESOURCE => "hr-selected", RESOURCEREQUISITION => "req-selected", EMPLOYEESELFSERVICE => "ess-selected", BGCHECKS => "bg-selected", REPORTS => "report-selected", MANAGEMODULE => "manage-selected", SERVICEDESK => 'service-selected', PERFORMANCEAPPRAISAL => "perf-app-selected", FEED_FORWARD => 'feed-forward-selected', DASHBOARD_MENU => "dashboard-selected");
     $tour_menu_class = array(SITECONFIGURATION => 'tour_siteconfiguration', EMPLOYEECONFIGURATION => "tour_employeeconfigurations", SITEPREFERENCE => "tour_sitepreferences", ORGANIZATION => "tour_organization", USERMANAGEMENT => "tour_usermanagement", HUMANRESOURCE => "tour_humanresource", RESOURCEREQUISITION => "tour_requisition", EMPLOYEESELFSERVICE => "tour_employeeselfservice", BGCHECKS => "tour_backgroundchecks", REPORTS => "tour_reports", MANAGEMODULE => "tour_managemodules", SERVICEDESK => 'tour_service', PERFORMANCEAPPRAISAL => "tour_performanceappraisal", FEED_FORWARD => 'tour_feedforward', DASHBOARD_MENU => "tour_dashboard");
     $childs_menu = "";
     $parent_menu = "<div class='home_menu'><div class='menu-head " . $menuheightclass . "' id='menu-shadow' style='display:none;'>\n\t\t\t\t<ul id='scroller' class='" . $ulclass . "'>";
     $clas_drag = $con == 'settings' ? ' draggable-reports-li ' : '';
     // Add draggable class for dashbord
     $parent_menu .= "<li id='main_parent_" . DASHBOARD_MENU . "' super-parent = 'main_parent_" . DASHBOARD_MENU . "' class = '" . $clas_drag . "clickable_menu " . $parent_menu_selected_class[DASHBOARD_MENU] . "-main " . $tour_menu_class[DASHBOARD_MENU] . "' menu-url ='" . BASE_URL . "/welcome' selected-class = '" . $parent_menu_selected_class[DASHBOARD_MENU] . "' > <a id='" . DASHBOARD_MENU . "' ><span class='scroll-menu dashboard dashboard-selected-common super_selected'></span><b>Dashboard</b></a></li>";
     foreach ($menuarr as $menuid => $data) {
         $for_childs_str = "";
         $parent_url = BASE_URL . $data['url'];
         if (isset($data['childs']) && count($data['childs']) > 0) {
             $for_childs_str = "div_mchilds_" . $menuid;
             $parent_url = "";
             $childs_menu .= "<div class='side-menu " . $for_childs_str . "' style='display:none;'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul>";
             foreach ($data['childs'] as $ch_menu_id => $ch_menu_data) {
                 if (isset($ch_menu_data['childs']) && count($ch_menu_data['childs']) > 0) {
                     $childs_menu .= "<li class='acc_li'><span class='acc_li_toggle' id='acc_li_toggle_" . $ch_menu_data['id'] . "' onclick='togglesubmenus(" . $ch_menu_data['id'] . ");'><b>" . $ch_menu_data['menuName'] . "</b></span><ul>";
                     foreach ($ch_menu_data['childs'] as $ch2_menu_id => $ch2_menu_data) {
                         if ($con == 'settings') {
                             $childs_menu .= "<li class = 'clickable_menu' super-parent = 'main_parent_" . $menuid . "' menu-url = '" . BASE_URL . $ch2_menu_data['url'] . "' parent-div = '" . $for_childs_str . "'><a id=" . $ch2_menu_data['id'] . " href='javascript:void(0);'>" . $ch2_menu_data['menuName'] . "</a></li>";
                         } else {
                             $childs_menu .= "<li class = 'clickable_menu' primary_parent = '" . $ch2_menu_data['parent'] . "' super-parent = 'main_parent_" . $menuid . "' menu-url = '" . BASE_URL . $ch2_menu_data['url'] . "' parent-div = '" . $for_childs_str . "'><a id=" . $ch2_menu_data['id'] . " href='" . BASE_URL . $ch2_menu_data['url'] . "/'>" . $ch2_menu_data['menuName'] . "</a></li>";
                     $childs_menu .= "</ul></li>";
                 } else {
                     if ($con == 'settings') {
                         if ($menuid == SERVICEDESK && $ch_menu_id == SD_TRANS) {
                             $storage = new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session();
                             $sess_data = $storage->read();
                             $childs_menu .= sapp_Helper::service_header($sess_data, 'menusettings');
                         } else {
                             $childs_menu .= "<li class = 'clickable_menu single-menu' super-parent = 'main_parent_" . $menuid . "' menu-url = '" . BASE_URL . $ch_menu_data['url'] . "' parent-div = '" . $for_childs_str . "'><a id=" . $ch_menu_data['id'] . " href='javascript:void(0);'>" . $ch_menu_data['menuName'] . "</a></li>";
                     } else {
                         if ($menuid == SERVICEDESK && $ch_menu_id == SD_TRANS) {
                             $storage = new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session();
                             $sess_data = $storage->read();
                             $childs_menu .= sapp_Helper::service_header($sess_data, 'menu');
                         } else {
                             $condition = $ch_menu_data['id'] == 168 ? "<span class='beta_menu'></span>" : "";
                             $childs_menu .= "<li class = 'clickable_menu single-menu' super-parent = 'main_parent_" . $menuid . "' menu-url = '" . BASE_URL . $ch_menu_data['url'] . "' parent-div = '" . $for_childs_str . "'><a id=" . $ch_menu_data['id'] . " href='" . BASE_URL . $ch_menu_data['url'] . "/'>" . $ch_menu_data['menuName'] . $condition . "</a></li>";
             $childs_menu .= "</ul></div>";
         $super_str = "";
         $dummy_parent_div = "";
         if ($menuid == SITEPREFERENCE) {
             $super_str = " super-parent = 'main_parent_" . $menuid . "' ";
             $dummy_parent_div = "parent-div = 'dummy'";
         if ($con == 'settings') {
             $parent_menu .= "<li id='main_parent_" . $menuid . "' " . $dummy_parent_div . " " . $super_str . " super-parent = 'main_parent_" . $menuid . "' class = 'draggable-reports-li clickable_menu " . $parent_menu_selected_class[$menuid] . ($groupbasedclass != '' ? "-main-common " : "-main ") . $tour_menu_class[$menuid] . "' menu-url ='" . $parent_url . "' for-childs = '" . $for_childs_str . "' selected-class = '" . ($groupbasedclass != '' ? $parent_menu_selected_class[$menuid] . "-common" : $parent_menu_selected_class[$menuid]) . "'><a id='" . $menuid . "'><span class='scroll-menu " . ($groupbasedclass != '' ? $parent_menu_class[$menuid] . "-common" : $parent_menu_class[$menuid]) . "'></span><b>" . $data['menuName'] . "</b></a></li>";
         } else {
             $groupclass = "";
             $parent_menu .= "<li id='main_parent_" . $menuid . "' " . $dummy_parent_div . " " . $super_str . " super-parent = 'main_parent_" . $menuid . "' class = 'clickable_menu " . $parent_menu_selected_class[$menuid] . ($groupbasedclass != '' ? "-main-common " : "-main ") . $tour_menu_class[$menuid] . "' menu-url ='" . $parent_url . "' for-childs = '" . $for_childs_str . "' selected-class = '" . ($groupbasedclass != '' ? $parent_menu_selected_class[$menuid] . "-common" : $parent_menu_selected_class[$menuid]) . "'><a id='" . $menuid . "'><span class='scroll-menu " . ($groupbasedclass != '' ? $parent_menu_class[$menuid] . "-common" : $parent_menu_class[$menuid]) . "'></span><b>" . $data['menuName'] . "</b></a></li>";
     //end of for loop
     if (($userRole == SUPERADMIN || $usergroup == MANAGEMENT_GROUP) && $con != 'settings') {
         $parent_menu .= "<li selected-class='log-selected' id='main_parent_logs'  class='clickable_menu log-selected-main tour_logs' menu-url='' for-childs = 'div_mchilds_logs'><span class='scroll-menu log-module'></span><b>Logs</b></li>";
         $childs_menu .= "<div class='side-menu div_mchilds_logs' style='display:none;'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li super-parent = 'main_parent_logs' parent-div='div_mchilds_logs' class = 'clickable_menu single-menu' menu-url = '" . BASE_URL . "/logmanager'><a href='" . BASE_URL . "/logmanager'>Activity Log</a></li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li super-parent = 'main_parent_logs' parent-div='div_mchilds_logs' class = 'clickable_menu single-menu' menu-url = '" . BASE_URL . "/userloginlog'><a href='" . BASE_URL . "/userloginlog'>User Log</a></li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  </div>";
     $parent_menu .= " </ul>\n\t\t\t </div></div>\n\t\t";
     return array('parent_menu' => $parent_menu, 'childs_menu' => $childs_menu);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function uploadexcelAction()
     $savefolder = EMP_EXCEL_UPLOAD_PATH;
     // folder for upload
     $max_size = 1048576;
     // maxim size for image file, in KiloBytes
     // Allowed file types
     $allowtype = array('xls', 'xlsx');
     $rezultat = '';
     $result_status = '';
     $result_msg = '';
     // if is received a valid file
     if (isset($_FILES['emp_excel'])) {
         // checks to have the allowed extension
         $type = explode(".", strtolower($_FILES['emp_excel']['name']));
         $ext = $type[count($type) - 1];
         if (in_array($ext, $allowtype)) {
             // check its size
             if ($_FILES['emp_excel']['size'] <= $max_size * 1024) {
                 // if no errors
                 if ($_FILES['emp_excel']['error'] == 0) {
                     $newname = 'ex_pre_' . date("His") . '.' . $ext;
                     $thefile = $savefolder . "/" . $_FILES['emp_excel']['name'];
                     $newfilename = $savefolder . "/" . $newname;
                     $filename = $newname;
                     if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['emp_excel']['tmp_name'], $newfilename)) {
                         $rezultat = '';
                         $result_status = 'error';
                         $result_msg = 'The file cannot be uploaded, try again.';
                     } else {
                         $rezultat = $filename;
                         $stat = sapp_Helper::process_emp_excel($newfilename);
                         $result_msg = $stat['msg'];
                         $result_status = $stat['status'];
             } else {
                 $rezultat = '';
                 $result_status = 'error';
                 $result_msg = 'The file exceeds the maximum permitted size ' . $max_size . ' KB.';
         } else {
             $rezultat = '';
             $result_status = 'error';
             $result_msg = 'Please upload only .xls,.xlsx files.';
     } else {
         $rezultat = '';
         $result_status = 'error';
         $result_msg = 'Please upload only .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png images.';
     $result = array('result' => $result_status, 'img' => $rezultat, 'msg' => $result_msg);
 public function editsave($empsalarydetailsform, $userid)
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
         $loginUserId = $auth->getStorage()->read()->id;
     if ($empsalarydetailsform->isValid($this->_request->getPost())) {
         $post_values = $this->_request->getPost();
         if (isset($post_values['id'])) {
         if (isset($post_values['user_id'])) {
         if (isset($post_values['submit'])) {
         $new_post_values = array_filter($post_values);
         if (!empty($new_post_values)) {
             $empsalarydetailsModal = new Default_Model_Empsalarydetailsnew();
             $id = $this->_request->getParam('id');
             $user_id = $userid;
             $signonbonus = $this->_request->getParam('signonbonus');
             $relocationcost = $this->_request->getParam('relocationcost');
             $noticebuyout = $this->_request->getParam('noticebuyout');
             $others1 = $this->_request->getParam('others1');
             $fixedctc = $this->_request->getParam('fixedctc');
             $variablepay = $this->_request->getParam('variablepay');
             $lta = $this->_request->getParam('lta');
             $others2 = $this->_request->getParam('others2');
             $date = new Zend_Date();
             $menumodel = new Default_Model_Menu();
             $actionflag = '';
             $tableid = '';
             $data = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'signonbonus' => sapp_Helper::_dataEncrypt($signonbonus, ENCRYPTION_KEY), 'relocationcost' => sapp_Helper::_dataEncrypt($relocationcost, ENCRYPTION_KEY), 'noticebuyout' => sapp_Helper::_dataEncrypt($noticebuyout, ENCRYPTION_KEY), 'others1' => sapp_Helper::_dataEncrypt($others1, ENCRYPTION_KEY), 'fixedctc' => sapp_Helper::_dataEncrypt($fixedctc, ENCRYPTION_KEY), 'variablepay' => sapp_Helper::_dataEncrypt($variablepay, ENCRYPTION_KEY), 'lta' => sapp_Helper::_dataEncrypt($lta, ENCRYPTION_KEY), 'others2' => sapp_Helper::_dataEncrypt($others2, ENCRYPTION_KEY), 'isactive' => 1, 'modifiedby' => $loginUserId, 'modifieddate' => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
             $recExists = $empsalarydetailsModal->isCompensationDataExists($user_id);
             if ($recExists == "true") {
                 $where = array('user_id=?' => $user_id);
                 $actionflag = 2;
             } else {
                 $data['createdby'] = $loginUserId;
                 $data['createddate'] = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                 $data['isactive'] = 1;
                 $where = '';
                 $actionflag = 1;
             $Id = $empsalarydetailsModal->SaveorUpdateEmpSalaryData($data, $where);
             if ($Id == 'update') {
                 $tableid = $id;
                 $this->_helper->getHelper("FlashMessenger")->addMessage(array("success" => "Employee salary details updated successfully."));
             } else {
                 $tableid = $Id;
                 $this->_helper->getHelper("FlashMessenger")->addMessage(array("success" => "Employee salary details added successfully."));
             $menuidArr = $menumodel->getMenuObjID('/employee');
             $menuID = $menuidArr[0]['id'];
             $result = sapp_Global::logManager($menuID, $actionflag, $loginUserId, $user_id);
         } else {
             $this->_helper->getHelper("FlashMessenger")->addMessage(array("error" => FIELDMSG));
         $this->_redirect('empsalarydetails/edit/userid/' . $userid);
     } else {
         $messages = $empsalarydetailsform->getMessages();
         foreach ($messages as $key => $val) {
             foreach ($val as $key2 => $val2) {
                 $msgarray[$key] = $val2;
         return $msgarray;
Exemplo n.º 14
  **	1. gets menudata from database
  **	2. prepares the first and second level menuids array
  **	3. builds the menu tree html
  **	4. con = settings for settings menu
 public function menubuilder($con = "", $userRole = 2, $flag = "", $usergroup)
     $uploadPath = BASE_URL . 'public/media/images/menuIcons/';
     $menuheightclass = '';
     $groupbasedclass = '';
     $ulclass = '';
     if ($usergroup == '' || $usergroup == MANAGEMENT_GROUP) {
         $menuheightclass = '';
         $groupbasedclass = '';
     } else {
         $menuheightclass = 'menuheight';
         $groupbasedclass = '-common';
         $ulclass = 'new-roles';
     $menu_model = new Default_Model_Menu();
     $marr = $menu_model->getgroup_formenu($usergroup, $userRole, '');
     $active_menus = $menu_model->getisactivemenus();
     $act_menus = array();
     if (!empty($active_menus)) {
         foreach ($active_menus as $act) {
             $act_menus[$act['id']] = $act;
     $menuarr = $marr['tmpArr'];
     /*** removing icons in the menu 07-08-2015 - START - ***
     	   $parent_menu_class = array(SITECONFIGURATION => 'site-configuration',EMPLOYEECONFIGURATION => "employee-configuration",
                                                 SITEPREFERENCE => "site-preferences",ORGANIZATION => "organization-menu",
                                                 USERMANAGEMENT => "user-management",HUMANRESOURCE => "hr-module",RESOURCEREQUISITION => "req-module",
                                                 EMPLOYEESELFSERVICE => "ess-module",BGCHECKS => "bg-module",
                                                 REPORTS => "report-module",MANAGEMODULE => "manage-module",SERVICEDESK => 'service-desk',
                                                 PERFORMANCEAPPRAISAL => "perf-app",FEED_FORWARD => "feed-forward",DASHBOARD_MENU => "dashboard",ANNOUNCEMENTS => ""    
     		$parent_menu_selected_class = array(
                                                         SITECONFIGURATION => 'sitec-selected',EMPLOYEECONFIGURATION => "employeec-selected",
                                                         SITEPREFERENCE => "sitep-selected",ORGANIZATION => "organization-selected",
                                                         USERMANAGEMENT => "user-selected",HUMANRESOURCE => "hr-selected",RESOURCEREQUISITION => "req-selected",
                                                         EMPLOYEESELFSERVICE => "ess-selected",BGCHECKS => "bg-selected",
                                                         REPORTS => "report-selected",MANAGEMODULE => "manage-selected",
                                                         SERVICEDESK => 'service-selected',PERFORMANCEAPPRAISAL => "perf-app-selected",FEED_FORWARD => 'feed-forward-selected',DASHBOARD_MENU => "dashboard-selected",ANNOUNCEMENTS => ""     
     		$tour_menu_class = array(SITECONFIGURATION => 'tour_siteconfiguration',
                                              EMPLOYEECONFIGURATION => "tour_employeeconfigurations",
                                              SITEPREFERENCE => "tour_sitepreferences",ORGANIZATION => "tour_organization",
                                              USERMANAGEMENT => "tour_usermanagement",HUMANRESOURCE => "tour_humanresource",
                                              RESOURCEREQUISITION => "tour_requisition",EMPLOYEESELFSERVICE => "tour_employeeselfservice",
                                              BGCHECKS => "tour_backgroundchecks",REPORTS => "tour_reports",
                                             MANAGEMODULE =>"tour_managemodules",SERVICEDESK => 'tour_service',PERFORMANCEAPPRAISAL => "tour_performanceappraisal",
                                             FEED_FORWARD => 'tour_feedforward',DASHBOARD_MENU => "tour_dashboard" ,ANNOUNCEMENTS => "tour_dashboard" 
     		 ******* removing icons in the menu 07-08-2015 - END - ***/
     $tour_menu_class = array(SITECONFIGURATION => 'tour_siteconfiguration', EMPLOYEECONFIGURATION => "tour_employeeconfigurations", SITEPREFERENCE => "tour_sitepreferences", ORGANIZATION => "tour_organization", USERMANAGEMENT => "tour_usermanagement", HUMANRESOURCE => "tour_humanresource", RESOURCEREQUISITION => "tour_requisition", EMPLOYEESELFSERVICE => "tour_employeeselfservice", BGCHECKS => "tour_backgroundchecks", REPORTS => "tour_reports", MANAGEMODULE => "tour_managemodules", SERVICEDESK => 'tour_service', PERFORMANCEAPPRAISAL => "tour_performanceappraisal", FEED_FORWARD => 'tour_feedforward', DASHBOARD_MENU => "tour_dashboard", ANNOUNCEMENTS => "tour_dashboard", TIMEMANAGEMENT => "tour_timemanagement");
     $childs_menu = "";
     $parent_menu = "<div class='home_menu'><div role='main' class='menu-head main" . $menuheightclass . "' id='menu-shadow' style='display:none;'>\n\t\t\t\t<ul id='main_ul' class='menu flex'>";
     $clas_drag = $con == 'settings' ? ' draggable-reports-li ' : '';
     // Add draggable class for dashbord
     /*** commented to remove menu icon 07-08-2015 - START - ***
     		$parent_menu .= "<li id='main_parent_".DASHBOARD_MENU."' super-parent = 'main_parent_".DASHBOARD_MENU."' class = '".$clas_drag."clickable_menu ".$parent_menu_selected_class[DASHBOARD_MENU]."-main ".$tour_menu_class[DASHBOARD_MENU]."' menu-url ='".BASE_URL."welcome' selected-class = '".$parent_menu_selected_class[DASHBOARD_MENU]."' > <a id='".DASHBOARD_MENU."' ><span class='scroll-menu dashboard dashboard-selected-common super_selected'></span><b>Dashboard</b></a></li>";
     		*** commented to remove menu icon 07-08-2015 - END - ***/
     $parent_menu .= "<li id='main_parent_" . DASHBOARD_MENU . "' super-parent = 'main_parent_" . DASHBOARD_MENU . "' class = '" . $clas_drag . "clickable_menu " . $parent_menu_selected_class[DASHBOARD_MENU] . "-main " . $tour_menu_class[DASHBOARD_MENU] . "' menu-url ='" . BASE_URL . "welcome' selected-class = '" . $parent_menu_selected_class[DASHBOARD_MENU] . "' > <a id='" . DASHBOARD_MENU . "' ><b>Dashboard</b></a></li>";
     foreach ($menuarr as $menuid => $data) {
         $for_childs_str = "";
         $parent_url = rtrim(BASE_URL, "/") . $data['url'];
         if (isset($data['childs']) && count($data['childs']) > 0) {
             $for_childs_str = "div_mchilds_" . $menuid;
             $parent_url = "";
             $childs_menu .= "<div class='side-menu " . $for_childs_str . "' style='display:none;'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul>";
             foreach ($data['childs'] as $ch_menu_id => $ch_menu_data) {
                 if (isset($ch_menu_data['childs']) && count($ch_menu_data['childs']) > 0) {
                     $childs_menu .= "<li class='acc_li'><span class='acc_li_toggle' id='acc_li_toggle_" . $ch_menu_data['id'] . "' onclick='togglesubmenus(" . $ch_menu_data['id'] . ");'><b>" . $ch_menu_data['menuName'] . "</b></span><ul>";
                     foreach ($ch_menu_data['childs'] as $ch2_menu_id => $ch2_menu_data) {
                         if ($con == 'settings') {
                             if ($ch2_menu_id == MANAGE_POLICY_DOCS) {
                                 /** policy document categories is not built as menu items 
                                  ** for settings page
                             } else {
                                 $childs_menu .= "<li class = 'clickable_menu' super-parent = 'main_parent_" . $menuid . "' menu-url = '" . rtrim(BASE_URL, "/") . $ch2_menu_data['url'] . "' parent-div = '" . $for_childs_str . "'><a id=" . $ch2_menu_data['id'] . "\t\thref='javascript:void(0);'>" . $ch2_menu_data['menuName'] . "</a></li>";
                         } else {
                             if ($ch2_menu_id == MANAGE_POLICY_DOCS) {
                                 /** to build policy document categories as menu items **/
                                 $childs_menu .= sapp_Helper::viewPolicyDocuments('menu');
                             } else {
                                 $childs_menu .= "<li class = 'clickable_menu' primary_parent = '" . $ch2_menu_data['parent'] . "' super-parent = 'main_parent_" . $menuid . "' menu-url = '" . rtrim(BASE_URL, "/") . $ch2_menu_data['url'] . "' parent-div = '" . $for_childs_str . "'><a id=" . $ch2_menu_data['id'] . " href='" . rtrim(BASE_URL, "/") . $ch2_menu_data['url'] . "/'>" . $ch2_menu_data['menuName'] . "</a></li>";
                     $childs_menu .= "</ul></li>";
                 } else {
                     if ($con == 'settings') {
                         if ($menuid == SERVICEDESK && $ch_menu_id == SD_TRANS) {
                             $storage = new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session();
                             $sess_data = $storage->read();
                             $childs_menu .= sapp_Helper::service_header($sess_data, 'menusettings');
                         } else {
                             if ($menuid == MANAGE_POLICY_DOCS) {
                                 /** policy document categories is not built as menu items 
                                  ** for settings page
                             } else {
                                 $childs_menu .= "<li class = 'clickable_menu single-menu' super-parent = 'main_parent_" . $menuid . "' menu-url = '" . rtrim(BASE_URL, "/") . $ch_menu_data['url'] . "' parent-div = '" . $for_childs_str . "'><a id=" . $ch_menu_data['id'] . " href='javascript:void(0);'>" . $ch_menu_data['menuName'] . "</a></li>";
                     } else {
                         if ($menuid == SERVICEDESK && $ch_menu_id == SD_TRANS) {
                             $storage = new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session();
                             $sess_data = $storage->read();
                             $childs_menu .= sapp_Helper::service_header($sess_data, 'menu');
                         } else {
                             if ($menuid == MANAGE_POLICY_DOCS) {
                                 /** to build policy document categories as menu items **/
                                 $childs_menu .= sapp_Helper::viewPolicyDocuments('menu');
                             } else {
                                 $condition = $ch_menu_data['id'] == 168 ? "<span class='beta_menu'></span>" : "";
                                 $childs_menu .= "<li class = 'clickable_menu single-menu' super-parent = 'main_parent_" . $menuid . "' menu-url = '" . rtrim(BASE_URL, "/") . $ch_menu_data['url'] . "' parent-div = '" . $for_childs_str . "'><a id=" . $ch_menu_data['id'] . " href='" . rtrim(BASE_URL, "/") . $ch_menu_data['url'] . "/'>" . $ch_menu_data['menuName'] . $condition . "</a></li>";
             $childs_menu .= "</ul></div>";
         $super_str = "";
         $dummy_parent_div = "";
         if ($menuid == SITEPREFERENCE) {
             $super_str = " super-parent = 'main_parent_" . $menuid . "' ";
             $dummy_parent_div = "parent-div = 'dummy'";
         if ($con == 'settings') {
             $parent_menu .= "<li id='main_parent_" . $menuid . "' " . $dummy_parent_div . " " . $super_str . " super-parent = 'main_parent_" . $menuid . "' class = 'draggable-reports-li clickable_menu " . $parent_menu_selected_class[$menuid] . ($groupbasedclass != '' ? "-main-common " : "-main ") . $tour_menu_class[$menuid] . "' menu-url ='" . $parent_url . "' for-childs = '" . $for_childs_str . "' selected-class = '" . ($groupbasedclass != '' ? $parent_menu_selected_class[$menuid] . "-common" : $parent_menu_selected_class[$menuid]) . "'><a id='" . $menuid . "'><span class='scroll-menu " . ($groupbasedclass != '' ? $parent_menu_class[$menuid] . "-common" : $parent_menu_class[$menuid]) . "'></span><b>" . $data['menuName'] . "</b></a></li>";
         } else {
             if ($menuid != TIMEMANAGEMENT) {
                 $groupclass = "";
                 $parent_menu .= "<li id='main_parent_" . $menuid . "' " . $dummy_parent_div . " " . $super_str . " super-parent = 'main_parent_" . $menuid . "' class = 'clickable_menu " . $parent_menu_selected_class[$menuid] . ($groupbasedclass != '' ? "-main-common " : "-main ") . $tour_menu_class[$menuid] . "' menu-url ='" . $parent_url . "' for-childs = '" . $for_childs_str . "' selected-class = '" . ($groupbasedclass != '' ? $parent_menu_selected_class[$menuid] . "-common" : $parent_menu_selected_class[$menuid]) . "'><a id='" . $menuid . "'><span class='scroll-menu " . ($groupbasedclass != '' ? $parent_menu_class[$menuid] . "-common" : $parent_menu_class[$menuid]) . "'></span><b>" . $data['menuName'] . "</b></a></li>";
     //end of for loop
     //for time management
     if (isset($act_menus[TIMEMANAGEMENT]) && $act_menus[TIMEMANAGEMENT]['isactive'] == 1 && $usergroup != USERS_GROUP) {
         $parent_menu .= "<li id='main_parent_" . TIMEMANAGEMENT . "' super-parent = 'main_parent_" . TIMEMANAGEMENT . "' class = '" . $clas_drag . "clickable_menu " . $parent_menu_selected_class[TIMEMANAGEMENT] . "-main " . $tour_menu_class[TIMEMANAGEMENT] . "' menu-url ='" . BASE_URL . "timemanagement' selected-class = '" . $parent_menu_selected_class[TIMEMANAGEMENT] . "' > <a id='" . TIMEMANAGEMENT . "' ><b>" . $act_menus[TIMEMANAGEMENT]['menuName'] . "</b></a></li>";
     if (($userRole == SUPERADMIN || $usergroup == MANAGEMENT_GROUP) && $con != 'settings') {
         /*** removing icon for Logs menu item 17-08-2015 - START ---  ****
         		 $parent_menu .= "<li selected-class='log-selected' id='main_parent_logs'  class='clickable_menu log-selected-main tour_logs' menu-url='' for-childs = 'div_mchilds_logs'><span class='scroll-menu log-module'></span><b>Logs</b></li>";
                    **** END ****/
         $parent_menu .= "<li selected-class='log-selected' id='main_parent_logs'  class='clickable_menu log-selected-main tour_logs' menu-url='' for-childs = 'div_mchilds_logs'><b>Logs</b></li>";
          * Logs links are static so <a> tags are required for these static links. 
          * Remaingin links are dynamic (Exists in database)
          * @var String - HTML markup
         $childs_menu .= "<div class='side-menu div_mchilds_logs' style='display:none;'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li super-parent = 'main_parent_logs' parent-div='div_mchilds_logs' class = 'clickable_menu single-menu' menu-url = '" . BASE_URL . "logmanager'><a href='" . BASE_URL . "logmanager'>Activity Log</a></li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li super-parent = 'main_parent_logs' parent-div='div_mchilds_logs' class = 'clickable_menu single-menu' menu-url = '" . BASE_URL . "userloginlog'><a href='" . BASE_URL . "userloginlog'>User Log</a></li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  </div>";
     $parent_menu .= " </ul>\n\t\t\t </div></div>\n\t\t";
     return array('parent_menu' => $parent_menu, 'childs_menu' => $childs_menu);