include __DIR__ . '/../src/autoloader.php';
$configurator = new s9e\TextFormatter\Configurator();
$configurator->plugins->load('MediaEmbed', ['captureURLs' => false]);
$configurator->registeredVars['cacheDir'] = __DIR__ . '/../tests/.cache';
$siteId = $_SERVER['argv'][1];
$dirpath = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../src/Plugins/MediaEmbed/Configurator/sites');
$siteFile = $dirpath . '/' . $siteId . '.xml';
$parser = $configurator->getParser();
$renderer = $configurator->getRenderer();
$html = '';
$site = simplexml_load_file($siteFile);
foreach ($site->example as $example) {
    $text = '[media=' . $siteId . ']' . $example . '[/media]';
    $xml = $parser->parse($text);
    $html .= $renderer->render($xml) . "\n";
$out = '<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8" />
	<title>MediaEmbed test page</title>
	<base href="http://localhost"/>
<body>' . $html . '</body></html>';
file_put_contents('/tmp/MediaEmbed.html', $out);
Exemplo n.º 2
         $config[KEY_TAGS][(string) $tag] = 1;
 } else {
     // Untagged sites go into the "misc" category
     $config[KEY_TAGS]['misc'] = 1;
 // Default HTML replacement. Ensure that iframe and script have an end tag
 $html = preg_replace('#(<(iframe|script)[^>]+)/>#', '$1></$2>', $template);
 $useEmbedCallback = false;
 // Test whether the template needs to be rendered in PHP. Some sites don't like URL-encoding so
 // we force them to be rendered in PHP regardless of the template. XenForo encodes ":" to %3A
 // which Comedy Central's servers don't like
 if (strpos($html, '<xsl:') !== false || preg_match('(="[^"]*(?<!\\{)\\{(?!\\{|@id\\}))', $html) || strpos($html, 'media.mtvnservices.com') !== false || $siteId === 'cnn' || $siteId === 'mailru') {
     // Capture the PHP source for this template
     $regexp = '(if\\(\\$tb===0\\)\\{?(.*?)\\}?elseif\\(\\$tb===)s';
     if (!preg_match($regexp, $configurator->getRenderer()->source, $m)) {
         die('Could not match ' . $site['name'] . " renderer\n");
     $src = "\$html='';" . $m[1];
     $src = str_replace("\$html='';\$this->out.=", '$html=', $src);
     $src = preg_replace("#\\\$node->hasAttribute\\(('[^']+')\\)#", 'isset($vars[$1])', $src);
     $src = preg_replace("#\\\$node->getAttribute\\(('[^']+')\\)#", '$vars[$1]', $src);
     $src = str_replace('$this->out', '$html', $src);
     // Replace the template params
     $src = preg_replace_callback("#\\\$this->params\\['([^']+)'\\]#", function ($m) use($addon, &$optionNames) {
         $paramName = $m[1];
         $optionName = $addon->getAttribute('addon_id') . '_' . $m[1];
         $optionNames[$paramName] = $optionName;
         return "XenForo_Application::get('options')->" . $optionName;
     }, $src);
     if (preg_match("((?<!XenForo_Application::get\\('options'\\))->)", $src)) {