/** * checks permissions of all required filesystem resources. * * @return array An array of error messages */ public static function checkFilesystem() { // -------------------------- SCHREIBRECHTE $writables = [rex_path::media(), rex_path::assets(), rex_path::cache(), rex_path::data(), rex_path::src()]; $func = function ($dir) use(&$func) { if (!rex_dir::isWritable($dir)) { return ['setup_304' => [$dir]]; } $res = []; foreach (rex_finder::factory($dir) as $path => $file) { if ($file->isDir()) { $res = array_merge_recursive($res, $func($path)); } elseif (!$file->isWritable()) { $res['setup_305'][] = $path; } } return $res; }; $res = []; foreach ($writables as $dir) { if (@is_dir($dir)) { $res = array_merge_recursive($res, $func($dir)); } else { $res['setup_306'][] = $dir; } } return $res; }
$configFile = rex_path::data('config.yml'); $config = rex_file::getConfig($configFile); $config['setup'] = true; // echo nl2br(htmlspecialchars($cont)); if (rex_file::putConfig($configFile, $config) !== false) { $info = rex_i18n::msg('setup_error1', '<a href="' . rex_url::backendController() . '">', '</a>'); header('Location:' . rex_url::backendController()); exit; } else { $error[] = rex_i18n::msg('setup_error2'); } } elseif ($func == 'generate') { // generate all articles,cats,templates,caches $success = rex_delete_cache(); } elseif ($func == 'updateassets') { rex_dir::copy(rex_path::core('assets'), rex_path::assets()); $success = 'Updated assets'; } elseif ($func == 'updateinfos') { $configFile = rex_path::data('config.yml'); $config = array_merge(rex_file::getConfig(rex_path::core('default.config.yml')), rex_file::getConfig($configFile)); $settings = rex_post('settings', 'array', []); foreach (['server', 'servername', 'error_email', 'lang'] as $key) { if (!isset($settings[$key]) || !$settings[$key]) { $error[] = rex_i18n::msg($key . '_required'); continue; } $config[$key] = $settings[$key]; try { rex::setProperty($key, $settings[$key]); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { $error[] = rex_i18n::msg($key . '_invalid');
<?php if (rex_string::versionCompare(rex::getVersion(), '5.0.0-beta1', '<=')) { rex_extension::register('RESPONSE_SHUTDOWN', function () { rex_file::delete(rex_path::assets('jquery.min.js')); rex_file::delete(rex_path::assets('jquery.min.map')); rex_file::delete(rex_path::assets('jquery-pjax.min.js')); rex_file::delete(rex_path::assets('jquery-ui.custom.min.js')); rex_file::delete(rex_path::assets('jquery-ui.custom.txt')); rex_file::delete(rex_path::assets('redaxo-logo.svg')); rex_file::delete(rex_path::assets('sha1.js')); rex_file::delete(rex_path::assets('standard.js')); }); rex_dir::copy(__DIR__ . '/assets', rex_path::assets('core')); rex_dir::create(rex_path::data('core')); rename(rex_path::data('config.yml'), rex_path::data('core/config.yml')); }
public function execute() { if (!rex::getUser()->isAdmin()) { throw new rex_api_exception('You do not have the permission!'); } $installAddon = rex_addon::get('install'); $versions = self::getVersions(); $versionId = rex_request('version_id', 'int'); if (!isset($versions[$versionId])) { return null; } $version = $versions[$versionId]; if (!rex_string::versionCompare($version['version'], rex::getVersion(), '>')) { throw new rex_api_exception(sprintf('Existing version of Core (%s) is newer than %s', rex::getVersion(), $version['version'])); } try { $archivefile = rex_install_webservice::getArchive($version['path']); } catch (rex_functional_exception $e) { throw new rex_api_exception($e->getMessage()); } $message = ''; $temppath = rex_path::cache('.new.core/'); try { if ($version['checksum'] != md5_file($archivefile)) { throw new rex_functional_exception($installAddon->i18n('warning_zip_wrong_checksum')); } if (!rex_install_archive::extract($archivefile, $temppath)) { throw new rex_functional_exception($installAddon->i18n('warning_core_zip_not_extracted')); } if (!is_dir($temppath . 'core')) { throw new rex_functional_exception($installAddon->i18n('warning_zip_wrong_format')); } $coreAddons = []; /** @var rex_addon[] $updateAddons */ $updateAddons = []; if (is_dir($temppath . 'addons')) { foreach (rex_finder::factory($temppath . 'addons')->dirsOnly() as $dir) { $addonkey = $dir->getBasename(); $addonPath = $dir->getRealPath() . '/'; if (!file_exists($addonPath . rex_package::FILE_PACKAGE)) { continue; } $config = rex_file::getConfig($addonPath . rex_package::FILE_PACKAGE); if (!isset($config['version']) || rex_addon::exists($addonkey) && rex_string::versionCompare($config['version'], rex_addon::get($addonkey)->getVersion(), '<')) { continue; } $coreAddons[$addonkey] = $addonkey; if (rex_addon::exists($addonkey)) { $updateAddons[$addonkey] = rex_addon::get($addonkey); $updateAddonsConfig[$addonkey] = $config; } } } //$config = rex_file::getConfig($temppath . 'core/default.config.yml'); //foreach ($config['system_addons'] as $addonkey) { // if (is_dir($temppath . 'addons/' . $addonkey) && rex_addon::exists($addonkey)) { // $updateAddons[$addonkey] = rex_addon::get($addonkey); // } //} $this->checkRequirements($temppath, $version['version'], $updateAddonsConfig); if (file_exists($temppath . 'core/update.php')) { include $temppath . 'core/update.php'; } foreach ($updateAddons as $addonkey => $addon) { if ($addon->isInstalled() && file_exists($file = $temppath . 'addons/' . $addonkey . '/' . rex_package::FILE_UPDATE)) { try { $addon->includeFile($file); if ($msg = $addon->getProperty('updatemsg', '')) { throw new rex_functional_exception($msg); } if (!$addon->getProperty('update', true)) { throw new rex_functional_exception(rex_i18n::msg('package_no_reason')); } } catch (rex_functional_exception $e) { throw new rex_functional_exception($addonkey . ': ' . $e->getMessage(), $e); } catch (rex_sql_exception $e) { throw new rex_functional_exception($addonkey . ': SQL error: ' . $e->getMessage(), $e); } } } // create backup if ($installAddon->getConfig('backups')) { rex_dir::create($installAddon->getDataPath()); $archive = $installAddon->getDataPath(strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9-_.]/i', '_', rex::getVersion())) . '.zip'); rex_install_archive::copyDirToArchive(rex_path::core(), $archive); foreach ($updateAddons as $addonkey => $addon) { rex_install_archive::copyDirToArchive($addon->getPath(), $archive, 'addons/' . $addonkey); } } // copy plugins to new addon dirs foreach ($updateAddons as $addonkey => $addon) { foreach ($addon->getRegisteredPlugins() as $plugin) { $pluginPath = $temppath . 'addons/' . $addonkey . '/plugins/' . $plugin->getName(); if (!is_dir($pluginPath)) { rex_dir::copy($plugin->getPath(), $pluginPath); } elseif ($plugin->isInstalled() && is_dir($pluginPath . '/assets')) { rex_dir::copy($pluginPath . '/assets', $plugin->getAssetsPath()); } } } // move temp dirs to permanent destination rex_dir::delete(rex_path::core()); rename($temppath . 'core', rex_path::core()); if (is_dir(rex_path::core('assets'))) { rex_dir::copy(rex_path::core('assets'), rex_path::assets()); } foreach ($coreAddons as $addonkey) { if (isset($updateAddons[$addonkey])) { rex_dir::delete(rex_path::addon($addonkey)); } rename($temppath . 'addons/' . $addonkey, rex_path::addon($addonkey)); if (is_dir(rex_path::addon($addonkey, 'assets'))) { rex_dir::copy(rex_path::addon($addonkey, 'assets'), rex_path::addonAssets($addonkey)); } } } catch (rex_functional_exception $e) { $message = $e->getMessage(); } catch (rex_sql_exception $e) { $message = 'SQL error: ' . $e->getMessage(); } rex_file::delete($archivefile); rex_dir::delete($temppath); if ($message) { $message = $installAddon->i18n('warning_core_not_updated') . '<br />' . $message; $success = false; } else { $message = $installAddon->i18n('info_core_updated'); $success = true; rex_delete_cache(); rex_install_webservice::deleteCache('core'); } return new rex_api_result($success, $message); }