Exemplo n.º 1
    public function modal_version2_look($_table_id, $lookpath = null, $profilepath = null, $headersyle = null, $commentstyle = null, $page = null)
        $ri = new resizeImage();
        $_SESSION['mno'] = $this->get_cookie('mno', 136);
        $mno = $this->get_cookie('mno', 136);
        switch ($page) {
            case 'rate-look':
                #page here
                $plno = $_table_id;
                $ano = $_table_id;
                $ano = $_table_id;
                $activity = $this->get_activity_posted($ano);
                $whoAction = $activity[0]['mno'];
                $plno = $activity[0]['_table_id'];
                $_table = $activity[0]['_table'];
                $action = $activity[0]['action'];
                $_date = $activity[0]['_date'];
        $li = $this->posted_look_info($plno);
        $lookname = $li['lookName'];
        $lookOwnerMno = $li['lookOwnerMno'];
        $lookAbout = $li['lookAbout'];
        $pltcomment = $li['pltcomment'];
        $tlview = $li['tlview'];
        $tdrip = $li['tdrip'];
        $tfavorite = $li['tfavorite'];
        $tshare = $li['tshare'];
        $pltvotes = $li['pltvotes'];
        $trating = $li['trating'];
        $tpercentage = $li['tpercentage'];
        $rating_percent = intval($li['tpercentage']);
        $rating_total = $li["pltvotes"];
        $comments = $this->get_look_all_comments($plno, 'order by plcno desc limit 2 ');
        $tcomments_len = count($comments);
        //$radius = ( $pltcomment > 0 ) ? 'border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px;'  : 'border-radius: 5px; '  ;
        $radius = 'border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px;';
        switch ($page) {
            case 'rate-look':
                $action = $this->get_activity_action($li['mno'], $whoAction, $action, $plno, $_date, $_table);
        // new to be transfer
        $ri->load("{$lookpath}" . $this->look_folder_home . "/{$plno}.jpg");
        $look_height = $ri->getHeight();
        if ($look_height < 250) {
            $look_name_limitted = $this->set_text_limit_show($lookname, 50);
            $look_about_limitted = $this->set_text_limit_show($lookAbout, 120);
            // echo " between 200 and 230 ";
        } else {
            $look_name_limitted = $this->set_text_limit_show($lookname, 300);
            $look_about_limitted = $this->set_text_limit_show($lookAbout, 300);
            // echo " exceed 200 and 230 ";
        $b1 = $this->check_if_more($lookname, $look_name_limitted);
        $b2 = $this->check_if_more($lookAbout, $look_about_limitted);
        // end to be transfer
      				<modals-item >    
      					<div class="<?php 
        echo "{$_table}-{$plno}";
" >
	      					<div style="display:none"> 
        echo $ano;
        echo $ano;
		      				<div id="modals_version1_look_main_wrapper"  class="look_t<?php 
        echo $ano;
"  >  
		      					<table border="0" style="border:1px solid none; width:100%;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"  name='table1' > 
		      							<td style="<?php 
        echo "{$headersyle}";
" >   
        $this->new_modals_header($whoAction, $action, $profilepath);
		      							<td style="padding-top:9px;" >  
		      							<td style="padding-bottom:5px; padding-top:1px; border:1px solid #e2e2df; <?php 
        echo $radius;
 background:white "  >  

		      								<div id="new-look-body-container" style="margin-left:7px;background:white;" > 
				      								<li style="display:none;" >      
				      									<div style=" padding:0px; margin:0px; width:270px; border:1px solid none; " >
					      									<div style="font-family:misoRegular; font-size:20px;" > 
        echo "{$lookname}";
					      									<div style="font-family:arial; font-size:12px;  " > 
        echo "{$lookAbout}";
				      									<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" name='table2'  > 
					      										<td style="height:150px; border:1px solid none;">     

					      											<!-- new display when mouse hover -->
						      											<a href="lookdetails?id=<?php 
        echo $plno;
							      											<div id="new-look-mousover-desc-title-container" class="new-look-mousover-desc-title-container<?php 
        echo $ano;
" onmouseover="mouseOver_elemShow_mouseOut_elemHide(  '.new-look-mousover-desc-title-container<?php 
        echo $ano;
' ,   '.new-look-mousover-desc-title-container<?php 
        echo $ano;
' ,   '.new-look-mousover-desc-title-container<?php 
        echo $ano;
' ) "   >   
							      											 	<!-- header ratings  -->
																					<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="position:absolute;color:white;z-index:99;margin-top:5px; margin-left:-5px;width:100%;" name='table3' > 
																	 					 	<td> <img  id = "percentage_img" <img src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/look icon.png" >   </td> 
																	 					 	<td> <span id='percentage_text' > <?php 
        echo $rating_percent;
 </span><span style='font-size:15px;' > %</span></td> 
																	 					 	<td style="padding-left:10px;" >    
																		 						<div  id="new-look-modals-rating"  >
											      													<div style='margin-top:5px; margin-left:20px;position:absolute;font-size:11px;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold'   >
											      														RATE ( <?php 
        echo $rating_total;
																	 					 	<!-- <td> <span id='new-look-rating-text' > RATE ( <?php 
        echo $rating_total;
 ) </span> <img id = "mesage_img" src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/transparent bubble.png" />  </td>  -->
																 				<!-- desc and title -->
																	 				<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="position:absolute;color:white;z-index:99;margin-top:50px;width:100%;" name='table4' > 
																	 						<td id='new-look-title-desc-container' > 
																	 							<div id='new-look-details-title' style='font-size:20px;' >   
        echo " <span style='color:#fff;font-family:misoLight' >";
        echo $this->cleant_text_print_from_db($look_name_limitted);
        echo "</span> ";
																	 						<td id='new-look-title-desc-container' style="padding-top:10px;" >  
																	 							<div id='new-look-details-desc' style='font-size:12px;' >     
        echo " <span style='color:#fff' >";
        echo $this->cleant_text_print_from_db($look_about_limitted);
        echo "</span>  ";
	 																			<!-- invisible image to fit the height -->
								      												<div style="border:1px solid none; background-color:#000; " class="transparent" >
								      													<img src="<?php 
        echo "{$this->look_folder_home}/{$plno}.jpg";
" style='position:relative;width:100%;  visibility:hidden ' />   	
							      												<!-- footer icons -->  
						      														<ul style="position:relative;margin-top:-24px; margin-left:10px;z-index:102;color:white"   id="new-look-modals-footer-icons"   >
								      													<li style="padding-top:2px;" > 
								      														<div id="new-look-modals-comment-icon" > 	 
								      													<li style="width:35px;"  >
        echo "{$pltcomment}";
								      													<li style="padding-top:3px;" > 
								      														<div id="new-look-modals-views-icon" > 	
								      													<li   style="width:35px;"  >
        echo "{$tlview}";
								      														<div id="new-look-modals-drip-icon" > 	
								      													<li  style="width:35px;"  >
        echo "{$tdrip}";
								      													<li  > 
								      														<div id="new-look-modals-favorite-icon" > 	
								      													<li  style="width:35px;"  >
        echo "{$tfavorite}";
								      													<li style="padding-left:5px;" > 
								      														<div   id="new-look-modals-share-icon" class='share_look_modals<?php 
        echo $ano;
' onmouseover="mouseOver_elemShow_mouseOut_elemHide(  '.share_look_modals<?php 
        echo $ano;
' ,   '.share_look_modals<?php 
        echo $ano;
' ,   '#dropdown_share<?php 
        echo $ano;
' ) "  > 	
								      												<!-- <table id='new-look-modals-footer-icons' style="margin-left:-1px;margin-top:-30px; text-align:left"   border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"  > 
																	 					<td> <img id='tmsg'                             style="cursor:pointer"   src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/comment icon.png"   title="comments" > </td>      
																	 					<td  style="width:25px;" > <span> <?php 
        echo $comment;
    </span> </td>
																	 					<td> <img id='teye'                             style="cursor:pointer"   src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/views icon.png"     title="views"    > </td>      
																	 					<td  style="width:25px;" > <span> <?php 
        echo $view;
        </span> </td>
																	 					<td> <img id='tarrw'                            style="cursor:pointer"   src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/redrip.png"         title="drips"     > </td>     
																	 					<td  style="width:25px;" > <span> <?php 
        echo $redrip;
      </span> </td>   
																	 					<td  > <img id='thrt'                           style="cursor:pointer"   src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/favorites icon.png" title="favorites"> </td>    
																	 					<td  style="display:none" > <span> <?php 
        echo $favorites;
 </span> </td>  
																	 					<td style="width:20px;" > <img  			    style="cursor:pointer"   src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/share-icon1.png"    id='share_look_modals<?php 
        echo $ano;
'  onmouseover="mouseOver_elemShow_mouseOut_elemHide(  '#share_look_modals<?php 
        echo $ano;
' ,   '#share_look_modals<?php 
        echo $ano;
' ,   '#dropdown_share<?php 
        echo $ano;
' ) " > </td>    
																	 				</table>  --> 

							      									<!--  display image before mouse over -->
								      									<!-- <div id="new-look-image-container" class="new-look-image-container<?php 
        echo $ano;
" style="border: 1px solid non"  onmouseover="new_look_image_mouse_hovered( '<?php 
        echo $ano;
' )" > -->
								      									<div id="new-look-image-container" class="new-look-image-container<?php 
        echo $ano;
" style="border: 1px solid non"  onmouseover="mouseOver_elemShow_mouseOut_elemHide(  '.new-look-image-container<?php 
        echo $ano;
 ' ,   '.new-look-image-container<?php 
        echo $ano;
  ' ,   '.new-look-mousover-desc-title-container<?php 
        echo $ano;
' )"  >  
							      											<!-- show hide the footer stat <img src="<?php 
        echo "{$this->look_folder_home}/{$plno}.jpg";
" style='position:relative;width:100%;  '  id="new_look_image_div<?php 
        echo $ano;
" onmouseover="mouseOver_elemShow_mouseOut_elemHide(  '#new_look_image_div<?php 
        echo $ano;
 ' ,   '#new_look_image_div<?php 
        echo $ano;
  ' ,   '#new_look_stat_container<?php 
        echo $ano;
' )" />    --> 
							      											 <img src="<?php 
        echo "{$this->look_folder_home}/{$plno}.jpg";
" style='position:relative;width:100%;    ' />  
					      										<td >  
												 					<!-- for default and showing footer <div style="position:absolute;border:1px solid none; margin-top:-10px; z-index:120; display:none; padding-top:5px; " id="dropdown_share<?php 
        echo $ano;
"     onmouseover="share_mouser_over('<?php 
        echo $ano;
')"  onmouseout="share_mouser_out('<?php 
        echo $ano;
')"     >    -->
												 					 <div style="position:absolute;border:1px solid none; margin-top:-10px; z-index:120; display:none; padding-top:5px; " id="dropdown_share<?php 
        echo $ano;
"     onmouseover="mouseOver_elemShow_mouseOut_elemHide(  '#dropdown_share<?php 
        echo $ano;
' ,   '#dropdown_share<?php 
        echo $ano;
' ,   '.new-look-mousover-desc-title-container<?php 
        echo $ano;
 , #dropdown_share<?php 
        echo $ano;
' )"     >    
								 										<img  src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/look-module-share-bar-container.png"   itle="share" id='share_look_modals<?php 
        echo $ano;
'  style='width:269px; height:55px; '  name='table6' />    
									 									<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="position:absolute;margin-top:-36px; margin-left:40px;"  onclick="return false" > 
												 								<td  style="padding-left:0px;cursor:pointer" ><img  style="width:20px"    src="fs_folders/images/attr/ld_white_fb.png"   title = "facebook"     onclick="fbshare('<?php 
        echo $plno;
','home');" ></td>  
																	            <td  style="padding-left:7px;cursor:pointer" ><img  style="width:20px"    src="fs_folders/images/attr/ld_white_tw.png"   title = "twitter"      onclick="twitter_look('<?php 
        echo $plno;
' , '<?php 
        echo $lookname;
' ) "   ></td>  	
																	            <td  style="padding-left:7px;cursor:pointer" ><img  style="width:20px"    src="fs_folders/images/attr/ld_white_t.png"    title = "tumblr"       onclick="share_tumblr_looks('<?php 
        echo $plno;
')" >                      </td>  
																	            <td  style="padding-left:7px;cursor:pointer" ><img  style="width:20px"    src="fs_folders/images/attr/ld_white_q.png"    title = "pinterest"    onclick="share_pinterest( '<?php 
        echo $plno;
'  )" ></td>  
																	            <td  style="padding-left:7px;cursor:pointer" > <a href="https://plus.google.com/share?url={http://fashionsponge.com/lookdetails?id=<?php 
        echo $plno;
}" onclick="javascript:window.open(this.href,'', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=600,width=600');return false;"> 
																	            					  <img  style="width:20px" src="fs_folders/images/attr/ld_white_g+.png"   title = "google+"            				   > </a> </td>   
																	            <td  style="padding-left:7px;cursor:pointer" ><img  style="width:20px"    src="fs_folders/images/attr/ld_white_line.png" title = "stumbleupon"  onclick="PopupCenter('http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=http://fashionsponge.com/fs/lookdetails.php?id=<?php 
        echo $plno;
&src=badge','Share to StumbleUpon +',800,540)" ></td> 
																	            <td  style="padding-left:7px;cursor:pointer" ><img  style="width:20px"    src="fs_folders/images/attr/ld_white_mail.png" title = "email" onclick="share_gmail_looks( '<?php 
        echo $plno;
' )"  ></td> 
        if ($pltcomment > 0) {
			      							<td style="  background-color:#f6f7f8; border:1px solid #e2e2df;border-top:none; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; padding-top:0px; padding-left:7px; <?php 
            echo "{$commentstyle}";
"   > 
		      									<div id="new-look-body-comment-container" >  
		      										<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"  name='table7'> 
		      												<td style="padding-bottom:5px;padding-left:2px;"> 
		      													<a href="lookdetails?id=<?php 
            echo $plno;
#lbc_comments" style='text-decoration:none' > 
			      													<div style="cursor:pointer;color:#284372" > 
				      													View all <b><?php 
            echo "{$pltcomment}";
</b> comments	
            #from database lookcomment
            // $len  = ($pltcomment < 3 ) ? $pltcomment : 2;
            #from real comment count
            $len = count($comments) < 3 ? count($comments) : 2;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
                $plcno = $comments[$i]['plcno'];
                $plno = $comments[$i]['plno'];
                $mno_commentor = $comments[$i]['mno'];
                $date_ = $this->get_time_ago($comments[$i]['date_']);
                $msg = $comments[$i]['msg'];
                $plctlikes = $comments[$i]['plctlikes'];
                $plctdislike = $comments[$i]['plctdislike'];
                $fullname = $this->get_full_name_by_id($mno_commentor);
                $b = $this->get_your_look_comment_thumb_up_or_down($mno, $plcno);
                $you_liked = $b == 'Thumb-Up' ? 'comment-like-liked.png' : 'commen-like-unlike.png';
                $you_disliked = $b == 'Thumb-Down' ? 'comment-dislike-disliked.png' : 'comment-dislike-un-disliked.png';
                // $profile_pic = $this ->member_profile_pic_query( array('mno'=>$mno1  , 'type'=>'get-latest-mppno' ) );
                // $plctlikes = '12,332';
                // $plctdislike = '1,000';
		      												<td style="padding-bottom:0px;" id="comment-container<?php 
                echo $ano;
"  >  
					      										<ul style="padding:none; margin:none; border:1px solid none;" >
                $this->member_thumbnail_display($this->ppic_thumbnail, $mno_commentor, "{$profilepath}" . "{$this->ppic_thumbnail}", null, '35px;', '', '35px;');
					      										 	<li style="width:228px;font-family:arial; font-size:12px;  " >
					      										 		<div style="margin-top:-2px;" >
						      										 		<div style="margin-left:7px;"  >
						      										 		 	<b style='color:#284372' > <?php 
                echo $fullname;
 </b> <?php 
                echo $this->cleant_text_print_from_db($msg);
						      										 		<div style="margin-left:7px; color:#d6051d"  >  

						      										 			<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:auto;padding:none;margin:0px; " name='table8' > 
						      										 					<td style='width:70px' > 
						      										 						<span style='color:#ccc;font-size:12px' > <?php 
                echo "{$date_}";
						      										 					<td style="padding-left:10px;" >  	
						      										 						<div style="margin-top:-1px;" >
							      										 						<img src="<?php 
                echo "{$this->genImgs}/{$you_liked}";
" style='height:12px;' />  
						      										 					<td style=" color:#d6051d;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;" >  <?php 
                echo "{$plctlikes}";
						      										 					<td style="padding-left:5px;" > 
						      										 						<div style="margin-top:2px;" >
						      										 							<img src="<?php 
                echo "{$this->genImgs}/{$you_disliked}";
" style='height:12px;' />
						      										 					<td style="color:#d6051d;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;" > <?php 
                echo "{$plctdislike}";
				      									<td style="padding-bottom:8px;" >  
				      										<ul style="border:1px solid none;" >
            $this->member_thumbnail_display($this->ppic_thumbnail, $mno, $this->ppic_thumbnail, null, '35px;', '', '35px;');
				      										 	<li style="width:225px;font-family:arial; font-size:12px;" >
				      										 		<a href="lookdetails?id=<?php 
            echo $plno;
#cmment" style='text-decoration:none' >
					      										 		<div style="margin-left:5px;"  > 
					      										 			<input type="text" placeholder='Leave a comment' style=" border:1px solid #e2e2df; height:35px; width:230px; padding-left:5px; " >      										 		 	 
        if ($feed == TRUE) {
								<div style="height:6px;" > </div>  
        } else {
								<div style="height:15px;" > </div>  
Exemplo n.º 2
    public function modals_look($ano, $pagenum = null, $page = null)
        // echo "modals_look ( $ano , $pagenum  , $page  )";
        $ri = new resizeImage();
        $activity = $this->get_activity_posted($ano);
        $whoAction = $activity[0]['mno'];
        $plno = $activity[0]['_table_id'];
        $action = $activity[0]['action'];
        $_date = $activity[0]['_date'];
        $li = $this->posted_look_info($plno);
        $view = $li['tlview'];
        $redrip = 0;
        $favorites = 0;
        $plno_link = $plno;
        $comment = $li['pltcomment'];
        if ($action == 'Posted') {
            $ownername = '';
            $br = '<br>';
            $action = 'Posted a new look';
        } elseif (strpos($action, 'Posted')) {
            $ownername = '';
            $br = '';
            $ownername = "his look";
        } else {
            $ownername = '';
            $br = '';
            $ownername = " a look  by <b> <a href='profile?id={$li['mno']}' > " . $this->get_full_name_by_id($li['mno']) . " </a> </b>";
        $more = $this->get_more_friends_doing_the_action($whoAction, $plno, $action);
        $image = $this->get_my_action_image_equivalent($whoAction, $plno, $action);
        $doingactionname = "<b>" . $this->get_full_name_by_id($whoAction) . "</b>";
        $when = $this->get_time_ago($_date);
        $action = strtolower($action);
        $action = "\n\t\t            <div style='border:1px solid none;line-height:16px;  ' id='look-modals-action' > \n\t\t\t            <a href='profile?id=" . $whoAction . "' >{$doingactionname}</a>\n\t\t\t            {$br} \n\t\t\t            {$more}  \n\t\t\t            {$action} \n\t\t\t            {$ownername}   \n\t\t\t            {$br}  \n\t\t\t            {$when} \n\t\t\t            {$image}   \n\t\t            </div>";
        $rating_percent = $li['pltpercentage'];
        $rating_total = $li["pltvotes"];
        $ri->load("../../../" . $this->look_folder_home . "/{$plno}.jpg");
        # if ($ri->getHeight() < 201) { $min_look_hight = 'height:230px;'; } else { $min_look_hight = 'height:auto;'; }  temporary disabled set enable to set min height of the look
        if ($ri->getHeight() < 201) {
            $min_look_hight = 'height:230px;';
        } else {
            $min_look_hight = 'height:auto;';
        $look_modals_height = $ri->getHeight();
        $auto_height = "height:{$look_modals_height}" . "px;";
        $lookname = $li['lookName'];
        $lookOwnerMno = $li['lookOwnerMno'];
        $lookAbout = $li['lookAbout'];
        if ($look_modals_height < 250) {
            $look_name_limitted = $this->set_text_limit_show($lookname, 50);
            $look_about_limitted = $this->set_text_limit_show($lookAbout, 120);
            // echo " between 200 and 230 ";
        } else {
            $look_name_limitted = $this->set_text_limit_show($lookname, 300);
            $look_about_limitted = $this->set_text_limit_show($lookAbout, 300);
            // echo " exceed 200 and 230 ";
        $b1 = $this->check_if_more($lookname, $look_name_limitted);
        $b2 = $this->check_if_more($lookAbout, $look_about_limitted);
        if ($page == 'home') {
            $share_style = "position:absolute;margin-top:-42px; margin-left:40px";
            $bg_mouse_over_style = 'margin-top: 5px;';
            $footer_bg_style = 'position: absolute; margin-left:-1px; display: block; margin-top: 6px; z-index: 100; background-color: #000; opacity: 0.6; width: 284px; height: 81px; border-radius:  0 0 5px 5px  ;';
        } else {
            if ($page == 'profile') {
                $share_style = "position:absolute;margin-top:-37px; margin-left:40px";
                $bg_mouse_over_style = 'margin-top: 0px;';
                $footer_bg_style = 'position: absolute; margin-left:-1px; display: block; margin-top: 6px; z-index: 100; background-color: #000; opacity: 0.6; width: 285px; height: 80px; border-radius:  0 0 5px 5px  ;';
            } else {
        $this->print_name_looktitle_look_desc_for_share($lookOwnerMno, $plno, $lookname, $lookAbout);
        // $bg_mouse_over_style = get_bg_mousver_style_by_page ( $page );
        $profile_check_exist = $this->set_check_profile_exist(null, $whoAction);
        $plno = $ano;
		             	<div id='imgs'> 
		                	<modals-item >   
			                	<!-- <a href="lookdetails?id=<?php 
        echo $plno_link;
#a-b"> -->
        // $end = $pagenum*10;
        // $start = $end-10;
        // echo " start  = $start end $end ";
										<div style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;"> 
        echo $plno;
        echo $plno;
										<div id="look_height_width" class="look_container_div"  style="<?php 
        echo $con->look_height_width;
 ;  "  >
											<table  id='look_t' class="look_t<?php 
        echo $plno;
"  border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"  onmouseout="img_mouseout('.look_mouserOver_bg<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .look_mouserOver_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
' , '.rate<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .body_auto_background<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .look_footer_bg_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
')" >  
														<ul style="padding:0px; margin:0px;  " >
														 	<li style="border:1px solid none;" >  
														 		<a href="profile?id=<?php 
        echo $whoAction;
" >   
        $this->member_thumbnail_display($this->ppic_thumbnail, $whoAction, "../../../{$this->ppic_thumbnail}");
														 	<li  style="border:1px solid none; padding-left:10px; font-family:arial; font-size:12px; width:200px; word-wrap: break-word; text-decoration:none; list-style:none; color:#284372 " > 
        echo $action;
												<td style="height:10px;" >   

											 			<table border="0" id='rate' class='rate<?php 
        echo $plno;
' onmouseover="img_mouseover('look','.rate<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .body_auto_background<?php 
        echo $plno;
  ,  .look_footer_bg_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
        echo $plno;
 , .look_mouserOver_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
')"  > 
											 					<!-- <td>  <img src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/<?php 
        echo $con->stars;
 stars.png" > </td>  -->
						 								<div id='look_mouserOver_c' class='look_mouserOver_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
' style="display:none" > 
						 									<table id='look_f_1row'   border="0" onmouseover="img_mouseover('look','.rate<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .body_auto_background<?php 
        echo $plno;
  , .look_footer_bg_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
        echo $plno;
 , .look_mouserOver_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
')" > 
											 					 	<td> <img  id = "percentage_img" <img src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/look icon.png" >   </td> 
											 					 	<td> <span id='percentage_text' > <?php 
        echo $rating_percent;
</span><span style='font-size:15px;' > %</span></td> 
											 					 	<td> <span id='mesage_text' > RATE ( <?php 
        echo $rating_total;
 ) </span> <img id = "mesage_img" src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/transparent bubble.png">  </td> 
											 				<table id='title_desc_t' border="0" onmouseover="img_mouseover('look','.rate<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .body_auto_background<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .look_footer_bg_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
        echo $plno;
 , .look_mouserOver_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
')" > 
											 							<div  id='tdpadding' > 
											 						<td id='title_desc_container' onmouseover="img_mouseover('look','.rate<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .body_auto_background<?php 
        echo $plno;
  , .look_footer_bg_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
        echo $plno;
 , .look_mouserOver_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
')"  > 
											 							<div id='look_title' style='font-size:20px;' >  
											 								<a href="lookdetails?id=<?php 
        echo $plno_link;
        echo " <span style='color:#fff' >{$look_name_limitted}</span> ";
											 						<td id='title_desc_container' onmouseover="img_mouseover('look','.rate<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .body_auto_background<?php 
        echo $plno;
  , .look_footer_bg_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
        echo $plno;
 , .look_mouserOver_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
')"  > 
											 							<div id='look_desc' style='font-size:12px;' >  
												 							 <!-- look desc  -->   
			  								 							 	<a href="lookdetails?id=<?php 
        echo $plno_link;
        echo " <span style='color:#fff' >{$look_about_limitted}</span> ";
											 				<table id='look_f_2row1'  border="0"  onmouseover="img_mouseover('look','.rate<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .body_auto_background<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .look_footer_bg_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
        echo $plno;
 , .look_mouserOver_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
')"  > 
														 			<td> <img id='tmsg'  src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/comment icon.png"   title="comments (<?php 
        echo $con->comment;
)"    > </td> <td> <span> <?php 
        echo $comment;
   </span> </td>
														 			<td> <img id='teye'  src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/views icon.png"     title="views (<?php 
        echo $view;
)"         > </td> <td> <span> <?php 
        echo $view;
      </span> </td>
														 			<td> <img id='tarrw' src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/redrip.png"         title="drips (<?php 
        echo $redrip;
)"         > </td> <td> <span> <?php 
        echo $redrip;
    </span> </td>
														 			<td> <img id='thrt'  src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/favorites icon.png" title="favorites (<?php 
        echo $favorites;
)" > </td> <td> <span> <?php 
        echo $favorites;
 </span> </td>
						 								<a href="lookdetails?id=<?php 
        echo $plno_link;
												 			<div id='look_mouserOver_bg' class='look_mouserOver_bg<?php 
        echo $plno;
'  style="<?php 
        echo $bg_mouse_over_style;
"  onmouseover="img_mouseover('look','.rate<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .body_auto_background<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .body_auto_background<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .look_footer_bg_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
        echo $plno;
 , .look_mouserOver_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
')"  > 
				 							 			<!-- <img id='look_img' src="fs_folders/images/posted look/<?php 
        echo $look_id;
.jpg"  onmouseover="img_mouseover('look','.rate<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .look_footer_bg_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
        echo $plno;
 , .look_mouserOver_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
')"  > -->
											 			<!-- <div id='body_auto_background' class='body_auto_background<?php 
        echo $plno;
' onmouseover="img_mouseover('look','.rate<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .body_auto_background<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .body_auto_background<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .look_footer_bg_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
        echo $plno;
 , .look_mouserOver_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
')" >  </div>  -->
													<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"  style="<?php 
        echo $auto_height;
" >  
											 				<td  id="img_container_td" class="img_container_td<?php 
        echo $plno;
" > 
											 				<img id='look_img'  class="look_t<?php 
        echo $plno;
_img"  style="<?php 
        echo $min_look_hight;
 "   src="<?php 
        echo "fs_folders/images/uploads/posted looks/lookdetails/{$plno_link}.jpg";
"  onmouseover="img_mouseover('look','.rate<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .body_auto_background<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .look_footer_bg_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
        echo $plno;
 , .look_mouserOver_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
        echo $plno;
' , '.look_mouserOver_bg<?php 
        echo $plno;
')"  >
											 					<!-- <img id='look_img'  class="look_t<?php 
        echo $plno;
_img"  style="<?php 
        echo $min_look_hight;
 "   src="<?php 
        echo "fs_folders/images/uploads/posted looks/lookdetails/{$plno}.jpg";
"  onmouseover="img_mouseover('look','.rate<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .body_auto_background<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .look_footer_bg_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
        echo $plno;
 , .look_mouserOver_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
        echo $plno;
' , '.look_mouserOver_bg<?php 
        echo $plno;
')"  > -->
											 					<div id='look_footer_bg_c'    style="margin-top:-87px;"  class='look_footer_bg_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
' > 
													 				<table id='look_f_1row' border="0" onmouseover="img_mouseover('look','.rate<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .body_auto_background<?php 
        echo $plno;
  , .look_footer_bg_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
        echo $plno;
 , .look_mouserOver_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
')"  > 
													 					 	<td> <img  id = "percentage_img" <img src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/look icon.png" >  </td> 
													 					 	<td> <span id='percentage_text' > <?php 
        echo $rating_percent;
</span><span style='font-size:15px;' > %</span></td> 
													 					 	<td> <span id='mesage_text' > RATE ( <?php 
        echo $rating_total;
 ) </span> <img id = "mesage_img" src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/transparent bubble.png" >  </td> 
													 				<a href="lookdetails?id=<?php 
        echo $plno_link;
															 			<div id='footer_bg' style="margin-top: 7px; " >  
												 				<table id='look_f_2row'  border="0"  onmouseover="img_mouseover('look','.rate<?php 
        echo $plno;
 , .body_auto_background<?php 
        echo $plno;
  , .look_footer_bg_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
        echo $plno;
 , .look_mouserOver_c<?php 
        echo $plno;
')"  > 
												 					<td> <img id='tmsg'                             style="cursor:pointer"   src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/comment icon.png"   title="comments" > </td>      <td  style="width:25px;" > <span> <?php 
        echo $comment;
    </span> </td>
												 					<td> <img id='teye'                             style="cursor:pointer"   src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/views icon.png"     title="views"    > </td>      <td  style="width:25px;" > <span> <?php 
        echo $view;
        </span> </td>
												 					<td> <img id='tarrw'                            style="cursor:pointer"   src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/redrip.png"         title="drips"     > </td>     <td  style="width:25px;" > <span> <?php 
        echo $redrip;
      </span> </td>   
												 					<td  > <img id='thrt'                           style="cursor:pointer"   src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/favorites icon.png" title="favorites"> </td>    <td  style="display:none" > <span> <?php 
        echo $favorites;
 </span> </td> 
												 					<td style="width:35px;" > <img   			    style="cursor:pointer"   src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/share-icon1.png"   id='share_look_modals<?php 
        echo $plno;
' onmouseover="share_mouser_over('<?php 
        echo $plno;
')" onmouseout="share_mouser_out('<?php 
        echo $plno;
')" > </td>    
											 					<div style="position:absolute;border:1px solid none; background-color: none; margin-top:-25px; z-index:120; display: none; padding-top:12px; " id="dropdown_share<?php 
        echo $plno;
"     onmouseover="share_mouser_over('<?php 
        echo $plno;
')"  onmouseout="share_mouser_out('<?php 
        echo $plno;
')"     >  
							 										<img  src="fs_folders/images/body/Look/look-module-share-bar-container.png"   itle="share" id='share_look_modals<?php 
        echo $plno;
'  style='width:286px; height:55px; '  />   
								 									<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="<?php 
        echo $share_style;
" onclick="return false" > 
											 								<td  style="padding-left:0px;cursor:pointer" ><img  style="width:20px"    src="fs_folders/images/attr/ld_white_fb.png"   title = "facebook"     onclick="fbshare('<?php 
        echo $plno;
','home');" ></td>  
																            <td  style="padding-left:7px;cursor:pointer" ><img  style="width:20px"    src="fs_folders/images/attr/ld_white_tw.png"   title = "twitter"      onclick="twitter_look('<?php 
        echo $plno;
' , '<?php 
        echo $lookname;
' ) "   ></td>  	
																            <td  style="padding-left:7px;cursor:pointer" ><img  style="width:20px"    src="fs_folders/images/attr/ld_white_t.png"    title = "tumblr"       onclick="share_tumblr_looks('<?php 
        echo $plno;
')" >                      </td>  
																            <td  style="padding-left:7px;cursor:pointer" ><img  style="width:20px"    src="fs_folders/images/attr/ld_white_q.png"    title = "pinterest"    onclick="share_pinterest( '<?php 
        echo $plno;
'  )" ></td>  
																            <td  style="padding-left:7px;cursor:pointer" > <a href="https://plus.google.com/share?url={http://fashionsponge.com/lookdetails?id=<?php 
        echo $plno;
}" onclick="javascript:window.open(this.href,'', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=600,width=600');return false;"> 
																            					  <img  style="width:20px" src="fs_folders/images/attr/ld_white_g+.png"   title = "google+"            				   > </a> </td>  
																            <td  style="padding-left:7px;cursor:pointer" ><img  style="width:20px"    src="fs_folders/images/attr/ld_white_line.png" title = "stumbleupon"  onclick="PopupCenter('http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=http://fashionsponge.com/fs/lookdetails.php?id=<?php 
        echo $plno;
&src=badge','Share to StumbleUpon +',800,540)" ></td> 
																            <td  style="padding-left:7px;cursor:pointer" ><img  style="width:20px"    src="fs_folders/images/attr/ld_white_mail.png" title = "email" onclick="share_gmail_looks( '<?php 
        echo $plno;
' )"  ></td> 
											<div id='padding'> </div>
								<!-- </a>   --> 
Exemplo n.º 3
      echo "Type = " .  $type . '<br>';
      switch ( $type ) {
        case 'new-member-fb-login':  
                echo " new member fb login <br> ";
                $mppno = $mc ->member_profile_pic_query( array('mno'=>$mno  , 'type'=>'get-latest-mppno' ) ); 
        case 'profile-timeline': 
                echo " time lime <br>"; 
                move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], "$mc->profileTimeline_original/$mno.jpg");   
                #get width and height of the image 

                    # load image and get height and width
                        $img_height = $ri->getHeight();  
                        $img_width  = $ri->getWidth();      
                        echo " height $img_height width $img_width ";

                      if ( $img_width > $width ) {
Exemplo n.º 4
    $plno = $mc->postedlook_query( array('mno' =>$mno , 'type'=>'get-latest-plno' ) );
    // $plno = 222278;

    // $img_width = 300;
    // $img_height = 450;  

     echo " plno  $plno  <br>";

        $mh = 300;
        $mw = 500; 
        $mc->auto_adjust_cropping_width_height_area ( 300 , 500 , $ri->getHeight() , $ri->getWidth() );

        $img_height = $mc->img_height; 
        $img_width  = $mc->img_width; 


// look_folder
// look_folder_home
// look_folder_lookdetails
// look_folder_socialShare
// look_folder_thumbnail