Exemplo n.º 1
     if ($liste_choix[$_POST['choix']]['choix'] == 0) {
         $temps2 = mktime() + $liste_choix[$choix]['temps'] * 60;
         // penser à FROM_UNIXTIME
     } else {
         $temps2 = mktime() + $liste_choix[$choix]['temps'] * 60;
     $save_ecran_def = requetemysql::save_ecran_def(array('temps2' => $temps2, 'texte' => $liste_choix[$choix]['nom'], 'choix' => $liste_choix[$choix]['choix'], 'permission' => $_SESSION['login']));
     echo $save_ecran_def;
 } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'save_tel_client') {
     $save_tel_client = requetemysql::save_tel_client(array('numero' => $_POST['numero'], 'id_client' => $_POST['id_client']));
     if (empty($save_tel_client)) {
         throw new Exception("erreur : sauvegarde du numero client");
     echo $save_tel_client;
 } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'save_list_tel_part') {
     $save_list_tel_part = requetemysql::save_list_tel_part(array('numero' => $_POST['numero'], 'description' => $_POST['description']));
     if (empty($save_list_tel_part)) {
         throw new Exception("erreur : sauvegarde du numero particulier");
     echo $save_list_tel_part;
 } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'changement') {
     $st = $db->prepare("DELETE FROM `aerogard2`.`tourdegarde` where date=FROM_UNIXTIME('" . $_POST['ma_date'] . "'/1000,'%Y/%m/%d') and tour='" . $_SESSION['tour'] . "' and nature='" . $_POST['valeur'] . "'");
     $sql = "INSERT INTO `aerogard2`.`tourdegarde` (`id`, `login`, `from`, `date`, `nature`, `tour`) VALUES ('', :login, :from, FROM_UNIXTIME(:date/1000,'%Y/%m/%d'), :nature, :tour )";
     $sth = $db->prepare($sql, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY));
     $sth->execute(array(':login' => $_POST['veto'], ':from' => $_SESSION['login2'], ':date' => $_POST['ma_date'], ':nature' => $_POST['valeur'], ':tour' => $_SESSION['tour']));
     echo json_encode("ok");
 } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'deplacement') {
     $date_debut = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $_POST['ma_date'] / 1000), 1, date("Y", $_POST['ma_date'] / 1000));