Exemplo n.º 1
    * Lists the reports.
    * @param int $page
    function index($page = 1)

		// Cacheable Controller
		$this->is_cachable = TRUE;
		$this->template->header->this_page = 'reports';
		$this->template->content = new View('reports');
		$this->themes->js = new View('reports_js');

		// Get locale
		$l = Kohana::config('locale.language.0');

		$db = new Database;

        if (!empty($_GET['status']))
            $status = $_GET['status'];

            if (strtolower($status) == 'a')
                $filter = 'incident.incident_active = 0';
            elseif (strtolower($status) == 'v')
                $filter = 'incident.incident_verified = 0';
                $status = "0";
                $filter = '1=1';
            $status = "0";
            $filter = "1=1";

        // check, has the form been submitted?
        $form_error = FALSE;
        $form_saved = FALSE;
        $form_action = "";
        $db = new Database;

	// Category ID
        if( isset($_GET['c']) AND ! empty($_GET['c']) )
		$category_ids = explode(",", $_GET['c']); //get rid of that trailing ","
		$category_ids = array("0");
	// logical operator
	$logical_operator = "or";
        if( isset($_GET['lo']) AND ! empty($_GET['lo']) )
		$logical_operator = $_GET['lo'];

	$approved_text = " incident.incident_active = 1 ";
	$location_where = "";
	// Break apart location variables, if necessary
	$southwest = array();
	if (isset($_GET['sw']))
		$southwest = explode(",",$_GET['sw']);

	$northeast = array();
	if (isset($_GET['ne']))
		$northeast = explode(",",$_GET['ne']);

	if ( count($southwest) == 2 AND count($northeast) == 2 )
		$lon_min = (float) $southwest[0];
		$lon_max = (float) $northeast[0];
		$lat_min = (float) $southwest[1];
		$lat_max = (float) $northeast[1];

		$location_where = ' AND (location.latitude >='.$lat_min.' AND location.latitude <='.$lat_max.' AND location.longitude >='.$lon_min.' AND location.longitude <='.$lon_max.') ';

	$reports_count = reports::get_reports_count($category_ids, $approved_text, $location_where. " AND ". $filter, $logical_operator);

	// Pagination
	$pagination = new Pagination(array(
			'query_string' => 'page',
			'items_per_page' => (int) Kohana::config('settings.items_per_page'),
			'total_items' => $reports_count

	$incidents = reports::get_reports($category_ids,  $approved_text, $location_where. " AND ". $filter, $logical_operator, 
		"incident.incident_date", "asc",
		(int) Kohana::config('settings.items_per_page'), $pagination->sql_offset );
		//Set default as not showing pagination. Will change below if necessary.
		$this->template->content->pagination = "";

		// Pagination and Total Num of Report Stats
		if ($pagination->total_items == 1)
			$plural = "";
			$plural = "s";

		if ($pagination->total_items > 0)
			$current_page = ($pagination->sql_offset/ (int) Kohana::config('settings.items_per_page')) + 1;
			$total_pages = ceil($pagination->total_items/ (int) Kohana::config('settings.items_per_page'));

			if ($total_pages > 1)
			{ // If we want to show pagination
				$this->template->content->pagination_stats = Kohana::lang('ui_admin.showing_page').' '.$current_page.' '.Kohana::lang('ui_admin.of').' '.$total_pages.' '.Kohana::lang('ui_admin.pages');

				$this->template->content->pagination = $pagination;
			{ // If we don't want to show pagination
				$this->template->content->pagination_stats = $pagination->total_items.' '.Kohana::lang('ui_admin.reports');
			$this->template->content->pagination_stats = '('.$pagination->total_items.' report'.$plural.')';

			$location_in = array();
		foreach ($incidents as $incident)
			$location_in[] = $incident->location_id;

		//check if location_in is not empty
		if( count($location_in ) > 0 )
			    // Get location names
			    $query = 'SELECT id, location_name FROM '.$this->table_prefix.'location WHERE id IN ('.implode(',',$location_in).')';
			    $locations_query = $db->query($query);

			    $locations = array();
			    foreach ($locations_query as $loc)
				    $locations[$loc->id] = $loc->location_name;
		    $locations = array();
		$this->template->content->locations = $locations;

		$localized_categories = array();
		foreach ($incidents as $incident)
			foreach ($incident->category AS $category)
				$ct = (string)$category->category_title;
				if( ! isset($localized_categories[$ct]))
					$translated_title = Category_Lang_Model::category_title($category->id,$l);
					$localized_categories[$ct] = $category->category_title;
						$localized_categories[$ct] = $translated_title;

		$this->template->content->localized_categories = $localized_categories;

	// Category Title, if Category ID available
	$category_title = "All Categories";
	$count = 0;
	foreach($category_ids as $cat_id)
		$category = ORM::factory('category')
			if($count > 1)
				$category_title = $category_title . " ". strtoupper($logical_operator). " ";
			$category_title = $category_title . $category->category_title;
	$this->template->content->category_title = $category_title . ": ";

        //GET countries
        $countries = array();
        foreach (ORM::factory('country')->orderby('country')->find_all() as $country)
            // Create a list of all categories
            $this_country = $country->country;
            if (strlen($this_country) > 35)
                $this_country = substr($this_country, 0, 35) . "...";
            $countries[$country->id] = $this_country;

        $this->template->content->countries = $countries;
        $this->template->content->incidents = $incidents;
        $this->template->content->pagination = $pagination;
        $this->template->content->form_error = $form_error;
        $this->template->content->form_saved = $form_saved;
        $this->template->content->form_action = $form_action;

        // Total Reports
        $this->template->content->total_items = $pagination->total_items;

        // Status Tab
        $this->template->content->status = $status;

	$this->template->header->header_block = $this->themes->header_block();
    }//end of index()
Exemplo n.º 2
    * Lists the reports.
    * @param int $page
    function index($page = 1)
        // If user doesn't have access, redirect to dashboard
        if ( ! admin::permissions($this->user, "reports_view"))

        $this->template->content = new View('adminmap/adminmap_reports');
        $this->template->content->title = Kohana::lang('ui_admin.reports');

        if (!empty($_GET['status']))
            $status = $_GET['status'];

            if (strtolower($status) == 'a')
                $filter = 'incident.incident_active = 0';
            elseif (strtolower($status) == 'v')
                $filter = 'incident.incident_verified = 0';
                $status = "0";
                $filter = '1=1';
            $status = "0";
            $filter = "1=1";

        // check, has the form been submitted?
        $form_error = FALSE;
        $form_saved = FALSE;
        $form_action = "";
        if ($_POST)
            $post = Validation::factory($_POST);

             //  Add some filters
            $post->pre_filter('trim', TRUE);

            // Add some rules, the input field, followed by a list of checks, carried out in order
            $post->add_rules('action','required', 'alpha', 'length[1,1]');

            if ($post->validate())
                if ($post->action == 'a')       // Approve Action
                    foreach($post->incident_id as $item)
                        $update = new Incident_Model($item);
                        if ($update->loaded == true) 
                            if( $update->incident_active == 0 ) 
                                $update->incident_active = '1';
                            else {
                                $update->incident_active = '0';

                            // Tag this as a report that needs to be sent out as an alert
                            if ($update->incident_alert_status != '2')
                            { // 2 = report that has had an alert sent
                                $update->incident_alert_status = '1';


                            $verify = new Verify_Model();
                            $verify->incident_id = $item;
                            $verify->verified_status = '1';
                            $verify->user_id = $_SESSION['auth_user']->id;          // Record 'Verified By' Action
                            $verify->verified_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time());

                            // Action::report_approve - Approve a Report
                            Event::run('ushahidi_action.report_approve', $update);
                    $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.approved'));
                elseif ($post->action == 'u')   // Unapprove Action
                    foreach($post->incident_id as $item)
                        $update = new Incident_Model($item);
                        if ($update->loaded == true) {
                            $update->incident_active = '0';

                            // If Alert hasn't been sent yet, disable it
                            if ($update->incident_alert_status == '1')
                                $update->incident_alert_status = '0';


                            $verify = new Verify_Model();
                            $verify->incident_id = $item;
                            $verify->verified_status = '0';
                            $verify->user_id = $_SESSION['auth_user']->id;          // Record 'Verified By' Action
                            $verify->verified_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time());

                            // Action::report_unapprove - Unapprove a Report
                            Event::run('ushahidi_action.report_unapprove', $update);
                    $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.unapproved'));
                elseif ($post->action == 'v')   // Verify Action
                    foreach($post->incident_id as $item)
                        $update = new Incident_Model($item);
                        $verify = new Verify_Model();
                        if ($update->loaded == true) {
                            if ($update->incident_verified == '1')
                                $update->incident_verified = '0';
                                $verify->verified_status = '0';
                            else {
                                $update->incident_verified = '1';
                                $verify->verified_status = '2';

                            $verify->incident_id = $item;
                            $verify->user_id = $_SESSION['auth_user']->id;          // Record 'Verified By' Action
                            $verify->verified_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time());
                    $form_action = "VERIFIED";
                elseif ($post->action == 'd')   //Delete Action
                    foreach($post->incident_id as $item)
                        $update = new Incident_Model($item);
                        if ($update->loaded == true)
                            $incident_id = $update->id;
                            $location_id = $update->location_id;

                            // Delete Location

                            // Delete Categories

                            // Delete Translations

                            // Delete Photos From Directory
                            foreach (ORM::factory('media')->where('incident_id',$incident_id)->where('media_type', 1) as $photo) {

                            // Delete Media

                            // Delete Sender

                            // Delete relationship to SMS message
                            $updatemessage = ORM::factory('message')->where('incident_id',$incident_id)->find();
                            if ($updatemessage->loaded == true) {
                                $updatemessage->incident_id = 0;

                            // Delete Comments

                            // Action::report_delete - Deleted a Report
                            Event::run('ushahidi_action.report_delete', $update);
                    $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.deleted'));
                $form_saved = TRUE;
                $form_error = TRUE;


	$db = new Database;

	// Category ID
        if( isset($_GET['c']) AND ! empty($_GET['c']) )
		$category_ids = explode(",", $_GET['c']); //get rid of that trailing ","
		$category_ids = array("0");
	// logical operator
	$logical_operator = "or";
        if( isset($_GET['lo']) AND ! empty($_GET['lo']) )
		$logical_operator = $_GET['lo'];

	$show_unapproved="3"; //1 show only approved, 2 show only unapproved, 3 show all
	//figure out if we're showing unapproved stuff or what.
        if (isset($_GET['u']) AND !empty($_GET['u']))
            $show_unapproved = (int) $_GET['u'];
	$approved_text = "";
	if($show_unapproved == 1)
		$approved_text = "incident.incident_active = 1 ";
	else if ($show_unapproved == 2)
		$approved_text = "incident.incident_active = 0 ";
	else if ($show_unapproved == 3)
		$approved_text = " (incident.incident_active = 0 OR incident.incident_active = 1) ";
	$location_where = "";
	// Break apart location variables, if necessary
	$southwest = array();
	if (isset($_GET['sw']))
		$southwest = explode(",",$_GET['sw']);

	$northeast = array();
	if (isset($_GET['ne']))
		$northeast = explode(",",$_GET['ne']);

	if ( count($southwest) == 2 AND count($northeast) == 2 )
		$lon_min = (float) $southwest[0];
		$lon_max = (float) $northeast[0];
		$lat_min = (float) $southwest[1];
		$lat_max = (float) $northeast[1];

		$location_where = ' AND (location.latitude >='.$lat_min.' AND location.latitude <='.$lat_max.' AND location.longitude >='.$lon_min.' AND location.longitude <='.$lon_max.') ';

	$reports_count = reports::get_reports_count($category_ids, $approved_text, $location_where. " AND ". $filter, $logical_operator);

	// Pagination
	$pagination = new Pagination(array(
			'query_string' => 'page',
			'items_per_page' => (int) Kohana::config('settings.items_per_page'),
			'total_items' => $reports_count

	$incidents = reports::get_reports($category_ids,  $approved_text, $location_where. " AND ". $filter, $logical_operator, 
		"incident.incident_date", "asc",
		(int) Kohana::config('settings.items_per_page_admin'), $pagination->sql_offset );

        //GET countries
        $countries = array();
        foreach (ORM::factory('country')->orderby('country')->find_all() as $country)
            // Create a list of all categories
            $this_country = $country->country;
            if (strlen($this_country) > 35)
                $this_country = substr($this_country, 0, 35) . "...";
            $countries[$country->id] = $this_country;

        $this->template->content->countries = $countries;
        $this->template->content->incidents = $incidents;
        $this->template->content->pagination = $pagination;
        $this->template->content->form_error = $form_error;
        $this->template->content->form_saved = $form_saved;
        $this->template->content->form_action = $form_action;

        // Total Reports
        $this->template->content->total_items = $pagination->total_items;

        // Status Tab
        $this->template->content->status = $status;

        // Javascript Header
        $this->template->js = new View('admin/reports_js');
    }//end of index()