private function get_links_hierarchy($auth, $layerLocationTypes, $countUnitBoundaryTypeId, $urlParameter)
     $locationId = $_GET[$urlParameter];
     $locationRecord = data_entry_helper::get_population_data(array('table' => 'location', 'extraParams' => $auth['read'] + array('id' => $locationId), 'nocache' => true));
     $locationTypeId = $locationRecord[0]['location_type_id'];
     $i = -1;
     //Cycle round the list of all Location Types that can be displayed on the homepage map in order.
     //Then stop when we reach the location type that is the same as the location we have clicked on. This gives us a list of location
     //types up until that point.
     do {
         if (!empty($SupportedLocationTypeIdsAsString)) {
             $SupportedLocationTypeIdsAsString = $SupportedLocationTypeIdsAsString . ',' . $layerLocationTypes[$i];
         } else {
             $SupportedLocationTypeIdsAsString = $layerLocationTypes[$i];
     } while ($locationTypeId != $layerLocationTypes[$i] && $i < count($layerLocationTypes) - 1);
     //Use a report to get a list of locations that match the different layer location types and also intersect the location we are interested in.
     $reportOptions = array('dataSource' => 'reports_for_prebuilt_forms/CUDI/get_map_hierarchy_for_current_position', 'readAuth' => $auth['read'], 'mode' => 'report', 'extraParams' => array('location_id' => $locationId, 'location_type_ids' => $SupportedLocationTypeIdsAsString));
     $breadcrumbHierarchy = report_helper::get_report_data($reportOptions);
     //The report doesn't know the order of the layers we want, so re-order the data.
     $breadcrumbHierarchy = self::reorderBreadcrumbHierarchy($breadcrumbHierarchy, $layerLocationTypes);
     return $breadcrumbHierarchy;
  * Method that retrieves the data from a report or a table/view, ready to display in a chart or grid.
  * @param array $options Refer to documentation for report_helper::get_report_data.
  * @param string $extra Refer to documentation for report_helper::get_report_data.
  * @deprecated, use report_helper::get_report_data instead.
 public static function get_report_data($options, $extra = '')
     require_once 'report_helper.php';
     return report_helper::get_report_data($options, $extra);
 protected static function get_control_hideControlForNonGroupMembers($auth, $args, $tabalias, $options)
     $currentUserId = hostsite_get_user_field('indicia_user_id');
     if (empty($options['controlId'])) {
         drupal_set_message('The option to hide a control based on group has been specified, but no option to indicate which control has been provided.');
         return false;
     if (empty($options['groupId'])) {
         drupal_set_message('The option to hide a control based on group has been specified, but no group id has been provided.');
         return false;
     $reportOptions = array('dataSource' => 'library/groups/group_members', 'readAuth' => $auth['read'], 'mode' => 'report', 'extraParams' => array('group_id' => $options['groupId']));
     $usersInGroup = report_helper::get_report_data($reportOptions);
     //Check all members in the group, if the current user is in the group, then there is no need to hide the control.
     $userFoundInGroup = false;
     foreach ($usersInGroup as $userInGroup) {
         if ($userInGroup['id'] === $currentUserId) {
             $userFoundInGroup = true;
     if ($userFoundInGroup !== true || empty($_GET['group_id']) || $_GET['group_id'] != $options['groupId']) {
         //Parent hide control stops the control and label from showing on screen.
         //Disable control stops it appearing in the POST and getting submitted.
         data_entry_helper::$javascript .= "\$('#" . $options['controlId'] . "').attr('disabled', true);\n";
         data_entry_helper::$javascript .= "\$('#" . $options['controlId'] . "').parent().hide();\n";
Exemplo n.º 4
 protected static function getAnnotationsList($args, $locationId, $auth)
     $extraParams = array('count_unit_id' => $locationId, 'count_unit_boundary_location_type_id' => $args['count_unit_boundary_location_type_id']);
     $optionsForAnnotationsReport = array('dataSource' => 'reports_for_prebuilt_forms/CUDI/get_count_unit_annotations', 'readAuth' => $auth['read'], 'extraParams' => $extraParams);
     //Get the report options such as the Preset Parameters on the Edit Tab
     $optionsForAnnotationsReport = array_merge(iform_report_get_report_options($args, $readAuth), $optionsForAnnotationsReport);
     //Collect the annotations from a report.
     $annotations = report_helper::get_report_data($optionsForAnnotationsReport);
     return $annotations;
  * Hierarchy map control, which can be added to user interface form configurations using [].
  * Display a map with polygons loaded onto it of a particular location type. When the user clicks on one, reloads the map layer
  * to show the intersecting polygons from the next location type. Continues down the locations hierarchy in a supplied sequence of 
  * location types (e.g. you might set the location type sequence to Country, County, Parish, Site). 
  * Supply an option @layerLocationTypes with a comma separated array of the location types ID to load in top down order.
 public function map($auth, $args, $tabalias, $options, $path)
     global $base_root;
     //Setup the path to the cudi information sheets.
     //Include the parameter on the end of the path, but leave off the parameter values
     //as these will change for each path used.
     iform_load_helpers(array('map_helper', 'report_helper'));
     $informationSheetLinkParts = explode('|', $options['informationSheetLink']);
     $path = $base_root . base_path() . (variable_get('clean_url', 0) ? '' : '?q=') . $informationSheetLinkParts[0] . (variable_get('clean_url', 0) ? '?' : '&') . $informationSheetLinkParts[1] . '=';
     map_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.informationSheetLink='" . $path . "';\n";
     if (empty($options['layerLocationTypes'])) {
         return '<p>Please provide a @layerLocationTypes option for the [] map control on the edit tab</p>';
     $msg = self::check_format($options, 'layerLocationTypes', 'location_type_id (from the termlists term table)', '/^([0-9]*,\\s*)*[0-9]*\\s*$/');
     if ($msg !== true) {
         return $msg;
     //This option is optional, so don't need to check if it isn't present
     $msg = self::check_format($options, 'showCountUnitsForLayers', 'location_type_id (from the termlists term table)', '/^([0-9]*,\\s*)*[0-9]*\\s*$/');
     if ($msg !== true) {
         return $msg;
     drupal_add_js(iform_client_helpers_path() . 'prebuilt_forms/extensions/site_hierarchy_navigator.js');
     //The location types are supplied by the user in a comma seperated list.
     //The first number is used as the initial location type to display.
     //The second number is used after the user clicks the first time on a feature and so on
     $layerLocationTypes = explode(',', $options['layerLocationTypes']);
     //Comma seperated list of location types which signify which layers should also display the Count Unit location type.
     //This should be a subset of $layerLocationTypes.
     $showCountUnitsForLayers = explode(',', $options['showCountUnitsForLayers']);
     $locationTypesWithSymbols = explode(',', $options['locationTypesWithSymbols']);
     //Annotation location types as defined on edit tab
     $annotationTypeIds = explode(',', $options['annotationTypeIds']);
     $mapOptions = iform_map_get_map_options($args, $auth);
     $olOptions = iform_map_get_ol_options($args);
     $mapOptions['readAuth'] = $mapOptions['readAuth']['read'];
     $mapOptions['clickForSpatialRef'] = false;
     //When user clicks on map, run specified Javascript function
     $mapOptions['clickableLayersOutputMode'] = 'customFunction';
     $mapOptions['customClickFn'] = 'move_to_new_layer';
     $mapOptions['clickableLayersOutputDiv'] = '';
     //Tell the system which layers we to be clickable.
     $mapOptions['clickableLayers'] = array('indiciaData.reportlayer');
     $r .= map_helper::map_panel($mapOptions, $olOptions);
     map_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.layerLocationTypes=" . json_encode($layerLocationTypes) . ";\n";
     $reportOptions = array('dataSource' => 'reports_for_prebuilt_forms/CUDI/get_layer_list_names', 'readAuth' => $auth['read'], 'mode' => 'report', 'extraParams' => array('layer_ids' => $options['layerLocationTypes']));
     //Return a list of location type names for the location type id layers list
     //provided by the user in the form structure.
     $locationTypeNamesDirty = data_entry_helper::get_report_data($reportOptions);
     //The data returned by the database is not a simple array of names, so convert the data and put into correct order
     foreach ($layerLocationTypes as $originalLayerIndex => $layerLocationTypeFromOriginalList) {
         foreach ($locationTypeNamesDirty as $locationTypeNamesData) {
             if ($locationTypeNamesData['id'] === $layerLocationTypeFromOriginalList) {
                 $locationTypeNamesClean[$originalLayerIndex] = $locationTypeNamesData['name'];
     //Send the array of names to javascript
     map_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.layerLocationTypesNames=" . json_encode($locationTypeNamesClean) . ";\n";
     //Send the user supplied options for layers to display count units to Javascript
     map_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.showCountUnitsForLayers=" . json_encode($showCountUnitsForLayers) . ";\n";
     map_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.countUnitBoundaryTypeId=" . $options['countUnitBoundaryTypeId'] . ";\n";
     map_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.annotationTypeIds=" . json_encode($annotationTypeIds) . ";\n";
     map_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.deactivateSiteAttributeId=" . $options['deactivateSiteAttributeId'] . ";\n";
     //Get translatable label for top-level breadcrub item.
     map_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.allSitesLabel='" . lang::get('All Sites') . "';\n";
     $reportOptions = array('linkOnly' => 'true', 'dataSource' => 'reports_for_prebuilt_forms/cudi/get_boundaries_and_locations_for_cudi_map', 'readAuth' => $auth['read']);
     //Get the report options such as the Preset Parameters on the Edit Tab
     $reportOptions = array_merge(iform_report_get_report_options($args, $readAuth), $reportOptions);
     //Run the report that shows the locations (features) to the user when the map loads the first time.
     map_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.layerReportRequest='" . report_helper::get_report_data($reportOptions) . "';\n";
     //Options for the report that is used to draw the map breadcrumb
     $reportOptions = array('linkOnly' => 'true', 'dataSource' => 'reports_for_prebuilt_forms/CUDI/get_map_hierarchy_for_current_position', 'readAuth' => $auth['read']);
     //Get the report options such as the Preset Parameters on the Edit Tab
     $reportOptions = array_merge(iform_report_get_report_options($args, $readAuth), $reportOptions);
     //Run the report that builds the map breadcrumb.
     map_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.breadcrumbReportRequest='" . report_helper::get_report_data($reportOptions) . "';\n";
     return $r;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Loads the record associated with the page if not already loaded.
 protected static function load_record($auth)
     if (!isset(self::$record)) {
         $records = report_helper::get_report_data(array('readAuth' => $auth['read'], 'dataSource' => 'reports_for_prebuilt_forms/record_details_2/record_data', 'extraParams' => array('occurrence_id' => $_GET['occurrence_id'], 'sharing' => 'reporting')));
         self::$record = $records[0];
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static function autoset_record_id_and_record_type($auth, $args, $tabalias, $options, $path)
     $mode = empty($options['mode']) ? false : $options['mode'];
     // skip this functionality for existing data
     if (empty($_GET['sample_id']) && !empty($_GET['transect_sample_id'])) {
         $recordIdAttrId = $options['recordIdAttrId'];
         if (!empty($_SESSION['last_transect']) && !empty($_SESSION['last_record_id']) && $_SESSION['last_transect'] === $_GET['transect_sample_id']) {
             // session holds the last record ID we created
             $recordId = $_SESSION['last_record_id'] + 1;
         } else {
             // not available in session, so we need to fetch the max existing record ID for this transect from the db
             $_SESSION['last_transect'] = $_GET['transect_sample_id'];
             $report = report_helper::get_report_data(array('dataSource' => 'reports_for_prebuilt_forms/marinelife/max_occattr_val_for_parent_sample', 'readAuth' => $auth['read'], 'extraParams' => array('parent_sample_id' => $_GET['transect_sample_id'], 'attr_id' => $options['recordIdAttrId'])));
             if (count($report) === 0 || empty($report[0]['maxval'])) {
                 $recordId = 1;
                 if ($mode === 'effort') {
                     $mode = 'start';
             } else {
                 $recordId = $report[0]['maxval'] + 1;
         if ($mode && !empty($options['recordTypeAttrId'])) {
             // set the record type control to hold the $mode
             data_entry_helper::$javascript .= "\$.each(\$('#smpAttr\\\\:{$options['recordTypeAttrId']} option'), function() {\n  if (\$(this).html().toLowerCase()==='{$mode}'.toLowerCase()) {\n    \$(this).attr('selected', 'selected');\n  }  \n});\n";
         $_SESSION['last_record_id'] = $recordId;
         data_entry_helper::$javascript .= "\$('#smpAttr\\\\:{$recordIdAttrId}').val('{$recordId}');\n";
         // default the selector for what happens after save
         if ($mode === 'sighting') {
             data_entry_helper::$javascript .= "\$('#next-action').val('sighting');\n";
 private static function plot_report_panel($auth, $options)
     $reportOptions = array('linkOnly' => 'true', 'dataSource' => 'reports_for_prebuilt_forms/Splash/get_square_details_for_square_id', 'readAuth' => $auth['read']);
     //Report that will return the type of the square selected by the user
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.squareReportRequest='" . report_helper::get_report_data($reportOptions) . "';\n";
     $reportOptions = array('linkOnly' => 'true', 'dataSource' => 'reports_for_prebuilt_forms/Splash/get_plot_details', 'readAuth' => $auth['read']);
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.plotReportRequest='" . report_helper::get_report_data($reportOptions) . "';\n";
     //The html to place the data into using jQuery
     $htmlTemplate = "\n    </br><div id='plot_report_panel'>\n      </br>\n      <h5>Details</h5>\n      <div id='field ui-helper-clearfix'>\n        <span><b>Square Type: </b></span><span id='square-type-value'></span></br>\n        <span><b>Plot Type: </b></span><span id='plot-type-value'></span></br>\n        <span><b>Plot Description: </b></span><span id='plot-description-value'></span></br>\n        <span><b>Vice County: </b></span><span id='vice-county-value'></span></br>\n        <span><b>Orientation: </b></span><span id='orientation-value'></span></br>\n        <span><b>Aspect: </b></span><span id='aspect-value'></span></br>\n        <span><b>Slope: </b></span><span id='slope-value'></span></br>\n        <span><b>% Ash cover: </b></span><span id='ash-cover-value'></span></br>\n      </div>\n    </div></br>";
     //When the square or plot is changed or the page is loaded then get the data about the square/plot from reports and then
     //place it into the mini report html template using jQuery.
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= "\n    \$('#squares-select-list').ready(function() {\n      loadMiniSquareReport();\n    });\n    \$('#squares-select-list').change(function() {\n      loadMiniSquareReport();\n    });\n    function loadMiniSquareReport() {\n      if (\$('#squares-select-list').val()) {\n        var squareReportRequest = indiciaData.squareReportRequest\n        + '&square_id=' + \$('#squares-select-list').val()\n        + '&core_square_location_type_id=' + " . $options['coreSquareLocationTypeId'] . "\n        + '&callback=?';\n        \$.getJSON(squareReportRequest,\n          null,\n          function(response, textStatus, jqXHR) {\n            if (response[0].type) {\n              \$('#square-type-value').text(response[0].type);\n            } else {\n              \$('#square-type-value').text('');\n            }\n          }\n        );\n      }\n    }\n    \$('#imp-location').ready(function() {\n      loadMiniPlotReport();\n    });\n    \$('#imp-location').change(function() {\n      loadMiniPlotReport();\n    });\n    function loadMiniPlotReport() {\n      if (\$('#imp-location').val()==='<Please select>') {\n        \$('#plot-type-value').text('');\n        \$('#plot-description-value').text('');\n        \$('#vice-county-value').text('');\n        \$('#orientation-value').text('');\n        \$('#aspect-value').text('');\n        \$('#slope-value').text('');\n        \$('#ash-value').text('');\n      } else {\n        var reportRequest = indiciaData.plotReportRequest\n        + '&vice_county_name_attribute_id=' + " . $options['viceCountyLocationAttributeId'] . "\n        + '&orientation_attribute_id=' + " . $options['orientationAttributeId'] . "\n        + '&aspect_attribute_id=' + " . $options['aspectAttributeId'] . "\n        + '&slope_attribute_id='+ " . $options['slopeAttributeId'] . "\n        + '&ash_attribute_id=' + " . $options['ashAttributeId'] . "\n        + '&plot_id='+ \$('#imp-location').val() + '&callback=?';\n        \$.getJSON(reportRequest,\n          null,\n          function(response, textStatus, jqXHR) {\n            \$.each(response, function (idx, obj) {         \n              if (obj.type) {\n                \$('#plot-type-value').text(obj.type);\n              } else {\n                \$('#plot-type-value').text('');\n              }\n              if (obj.description) {\n                \$('#plot-description-value').text(obj.description);\n              } else {\n                \$('#plot-description-value').text('');\n              }\n              if (obj.county) {\n                \$('#vice-county-value').text(obj.county);\n              } else {\n                \$('#vice-county-value').text('');\n              }\n              if (obj.orientation) {\n                \$('#orientation-value').text(obj.orientation);\n              } else {\n                \$('#orientation-value').text('');\n              }\n              if (obj.aspect) {\n                \$('#aspect-value').text(obj.aspect);\n              } else {\n                \$('#aspect-value').text('');\n              }\n              if (obj.slope) {\n                \$('#slope-value').text(obj.slope);\n              } else {\n                \$('#slope-value').text('');\n              }\n              if (obj.ash) {\n                \$('#ash-value').text(obj.ash);\n              } else {\n                \$('#ash-value').text('');\n              }\n            });\n          }\n        );\n      }\n    }";
     return $htmlTemplate;
Exemplo n.º 9
 protected static function get_control_speciesnotes($auth, $args)
     //We can't return the notes for a specific taxon unless we have an taxa_taxon_list_id, as the meaning could apply
     //to several taxa. In this case ignore the notes control.
     if (empty(self::$taxa_taxon_list_id)) {
         return '';
     $reportResult = report_helper::get_report_data(array('readAuth' => $auth['read'], 'dataSource' => 'library/taxa/species_notes_and_images', 'useCache' => false, 'extraParams' => array('taxa_taxon_list_id' => self::$taxa_taxon_list_id, 'taxon_meaning_id' => self::$taxon_meaning_id)));
     if (!empty($reportResult[0]['the_text'])) {
         return '<div class="detail-panel" id="detail-panel-speciesnotes"><h3>' . lang::get('Species Notes') . '</h3><p>' . $reportResult[0]['the_text'] . '</p></div>';
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Loads the record associated with the page if not already loaded.
 protected static function load_record($auth, $args)
     if (!isset(self::$record)) {
         $params = array('occurrence_id' => $_GET['occurrence_id'], 'sharing' => 'reporting');
         if (!empty($args['map_geom_precision'])) {
             $params['geom_precision'] = $args['map_geom_precision'];
         $records = report_helper::get_report_data(array('readAuth' => $auth['read'], 'dataSource' => 'reports_for_prebuilt_forms/record_details_2/record_data', 'extraParams' => $params));
         self::$record = $records[0];
         // set the page metadata
         global $iform_page_metadata;
         if (!isset($iform_page_metadata)) {
             $iform_page_metadata = array();
         $species = self::$record['taxon'];
         if (!empty(self::$record['preferred_taxon']) && $species !== self::$record['preferred_taxon']) {
             $species .= ' (' . self::$record['preferred_taxon'] . ')';
         $iform_page_metadata['description'] = lang::get('Record of {1} on {2}', $species, self::$record['date']);
         if (!empty(self::$record['sample_comment'])) {
             $iform_page_metadata['description'] .= '. ' . trim(self::$record['sample_comment'], '. \\t\\n\\r\\0\\x0B') . '.';
         if (!empty(self::$record['occurrence_comment'])) {
             $iform_page_metadata['description'] .= ' ' . trim(self::$record['occurrence_comment'], '. \\t\\n\\r\\0\\x0B') . '.';
         if (empty(self::$record['sensitivity_precision'])) {
             $iform_page_metadata['latitude'] = number_format((double) self::$record['lat'], 5, '.', '');
             $iform_page_metadata['longitude'] = number_format((double) self::$record['long'], 5, '.', '');
 protected function get_termlists_terms_id_for_occurrence_term($occAttrId, $term, $args)
     $readAuth = data_entry_helper::get_read_auth($args['website_id'], $args['password']);
     $reportOptions = array('dataSource' => 'reports_for_prebuilt_forms/Shorewatch/get_ids_from_occ_terms_for_import', 'readAuth' => $readAuth, 'mode' => 'report', 'extraParams' => array('occurrence_attr_id' => $occAttrId, 'term' => $term));
     $termlistsTermIdData = report_helper::get_report_data($reportOptions);
     return $termlistsTermIdData[0]['id'];
Exemplo n.º 12
 private static function league_table_position($auth, $args, $options, $report, $label)
     $userId = hostsite_get_user_field('indicia_user_id');
     if (!$userId) {
         return '';
     $reportOptions = array_merge(iform_report_get_report_options($args, $auth['read']), array('dataSource' => $report, 'autoParamsForm' => false), $options);
     if (hostsite_get_user_field('training')) {
         $reportOptions['extraParams']['training'] = 'true';
     $reportOptions['extraParams']['user_id'] = $userId;
     $rows = report_helper::get_report_data($reportOptions);
     if (count($rows)) {
         $r = self::output_title($options);
         $r .= '<div>';
         $r .= '<div class="totals">' . lang::get('Position {1}', $rows[0]['position']) . '</div>';
         $r .= '<div class="totals">' . lang::get('{1} species', $rows[0]['value']) . '</div>';
         $r .= '</div>';
     return $r;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Define the HTML required for this filter's UI panel.
 public function get_controls($readAuth, $options)
     if (function_exists('iform_load_helpers')) {
     } else {
         //When running on warehouse we don't have iform_load_helpers
         require_once DOCROOT . 'client_helpers/report_helper.php';
     $r = '<div class="context-instruct messages warning">' . lang::get('Please note, or options for source filtering are limited by your access permissions in this context.') . '</div>';
     $r .= '<div>';
     //If running on the warehouse then use a single website (as the user is on the website details->milestones tab for a single website) so don't diplay website selection (which is based on website sharing)
     if (!isset($options['runningOnWarehouse']) || $options['runningOnWarehouse'] == false) {
         $sources = report_helper::get_report_data(array('dataSource' => 'library/websites/websites_list', 'readAuth' => $readAuth, 'caching' => true, 'extraParams' => array('sharing' => $options['sharing'])));
         if (count($sources) > 1) {
             $r .= '<div id="filter-websites" class="filter-popup-columns"><h3>' . lang::get('Websites') . '</h3><p>' . '<select id="filter-websites-mode" name="website_list_op"><option value="in">' . lang::get('Include') . '</option><option value="not in">' . lang::get('Exclude') . '</option></select> ' . lang::get('records from') . ':</p><ul id="website-list-checklist">';
             foreach ($sources as $source) {
                 $r .= '<li><input type="checkbox" value="' . $source['id'] . '" id="check-' . $source['id'] . '"/>' . '<label for="check-' . $source['id'] . '">' . $source['title'] . '</label></li>';
             $r .= '</ul></div>';
     //If running on the warehouse then use a single website id (as the user is on the website details->milestones tab for a single website) so supply this as a param, we don't need to worry about sharing
     //as other websites will have their own milestones
     if (isset($options['runningOnWarehouse']) && $options['runningOnWarehouse'] == true) {
         $sources = data_entry_helper::get_population_data(array('table' => 'survey', 'extraParams' => $readAuth + array('view' => 'detail', 'website_id' => $options['website_id'])));
         $titleToDisplay = 'title';
     } else {
         $sources = report_helper::get_report_data(array('dataSource' => 'library/surveys/surveys_list', 'readAuth' => $readAuth, 'caching' => true, 'extraParams' => array('sharing' => $options['sharing'])));
         $titleToDisplay = 'fulltitle';
     $r .= '<div id="filter-surveys" class="filter-popup-columns"><h3>' . lang::get('Survey datasets') . '</h3><p>' . '<select id="filter-surveys-mode" name="survey_list_op"><option value="in">' . lang::get('Include') . '</option><option value="not in">' . lang::get('Exclude') . '</option></select> ' . lang::get('records from') . ':</p><ul id="survey-list-checklist">';
     foreach ($sources as $source) {
         $r .= '<li class="vis-website-' . $source['website_id'] . '">' . '<input type="checkbox" value="' . $source['id'] . '" id="check-survey-' . $source['id'] . '"/>' . '<label for="check-survey-' . $source['id'] . '">' . $source[$titleToDisplay] . '</label></li>';
     $r .= '</ul></div>';
     $sourceOptions = array('dataSource' => 'library/input_forms/input_forms_list', 'readAuth' => $readAuth, 'caching' => true, 'extraParams' => array('sharing' => $options['sharing']));
     //If in the warehouse then we are only interested in the website for the milestone we are editing
     if (isset($options['website_id'])) {
         $sourceOptions['extraParams'] = array_merge(array('website_id' => $options['website_id']), $sourceOptions['extraParams']);
     $sources = report_helper::get_report_data($sourceOptions);
     $r .= '<div id="filter-input_forms" class="filter-popup-columns"><h3>' . lang::get('Input forms') . '</h3><p>' . '<select id="filter-input_forms-mode" name="input_forms_list_op"><option value="in">' . lang::get('Include') . '</option><option value="not in">' . lang::get('Exclude') . '</option></select> ' . lang::get('records from') . ':</p><ul id="input_form-list-checklist">';
     // create an object to contain a lookup from id to form for JS, since forms don't have a real id.
     $obj = array();
     foreach ($sources as $idx => $source) {
         if (!empty($source['input_form'])) {
             $r .= '<li class="vis-survey-' . $source['survey_id'] . ' vis-website-' . $source['website_id'] . '">' . '<input type="checkbox" value="' . $source['input_form'] . '" id="check-form-' . $idx . '"/>' . '<label for="check-form-' . $idx . '">' . ucfirst(trim(preg_replace('/(http:\\/\\/)|[\\/\\-_]|(\\?q=)/', ' ', $source['input_form']))) . '</label></li>';
             $obj[$source['input_form']] = $idx;
     $r .= '</ul></div>';
     report_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.formsList=' . json_encode($obj) . ";\n";
     $r .= '</div><p>' . lang::get('Leave any list unticked to leave that list unfiltered.') . '</p>';
     return $r;
Exemplo n.º 14
 private static function league_table($auth, $args, $options, $report, $label)
     $reportOptions = array_merge(iform_report_get_report_options($args, $auth['read']), array('dataSource' => $report, 'limit' => 20), $options);
     if (hostsite_get_user_field('training')) {
         $reportOptions['extraParams']['training'] = 'true';
     $reportOptions['extraParams']['limit'] = $reportOptions['limit'];
     $rows = report_helper::get_report_data($reportOptions);
     $r = "<table class=\"league\"><thead><th>Pos</th><th>{$label}</th><th>Species</th></thead><tbody>";
     if (count($rows)) {
         $pos = 1;
         $lastVal = $rows[0]['value'];
         foreach ($rows as $idx => $row) {
             if ($row['value'] < $lastVal) {
                 $pos = $idx + 1;
                 // +1 because zero indexed $idx
                 $lastVal = $row['value'];
             $r .= "<tr><td>{$pos}</td><td>{$row[name]}</td><td>{$row[value]}</td></tr>\n";
     } else {
         $r .= '<td colspan="3">' . lang::get('No results yet') . '</td>';
     $r .= '</tbody></table>';
     return $r;
 private static function location_control($args, $readAuth, $node, &$options)
     // note that when in user specific mode it returns the list currently assigned to the user: it does not give
     // locations which the user previously recorded data against, but is no longer allocated to.
     global $user;
     $ctrl = '';
     $siteUrlParams = self::get_site_url_params();
     // loctools is not appropriate here as it is based on a node, for which this is a very simple one, invoking other nodes for the sample creation
     if (!isset($args['includeLocationFilter']) || !$args['includeLocationFilter']) {
         return '';
     // this is user specific: when no user selection control, or all users selected then default to all locations
     // this means it does not get a list of all locations if no user is selected: to be added later?
     $options['location_id'] = $siteUrlParams[self::$locationKey]['value'];
     $options['extraParams']['location_id'] = $siteUrlParams[self::$locationKey]['value'];
     $options['extraParams']['location_list'] = '';
     // Set up common data.
     $locationListArgs = array('extraParams' => array_merge(array('website_id' => $args['website_id'], 'location_type_id' => '', 'sensattr' => '', 'exclude_sensitive' => 0), $readAuth), 'readAuth' => $readAuth, 'caching' => true, 'dataSource' => 'library/locations/locations_list_exclude_sensitive');
     $allowSensitive = empty($args['sensitivityLocAttrId']) || function_exists('user_access') && !empty($args['sensitivityAccessPermission']) && user_access($args['sensitivityAccessPermission']);
     if (!empty($args['sensitivityLocAttrId'])) {
         $locationListArgs['extraParams']['locattrs'] = $args['sensitivityLocAttrId'];
     $attrArgs = array('valuetable' => 'location_attribute_value', 'attrtable' => 'location_attribute', 'key' => 'location_id', 'fieldprefix' => 'locAttr', 'extraParams' => $readAuth, 'survey_id' => self::$siteUrlParams[self::$SurveyKey]);
     if (isset($args['locationTypesFilter']) && $args['locationTypesFilter'] != "") {
         $types = explode(',', $args['locationTypesFilter']);
         $types1 = array();
         $types2 = array();
         foreach ($types as $type) {
             $parts = explode(':', $type);
             $types1[] = $parts[0];
             $types2[] = $parts;
         $terms = self::get_sorted_termlist_terms(array('read' => $readAuth), 'indicia:location_types', $types1);
         $attrArgs['location_type_id'] = $siteUrlParams[self::$locationTypeKey]['value'];
         $locationListArgs['extraParams']['location_type_id'] = $siteUrlParams[self::$locationTypeKey]['value'];
         if (count($types) > 1) {
             $lookUpValues = array();
             foreach ($terms as $termDetails) {
                 $lookUpValues[$termDetails['id']] = $termDetails['term'];
             // if location is predefined, can not change unless a 'manager_permission'
             $ctrlid = 'calendar-location-type-' . $node->nid;
             $ctrl .= data_entry_helper::select(array('label' => lang::get('Site Type'), 'id' => $ctrlid, 'fieldname' => 'location_type_id', 'lookupValues' => $lookUpValues, 'default' => $siteUrlParams[self::$locationTypeKey]['value'])) . '</th><th>';
             self::set_up_control_change($ctrlid, self::$locationTypeKey, array());
             $options['downloadFilePrefix'] .= preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/i', '', $lookUpValues[$siteUrlParams[self::$locationTypeKey]['value']]) . '_';
     $locationAttributes = data_entry_helper::getAttributes($attrArgs, false);
     $locationList = array();
     // If we are looking a user, then we display all that users sites. If I am that user, or if I am a person with sensitive access, then I can see all the sites, even sensitive.
     if (isset($args['includeUserFilter']) && $args['includeUserFilter'] && isset($args['userSpecificLocationLookUp']) && $args['userSpecificLocationLookUp'] && isset($options['user_id']) && $options['user_id'] != "" && $siteUrlParams[self::$userKey]['value'] != "branch") {
         if (!$allowSensitive && $options['user_id'] != $user->uid) {
             // ensure can see sensitive sites for my sites only, unless manager who can see all
             $locationListArgs['extraParams']['sensattr'] = $args['sensitivityLocAttrId'];
             $locationListArgs['extraParams']['exclude_sensitive'] = 1;
         $cmsAttr = extract_cms_user_attr($locationAttributes, false);
         if (!$cmsAttr) {
             return lang::get('Location control: CMS User ID Attribute missing from locations.');
         $attrListArgs = array('extraParams' => array_merge(array('view' => 'list', 'website_id' => $args['website_id'], 'location_attribute_id' => $cmsAttr['attributeId'], 'raw_value' => $options['user_id']), $readAuth), 'table' => 'location_attribute_value');
         $description = "All " . ($user->uid == $options['user_id'] ? 'my' : 'user') . " sites";
         $attrList = data_entry_helper::get_population_data($attrListArgs);
         if (isset($attrList['error'])) {
             return $attrList['error'];
         if (count($attrList) === 0) {
             $options['downloadFilePrefix'] .= 'NS_';
             return $ctrl . lang::get('[No sites allocated.]');
         $locationIDList = array();
         foreach ($attrList as $attr) {
             $locationIDList[] = $attr['location_id'];
         $locationListArgs['extraParams']['idlist'] = implode(',', $locationIDList);
         $locationList = report_helper::get_report_data($locationListArgs);
         if (isset($locationList['error'])) {
             return $locationList['error'];
     } else {
         // If we are looking at a branch, we can see all the sites allocated to me even sensitive.
         if (isset($args['includeUserFilter']) && $args['includeUserFilter'] && isset($args['userSpecificLocationLookUp']) && $args['userSpecificLocationLookUp'] && $siteUrlParams[self::$userKey]['value'] == "branch") {
             $description = "All branch sites";
             if (count(self::$branchLocationList) === 0) {
                 $options['downloadFilePrefix'] .= 'NS_';
                 return $ctrl . lang::get('[No branch sites allocated.]');
             $locationListArgs['extraParams']['idlist'] = implode(',', self::$branchLocationList);
             $locationList = report_helper::get_report_data($locationListArgs);
             if (isset($locationList['error'])) {
                 return $locationList['error'];
             $options['extraParams']['location_list'] = implode(',', self::$branchLocationList);
             $options['branch_location_list'] = self::$branchLocationList;
         } else {
             // If we are looking at all sites, we can see all non sensitive sites, plus sensitive sites if they are allocated to me as a site or as a branch, or if I have access to sensitive.
             $description = "All sites";
             $locationListArgs['extraParams']['idlist'] = '';
             // get my sites, including sensitive sites.
             $cmsAttr = extract_cms_user_attr($locationAttributes, false);
             if ($cmsAttr) {
                 $attrListArgs = array('extraParams' => array_merge(array('view' => 'list', 'website_id' => $args['website_id'], 'location_attribute_id' => $cmsAttr['attributeId'], 'raw_value' => $user->uid), $readAuth), 'table' => 'location_attribute_value');
                 $attrList = data_entry_helper::get_population_data($attrListArgs);
                 if (isset($attrList['error'])) {
                     return $attrList['error'];
                 if (count($attrList) > 0) {
                     $locationIDList = array();
                     foreach ($attrList as $attr) {
                         $locationIDList[] = $attr['location_id'];
                     $locationListArgs['extraParams']['idlist'] = implode(',', $locationIDList);
             // Next add Branch Sites, sensitive or not
             if (count(self::$branchLocationList) > 0) {
                 $locationListArgs['extraParams']['idlist'] .= ($locationListArgs['extraParams']['idlist'] == '' ? '' : ',') . implode(',', self::$branchLocationList);
             $userLocationList = array();
             if ($locationListArgs['extraParams']['idlist'] != '') {
                 $userLocationList = report_helper::get_report_data($locationListArgs);
                 if (isset($userLocationList['error'])) {
                     return $userLocationList['error'];
             // Next get all other non sensitive sites
             if (!$allowSensitive) {
                 $locationListArgs['extraParams']['sensattr'] = $args['sensitivityLocAttrId'];
                 $locationListArgs['extraParams']['exclude_sensitive'] = 1;
             $locationListArgs['extraParams']['idlist'] = "";
             $allLocationList = report_helper::get_report_data($locationListArgs);
             if (isset($allLocationList['error'])) {
                 return $allLocationList['error'];
             foreach ($userLocationList as $loc) {
                 $locationList[$loc['id']] = $loc;
             foreach ($allLocationList as $loc) {
                 if (!isset($locationList[$loc['id']])) {
                     $locationList[$loc['id']] = $loc;
     // we want to sort by name, but also keep details of sensitivity.
     $sort = array();
     $locs = array();
     foreach ($locationList as $location) {
         $sort[$location['id']] = $location['name'];
         $locs[$location['id']] = $location;
     $ctrlid = 'calendar-location-select-' . $node->nid;
     $ctrl .= '<label for="' . $ctrlid . '" class="location-select-label">' . lang::get('Filter by site') . ': </label><select id="' . $ctrlid . '" class="location-select">' . '<option value="" class="location-select-option" ' . ($siteUrlParams[self::$locationKey]['value'] == '' ? 'selected="selected" ' : '') . '>' . $description . '</option>';
     if ($siteUrlParams[self::$locationKey]['value'] == '') {
         $options['downloadFilePrefix'] .= preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/i', '', $description) . '_';
     foreach ($sort as $id => $name) {
         $ctrl .= '<option value=' . $id . ' class="location-select-option ' . (!empty($args['sensitivityLocAttrId']) && $locs[$id]['attr_location_' . $args['sensitivityLocAttrId']] === "1" ? 'sensitive' : '') . '" ' . ($siteUrlParams[self::$locationKey]['value'] == $id ? 'selected="selected" ' : '') . '>' . $name . (isset($args['includeSrefInLocationFilter']) && $args['includeSrefInLocationFilter'] ? ' (' . $locs[$id]['centroid_sref'] . ')' : '') . '</option>' . "\n";
         if ($siteUrlParams[self::$locationKey]['value'] == $id) {
             $options['downloadFilePrefix'] .= preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/i', '', $name) . '_';
     $ctrl .= '</select>';
     self::set_up_control_change($ctrlid, self::$locationKey, array());
     return $ctrl;
  * Ajax handler to determine if a user is likely to see a notification added to their comments.
  * @param $website_id
  * @param $password
  * @param $node
  * @return string Either yes, no, maybe or unknown.
  * @throws \Exception
 public function ajax_do_they_see_notifications($website_id, $password, $node)
     $readAuth = report_helper::get_read_auth($website_id, $password);
     $data = report_helper::get_report_data(array('dataSource' => 'library/users/user_notification_response_likely', 'readAuth' => $readAuth, 'extraParams' => array('user_id' => $_GET['user_id'])));
     $acknowledged = 0;
     $unacknowledged = 0;
     $emailFrequency = false;
     foreach ($data as $row) {
         if ($row['key'] === 'acknowledged') {
             $acknowledged = (int) $row['value'];
         } elseif ($row['key'] === 'unacknowledged') {
             $unacknowledged = (int) $row['value'];
         } elseif ($row['key'] === 'email_frequency') {
             $emailFrequency = $row['value'];
     if ($emailFrequency) {
         // If they receive emails for comment notifications, we can assume they will see a comment
         echo 'yes';
     } elseif ($acknowledged + $unacknowledged > 0) {
         // otherwise, we need some info on the ratio of acknowledged to unacknowledged notifications over the last year
         $ratio = $acknowledged / ($acknowledged + $unacknowledged);
         if ($ratio > 0.3) {
             echo 'yes';
         } elseif ($ratio === 0) {
             echo 'no';
         } else {
             echo 'maybe';
     } else {
         // They don't have notifications in database, so we can't say
         echo 'unknown';
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Additional functionality required to load habitat data for existing samples.
  * @param integer $sample_id ID of the parent sample being loaded
  * @param array $auth Authorisation tokens
 protected static function load_existing($sample_id, $auth)
     $samples = report_helper::get_report_data(array('dataSource' => 'library/samples/subsamples', 'readAuth' => $auth['read'], 'extraParams' => array('parent_sample_id' => $sample_id)));
     foreach ($samples as $sample) {
         self::$existingSubsampleData['sample:' . $sample['id']] = array('sample_id' => $sample['id'], 'comment' => $sample['comment'], 'values' => array());
     $values = report_helper::get_report_data(array('dataSource' => 'library/sample_attribute_values/subsample_attribute_values', 'readAuth' => $auth['read'], 'extraParams' => array('parent_sample_id' => $sample_id)));
     foreach ($values as $idx => $value) {
         self::$existingSubsampleData['sample:' . $value['sample_id']]['values']["{$idx}:{$value['sample_attribute_id']}"] = "{$value['id']}:{$value['value']}:{$value['data_type']}";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.existingSubsampleData=" . json_encode(array_values(self::$existingSubsampleData)) . ";\n";
Exemplo n.º 18
 private static function _build_taxon_groups_report($args, $readAuth, $output, $type)
     $r = self::filter_toolbar(array('my_records', 'year'), $readAuth);
     $reportPerUser = !empty($_GET['my_records']);
     $reportOptions = array('readAuth' => $readAuth, 'dataSource' => "library/taxon_groups/filterable_{$type}_counts", 'caching' => true, 'cachePerUser' => $reportPerUser, 'cachetimeout' => $reportPerUser ? self::FAST_CACHE_REFRESH : self::SLOW_CACHE_REFRESH);
     if (!empty($args['min_rank_sort_order_for_species'])) {
         $reportOptions['extraParams'] = array('min_taxon_rank_sort_order' => $args['min_rank_sort_order_for_species']);
     if ($output === 'pie_chart') {
         $data = report_helper::get_report_data($reportOptions);
         // Get the taxon groups used in the master checklist
         $groups = report_helper::get_report_data(array('dataSource' => '/library/taxon_groups/taxon_groups_used_in_checklist', 'readAuth' => $readAuth, 'extraParams' => array('taxon_list_id' => variable_get('iform_master_checklist_id', 0)), 'caching' => true, 'cachePerUser' => false, 'cachetimeout' => self::SLOW_CACHE_REFRESH));
         // make an easy lookup
         $groupIds = array();
         foreach ($groups as $group) {
             $groupIds[$group['id']] = $group['title'];
         // roll categories into 'other' if too many and process to remove unofficial groups
         $totalOther = 0;
         $processedData = array();
         foreach ($data as $row) {
             if (count($processedData) >= 10 || !array_key_exists($row['id'], $groupIds)) {
                 $totalOther += $row['count'];
             } else {
                 $processedData[] = $row;
         if ($totalOther > 0) {
             $processedData[] = array('taxon_group' => lang::get('other'), 'count' => $totalOther);
         $reportOptions['dataSource'] = 'static';
         $reportOptions += array('staticData' => $processedData, 'chartType' => 'pie', 'seriesColors' => array('#ccebc5', '#ffffb3', '#bebada', '#fb8072', '#80b1d3', '#fdb462', '#b3de69', '#fccde5', '#8dd3c7', '#bc80bd', '#d9d9d9'), 'height' => '500', 'yValues' => 'count', 'xLabels' => 'taxon_group', 'autoParamsForm' => false, 'axesOptions' => array('yaxis' => array('min' => 0, 'tickOptions' => array('formatString' => '%d'))), 'legendOptions' => array('show' => true), 'rendererOptions' => array('sliceMargin' => 3));
         $r .= report_helper::report_chart($reportOptions);
     } else {
         $reportOptions += array('downloadLink' => true);
         $r .= report_helper::report_grid($reportOptions);
     return $r;
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Ajax method to retrieve phenology data for a species by external key.
 public static function ajax_phenology($website_id, $password)
     $readAuth = report_helper::get_read_auth($website_id, $password);
     $extraParams = array('external_key' => empty($_GET['external_key']) || $_GET['external_key'] === 'null' ? '' : $_GET['external_key'], 'taxon_meaning_id' => empty($_GET['external_key']) || $_GET['external_key'] === 'null' ? $_GET['taxon_meaning_id'] : '', 'date_from' => '', 'date_to' => '', 'survey_id' => '', 'quality' => 'V');
     $data = report_helper::get_report_data(array('dataSource' => 'library/months/phenology', 'readAuth' => $readAuth, 'extraParams' => $extraParams, 'sharing' => 'verification'));
     // must output all months
     $output = array(array(1, 0), array(2, 0), array(3, 0), array(4, 0), array(5, 0), array(6, 0), array(7, 0), array(8, 0), array(9, 0), array(10, 0), array(11, 0), array(12, 0));
     foreach ($data as $month) {
         // -1 here, because our array is zero indexed, but the report returns a real month number
         $output[$month['name'] - 1][1] = intval($month['value']);
     echo json_encode($output);
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Define the HTML required for this filter's UI panel.
 public function get_controls($readAuth, $options)
     $sources = report_helper::get_report_data(array('dataSource' => 'library/websites/websites_list', 'readAuth' => $readAuth, 'caching' => true, 'extraParams' => array('sharing' => $options['sharing'])));
     $r = '<div class="context-instruct messages warning">' . lang::get('Please note, or options for source filtering are limited by your access permissions in this context.') . '</div>';
     $r .= '<div>';
     if (count($sources) > 1) {
         $r .= '<div id="filter-websites" class="filter-popup-columns"><h3>' . lang::get('Websites') . '</h3><p>' . '<select id="filter-websites-mode" name="website_list_op"><option value="in">' . lang::get('Include') . '</option><option value="not in">' . lang::get('Exclude') . '</option></select> ' . lang::get('records from') . ':</p><ul id="website-list-checklist">';
         foreach ($sources as $source) {
             $r .= '<li><input type="checkbox" value="' . $source['id'] . '" id="check-' . $source['id'] . '"/>' . '<label for="check-' . $source['id'] . '">' . $source['title'] . '</label></li>';
         $r .= '</ul></div>';
     $sources = report_helper::get_report_data(array('dataSource' => 'library/surveys/surveys_list', 'readAuth' => $readAuth, 'caching' => true, 'extraParams' => array('sharing' => $options['sharing'])));
     $r .= '<div id="filter-surveys" class="filter-popup-columns"><h3>' . lang::get('Survey datasets') . '</h3><p>' . '<select id="filter-surveys-mode" name="survey_list_op"><option value="in">' . lang::get('Include') . '</option><option value="not in">' . lang::get('Exclude') . '</option></select> ' . lang::get('records from') . ':</p><ul id="survey-list-checklist">';
     foreach ($sources as $source) {
         $r .= '<li class="vis-website-' . $source['website_id'] . '">' . '<input type="checkbox" value="' . $source['id'] . '" id="check-survey-' . $source['id'] . '"/>' . '<label for="check-survey-' . $source['id'] . '">' . $source['fulltitle'] . '</label></li>';
     $r .= '</ul></div>';
     $sources = report_helper::get_report_data(array('dataSource' => 'library/input_forms/input_forms_list', 'readAuth' => $readAuth, 'caching' => true, 'extraParams' => array('sharing' => $options['sharing'])));
     $r .= '<div id="filter-input_forms" class="filter-popup-columns"><h3>' . lang::get('Input forms') . '</h3><p>' . '<select id="filter-input_forms-mode" name="input_forms_list_op"><option value="in">' . lang::get('Include') . '</option><option value="not in">' . lang::get('Exclude') . '</option></select> ' . lang::get('records from') . ':</p><ul id="input_form-list-checklist">';
     // create an object to contain a lookup from id to form for JS, since forms don't have a real id.
     $obj = array();
     foreach ($sources as $idx => $source) {
         $r .= '<li class="vis-survey-' . $source['survey_id'] . ' vis-website-' . $source['website_id'] . '">' . '<input type="checkbox" value="' . $source['input_form'] . '" id="check-form-' . $idx . '"/>' . '<label for="check-form-' . $idx . '">' . ucfirst(trim(preg_replace('/(http:\\/\\/)|[\\/\\-_]|(\\?q=)/', ' ', $source['input_form']))) . '</label></li>';
         $obj[$source['input_form']] = $idx;
     $r .= '</ul></div>';
     report_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.formsList=' . json_encode($obj) . ";\n";
     $r .= '</div><p>' . lang::get('Leave any list unticked to leave that list unfiltered.') . '</p>';
     return $r;