function destroy()
     // Validate this...
     if (!is_numeric($this->id)) {
         throw new Exception('scheduledBackup->destroy: ' . "Error: The ID for this object is not an integer.");
     $queueManager = new queueManager();
     // We need to take over all queues for this backup and make sure nothing is running.
     $queues = array('scheduledBackup:' . $this->id, 'retentionApply:' . $this->id, 'postProcess:' . $this->id);
     foreach ($queues as $queue) {
         $ticket = $queueManager->getTicketNumber($queue);
         if (!$queueManager->checkFrontOfQueue($queue, $ticket)) {
             throw new ProcessingException("Error: Cannot remove the Scheduled Backup Task as it is currently running.");
     // Check to see if anything is running for this scheduledBackup
     $runningBackupGetter = new runningBackupGetter();
     $runningBackups = $runningBackupGetter->getByScheduledBackup($this);
     if (sizeOf($runningBackups) > 0) {
         throw new ProcessingException("Error: Cannot remove the Scheduled Backup Task as it is currently running.");
     // Get all snapshots and destroy them..
     $groups = $this->getSnapshotGroupsNewestToOldest();
     foreach ($groups as $group) {
         $snapshots = $group->getAllSnapshotsNewestToOldest();
         foreach ($snapshots as $snapshot) {
     // If we have a materialized snapshot - destroy that too
     if ($latestMaterialized = $this->getMostRecentCompletedMaterializedSnapshot()) {
     $conn = dbConnection::getInstance($this->log);
     // Remove DB the entries for this scheduledBackup
     $sql = "DELETE sb.*, sbp.* FROM scheduled_backups sb JOIN scheduled_backup_params sbp USING (scheduled_backup_id) WHERE scheduled_backup_id = " . $this->id;
     if (!$conn->query($sql)) {
         throw new DBException('scheduledBackup->setParam: ' . "Error: Query {$sql} \nFailed with MySQL Error: {$conn->error}");
 function takeScheduledBackupSnapshot(scheduledBackup $scheduledBackup)
     global $config;
     $this->launchTime = time();
     // Get the backup strategy for the scheduledBackup
     $sbInfo = $scheduledBackup->getInfo();
     // Get the host of the backup
     $sbHost = $scheduledBackup->getHost();
     // Get host info
     $hostInfo = $sbHost->getInfo();
     // create a backupTakerFactory
     $takerFactory = new backupTakerFactory();
     // use it to get the right object type for the backup strategy
     $backupTaker = $takerFactory->getBackupTakerByStrategy($sbInfo['strategy_code']);
     // Setup to write to host log
     $infolog = new logStream($config['LOGS']['logdir'] . '/hosts/' . $hostInfo['hostname'] . '.log', $this->infologVerbose, $config['LOGS']['level']);
     try {
         $msg = 'Initializing Scheduled Backup "' . $sbInfo['name'] . '" (ID #' . $sbInfo['scheduled_backup_id'] . ') for host: ' . $hostInfo['hostname'] . ' ... ';
         $this->infolog->write($msg, XBM_LOG_INFO);
         $msg = 'Using Backup Strategy: ' . $sbInfo['strategy_name'];
         $this->infolog->write($msg, XBM_LOG_INFO);
         // Create an entry for this backup job
         $jobGetter = new backupJobGetter();
         $job = $jobGetter->getNew($scheduledBackup);
         // Check to see if we can even start this party
         // First, take a number in the queues for the scheduledBackup and the host itself..
         $queueManager = new queueManager();
         // Set the global queueName for use later.
         $globalQueueName = 'scheduledBackup:GLOBAL';
         // Take a number in the scheduledBackup queue for THIS backup...
         $schedQueueName = 'scheduledBackup:' . $sbInfo['scheduled_backup_id'];
         $schedQueueTicket = $queueManager->getTicketNumber($schedQueueName);
         // Take a number in the host queue...
         $hostQueueName = 'hostBackup:' . $sbInfo['host_id'];
         $hostQueueTicket = $queueManager->getTicketNumber($hostQueueName);
         // If we are not at the front of the scheduledBackup queue when we start up, then just exit
         // assume another job is running already for this scheduledBackup.. we dont queue up dupe backup jobs
         // we skip them
         if ($queueManager->checkFrontOfQueue($schedQueueName, $schedQueueTicket) == false) {
             // Release our tickets in the queues, then throw exception...
             $this->infolog->write("Detected this scheduled backup job is already running, exiting...", XBM_LOG_ERROR);
             throw new Exception('backupSnapshotTaker->takeScheduledBackupSnapshot: ' . "Error: Detected this scheduled backup job is already running.");
         // Create this object now, so we don't recreate it a tonne of times in the loop
         $runningBackupGetter = new runningBackupGetter();
         // Mark us as "QUEUED" while we figure out if we can launch...
         $readyToRun = false;
         while ($readyToRun == false) {
             // If we are not at the front of the queue for this host, then sleep/wait until we are.
             if (!$queueManager->checkFrontOfQueue($hostQueueName, $hostQueueTicket)) {
                 $this->infolog->write("There are jobs before this one in the queue for this host. Sleeping " . XBM_SLEEP_SECS . " before checking again...", XBM_LOG_INFO);
                 for ($i = 0; $i <= XBM_SLEEP_SECS; $i++) {
                     if ($job->isKilled()) {
                         throw new KillException('The backup was killed by an administrator.');
             // We are at the front of the queue for this host...
             // Check to see how many backups are running for the host already...
             $runningBackups = $sbHost->getRunningBackups();
             // If we are at or greater than max num of backups for the host, then sleep before we try again.
             if (sizeOf($runningBackups) >= $config['SYSTEM']['max_host_concurrent_backups']) {
                 // Output to info log - this currently spits out every 30 secs (define is 30 at time of writing)
                 // maybe it is too much
                 $this->infolog->write("Found " . sizeOf($runningBackups) . " backup(s) running for this host out of a maximum of " . $config['SYSTEM']['max_host_concurrent_backups'] . " per host. Sleeping " . XBM_SLEEP_SECS . " before retry...", XBM_LOG_INFO);
                 for ($i = 0; $i <= XBM_SLEEP_SECS; $i++) {
                     if ($job->isKilled()) {
                         throw new KillException('The backup was killed by an administrator.');
             // Only take a ticket in the global queue if we dont already have one
             // Wait until this point to prevent blocking up the GLOBAL queue when the host itself is blocked..
             if (!isset($globalQueueTicket)) {
                 $globalQueueTicket = $queueManager->getTicketNumber($globalQueueName);
             // If we are not at the front of the queue for global backups, then sleep/wait until we are
             if (!$queueManager->checkFrontOfQueue($globalQueueName, $globalQueueTicket)) {
                 $this->infolog->write("There are jobs before this one in the global backup queue. Sleeping " . XBM_SLEEP_SECS . " before checking again...", XBM_LOG_INFO);
                 for ($i = 0; $i <= XBM_SLEEP_SECS; $i++) {
                     if ($job->isKilled()) {
                         throw new KillException('The backup was killed by an administrator.');
             // Now check to see the how many backups are running globally and if we should be allowed to run...
             $globalRunningBackups = $runningBackupGetter->getAll();
             if (sizeOf($globalRunningBackups) >= $config['SYSTEM']['max_global_concurrent_backups']) {
                 //output to info log -- currentl every 30 secs based on define at time of writing
                 // maybe too much?
                 $this->infolog->write("Found " . sizeOf($globalRunningBackups) . " backup(s) running out of a global maximum of " . $config['SYSTEM']['max_global_concurrent_backups'] . ". Sleeping " . XBM_SLEEP_SECS . " before retry...", XBM_LOG_INFO);
                 for ($i = 0; $i <= XBM_SLEEP_SECS; $i++) {
                     if ($job->isKilled()) {
                         throw new KillException('The backup was killed by an administrator.');
             // If we made it to here - we are ready to run!
             $readyToRun = true;
         // Populate the backupTaker with the relevant settings like log/infolog/Verbose, etc.
         $backupTaker->setTicketsToReleaseOnStart(array($hostQueueTicket, $globalQueueTicket));
         // Kick off takeScheduledBackupSnapshot method of the actual backup taker
         $job->setStatus('Performing Backup');
         // Release the ticket for running the backup..
         $retentionQueueName = 'retentionApply:' . $sbInfo['scheduled_backup_id'];
         $retentionQueueTicket = $queueManager->getTicketNumber($retentionQueueName);
         // Proceed once we're at the start of the retention policy queue for this scheduled backup
         while (!$queueManager->checkFrontOfQueue($retentionQueueName, $retentionQueueTicket)) {
             $this->infolog->write('There is already a task applying retention policy for this scheduled backup. Sleeping ' . XBM_SLEEP_SECS . ' before retry...', XBM_LOG_INFO);
             for ($i = 0; $i <= XBM_SLEEP_SECS; $i++) {
                 if ($job->isKilled()) {
                     throw new KillException('The backup was killed by an administrator.');
         // Apply the retention policy
         $this->infolog->write("Applying snapshot retention policy ...", XBM_LOG_INFO);
         $job->setStatus('Deleting Old Backups');
         $this->infolog->write("Application of retention policy complete.", XBM_LOG_INFO);
         // Perform any post processingA
         // Get ticket/queue
         $postProcessQueueName = 'postProcess:' . $sbInfo['scheduled_backup_id'];
         $postProcessQueueTicket = $queueManager->getTicketNumber($postProcessQueueName);
         while (!$queueManager->checkFrontOfQueue($postProcessQueueName, $postProcessQueueTicket)) {
             $this->infolog->write('There is already a task performing post processing for this scheduled backup. Sleeping ' . XBM_SLEEP_SECS . ' before retry...', XBM_LOG_INFO);
             for ($i = 0; $i <= XBM_SLEEP_SECS; $i++) {
                 if ($job->isKilled()) {
                     throw new KillException('The backup was killed by an administrator.');
         $this->infolog->write("Performing any post-processing necessary ...", XBM_LOG_INFO);
         $job->setStatus('Performing Post-Processing');
         $this->infolog->write("Post-processing completed.", XBM_LOG_INFO);
         $this->infolog->write("Scheduled Backup Task Complete!", XBM_LOG_INFO);
     } catch (KillException $e) {
         if (isset($job)) {
         $this->infolog->write('Exiting after the backup job was killed...', XBM_LOG_ERROR);
         throw $e;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if (isset($job)) {
         $this->infolog->write('An error occurred while trying to perform the backup. Proceeding to log some details to help debug...', XBM_LOG_ERROR);
         $this->infolog->write('Error Caught: ' . $e->getMessage(), XBM_LOG_ERROR);
         $this->infolog->write('Trace: ' . $e->getTraceAsString(), XBM_LOG_ERROR);
         throw $e;
     return true;