public static function get($id = null) { $q = new query(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_CALENDAR_LEGEND); if ($id !== null) { $q->where(RUDE_DATABASE_FIELD_ID, (int) $id); $q->query(); return $q->get_object(); } $q->query(); return $q->get_object_list(); }
public static function get($id = null) { $q = new query(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_REPORTS_CATEGORIES_ITEMS); if ($id !== null) { $q->where(RUDE_DATABASE_FIELD_ID, (int) $id); $q->query(); return $q->get_object(); } $q->query(); return $q->get_object_list(); }
public static function get($id = null) { $q = new query(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_SPECIALIZATIONS); if ($id !== null) { $q->where(RUDE_DATABASE_FIELD_ID, (int) $id); $q->query(); return $q->get_object(); } $q->order_by(RUDE_DATABASE_FIELD_NAME); $q->query(); return $q->get_object_list(); }
function nextid($sequence) { $esequence = ereg_replace("'", "''", $sequence) . "_seq"; $query = new query($this, "Select * from {$esequence} limit 1"); $query->query($this, "REPLACE INTO {$esequence} values ('', nextval+1)"); if ($query->result) { $result = @mysql_insert_id($this->connect_id); } else { $query->query($this, "CREATE TABLE {$esequence} ( seq char(1) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, nextval bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment, PRIMARY KEY (seq), KEY (nextval) )"); $query->query($this, "REPLACE INTO {$esequence} values ('', nextval+1)"); $result = @mysql_insert_id($this->connect_id); } return $result; }
public static function get_by_report($report_id) { $q = new query(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_EDUCATION_PREVIEW); $q->where(RUDE_DATABASE_FIELD_REPORT_ID, (int) $report_id); $q->query(); return $q->get_object_list(); }
public static function get_by_shortname($shortname) { $q = new query(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_FACULTIES); $q->where(RUDE_DATABASE_FIELD_SHORTNAME, $shortname); $q->query(); return $q->get_object(); }
public static function get_by_name($name) { $q = new query(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_QUALIFICATIONS); $q->where(RUDE_DATABASE_FIELD_NAME, $name); $q->query(); return $q->get_object(); }
public static function get_by_order($education_id) { $q = new query(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_EDUCATION_ITEMS_VALUES); $q->where('education_id', (int) $education_id); $q->order_by('order_num', 'ASC'); $q->query(); return $q->get_object_list(); }
public static function get_popup($user_id) { $q = new query(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_SETTINGS); $q->where(RUDE_DATABASE_FIELD_USER_ID, (int) $user_id); $q->where(RUDE_DATABASE_FIELD_NAME, 'popup'); $q->query(); return $q->get_object(); }
public static function is_exists($id) { $q = new query(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_USERS); $q->where(RUDE_DATABASE_FIELD_ID, (int) $id); $q->query(); if ($q->get_object()) { return true; } return false; }
public static function is_exists($name) { $q = new query(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_TRAINING_FORM); $q->where(RUDE_DATABASE_FIELD_NAME, $name); $q->query(); if ($q->get_object()) { return true; } return false; }
function _get_message_tree($id) { global $PHORUM, $DB; $q = new query($DB); $SQL = "Select id from {$PHORUM['ForumTableName']} where parent={$id}"; $q->query($DB, $SQL); $tree = "{$id}"; while ($rec = $q->getrow()) { $tree .= "," . _get_message_tree($rec["id"]); } return $tree; }
public static function get($report_id = null, $year = null) { $q = new query(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_CALENDAR_ITEMS); if ($year !== null) { $q->where(RUDE_DATABASE_FIELD_YEAR, (int) $year); } if ($report_id !== null) { $q->where(RUDE_DATABASE_FIELD_REPORT_ID, (int) $report_id); } $q->query(); return $q->get_object_list(); }
function nextid($sequence) { $esequence = $sequence . "_seq"; $query = new query($this, "select nextval('{$esequence}') as nextid"); if ($query->result) { $row = $query->getrow(); $nextid = $row["nextid"]; } else { $query->query($this, "create sequence {$esequence}"); if ($query->result) { $nextid = $this->nextid($sequence); } else { $nextid = 0; } } return $nextid; }
while (is_array($rec)) { $empty = false; $name = $rec["name"]; $num = $rec["id"]; $description = $rec["description"]; if (!$rec["folder"]) { $sSQL = "select count(*) as posts from {$rec['table_name']} where approved='Y'"; $tq = new query($DB, $sSQL); if ($tq->numrows()) { $trec = $tq->getrow(); $num_posts = $trec["posts"]; } else { $num_posts = '0'; } $sSQL = "select max(datestamp) as max_date from {$rec['table_name']} where approved='Y'"; $tq->query($DB, $sSQL); $trec = $tq->getrow(); if (empty($trec["max_date"])) { $last_post_date = ""; } else { $last_post_date = phorum_date_format($trec["max_date"]); } $posts = "{$lNumPosts}: <strong>{$num_posts}</strong> "; $last = "{$lLastPostDate}: <strong>{$last_post_date}</strong>"; $url = "{$list_page}.{$ext}?f={$num}{$GetVars}"; } else { $last = $lForumFolder; $url = "{$forum_page}.{$ext}?f={$num}{$GetVars}"; } ?> <tr>
$SQL = "ALTER TABLE {$rec['table_name']} ADD userid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL"; $q->query($DB, $SQL); $SQL = "CREATE INDEX " . $rec[table_name] . "_userid on {$rec['table_name']}(userid)"; $q->query($DB, $SQL); echo "Updating modifystamp for {$rec['name']}<br />\n"; flush(); $SQL = "select thread, max(datestamp) as datestamp from {$rec['table_name']} group by thread"; $q->query($DB, $SQL); $q2 = new query($DB); while ($rec2 = $q->getrow()) { list($date, $time) = explode(" ", $rec2["datestamp"]); list($year, $month, $day) = explode("-", $date); list($hour, $minute, $second) = explode(":", $time); $tstamp = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year); $SQL = "update {$rec['table_name']} set modifystamp={$tstamp} where thread={$rec2['thread']}"; $q2->query($DB, $SQL); echo "."; flush(); } $SQL = "select id, attachment from {$rec['table_name']}"; $q->query($DB, $SQL); if ($q->numrows() > 0) { echo "<br />\n"; echo "Converting Attachments for {$rec['name']}<br />\n"; create_table($DB, "attachments", "{$rec['table_name']}_attachments"); while ($rec2 = $q->getrow()) { $id = $DB->nextid("{$rec['table_name']}_attachments"); if ($id == 0 && $DB->type != "mysql") { echo "Could not get an id for the attachment.<br />\n"; } else { $SQL = "Insert into {$rec['table_name']}_attachments (id, message_id, filename) values({$id}, {$rec2['id']}, '{$rec2['attachment']}')";
if ($rows = $q->numrows()) { $rec = $q->getrow(); while (is_array($rec)) { $thread = $rec["thread"]; $rec = $q->getrow(); } } $thread = $thread + 1; } $cutoff_thread = $thread - $cutoff; $sSQL = "Select thread from {$ForumTableName} where thread < {$thread} and thread > {$cutoff_thread} order by thread desc" . $limit; } $thread_list = new query($DB, $sSQL); if ($DB->type == "sybase") { $limit = ""; $q->query($DB, "set rowcount 0"); } elseif ($DB->type == "postgresql") { $q->query($DB, "set QUERY_LIMIT TO '0'"); } $rows = $thread_list->numrows(); // This needs to be fixed... // if($rows==0 && $navigate!=0){ // Header("Location: $list_page.$ext?num=$num$GetVars"); // exit(); // } $rec = $thread_list->getrow(); if (isset($rec['thread'])) { $max = $rec["thread"]; while (is_array($rec)) { $min = $rec["thread"]; $rec = $thread_list->getrow();
public function __construct() { if (!template_session::is_admin() and !template_session::is_editor()) { if (get('ajax')) { exit(RUDE_AJAX_ACCESS_VIOLATION); } return false; } $report_id = (int) get('report_id'); if (!$report_id) { $reports = new reports(); $report_id = $reports::add(); header('Location: /?page=reports-edit&report_id=' . $report_id); die; } if (get('is_tmp')) { $reports = new reports_preview(); } else { $reports = new reports(); } if (!$reports::is_exists($report_id)) { new template_404(true); } $this->report = $reports::get($report_id); if (!$this->report) { new template_404(true); } switch (get('task')) { case 'update': $status = true; exit((string) $reports::update(get('report_id'), get('year'), get('duration'), get('rector'), get('registration_number'), get('training_form_id'), get('qualification_id'), get('specialty_id'), get('specialization_id'), get('study_practice'), get('manufact_practice'), get('grad_work'), get('gos_exam'))); break; case 'update_education': $q = new uquery(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_EDUCATION); $q->update('not_save', (int) 0); $q->where('id', (int) get('dis_id')); $q->query(); $status = true; break; case 'update_education_item': $q = new uquery(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_EDUCATION_ITEMS); $q->update('order_num', (int) get('item_order')); $q->update('is_optional', (int) get('optional')); $q->where('id', (int) get('item_id')); $q->query(); $status = true; break; case 'delete_item_discipline': $q = new dquery(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_EDUCATION_ITEMS); $q->where('id', (int) get('id')); $q->query(); $status = true; break; case 'save_education': $data = get('data'); $item_id = get('item_id'); if (!$data or !$item_id) { return false; } $education_items = new education_items_values(); if ($education_items::is_exists($item_id)) { $education_items::remove($item_id); } $y = 0; $id = $item_id[$y]; foreach ($item_id as $d_id) { $q = new dquery(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_EDUCATION_ITEMS_VALUES); $q->where('item_id', $d_id); $q->query(); } $col_num = 1; foreach ($data as $item) { if ($item != '') { $education_items::add($id, $item, $col_num); } if ($col_num == 40) { $col_num = 0; $id = $item_id[$y + 1]; $y++; } $col_num++; } //debug($data); $status = true; break; case 'add_education': $tmp = education::add(get('report_id'), get('name')); $status = true; die(json_encode($tmp)); break; case 'remove_education': education::remove(get('id')); break; case 'add_education_item': $tmp = education_items::add(get('education_id'), get('name'), get('order')); $status = true; die(json_encode($tmp)); break; case 'copy_education': $education = education::get(get('dis_id')); $q = new cquery(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_EDUCATION_PREVIEW); $q->add('report_id', (int) get('report_id')); $q->add('name', $education->name); $q->query(); $new_id = $q->get_id(); $q = new query(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_EDUCATION_ITEMS); $q->where('education_id', (int) get('dis_id')); $q->query(); $all_dis = $q->get_object_list(); foreach ($all_dis as $cur_dis) { $q = new cquery(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_EDUCATION_ITEMS_PREVIEW); $q->add('name', $cur_dis->name); $q->add('education_id', $new_id); $q->add('order_num', $cur_dis->order_num); $q->add('is_optional', $cur_dis->is_optional); $q->query(); $new_item_id = $q->get_id(); $q = new query(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_EDUCATION_ITEMS_VALUES); $q->where('item_id', $cur_dis->id); $q->query(); $all_item_val = $q->get_object_list(); foreach ($all_item_val as $cur_item_val) { $q = new cquery(RUDE_DATABASE_TABLE_EDUCATION_ITEMS_VALUES_PREVIEW); $q->add('value', $cur_item_val->value); $q->add('item_id', $new_item_id); $q->add('col_num', $cur_item_val->col_num); $q->query(); } } $status = true; break; default: $status = false; break; } if (get('ajax')) { if ($status) { exit(RUDE_AJAX_OK); } else { exit(RUDE_AJAX_ERROR); } } return true; }