	 * Applies previousely parsed attributes from main header into question's view
	 * (all attributes but type)
	 * @param  $paramkeys array
	 *   key is attribute name regexp match, value is the value of attribute
	function applyAttributes( array $paramkeys ) {
		parent::applyAttributes( $paramkeys );
		if ( $paramkeys['catreq'] !== null ) {
			$this->mCatReq = qp_PropAttrs::getSaneCatReq( $paramkeys['catreq'] );
		if ( $paramkeys['emptytext'] !== null ) {
			$this->mEmptyText = qp_PropAttrs::getSaneEmptyText( $paramkeys['emptytext'] );
	 * Constructor
	 * @public
	 * @param  $poll         an instance of question's parent controller
	 * @param  $view         an instance of question view "linked" to this question
	 * @param  $type         type of question (taken from DB)
	 * @param  $questionId   the identifier of the question used to generate input names
	function __construct( qp_PollStats $poll, qp_QuestionStatsView $view, $type, $questionId ) {
		parent::__construct( $poll, $view, $questionId );
		$this->mType = $type;