Exemplo n.º 1
  * Lists all child/sister products of the given product
  * @param int $product_id
  * @return string HTML code with Items, attributes & price
 function list_attribute_list($product_id, $display_use_parent, $child_link, $display_type, $cls_sfuffix, $child_ids, $dw, $aw, $display_header, $product_list_type, $product_list)
     global $CURRENCY_DISPLAY, $mm_action_url;
     require_once CLASSPATH . 'ps_product.php';
     $ps_product = new ps_product();
     require_once CLASSPATH . 'ps_product_type.php';
     $ps_product_type = new ps_product_type();
     $Itemid = vmGet($_REQUEST, 'Itemid', "");
     $category_id = vmGet($_REQUEST, 'category_id', "");
     $curr_product = vmGet($_REQUEST, 'product_id', "");
     $db = new ps_DB();
     $db_sku = new ps_DB();
     $db_item = new ps_DB();
     $tpl = vmTemplate::getInstance();
     $price = $ps_product->get_adjusted_attribute_price($product_id);
     $tpl->set("cls_suffix", $cls_sfuffix);
     $tpl->set("product_id", $product_id);
     $tpl->set("display_header", $display_header);
     $tpl->set("display_product_type", $product_list_type);
     $tpl->set("product_price", $price['product_price']);
     $html = '';
     // Get list of children
     $pp = $ps_product->parent_has_children($product_id);
     if ($pp) {
         $q = "SELECT product_id,product_name,product_parent_id,product_sku,product_in_stock,product_full_image,product_thumb_image FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_publish='Y' AND product_parent_id='{$product_id}'  ";
     } else {
         $q = "SELECT product_id,product_name,product_parent_id,product_sku,product_in_stock,product_full_image,product_thumb_image FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_publish='Y' AND product_id='{$product_id}'  ";
     if ($child_ids) {
         $ids = explode(",", $child_ids);
         $child_array = array();
         $parent_array = array();
         foreach ($ids as $extra_id) {
             if ($ps_product->parent_has_children($extra_id)) {
                 $parent_array[] = $extra_id;
             } else {
                 $child_array[] = $extra_id;
         $parent_ids = implode(',', $parent_array);
         $child_ids = implode(',', $child_array);
         if ($child_ids) {
             $q .= "UNION ALL SELECT product_id,product_name,product_parent_id,product_sku,product_in_stock,product_full_image,product_thumb_image FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_publish='Y' AND  product_id IN ({$child_ids}) ";
         if ($parent_ids) {
             $q .= "UNION ALL SELECT product_id,product_name,product_parent_id,product_sku,product_in_stock,product_full_image,product_thumb_image FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_publish='Y' AND  product_parent_id IN ({$parent_ids})";
     if ($pp) {
         $master_id = $product_id;
     } else {
         $master_id = $db->f("product_id");
     $main_master = $master_id;
     $master_child_count = 0;
     if ($db->num_rows() < 1) {
         // Try to Get list of sisters & brothers
         $q = "SELECT product_parent_id FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_id='{$product_id}'";
         $child_id = $product_id;
         $product_id = $db->f("product_parent_id") ? $db->f("product_parent_id") : $product_id;
         $parent_id = $db->f("product_parent_id");
         $q = "SELECT product_id,product_name,product_parent_id,product_sku,product_in_stock FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_parent_id='" . $db->f("product_parent_id") . "' AND product_parent_id<>0 AND product_publish='Y'";
     if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
         $products = array();
         $headings = array();
         $i = 0;
         $attrib_heading = array();
         $ci = 0;
         while ($db->next_record()) {
             $parent_id = $db->f("product_parent_id");
             if ($db->f("product_id") != $curr_product && @$child_id) {
             // Start row for this child
             $q = "SELECT product_id, attribute_name FROM #__{vm}_product_attribute_sku ";
             $q .= "WHERE product_id='" . $db->f("product_parent_id") . "' ORDER BY attribute_list ASC";
             $attrib_value = array();
             while ($db_sku->next_record()) {
                 $q = "SELECT attribute_name,attribute_value ";
                 $q .= "FROM #__{vm}_product_attribute WHERE ";
                 $q .= "product_id='" . $db->f("product_id") . "' AND ";
                 $q .= "attribute_name='" . $db_sku->f("attribute_name") . "'";
                 while ($db_item->next_record()) {
                     if ($ci == 0) {
                         $attrib_heading[] = $db_item->f("attribute_name");
                         $tpl->set('headings', $attrib_heading);
                     $attrib_value[] = $db_item->f("attribute_value");
             if ($main_master == $parent_id) {
             $tpl->set('desc_width', $dw);
             $tpl->set('attrib_width', $aw);
             // End show Header Row
             if ($ci % 2) {
                 $bgcolor = "vmRowOne";
             } else {
                 $bgcolor = "vmRowTwo";
             $products[$ci]['bgcolor'] = $bgcolor;
             $products[$ci]['product_id'] = $db->f("product_id");
             $products[$ci]["category_id"] = $category_id;
             $products[$ci]["Itemid"] = $Itemid;
             // If this is a child of a parent set the correct product_id for page return
             if (@$child_id && $pp) {
                 $products[$ci]['parent_id'] = $db->f("product_id");
             } else {
                 $master_id = $parent_id;
                 $products[$ci]['parent_id'] = $parent_id;
             $flypage = $ps_product->get_flypage($products[$ci]['parent_id']);
             $products[$ci]["flypage"] = $flypage;
             // Images
             // If it is item get parent:
             $product_parent_id = $db->f("product_parent_id");
             if ($product_parent_id != 0) {
                 $dbp = new PS_db();
                 $dbp->query("SELECT product_full_image,product_thumb_image,product_name,product_s_desc FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_id='{$product_parent_id}'");
             $product_full_image = $parent_id != 0 && !$db->f("product_full_image") ? $dbp->f("product_full_image") : $db->f("product_full_image");
             // Change
             $product_thumb_image = $parent_id != 0 && !$db->f("product_thumb_image") ? $dbp->f("product_thumb_image") : $db->f("product_thumb_image");
             // Change
             $productData = $db->get_row();
             $productArray = get_object_vars($productData);
             $productArray["product_id"] = $db->f("product_id");
             $productArray["product_full_image"] = $product_full_image;
             // to display the full image on flypage
             $productArray["product_thumb_image"] = $product_thumb_image;
             $tpl->set('productArray', $productArray);
             foreach ($productArray as $property => $value) {
                 $tpl->set($property, $value);
             // Assemble the thumbnail image as a link to the full image
             // This function is defined in the theme (theme.php)
             $product_image = $tpl->vmBuildFullImageLink($productArray);
             $products[$ci]['product_image'] = $product_image;
             //Product Description
             $link = "";
             if ($child_link == "Y" && !@$child_id) {
                 $link = "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"index_id" . $db->f("product_id") . "\" value=\"" . $db->f("product_id") . "\" />\n";
                 // If content plugins are enabled, reload the whole page; otherwise, use ajax
                 if (VM_CONTENT_PLUGINS_ENABLE == '1') {
                     $link .= "<a name=\"" . $db->f("product_name") . $db->f("product_id") . "\"  onclick=\"var id = \$('index_id" . $db->f("product_id") . "').value; if(id != '') { document.location = '" . $mm_action_url . "index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.product_details&flypage={$flypage}&Itemid={$Itemid}&category_id={$category_id}&product_id=' + id; }\" >";
                 } else {
                     $link .= "<a name=\"" . $db->f("product_name") . $db->f("product_id") . "\"  onclick=\"var id = \$('index_id" . $db->f("product_id") . "').value; if(id != '') { loadNewPage( 'vmMainPage', '" . $mm_action_url . "index2.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.product_details&flypage={$flypage}&Itemid={$Itemid}&category_id={$category_id}&product_id=' + id ); }\" >";
                 $tpl->set('child_link', true);
             } else {
                 $tpl->set('child_link', false);
             $html1 = $db->f("product_name");
             if ($child_link == "Y" && !@$child_id) {
                 $html1 .= "</a>";
             $products[$ci]['product_title'] = $link . $html1;
             // For each child get attribute values by looping through attribute list
             foreach ($attrib_value as $attribute) {
                 $products[$ci]['attrib_value'][] = $attribute;
             //Show the quantity Box
             $products[$ci]['quantity_box'] = $this->show_quantity_box($master_id, $db->f("product_id"), $product_list, $display_use_parent);
             // Attributes for this item are done.
             // Now get item price
             $price = $ps_product->get_price($db->f("product_id"));
             $price["product_price"] = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY']->convert($price["product_price"], $price["product_currency"]);
             $actual_price = $ps_product->get_adjusted_attribute_price($db->f("product_id"));
             $actual_price["product_price"] = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY']->convert($actual_price["product_price"], $actual_price["product_currency"]);
             if ($_SESSION["auth"]["show_price_including_tax"] == 1) {
                 $tax_rate = 1 + $ps_product->get_product_taxrate($db->f("product_id"));
                 $price['product_price'] *= $tax_rate;
                 $actual_price['product_price'] *= $tax_rate;
             $products[$ci]['price'] = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($price["product_price"]);
             $products[$ci]['actual_price'] = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($actual_price["product_price"]);
             // Ouput Product Type
             if ($db->f("product_parent_id") != $product_id) {
                 $product_id = $db->f("product_parent_id");
             $product_type = "";
             if ($product_id != 0 && !$ps_product_type->product_in_product_type($db->f("product_id"))) {
                 $product_type = $ps_product_type->list_product_type($product_id);
             } else {
                 $product_type = $ps_product_type->list_product_type($db->f("product_id"));
             $products[$ci]['product_type'] = $product_type;
             // Child stock
             if ($display_use_parent == 'Y' && !empty($master_id)) {
                 $id = $master_id;
             } else {
                 $id = $db->f("product_id");
             $products[$ci]['product_in_stock'] = ps_product::get_field($id, 'product_in_stock');
             // Output Advanced Attributes
             $products[$ci]['advanced_attribute'] = $this->list_advanced_attribute($db->f("product_id"));
             $products[$ci]['custom_attribute'] = $this->list_custom_attribute($db->f("product_id"));
         if ($display_type == "radio") {
             $list_type = "radio";
         } else {
             $list_type = "list";
         // Get template and fill
         $tpl->set('products', $products);
         $master_child_count = $master_child_count == 0 ? 1 : $master_child_count;
         $tpl->set('child_count', $master_child_count);
         if ($product_list == "Y") {
             $html = $tpl->fetch('product_details/includes/addtocart_list_single.tpl.php');
         } else {
             $list_type = "multi";
             $html = $tpl->fetch('product_details/includes/addtocart_list_multi.tpl.php');
     } else {
         $html = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"product_id\" value=\"{$product_id}\" />\n";
         $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"prod_id[]\" value=\"{$product_id}\" />\n";
         // This function lists the "advanced" simple attributes
         $html .= $this->list_advanced_attribute($product_id);
         // This function lists the "custom" simple attributes
         $html .= $this->list_custom_attribute($product_id);
         $html .= '<br />';
         $list_type = "drop";
     return array($html, $list_type);
Exemplo n.º 2
                $bgcolor = 'row1';
            $t = $dbt->f("product_quantity") * $dbt->f("product_final_price");
            // Check if it's a downloadable product
            $downloadable = false;
            $files = array();
            $dbd->query('SELECT product_id, attribute_name
  							FROM `#__{vm}_product_attribute`
  							WHERE product_id=' . $dbt->f('product_id') . ' AND attribute_name=\'download\'');
            if ($dbd->next_record()) {
                $downloadable = true;
                $dbd->query('SELECT product_id, end_date, download_max, download_id, file_name
  							FROM `#__{vm}_product_download`
  							WHERE product_id=' . $dbt->f('product_id') . ' AND order_id=\'' . $order_id . '\'');
                while ($dbd->next_record()) {
                    $files[] = $dbd->get_row();
			  <tr class="<?php 
            echo $bgcolor;
" valign="top">
            $ps_order_change_html->html_change_item_quantity($dbt->f("order_item_id"), $dbt->f("product_quantity"));
        <td width="30%" align="left">
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Returns an array holding all the files and images of the specified product
  * $files['files'] holds all files as objects
  * $files['images'] holds all images as objects
  * @param unknown_type $pid
  * @return unknown
 function getFilesForProduct($pid)
     $db = new ps_DB();
     $files['images'] = array();
     $files['files'] = array();
     $db->query("SELECT * FROM `#__{vm}_product_files` WHERE `file_product_id`=" . intval($pid) . " AND `file_published`=1");
     while ($db->next_record()) {
         switch ($db->f('file_is_image')) {
             case 0:
                 $files['files'][] = $db->get_row();
             case 1:
                 $files['images'][] = $db->get_row();
     return $files;
Exemplo n.º 4
$recent_products = $ps_product->recentProducts($product_id, $tpl->get_cfg('showRecent', 5));
* This has changed since VM 1.1.0  
* Now we have a template object that can use all variables 
* that we assign here.
* Example: If you run
* $tpl->set( "product_name", $product_name );
* The variable "product_name" will be available in the template under this name
* with the value of $product_name
* */
// This part allows us to copy ALL properties from the product table
// into the template
$productData = $db_product->get_row();
$productArray = get_object_vars($productData);
$productArray["product_id"] = $product_id;
$productArray["product_full_image"] = $product_full_image;
// to display the full image on flypage
$productArray["product_thumb_image"] = $product_thumb_image;
$productArray["product_name"] = shopMakeHtmlSafe($productArray["product_name"]);
$tpl->set('productArray', $productArray);
foreach ($productArray as $property => $value) {
    $tpl->set($property, $value);
// Assemble the thumbnail image as a link to the full image
// This function is defined in the theme (theme.php)
$product_image = $tpl->vmBuildFullImageLink($productArray);
$tpl->set("product_id", $product_id);
$tpl->set("product_name", $product_name);
  * Returns an array holding all the files and images of the specified product
  * $files['files'] holds all files as objects
  * $files['images'] holds all images as objects
  * $files['product_id] holds the product_id of the child or parent that holds files as objects
  * Query has to be done twice, because parent could old either/or files/images. Must allow inheritance of both
  * @param unknown_type $pid
  * @return unknown
 function getFilesForProduct($pid)
     $db = new ps_DB();
     $files['images'] = array();
     $files['files'] = array();
     // Query for images if child doesn't have them check for parents
     $db->query("SELECT * FROM `#__{vm}_product_files` WHERE `file_product_id`=" . intval($pid) . " AND `file_is_image`=1 AND `file_published`=1");
     if (!$db->next_record()) {
         $db->query("SELECT product_parent_id FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_id=" . intval($pid));
         $db->query("SELECT * FROM `#__{vm}_product_files` WHERE `file_product_id`=" . $db->f("product_parent_id") . " AND `file_is_image`=1 AND `file_published`=1");
     while ($db->next_record()) {
         $files['images'][] = $db->get_row();
     // Query for files if child doesn't have them check for parent
     $files['product_id'] = intval($pid);
     $db->query("SELECT * FROM `#__{vm}_product_files` WHERE `file_product_id`=" . intval($pid) . " AND `file_is_image`=0 AND `file_published`=1");
     if (!$db->next_record()) {
         $db->query("SELECT product_parent_id FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_id='{$pid}'");
         // Parent has files so set files['product_id'] to parent id
         $files['product_id'] = intval($db->f("product_parent_id"));
         $db->query("SELECT * FROM `#__{vm}_product_files` WHERE `file_product_id`=" . $db->f("product_parent_id") . " AND `file_is_image`=0 AND `file_published`=1");
     while ($db->next_record()) {
         $files['files'][] = $db->get_row();
     return $files;