public function userRegister()
     try {
         $request = \Slim\Slim::getInstance()->request();
         $body = json_decode($request->getBody());
         // Validate request body has email, zipcode and password parameters
         if (!static::checkParamsExist($body, ['email' => 'Email address is required', 'zipcode' => 'Zipcode is required', 'password' => 'Password is required'])) {
         $email = strtoupper($body->email);
         // Check if the user already exists in the database
         $userData = $this->dbService->getUserByEmail($email);
         if ($userData->code == DbService::SUCCESS_CODE) {
             $this->setResponse(static::SYSTEM_FAILURE_CODE, "User with Email address already exists", array());
         } else {
             // Has Password
             $passwordHash = createHashedPassword($body->password);
             // Register the user
             $registerUser = $this->dbService->registerUser($body->email, $body->zipcode, $passwordHash);
             if ($registerUser->code !== DbService::SUCCESS_CODE || $registerUser->user_id == null) {
                 $this->setResponse(static::SYSTEM_FAILURE_CODE, "User registration has failed to complete - " . $registerUser->code, array());
             // Auto register user in products service (iamdata)
             $productService = new productService();
             $productAddUser = $productService->productsAddUserLocalAPI();
             if ($productAddUser->code !== static::SUCCESS_CODE) {
                 $this->setResponse($productAddUser->code, $productAddUser->msg, $productAddUser->payload);
             } else {
                 $this->setResponse(static::SUCCESS_CODE, "User was registered", array());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->setResponse(static::SYSTEM_FAILURE_CODE, "System error occurred, unable save user", array());
     } finally {
         try {
             if ($this->code !== static::SUCCESS_CODE) {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Do nothing, we tried to clean up the account, so just give up at this point
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function totaalBestelling($arrBestelRegel)
     /* return totaalprijs van de bestelling */
     $Prijs = 0;
     foreach ($arrBestelRegel as $regel) {
         $product = productService::getProductFromId($regel->productID);
         $Prijs += $product->prijs * $regel->aantal;
     return $Prijs;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function bestellingDoorvoeren($arrBestelRegel, $datum, $prijs, $KlantID)
     // Voert een bestelling door naar DB
     $albestelddiedag = bestellingService::alBesteldDieDag($datum, $KlantID);
     if (!$albestelddiedag) {
         $BestelID = BestellingDAO::createBestelling($KlantID, $datum, $arrBestelRegel, $prijs);
         foreach ($arrBestelRegel as $regel) {
             $Aantal = $regel->aantal;
             if ($Aantal) {
                 $ProductID = $regel->productID;
                 $product = productService::getProductFromId($ProductID);
                 $productPrijs = $product->prijs;
                 $Prijs = $Aantal * $productPrijs;
                 BestelRegelDAO::createBestelRegel($BestelID, $ProductID, $Aantal, $Prijs);
                 $Aantal = 0;
         return TRUE;
     if ($albestelddiedag) {
         return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 4

setlocale(LC_TIME, 'NL_nl');
require_once "business/productservice.php";
require_once "business/klantenservice.php";
require_once "business/bestellingservice.php";
require_once "business/bestelregelservice.php";
require_once "business/loginservice.php";
if (!isset($_SESSION['bestelregelarray'])) {
    $_SESSION['bestelregelarray'] = array();
$arrCategories = productService::getAllCategories();
$arrProducten = productService::getAllProducts();
include 'presentation/homepage.php';
Uw Login gegevens.
Login :
Paswoord : aXBvnR 

Login :
Paswoord : SqXrkn

Login :
Paswoord : 7GRftr
Exemplo n.º 5
    $klantnaam = $klant->Naam . " " . $klant->VNaam;
    if ($nextdatum == "") {
        print $datum . "<hr/>";
    } else {
        if ($nextdatum != $dbDatum) {
            print "<hr/>" . $datum . "<hr/>";
    print "<div class='innercontainer txtL'>&nbsp;";
    print "<dl><dt>Bestelling voor " . $klantnaam . " op " . $datum . "</dt>";
    $totPrijs = $bestelling->Prijs;
    $arrBestelRegel = bestelRegelService::getBestelRegelsFromId($BestelID);
    foreach ($arrBestelRegel as $regel) {
        $productID = $regel->productID;
        $aantal = $regel->aantal;
        $product = productService::getProductFromId($productID);
        $productPrijs = $product->prijs;
        $prijs = $aantal * $productPrijs;
        if ($aantal) {
            print "<dd>" . $aantal . " x " . $product->product . " <strong>&euro; " . $productPrijs . "</strong> = &euro; " . $prijs . "</dd>";
    print "<dt>Totaalprijs = &euro; " . $totPrijs . "</dt>";
    print "</dl><a href='?page=overzicht&verwijder=" . $BestelID . "'>bestelling verwijderen</a>";
    print "</div>";
    $nextdatum = $dbDatum;
if (!$arrBestellingen) {
    print "<dt>Geen bestellingen geplaatst.</dt>";
Exemplo n.º 6
    $product = productService::getProductFromId($productID);
    $productPrijs = $product->prijs;
    $prijs = $aantal * $productPrijs;
    if ($aantal) {
        print "<dd><a href='?page=wijzigen&winkelkar=wijzigen&product=" . $productID . "'>" . $aantal . " x " . $product->product . " <strong>&euro; " . $productPrijs . "</strong></a> = &euro; " . $prijs . " <a href='?page=wijzigen&winkelkar=wijzigen&product=" . $productID . "&aantal=0'> Haal dit uit winkelmand</a></dd>";
    $totprijs += $prijs;
print "<dt>Totaalprijs = &euro; " . $totprijs . "</dt>";
if (isset($_GET['product']) && !isset($_GET['aantal'])) {
    $IDproduct = productService::getProductFromId($_GET['product']);
        <div class="wrapper clearfix">
            <div class="txtC">
                <h1>Hoeveel <?php 
    print $IDproduct->categorie;
 had u er dan gewenst?</h1>
                <form action="index.php" method="get">
                    <input type="hidden" name="page" value="wijzigen">
                    <input type="hidden" name="winkelkar" value="wijzigen">
                    <input type="hidden" name="product" value="<?php 
    print $IDproduct->id;
                    <input type="text" name="aantal" value="" style="width: 30px;" autofocus=""><?php 
Exemplo n.º 7

require_once './Business/productenService.php';
require_once './Business/klantService.php';
require_once './Business/bestellinglijnService.php';
require_once './Business/bestellingService.php';
//als niet aangemeld doorsturen
if (!isset($_SESSION['user']) || !isset($_SESSION['winkelmandje']) || !isset($_SESSION)) {
    header('location: loginController.php');
//info ophalen over product aan de hand van productID
$productservice = new productService();
$prijs = $productservice->getPrijsEnNaam($_SESSION['winkelmandje']);
//afrekenenen moet true zijn
if (isset($_GET['betalen']) && ($_GET['betalen'] = true)) {
    //de klant moet toelating hebben om te bestellen
    $klantService = new KlantService();
    $status = $klantService->checkStatus($_SESSION['user']);
    if ($status = false) {
        header('location: afrekenController.php?error=verboden');
    //als de klant toestemming heeft word er gekeken naar de datum, als deze hoger is dan vandaag dan word er gesubmit naar de databank.
    if ($_POST['bestellingsdatum'] > strtotime('now') && $_POST['bestellingsdatum'] < strtotime('+3 day')) {
        $bestellinglijnService = new bestellingLijnService();
        $bestellingService = new bestellingService();
        //resultaat ophalen of er een bestelling bestaat of niet.
        //Werkt in realiteit niet omdat de datum uit de databank komt met minuten en seconden en die waarmee vergeleken word
        //is de gekozen datum met het uur + minuten van de bestelling. Want het is bv: now +1 day.

require_once './Business/productenService.php';
require_once './Business/bestellinglijnService.php';
//lijst producten om uit te loopen
$productenservice = new productService();
$productenLijst = $productenservice->getProductenOverview();
//laatste bestellingsID ophalen voor in de sessie te stoppen met alle bestellingslijnen
$bestellinglijnService = new bestellingLijnService();
$laatstebestellingsID = $bestellinglijnService->getLaatsteLijn();
//echo $laatstebestellingsID;
//als de user doorkomt van de login pagina dan word de sessie gebruiker als ingelogd gezet
if (isset($_GET['action']) && ($_GET['action'] = "succes")) {
    $_SESSION['gebruiker'] = "ingelogd";
//als de user niet ingelogd is dan word die doorgestuurd naar de loginController
if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) {
    header('location: loginController.php');
//Als er een product toegevoegd is
if (isset($_GET['product'])) {
    //dan word er in een array winkelmandje het productid gestopt en de hoeveelheid
    $_SESSION['winkelmandje'][] = array("BestellingsID" => $laatstebestellingsID + 1, "productID" => $_GET['product'], "hoeveelheid" => $_POST['hoeveelheid']);
include './Presentation/productenOverzicht.php';
  * match a purchase pulled in from Information Machine to FDA recall data
  * POST body - the purchase
 public function openFDAProductMatch($type, $days, $minMatchingScore, $minQualityScore)
     $start = date("Ymd", strtotime("-" . $days . " days"));
     $end = date("Ymd");
     $maxPieceCompare = 10;
     // Word exclusion list that will not be searched upon or scored upon
     $words = "about,above,across,after,against,around,at,before,behind,below,beneath,beside,besides,between,beyond," . "by,down,during,except,for,from,in,inside,into,like,near,off,out,outside,over,since,through,throughout," . "till,toward,under,until,up,upon,with,without,according,to,because,addition,front,place,regard," . "spite,instead,on,account,the,and,aboard,along,amid,among,as,behind,but,concerning,considering,despite," . "excepting,excluding,following,minus,of,on,onto,opposite,past,per,plus,regarding,round,save,than,then," . "towards,underneath,unlike,versus,via,within,oz,net,wt,inc,rd,city,no,is,it,fl,ml,us,size,lb,or,all," . "count,ct,pk,all,feel,about,wegmans,food,you,feel,good,about,pack,world,finest,product,combination";
     $exclusionWords = array_map('strtolower', explode(",", $words));
     try {
         // Initialize post request capture fields
         $productSource = "";
         $productId = "";
         $productName = "";
         $productUpc = "";
         //get the request body
         $request = \Slim\Slim::getInstance()->request();
         $body = json_decode($request->getBody());
         // Initialize payload
         $payload = array();
         $payload["purchase"] = $body;
         // Fail if product source is not found
         if (!property_exists($body, 'source')) {
             $this->setResponse(static::SYSTEM_FAILURE_CODE, "Product source is a required parameter", array());
         } else {
             $productSource = $body->source;
         //retrieve request body attributes
         if ($productSource === "iamdata") {
             if (property_exists($body, 'name')) {
                 $productName = $body->name;
             if (property_exists($body, 'upc')) {
                 $productUpc = $body->upc;
             if (property_exists($body, 'product') && property_exists($body->product, 'id')) {
                 $productId = $body->product->id;
         } else {
             $this->setResponse(static::SYSTEM_FAILURE_CODE, "No support exists for the product source provided", array());
         // Replace all hyphens with a space in the product name and convert to lower case
         $productName = str_replace('-', ' ', strtolower($productName));
         // Build array of search terms for product name, filter out common words and special characters
         $productNamePieces = $this->productNameParser($productName, $exclusionWords);
         // Remove all hyphens in the product upc and convert to lower case
         $productUpc = str_replace('-', '', strtolower($productUpc));
         // Build array of search terms for product name, filter out common words and special characters
         $productUpcPieces = $this->productUpcParser($productUpc, $exclusionWords);
         //get openFDA api key
         if ($this->openFdaApiData->code !== DbService::SUCCESS_CODE) {
             $response->set(static::SYSTEM_FAILURE_CODE, "openFDA api keys are not configured", array());
         $searchParams = "(";
         $first = true;
         // Build Searches for product name
         foreach ($productNamePieces as &$value) {
             if (!$first) {
                 $searchParams .= "+";
             } else {
                 $first = false;
             if ($value !== NULL && $value !== "") {
                 $searchParams .= "product_description:" . $value;
         // Build Searches for product upc
         foreach ($productUpcPieces as &$value) {
             if (!$first) {
                 $searchParams .= "+";
             } else {
                 $first = false;
             if ($value !== NULL && $value !== "") {
                 $searchParams .= "product_description:" . $value . "+code_info:" . $value;
         // Add search dates
         $searchParams .= ")+AND+report_date:[" . $start . "+TO+" . $end . "]";
         // Build the URL
         $url = "" . $type . "/enforcement.json?search=" . $searchParams . "&limit=100&api_key=" . $this->openFdaApiData->api_key;
         // Retrieve the content
         $context = stream_context_create($this->getRequestOptions());
         $result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
         $bigArr = json_decode($result, true, 20);
         // If the API call has returned an error then capture it and return the code/message to the caller
         if (array_key_exists('error', $bigArr)) {
             $this->setResponse($bigArr['error']['code'], $bigArr['error']['message'], array());
         // Exit with an error if the service did not contain a results array
         if (!array_key_exists('results', $bigArr)) {
             $this->setResponse(static::NO_DATA_FOUND_CODE, "The api did not contain any results", array());
         $foundAMatch = false;
         // Iterate thru each search result
         foreach ($bigArr['results'] as $idx => &$idxVal) {
             // Build array of terms for product name, filter out common words and special characters
             if (!array_key_exists('product_description', $idxVal)) {
                 $resultProductNamePieces = array();
             } else {
                 $resultProductName = str_replace('-', ' ', strtolower($idxVal['product_description']));
                 $resultProductNamePieces = $this->productNameParser($resultProductName, $exclusionWords);
             // Find matching terms for product upc
             $matchingProductNamePieces = array_intersect($resultProductNamePieces, $productNamePieces);
             // Build array of terms for product ups, filter out common words and special characters
             if (!array_key_exists('code_info', $idxVal)) {
                 $resultProductUpcPieces = array();
             } else {
                 $resultProductUpc = str_replace('-', ' ', strtolower($idxVal['code_info']));
                 $resultProductUpcPieces = $this->productUpcParser($resultProductUpc, $exclusionWords);
             // Find matching terms
             $matchingProductUpcPieces = array_intersect($resultProductUpcPieces, $productUpcPieces);
             // Calculating matching score
             $nameWeight = count($matchingProductNamePieces) * 0.5;
             $upcWeight = 1000;
             // Initialize Matching Score
             $matchingScore = 0;
             // Calculate the Product Name matching Score
             if (count($productNamePieces) > 0) {
                 $matchingScore += count($matchingProductNamePieces) / count($productNamePieces) * $nameWeight;
             // Calculate the Product Upc matching Score
             if (count($productUpcPieces) > 0) {
                 $matchingScore += count($matchingProductUpcPieces) / count($productUpcPieces) * $upcWeight;
             // Initialize Quality Score
             $qualityScore = 0;
             // Determine size of quality match for product names
             if (count($resultProductNamePieces) > $maxPieceCompare) {
                 $cntResultProductNamePieces = $maxPieceCompare;
             } else {
                 $cntResultProductNamePieces = count($resultProductNamePieces);
             // Calculate Quality Score if product name pieces were found
             if ($cntResultProductNamePieces > 0) {
                 // Generate associative array to find product names
                 $flippedResultProductNamePieces = array_flip($resultProductNamePieces);
                 foreach ($productNamePieces as $idx1 => &$value) {
                     if (array_key_exists($value, $flippedResultProductNamePieces) && $idx1 <= $maxPieceCompare && $flippedResultProductNamePieces[$value] <= $maxPieceCompare) {
                         $qualityScore += ($cntResultProductNamePieces - $flippedResultProductNamePieces[$value]) * (1 / $cntResultProductNamePieces);
             // Determine size of quality match on Product UPCs
             if (count($resultProductUpcPieces) > $maxPieceCompare) {
                 $cntResultProductUpcPieces = $maxPieceCompare;
             } else {
                 $cntResultProductUpcPieces = count($resultProductUpcPieces);
             // Calculate Quality Score if product upc pieces were found
             if ($cntResultProductUpcPieces > 0) {
                 // Generate associative array to find product upc codes
                 $flippedResultProductUpcPieces = array_flip($resultProductUpcPieces);
                 // Iterate thru all product upc pieces and calculate score based upon position of match
                 foreach ($productUpcPieces as $idx1 => &$value) {
                     if (array_key_exists($value, $flippedResultProductUpcPieces) && $idx1 <= $maxPieceCompare && $flippedResultProductUpcPieces[$value] <= $maxPieceCompare) {
                         $qualityScore += ($cntResultProductUpcPieces - $flippedResultProductUpcPieces[$value]) * (1 / $cntResultProductUpcPieces);
             // Remove array entry if minimum matching score has not been met
             if ($matchingScore >= $minMatchingScore && $qualityScore >= $minQualityScore) {
                 // Adding matching score to output and flag result as a match
                 $bigArr['results'][$idx]['matching_score'] = round($matchingScore, 2);
                 $foundAMatch = true;
             } else {
         // Retrieve product information
         $productAmazonLink = null;
         $productManufacturer = null;
         $productLargeImage = null;
         $productSmallImage = null;
         $productDescription = null;
         $productBrand = null;
         $productCategory = null;
         if ($productId !== "" && $foundAMatch) {
             try {
                 // Retrieve product id information thru product service
                 $productService = new productService();
                 $productQuery = $productService->productsGetProductLocalAPI($productId);
                 if ($productQuery->code === "success") {
                     $productAmazonLink = $productQuery->payload['amazon_link'];
                     $productManufacturer = $productQuery->payload['manufacturer'];
                     $productLargeImage = $productQuery->payload['large_image'];
                     $productSmallImage = $productQuery->payload['small_image'];
                     $productDescription = $productQuery->payload['description'];
                     $productBrand = $productQuery->payload['brand'];
                     $productCategory = $productQuery->payload['category'];
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // Nothing
         // Add results to the payload
         $payload["results"] = $bigArr['results'];
         // Inject product attributes into purchase element
         $payload["purchase"]->amazon_link = $productAmazonLink;
         $payload["purchase"]->manufacturer = $productManufacturer;
         $payload["purchase"]->large_image = $productLargeImage;
         $payload["purchase"]->small_image = $productSmallImage;
         $payload["purchase"]->description = $productDescription;
         $payload["purchase"]->brand = $productBrand;
         $payload["purchase"]->category = $productCategory;
         $this->setResponse(static::SUCCESS_CODE, static::SUCCESS_MESSAGE, $payload);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->setResponse(static::SYSTEM_FAILURE_CODE, $e->getMessage(), array());
     } finally {