 * Hook into the task scheduler. Runs a query to find all comments and verification status updates that need
 * to be notified back to the recorder of a record. 
function notify_verifications_and_comments_scheduled_task($last_run_date)
    if (!$last_run_date) {
        // first run, so get all records changed in last day. Query will automatically gradually pick up the rest.
        $last_run_date = date('Y-m-d', time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 50);
    try {
        $db = new Database();
        $notifications = postgreSQL::selectVerificationAndCommentNotifications($last_run_date, $db);
        foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
            $vd = array($notification->date_start, $notification->date_end, $notification->date_type);
            $date = vague_date::vague_date_to_string($vd);
            if (empty($notification->comment)) {
                switch ($notification->record_status) {
                    case 'V':
                        $action = 'verified';
                    case 'R':
                        $action = 'rejected';
                    case 'D':
                        $action = 'marked dubious';
                    case 'S':
                        $action = 'emailed for checking';
                $comment = 'The record of ' . $notification->taxon . ' at ' . $notification->public_entered_sref . " on {$date} was {$action}.";
            } else {
                if ($notification->auto_generated === 't') {
                    $comment = 'An automated check using the <a target="_blank" href="http://www.nbn.org.uk/Tools-Resources/Recording-Resources/NBN-Record-Cleaner.aspx" target="_blank">' . 'NBN Record Cleaner</a> rules has highlighted your record of ' . $notification->taxon . ' at ' . $notification->public_entered_sref . ' on ' . $date;
                    $comment .= $notification->generated_by === 'data_cleaner_identification_difficulty' ? ' as being of a species for which identification is not always trivial. <br/><em>' : '. The following information was given: <br/><em>';
                } elseif ($notification->verified_on > $last_run_date and $notification->record_status !== 'I' and $notification->record_status !== 'T' and $notification->record_status !== 'C') {
                    $comment = 'Your record of ' . $notification->taxon . ' at ' . $notification->public_entered_sref . ' on ' . $date . ' was examined by an expert.<br/>"';
                } elseif ($notification->record_owner === 't') {
                    $comment = 'A comment was added to your record of ' . $notification->taxon . ' at ' . $notification->public_entered_sref . ' on ' . $date . '.<br/>"';
                } else {
                    $comment = 'A reply was added to the record of ' . $notification->taxon . ' at ' . $notification->public_entered_sref . ' on ' . $date . ' which you\'ve previously commented on.<br/>"';
                $comment .= $notification->comment;
                if ($notification->auto_generated === 't') {
                    // a difficult ID record is not necessarily important...
                    $thing = $notification->generated_by === 'data_cleaner_identification_difficulty' ? 'identification' : 'important record';
                    $comment .= "</em><br/>You may be contacted by an expert to confirm this {$thing} so if you can supply any more information or photographs it would be useful.";
                } else {
                    $comment .= '"<br/>';
            $theNotificationToInsert = array('source' => 'Verifications and comments', 'source_type' => $notification->source_type, 'data' => json_encode(array('username' => $notification->username, 'occurrence_id' => $notification->id, 'comment' => $comment, 'taxon' => $notification->taxon, 'date' => $date, 'entered_sref' => $notification->public_entered_sref, 'auto_generated' => $notification->auto_generated, 'record_status' => $notification->record_status, 'updated_on' => $notification->updated_on)), 'linked_id' => $notification->id, 'user_id' => $notification->notify_user_id, 'digest_mode' => 'N', 'source_detail' => $notification->source_detail);
            $db->insert('notifications', $theNotificationToInsert);
        echo count($notifications) . ' notifications generated<br/>';
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage();
 * Hook into the task scheduler. Runs a query to find all comments and verification status updates that need
 * to be notified back to the recorder of a record.
 * @param string $last_run_date Date & time that this module was last run.
 * @throws \Kohana_Database_Exception
function notify_verifications_and_comments_scheduled_task($last_run_date)
    if (!$last_run_date) {
        // first run, so get all records changed in last day. Query will automatically gradually pick up the rest.
        $last_run_date = date('Y-m-d', time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 50);
    $db = new Database();
    $notifications = postgreSQL::selectVerificationAndCommentNotifications($last_run_date, $db);
    foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
        $vd = array($notification->date_start, $notification->date_end, $notification->date_type);
        $date = vague_date::vague_date_to_string($vd);
        if (empty($notification->comment)) {
            switch ($notification->record_status . (empty($notification->record_substatus) ? '' : $notification->record_substatus)) {
                case 'V':
                    $action = 'accepted';
                case 'V1':
                    $action = 'accepted as correct';
                case 'V2':
                    $action = 'accepted as correct';
                case 'C3':
                    $action = 'plausible';
                case 'D':
                    $action = 'queried';
                case 'R':
                    $action = 'not accepted';
                case 'R4':
                    $action = 'not accepted as unable to verify';
                case 'R5':
                    $action = 'not accepted as incorrect';
                    $action = 'amended';
            $comment = "The record of {$notification->taxon} at {$notification->public_entered_sref} on {$date} was {$action}.";
        } else {
            if ($notification->auto_generated === 't' && substr($notification->generated_by, 0, 12) === 'data_cleaner' && $notification->record_owner === 't') {
                $comment = "The following message was attached to your record of {$notification->taxon} at {$notification->public_entered_sref} on {$date} " . "when it was checked using the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.nbn.org.uk/Tools-Resources/Recording-Resources/NBN-Record-Cleaner.aspx\" target=\"_blank\">" . "NBN Record Cleaner</a>. This does not mean the record is incorrect or is being disputed; the information below is merely a flag against the record that " . "might provide useful information for recording and verification purposes.";
            } elseif ($notification->verified_on > $last_run_date && $notification->record_status !== 'I' && $notification->record_status !== 'T' && $notification->record_status !== 'C') {
                if ($notification->record_owner === 't') {
                    $comment = "Your record of {$notification->taxon} at {$notification->public_entered_sref} on {$date} was examined by an expert.";
                } else {
                    $comment = "A record of {$notification->taxon} at {$notification->public_entered_sref} on {$date} which you'd previously commented on was examined by an expert.";
            } elseif ($notification->record_owner === 't') {
                $comment = "A comment was added to your record of {$notification->taxon} at {$notification->public_entered_sref} on {$date}.";
            } else {
                $comment = "A reply was added to the record of {$notification->taxon} at {$notification->public_entered_sref} on {$date} which you've previously commented on.";
            $comment .= "<br/><em>{$notification->comment}</em>";
        $theNotificationToInsert = array('source' => 'Verifications and comments', 'source_type' => $notification->source_type, 'data' => json_encode(array('username' => $notification->username, 'occurrence_id' => $notification->id, 'comment' => $comment, 'taxon' => $notification->taxon, 'date' => $date, 'entered_sref' => $notification->public_entered_sref, 'auto_generated' => $notification->auto_generated, 'record_status' => $notification->record_status, 'record_substatus' => $notification->record_substatus, 'updated_on' => $notification->updated_on)), 'linked_id' => $notification->id, 'user_id' => $notification->notify_user_id, 'digest_mode' => 'N', 'source_detail' => $notification->source_detail);
        $db->insert('notifications', $theNotificationToInsert);
    echo count($notifications) . ' notifications generated<br/>';