public function execute()
     $name = waRequest::post('name', '', waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM);
     if (in_array($name, $this->availableFields) === false) {
         throw new waException(_w("Can't update album: unknown field"));
     $album_rights_model = new photosAlbumRightsModel();
     $id = waRequest::post('id', null, waRequest::TYPE_ARRAY_INT);
     if (is_array($id)) {
         $id = current($id);
     if ($id) {
         $album_model = new photosAlbumModel();
         $album = $album_model->getById($id);
         if (!$album) {
             throw new waException(_w('Unknown album'));
         if (!$album_rights_model->checkRights($album, true)) {
             throw new waException(_w("You don't have sufficient access rights"));
         $value = waRequest::post('value', '', waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM);
         $album_model->updateById($id, array($name => $value));
         $album['not_escaped_name'] = $value;
         $album['name'] = photosPhoto::escape($value);
         $this->response['album'] = $album;
 public function execute()
     $path = null;
     $photo_rights_model = new photosPhotoRightsModel();
     $photo_id = waRequest::get('photo_id', null, waRequest::TYPE_INT);
     if ($photo_rights_model->checkRights($photo_id, true)) {
         $photo_model = new photosPhotoModel();
         if ($photo = $photo_model->getById($photo_id)) {
             if (waRequest::get('original')) {
                 $path = photosPhoto::getOriginalPhotoPath($photo);
             } else {
                 $path = photosPhoto::getPhotoPath($photo);
     if ($path) {
         if ($attach = waRequest::get('attach') ? true : false) {
             $response = $this->getResponse();
             $response->addHeader('Expires', 'tomorrow');
             $response->addHeader('Cache-Control', ($photo['status'] == 1 ? 'public' : 'private') . ', max-age=' . 86400 * 30);
         waFiles::readFile($path, $attach ? null : basename($photo['name'] . '.' . $photo['ext']), true, !$attach);
     } else {
         throw new waException(_w("Photo not found"), 404);
 public function execute()
     $photo_id = waRequest::get('photo_id', null, waRequest::TYPE_INT);
     $size = waRequest::get('size', null, waRequest::TYPE_STRING);
     $album = null;
     $photo_model = new photosPhotoModel();
     $photo = $photo_model->getById($photo_id);
     if (!$photo) {
         throw new waException(_w("Unknown photo"));
     $photo['frontend_link'] = photosFrontendPhoto::getLink($photo, $album);
     $sizes = $this->getConfig()->getSizes();
     $contexts = array();
     foreach ($sizes as $sz) {
         $contexts[$sz]['html'] = photosPhoto::getEmbedImgHtml($photo, $sz);
         $contexts[$sz]['url'] = photosPhoto::getPhotoUrl($photo, $sz, true);
     if (!$size || !isset($contexts[$size])) {
         $size = $sizes[0];
     $domains = photosPhoto::getDomains(null, $photo);
     if (count($domains) <= 1) {
         $domains = array();
     $this->view->assign('photo', $photo);
     $this->view->assign('sizes', $sizes);
     $this->view->assign('size', $size);
     $this->view->assign('contexts', $contexts);
     $this->view->assign('original_domain', wa()->getRootUrl(true));
     $this->view->assign('domains', $domains);
 public function execute()
     $action = waRequest::param('action', 'default');
     $disable_sidebar = waRequest::param('disable_sidebar', false);
     $this->view->assign('action', $action);
     $this->view->assign('breadcrumbs', waRequest::param('breadcrumbs', array()));
     if (!$this->getResponse()->getTitle()) {
         $title = waRequest::param('title') ? photosPhoto::escape(waRequest::param('title')) : wa()->accountName();
     $this->view->assign('nofollow', waRequest::param('nofollow', false));
     $this->view->assign('disable_sidebar', $disable_sidebar);
      * Include plugins js and css
      * @event frontend_assets
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%] Extra header data (css/js/meta)
     $this->view->assign('frontend_assets', wa()->event('frontend_assets'));
      * @event frontend_layout
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['header'] Header menu section
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['footer'] Footer section
     $this->view->assign('frontend_layout', wa()->event('frontend_layout'));
      * @event frontend_sidebar
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['menu'] Sidebar menu item
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['section'] Sidebar section item
     $this->view->assign('frontend_sidebar', wa()->event('frontend_sidebar'));
 protected function workupPhotos(&$photos)
     foreach ($photos as &$photo) {
         $photo['name'] = photosPhoto::escape($photo['name']);
     return $photos;
 public function execute()
     $available_fields = array_merge($this->generic_fields, $this->stack_fields);
     $data = waRequest::post('data');
     $photo_id = array();
     foreach ($data as &$item_data) {
         if (isset($item_data['id']) && ($id = array_unique(array_map('intval', explode(',', $item_data['id']))))) {
             $fields = array_diff_key(array_keys($item_data), $available_fields);
             if ($fields) {
                 throw new waException("Invalid request format: unexpected field(s) " . implode(', ', $fields));
             $photo_id = array_merge($photo_id, $id);
             $item_data['id'] = $id;
         } else {
             throw new waException("Invalid request format: missed or invalid item ID");
     $this->response['update'] = array();
     if ($photo_id) {
         $photo_rights_model = new photosPhotoRightsModel();
         $allowed_photo_id = $photo_rights_model->filterAllowedPhotoIds($photo_id, true);
         $denied_photo_id = array_diff($photo_id, $allowed_photo_id);
         if ($allowed_photo_id) {
             $photo_model = new photosPhotoModel();
             $generic_fields = array_fill_keys($this->generic_fields, true);
             $stack_fields = array_fill_keys($this->stack_fields, true);
             foreach ($data as $item_data) {
                 if ($item_data_id = array_intersect($item_data['id'], $allowed_photo_id)) {
                     foreach ($item_data as $field => &$value) {
                         $value = $this->validateField($field, $value);
                     if ($data = array_intersect_key($item_data, $stack_fields)) {
                         $photo_model->update($item_data_id, $data);
                         $this->response['update'][] = array('id' => $item_data_id, 'data' => $data);
                     if ($data = array_intersect_key($item_data, $generic_fields)) {
                         $photo_model->updateById($item_data_id, $data);
                         $this->response['update'][] = array('id' => $item_data_id, 'data' => $data);
         if (count($denied_photo_id) > 0 && count($photo_id) > 0) {
             $this->response['alert_msg'] = photosPhoto::sprintf_wplural("The operation was not performed to %d photo (%%s)", "The operation was not performed to %d photos (%%s)", count($denied_photo_id), _w("out of %d selected", "out of %d selected", count($photo_id))) . ', ' . _w("because you don't have sufficient access rights") . '.';
         $allowed_photo_id_map = array();
         foreach ($allowed_photo_id as $id) {
             $allowed_photo_id_map[$id] = true;
         $this->response['allowed_photo_id'] = $allowed_photo_id_map;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function execute()
     if (!wa()->getUser()->getRights('photos', 'upload')) {
         throw new waAPIException('access_denied', 403);
     $data = waRequest::post();
     // check required param name
     $this->post('name', true);
     $album_model = new photosAlbumModel();
     $group_ids = array(0);
     if (!isset($data['status'])) {
         $data['status'] = 1;
     } else {
         if ($data['status'] == -1) {
             $group_ids = array(-wa()->getUser()->getId());
     if ($data['status'] <= 0) {
         $data['hash'] = md5(uniqid(time(), true));
     } else {
         $data['url'] = $album_model->suggestUniqueUrl(photosPhoto::suggestUrl($data['name']));
     if (!isset($data['type'])) {
         $data['type'] == photosAlbumModel::TYPE_STATIC;
     $parent_id = waRequest::post('parent_id', 0, 'int');
     $parent = $album_model->getById($parent_id);
     if ($parent_id) {
         if (!$parent) {
             throw new waAPIException('invalid_request', 'Parent album not found', 404);
         if ($data['type'] == photosAlbumModel::TYPE_STATIC && $parent['type'] == photosAlbumModel::TYPE_DYNAMIC) {
             throw new waAPIException('invalid_request', 'Inserted album is static but parent album is dynamic', 404);
         if ($data['status'] > 0 && $parent['status'] <= 0) {
             throw new waAPIException('invalid_request', 'Inserted album is public but parent album is private', 404);
     if ($id = $album_model->add($data, $parent_id)) {
         // return info of the new album
         $_GET['id'] = $id;
         if ($parent_id) {
             $child = $album_model->getFirstChild($parent_id);
             $album_model->move($id, $child ? $child['id'] : 0, $parent_id);
         $album_rights_model = new photosAlbumRightsModel();
         $album_rights_model->setRights($id, $group_ids);
         $method = new photosAlbumGetInfoMethod();
         $this->response = $method->getResponse(true);
     } else {
         throw new waAPIException('server_error', 500);
 public function execute()
     $photo_ids = waRequest::get('photo_ids', '', waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM);
     $size = waRequest::get('size', null, waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM);
     $hash = waRequest::get('hash', '', waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM);
     if (strstr($hash, 'search') !== false) {
         $hash = urldecode($hash);
     $sizes = $this->getConfig()->getSizes();
     if (!$size || in_array($size, $sizes) === false) {
         $size = current($sizes);
     $photo_model = new photosPhotoModel();
     $limit = $photo_model->countAll();
     $entire_context['all']['count'] = $limit;
     if (strstr($hash, 'album') !== false) {
         $album_collection = new photosCollection($hash);
         $limit = $album_collection->count();
         $entire_context['album']['count'] = $limit;
     } else {
         if (strstr($hash, 'tag') !== false) {
             $tag_collection = new photosCollection($hash);
             $limit = $tag_collection->count();
             $tag = rtrim(end(explode('/', $hash)), '/');
             $entire_context['tag'] = array('count' => $limit, 'tag' => $tag);
         } else {
             if (strstr($hash, 'rate') !== false) {
                 $rate_collection = new photosCollection($hash);
                 $limit = $rate_collection->count();
                 $entire_context['rate']['count'] = $limit;
     if (!$photo_ids && strstr($hash, 'album') === false && strstr($hash, 'tag') === false && strstr($hash, 'rate') === false) {
         $hash = '';
     } else {
         if ($photo_ids) {
             $hash = '/id/' . $photo_ids;
     $context = photosPhoto::getEmbedPhotoListContext($hash, $size, $limit);
     $domains = $context['domains'];
     if (count($domains) <= 1) {
         $domains = array();
     $this->view->assign('sizes', $sizes);
     $this->view->assign('size', $size);
     $this->view->assign('context', $context);
     $this->view->assign('is_entire', !$photo_ids);
     $this->view->assign('entire_context', $entire_context);
     $this->view->assign('original_domain', wa()->getRootUrl(true));
     $this->view->assign('domains', $domains);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function execute()
     $query = waRequest::request('q', '', waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM);
     $tag_model = new photosTagModel();
     $tags = $tag_model->select('name')->where("name LIKE '" . $tag_model->escape($query, 'like') . "%'")->fetchAll('name', true);
     $tags = array_keys($tags);
     foreach ($tags as &$tag) {
         $tag = photosPhoto::escape($tag);
     echo implode("\n", $tags);
 public function execute()
     $count = $this->getConfig()->getOption('photos_per_page');
     $padding_count = 2;
     $direction = waRequest::get('direction', 1, waRequest::TYPE_INT);
     $album = waRequest::param('album');
     $hash = waRequest::param('hash');
     $url = waRequest::param('url');
     $album = waRequest::param('album');
     if (!$url) {
         throw new waException(_w('Page not found', 404));
     if ($album && $album['status'] <= 0) {
         $album['full_url'] = photosCollection::frontendAlbumHashToUrl($hash);
     $photo_model = new photosPhotoModel();
     $photo = $photo_model->getByField('url', $url);
     $real_count = $count;
     if ($photo) {
         $c = new photosCollection($hash);
         $offset = $c->getPhotoOffset($photo);
         if ($direction > 0) {
             $offset += 1;
             // next photos
         } else {
             $offset -= $real_count;
             // prev photos
             if ($offset < 0) {
                 $real_count += $offset;
                 $offset = 0;
         $photo_stream = $c->getPhotos('*,thumb,thumb_crop,tags', $offset, $real_count);
         $photo_stream = photosCollection::extendPhotos($photo_stream);
         foreach ($photo_stream as &$item) {
             $item['thumb_custom'] = array('url' => photosPhoto::getPhotoUrlTemplate($item));
             $item['full_url'] = photosFrontendPhoto::getLink(array('url' => $item['url']), $album ? $album : $hash);
         $real_count = count($photo_stream);
         if ($real_count < $count) {
             if ($direction > 0) {
                 $photo_stream = array_merge($photo_stream, array_pad(array(), $padding_count, null));
             } else {
                 $photo_stream = array_merge(array_pad(array(), $padding_count, null), $photo_stream);
         $renderer = new photosPhotoHtmlRenderer($this->getTheme());
         echo $renderer->getPhotoStream($photo_stream, null);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function execute()
     $stack = array();
     $parent_id = waRequest::post('parent_id', null, waRequest::TYPE_INT);
     $photo_id = (array) waRequest::post('photo_id', array(), waRequest::TYPE_ARRAY_INT);
     $prev_denied_photo_id = waRequest::post('denied_photo_id', array(), waRequest::TYPE_ARRAY_INT);
     $photo_model = new photosPhotoModel();
     $photo_rights_model = new photosPhotoRightsModel();
     if (!$photo_rights_model->checkRights($parent_id, true)) {
         throw new waException(_w("You don't have sufficient access rights"));
     $allowed_photo_id = $photo_rights_model->filterAllowedPhotoIds($photo_id, true);
     $denied_photo_ids = array_diff($photo_id, $allowed_photo_id);
     if ($allowed_photo_id) {
         $parent = $photo_model->getById($parent_id);
         $stack[$parent_id] = $allowed_photo_id;
         if ($parent['stack_count'] > 0) {
             $photo_model->appendToStack($parent_id, $allowed_photo_id);
         } else {
             $photo_model->makeStack($parent_id, $allowed_photo_id);
     $denied_parent_ids = array();
     if ($denied_photo_ids) {
         foreach ($photo_model->getByField('id', $denied_photo_ids, 'id') as $photo) {
             $denied_parent_ids[] = $photo['parent_id'] > 0 ? $photo['parent_id'] : $photo['id'];
     $denied_photo_id = array_values(array_unique(array_merge($prev_denied_photo_id, $denied_parent_ids)));
     $this->response['denied_photo_ids'] = $denied_photo_id;
     $all_photos_length = waRequest::post('photos_length', 0, waRequest::TYPE_INT);
     if (!$all_photos_length) {
         $all_photos_length = count($photo_id);
     $all_photos_length += 1;
     // plus parent photo
     $denied_photos_length = count($denied_photo_id);
     if ($denied_photos_length > 0 && $all_photos_length > 0) {
         $this->response['alert_msg'] = photosPhoto::sprintf_wplural("The operation was not performed to %d photo (%%s)", "The operation was not performed to %d photos (%%s)", $denied_photos_length, _w("out of %d selected", "out of %d selected", $all_photos_length)) . ', ' . _w("because you don't have sufficient access rights") . '.';
     if ($stack) {
          * Extra actions after making stack
          * @event make_stack
          * @params array[int][int]int $stack[%parent_id%][]
         wa()->event('make_stack', $stack);
         $this->log('photos_stack', 1);
     $this->response['parent_id'] = $parent_id;
     $this->response['photo'] = $photo_model->getById($parent_id);
 public function execute()
     $photo_id = waRequest::post('photo_id', null, waRequest::TYPE_ARRAY_INT);
     $prev_denied_photo_id = waRequest::post('denied_photo_id', array(), waRequest::TYPE_ARRAY_INT);
     $photo_model = new photosPhotoModel();
     $photo_rights_model = new photosPhotoRightsModel();
     $allowed_photo_id = $photo_rights_model->filterAllowedPhotoIds($photo_id, true);
     $denied_photo_id = array_diff($photo_id, $allowed_photo_id);
     if ($allowed_photo_id) {
         // before deleting define if is it children photo in stack (one photo page)
         if (count($allowed_photo_id) == 1 && count($photo_id) == 1) {
             $photo = $photo_model->getById($allowed_photo_id);
             if ($photo) {
                 $photo = reset($photo);
                 if ($photo['parent_id'] > 0) {
                     $this->response['parent_id'] = $photo['parent_id'];
         foreach ($allowed_photo_id as $id) {
              * Extend delete process
              * Make extra workup
              * @event photo_delete
             wa()->event('photo_delete', $id);
         $this->log('photos_delete', 1);
     $denied_parent_id = array();
     if ($denied_photo_id) {
         foreach ($photo_model->getByField('id', $denied_photo_id, 'id') as $photo) {
             $denied_parent_id[] = $photo['parent_id'] > 0 ? $photo['parent_id'] : $photo['id'];
     $denied_photo_id = array_values(array_unique(array_merge($prev_denied_photo_id, $denied_parent_id)));
     $this->response['denied_photo_id'] = $denied_photo_id;
     $all_photos_length = waRequest::post('photos_length', 0, waRequest::TYPE_INT);
     if (!$all_photos_length) {
         $all_photos_length = count($photo_id);
     $denied_photos_length = count($denied_photo_id);
     if ($denied_photos_length > 0 && $all_photos_length > 0) {
         $this->response['alert_msg'] = photosPhoto::sprintf_wplural("The operation was not performed to %d photo (%%s)", "The operation was not performed to %d photos (%%s)", $denied_photos_length, _w("out of %d selected", "out of %d selected", $all_photos_length)) . ', ' . _w("because you don't have sufficient access rights") . '.';
     if ($denied_photos_length == $all_photos_length) {
         $this->response['denied_all'] = true;
     } else {
         $this->response['denied_all'] = false;
 protected function save(waRequestFile $file, $data)
     $id = $this->model->add($file, $data);
     if (!$id) {
         throw new waException(_w("Save error"));
     $photo = $this->model->getById($id);
     $parent_id = (int) waRequest::post('parent_id');
     if ((int) waRequest::post('parent_id')) {
         $this->model->appendToStack($parent_id, array($id));
     return array('name' => $file->name, 'type' => $file->type, 'size' => $file->size, 'thumbnail_url' => photosPhoto::getPhotoUrl($photo, photosPhoto::getThumbPhotoSize()), 'url' => '#/photo/' . $id . '/');
 protected function save(waRequestFile $file, $data = array())
     $photo_model = new photosPhotoModel();
     $data['groups'] = array();
     $data['app_id'] = 'blog';
     $data['hash'] = '';
     $id = $photo_model->add($file, $data);
     if (!$id) {
         throw new waException(_w("Save error"));
     $photo = $photo_model->getById($id);
     return array('id' => $id, 'photo' => $photo, 'name' => $file->name, 'type' => $file->type, 'size' => $file->size, 'url' => photosPhoto::getPhotoUrl($photo, null, !!waRequest::get('absolute')), 'thumbnail_url' => photosPhoto::getPhotoUrl($photo, photosPhoto::getThumbPhotoSize(), !!waRequest::get('absolute')));
 public function execute()
     $url = waRequest::param('url');
     $this->album = waRequest::param('album');
     $this->hash = waRequest::param('hash');
     if (!$url) {
         throw new waException(_w('Page not found', 404));
     $this->photo_model = new photosPhotoModel();
     $this->photo = $this->getPhoto($url);
     if (!$this->photo) {
         throw new waException(_w('Page not found'), 404);
     $this->photo = photosPhoto::escapeFields($this->photo);
     if ($this->album && $this->album['status'] <= 0) {
         $this->album['full_url'] = photosCollection::frontendAlbumHashToUrl($this->hash);
     // delegate work to special render helper
     $render_helper = new photosPhotoRenderHelper($this->photo, $this->private_hash);
     $result = $render_helper->workUp(array('album' => $this->album, 'hash' => $this->hash));
     waRequest::setParam('title', $this->photo['name']);
     waRequest::setParam('nofollow', $this->isNeedNofollow());
     waRequest::setParam('breadcrumbs', $this->getBreadcrumbs());
     waRequest::setParam('disable_sidebar', true);
     // pull out work's up result
     $this->view->assign('photo', $result['photo']);
     $this->view->assign('albums', $result['blocks']['albums']);
     $this->view->assign('tags', $result['blocks']['tags']);
     $this->view->assign('exif', $result['blocks']['exif']);
     $this->view->assign('author', $result['blocks']['author']);
     $this->view->assign('stack_nav', $result['blocks']['stack_nav']);
     $this->view->assign('photo_stream', $result['blocks']['photo_stream']);
     // if we are not in album, than $album is null
     $this->view->assign('album', $this->album);
      * Add extra widgets to photo page
      * @event frontend_photo
      * @param string[array]mixed $photo photo data
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['bottom'] In bottom, under photo - any widget
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['sidebar']
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['top_left']
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['top_right']
     $this->view->assign('frontend_photo', wa()->event('frontend_photo', $this->photo));
     $version = wa()->getVersion();
     $this->getResponse()->addJs('js/common.js?v=' . $version, true);
     $this->getResponse()->addJs('js/' . $version, true);
     $this->getResponse()->addJs('js/' . $version, true);
 public function execute()
     $url = waRequest::param('url');
     $album = waRequest::param('album');
     $this->hash = waRequest::param('hash');
     if (!$url) {
         throw new waException(_w('Page not found', 404));
     $this->photo_model = new photosPhotoModel();
     $photo = $this->getPhoto($url);
     if (!$photo) {
         throw new waException(_w('Page not found'), 404);
     if (!$this->private_hash && !$this->inCollection($photo, $this->hash)) {
         throw new waException(_w('Page not found'), 404);
     $photo = photosPhoto::escapeFields($photo);
     $size = waRequest::get('size', null, waRequest::TYPE_STRING);
     $is_mini = waRequest::get('mini', 0, waRequest::TYPE_INT);
     if ($is_mini) {
         $size = $size ? $size : photosPhoto::getBigPhotoSize();
         // mini version of loading photo (in albums loading photo in stack)
         $photo['thumb_custom'] = photosPhoto::getThumbInfo($photo, $size);
         $this->response['photo'] = $photo;
     // delegate work to special render helper
     $render_helper = new photosPhotoRenderHelper($photo, $this->private_hash);
     $result = $render_helper->workUp(array('album' => $album, 'hash' => $this->hash, 'need_photo_stream' => false));
     if ($size) {
         $result['photo']['thumb_custom'] = photosPhoto::getThumbInfo($result['photo'], $size);
     // pull out result of working up
     $this->response['photo'] = $result['photo'];
     $this->response['tags'] = $result['blocks']['tags'];
     $this->response['exif'] = $result['blocks']['exif'];
     $this->response['albums'] = $result['blocks']['albums'];
     $this->response['author'] = $result['blocks']['author'];
     $this->response['stack_nav'] = $result['blocks']['stack_nav'];
      * Add extra widgets to photo page
      * @event frontend_photo
      * @param string[array]mixed $photo photo data
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['bottom'] In bottom, under photo - any widget
     $this->response['frontend_photo'] = wa()->event('frontend_photo', $photo);
 public function finite()
     $collection = new photosCollection($this->hash);
     $photos = $collection->getPhotos("*,thumb,frontend_link,tags", $this->offset, $this->photos_per_page);
     $photos = photosCollection::extendPhotos($photos);
     if ($this->hash) {
         $title = $collection->getTitle();
         if (!$title) {
             $this->getResponse()->setTitle(waRequest::param('title') ? waRequest::param('title') : wa()->accountName());
         } else {
         $this->view->assign('title', photosPhoto::escape($title));
     } else {
         $this->getResponse()->setTitle(waRequest::param('title') ? waRequest::param('title') : wa()->accountName());
         $this->getResponse()->setMeta('keywords', waRequest::param('meta_keywords'));
         $this->getResponse()->setMeta('description', waRequest::param('meta_description'));
         $this->view->assign('title', '');
     $total_count = $collection->count();
     $this->view->assign('photos_per_page', $this->photos_per_page);
     $this->view->assign('pages_count', floor($total_count / $this->photos_per_page) + 1);
     $this->view->assign('total_photos_count', $total_count);
     $this->view->assign('offset', $this->offset);
     $this->view->assign('photos', $photos);
     $is_xhr = waRequest::isXMLHttpRequest();
     $this->view->assign('is_xhr', $is_xhr);
     if ($is_xhr) {
         $this->view->assign('frontend_collection', array());
     } else {
          * @event frontend_collection
          * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['name'] Extra name info
          * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['content'] Extra album description and etc
          * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['footer'] Footer section
          * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['sidebar'] Footer section
          * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['footer'] Footer section
         $this->view->assign('frontend_collection', wa()->event('frontend_collection'));
     $this->view->assign('lazy_load', !is_null(waRequest::get('lazy')));
     $v = wa()->getVersion();
     $this->getResponse()->addJs('js/lazy.load.js?v=' . $v, true);
     $this->getResponse()->addJs('js/' . $v, true);
 public function execute()
     $this->photo_ids = waRequest::post('photo_id', array(), waRequest::TYPE_ARRAY_INT);
     $album_id = waRequest::post('album_id', array(), waRequest::TYPE_ARRAY_INT);
     $copy = waRequest::post('copy', 1, waRequest::TYPE_INT);
     $this->album_photos_model = new photosAlbumPhotosModel();
     $photo_rights_model = new photosPhotoRightsModel();
     if (!$copy) {
         // it means manage with one photo
         $photo_id = $this->photo_ids[0];
         if (!$photo_rights_model->checkRights($photo_id, true)) {
             throw new waException("You don't have sufficient access rights");
         $early_albums = array_keys($this->album_photos_model->getByField('photo_id', $photo_id, 'album_id'));
         // TODO: check rights for editing (take into account deleting!)
         $this->album_photos_model->set($photo_id, $album_id);
         $this->log('photos_move', 1);
         $albums = $this->getAlbumsCounters();
         $old_albums = array();
         foreach ($early_albums as $a_id) {
             if (!isset($albums[$a_id])) {
                 $collection = new photosCollection('/album/' . $a_id);
                 $album = array('id' => $a_id, 'count' => $collection->count(), 'count_new' => 0);
                 $old_albums[] = $album;
         $this->response['albums'] = array_values($albums);
         $this->response['old_albums'] = $old_albums;
     } else {
         // otherwise coping photos to albums
         $allowed_photo_id = $photo_rights_model->filterAllowedPhotoIds($this->photo_ids, true);
         $denied_photo_id = array_values(array_diff($this->photo_ids, $allowed_photo_id));
         $album_rights_model = new photosAlbumRightsModel();
         $allowed_album_id = $album_rights_model->filterAllowedAlbumIds($album_id, true);
         $denied_album_id = array_values(array_diff($album_id, $allowed_album_id));
         if ($allowed_album_id && $allowed_photo_id) {
             $this->album_photos_model->add($allowed_photo_id, $allowed_album_id);
             $this->response['albums'] = array_values($this->getAlbumsCounters());
             $this->log('photos_move', 1);
         if ($denied_photo_id) {
             $this->response['alert_msg'] = photosPhoto::sprintf_wplural("The operation was not performed to %d photo (%%s)", "The operation was not performed to %d photos (%%s)", count($denied_photo_id), _w("out of %d selected", "out of %d selected", count($this->photo_ids))) . ', ' . _w("because you don't have sufficient access rights") . '.';
 public function photoUpload(waImage $photo)
     $settings = $this->getSettings();
     $opacity = $settings['opacity'];
     $result = null;
     if ($opacity && !empty($settings['text'])) {
         $font_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/data/arial.ttf');
         $photo->watermark(array('watermark' => $settings['text'], 'opacity' => $opacity, 'font_file' => $font_path, 'font_size' => $settings['text_size'] * max($photo->width, $photo->height) / photosPhoto::getBigPhotoSize(), 'font_color' => $settings['text_color'], 'text_orientation' => $this->_orientation($settings['text_orientation']), 'align' => $this->_align($settings['text_align'])));
         $result = true;
     if ($opacity && !empty($settings['image'])) {
         $watermark_path = wa()->getDataPath('data/', true) . $settings['image'];
         $watermark = waImage::factory($watermark_path);
         $photo->watermark(array('watermark' => $watermark, 'opacity' => $opacity, 'align' => $this->_align($settings['image_align'])));
         $result = true;
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public function save($file = null, $quality = null)
     $config = wa('photos')->getConfig();
     if ($quality === null) {
         $quality = $config->getSaveQuality();
     // check save_original option
     if ($config->getOption('save_original')) {
         // get original file name
         $original_file = photosPhoto::getOriginalPhotoPath($this->file);
         // save original file if it not exists
         if (!file_exists($original_file)) {
             copy($this->file, $original_file);
     // save image
     return $this->image->save($file, $quality);
Exemplo n.º 21
 protected function formatSizes($sizes)
     $result = array();
     foreach ($sizes as $size) {
         $size_info = photosPhoto::parseSize((string) $size);
         $type = $size_info['type'];
         $width = $size_info['width'];
         $height = $size_info['height'];
         if ($type == 'max' || $type == 'crop' || $type == 'width') {
             $result[] = array($type => $width);
         } else {
             if ($type == 'height') {
                 $result[] = array($type => $height);
             } elseif ($type == 'rectangle') {
                 $result[] = array('rectangle' => array($width, $height));
     return $result;
 public function execute()
     $enabled = wa()->getSetting('enabled', 0, array('photos', 'fotorss'));
     if (!$enabled) {
         return null;
     $url = wa()->getRouting();
     $url = $url->getRouteParam('url_type');
     $route = '';
     if ($url == 0) {
         $route = 'photo/';
     $author_on = wa()->getSetting('author_tag', 0, array('photos', 'fotorss'));
     $max_entries = max(1, wa()->getSetting('posts_number', 0, array('photos', 'fotorss')));
     $link = wa()->getRouteUrl('photos/frontend', array(), true);
     $rss_link = wa()->getRouteUrl('photos/frontend/fotorss', array(), true);
     $title = waRequest::param('title') ? waRequest::param('title') : wa()->accountName();
     $collection = new photosCollection();
     $fields = "*,";
     $thumbs = wa()->getSetting('thumb', 'default', array('photos', 'fotorss'));
     if ($thumbs == 'big' || $thumbs == 'middle' || $thumbs == 'mobile' || $thumbs == 'crop') {
         $thumbs = "thumb_" . $thumbs;
     } elseif ($thumbs == 'default' || empty($thumbs)) {
         $thumbs = 'thumb';
     $fields .= $thumbs;
     $posts = $collection->getphotos($fields, 0, $max_entries);
     foreach ($posts as &$post) {
         if ($author_on) {
             $contact = new waContact($post['contact_id']);
             $post['author'] = $contact->get('name');
         $post['thumb'] = $post[$thumbs];
         if ($thumbs == 'vk') {
             $post['thumb'] = photosPhoto::getThumbInfo($post, '590x0');
     wa()->getResponse()->addHeader('Content-type', 'application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8', true);
     $this->view->assign('posts', $posts);
     $this->view->assign('info', array('title' => $title, 'link' => $link, 'description' => '', 'language' => 'ru', 'pubDate' => date(DATE_RSS), 'lastBuildDate' => date(DATE_RSS), 'photourl' => $route, 'self' => $rss_link));
 public function execute()
     $album_id = waRequest::post('album_id', 0, 'int');
     $photo_id = waRequest::post('photo_id', 0, 'int');
     if (!$album_id || !$photo_id) {
         throw new waException('Bad parameters', 404);
     $album_rights_model = new photosAlbumRightsModel();
     if (!$album_rights_model->checkRights($album_id, true)) {
         throw new waException(_w("You don't have sufficient access rights"));
     $photo_model = new photosPhotoModel();
     $photo = $photo_model->getById($photo_id);
     if (!$photo) {
         $this->errors[] = _w('Photo not found');
     $album_model = new photosAlbumModel();
     $album_model->updateById($album_id, array('key_photo_id' => $photo_id));
     photosPhoto::generateThumbs($photo, array('192x192'));
 public function execute()
     $id = waRequest::post('id', null, waRequest::TYPE_INT);
     if (!$id) {
         throw new waException("Can't rotate photo");
     $direction = waRequest::post('direction', 'left', waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM);
     $photo_model = new photosPhotoModel();
     $photo_model->rotate($id, $direction == 'right');
     $photo = $photo_model->getById($id);
     $photo['thumb'] = photosPhoto::getThumbInfo($photo, photosPhoto::getThumbPhotoSize());
     $photo['thumb_big'] = photosPhoto::getThumbInfo($photo, photosPhoto::getBigPhotoSize());
     $photo['thumb_middle'] = photosPhoto::getThumbInfo($photo, photosPhoto::getMiddlePhotoSize());
     $original_photo_path = photosPhoto::getOriginalPhotoPath($photo);
     if (wa('photos')->getConfig()->getOption('save_original') && file_exists($original_photo_path)) {
         $photo['original_exists'] = true;
     } else {
         $photo['original_exists'] = false;
     $this->log('photo_edit', 1);
     $this->response['photo'] = $photo;
 public function execute()
     $id = waRequest::post('id', null, waRequest::TYPE_INT);
     $filter = waRequest::post('filter', 'grayscale', waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM);
     if (!$id) {
         throw new waException(_w("Can't apply a filter to photo: unknown photo id"));
     if (!isset($this->filters[$filter])) {
         throw new waException(_w("Can't apply a filter to photo: unknown filter"));
     $plugin = wa('photos')->getPlugin('imageeffects');
     $filter_params = $plugin->getSettings($filter);
     $filter_params = $filter_params ? $filter_params : array();
     $filter = $this->filters[$filter];
     $photo_model = new photosPhotoModel();
     $photo_rights_model = new photosPhotoRightsModel();
     $photo = $photo_model->getById($id);
     $photo_rights_model = new photosPhotoRightsModel();
     if (!$photo_rights_model->checkRights($photo, true)) {
         throw new waException(_w("You don't have sufficient access rights"));
     $photo_path = photosPhoto::getPhotoPath($photo);
     $image = new photosImage($photo_path);
     if ($image->filter($filter, $filter_params)->save()) {
         $edit_datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $photo_model->updateById($id, array('edit_datetime' => $edit_datetime));
         $photo['edit_datetime'] = $edit_datetime;
         $original_photo_path = photosPhoto::getOriginalPhotoPath($photo);
         if (wa('photos')->getConfig()->getOption('save_original') && file_exists($original_photo_path)) {
             $photo['original_exists'] = true;
         } else {
             $photo['original_exists'] = false;
         $this->response['photo'] = $photo;
         $this->log('photo_edit', 1);
 public function execute()
     $photo_id = waRequest::post('photo_id', array(), waRequest::TYPE_ARRAY_INT);
     $one_photo = waRequest::post('one_photo', 0, waRequest::TYPE_INT);
     $tags = waRequest::post('tags', '', waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM);
     $tags = $tags ? explode(',', $tags) : array();
     $delete_tags = waRequest::post('delete_tags', array(), waRequest::TYPE_ARRAY_INT);
     $tag_model = new photosTagModel();
     $photo_tag_model = new photosPhotoTagsModel();
     $photo_rights_model = new photosPhotoRightsModel();
     $allowed_photo_id = $photo_rights_model->filterAllowedPhotoIds($photo_id, true);
     $denied_photo_id = array_values(array_diff($photo_id, $allowed_photo_id));
     if ($allowed_photo_id) {
         if ($one_photo) {
             $allowed_photo_id = $allowed_photo_id[0];
             $photo_tag_model->set($allowed_photo_id, $tags);
             $photo_model = new photosPhotoModel();
             if ($parent_id = $photo_model->getStackParentId($allowed_photo_id)) {
                 $this->response['parent_id'] = $parent_id;
         } else {
             if ($delete_tags) {
                 $photo_tag_model->delete($allowed_photo_id, $delete_tags);
             $photo_tag_model->assign($allowed_photo_id, $tag_model->getIds($tags, true));
         $allowed_photo_id = (array) $allowed_photo_id;
         $tags = $photo_tag_model->getTags($allowed_photo_id);
         if (!$tags && $allowed_photo_id) {
             $tags = array_fill_keys($allowed_photo_id, array());
         $this->response['tags'] = $tags;
     if ($denied_photo_id) {
         $this->response['alert_msg'] = photosPhoto::sprintf_wplural("The operation was not performed to %d photo (%%s)", "The operation was not performed to %d photos (%%s)", count($denied_photo_id), _w("out of %d selected", "out of %d selected", count($photo_id))) . ', ' . _w("because you don't have sufficient access rights") . '.';
     $this->response['cloud'] = $tag_model->getCloud();
Exemplo n.º 27
 protected function workupPhotos(&$photos)
     $renderer = new photosPhotoHtmlRenderer($this->getTheme());
     $photo_model = new photosPhotoModel();
     // parent of current photo (that stacked, i.e. in stack)
     $parent_id = null;
     if ($this->photo_url) {
         $stacked_photo = $photo_model->getByField('url', $this->photo_url);
         if (!$stacked_photo) {
             throw new waException(_w('Page not found', 404));
         $parent_id = $photo_model->getStackParentId($stacked_photo);
     // During going over all photos we also look if some photo is a parent of current stacked photo
     foreach ($photos as &$photo) {
         $photo['stack_nav'] = '';
         $stack = (array) $photo_model->getStack($photo['id'], array('tags' => true));
         if ($stack) {
             foreach ($stack as &$item) {
                 $item['thumb_custom'] = array('url' => photosPhoto::getPhotoUrlTemplate($item));
                 $item['full_url'] = photosFrontendAlbum::getLink($this->album) . $item['url'] . '/';
             // iterable photo is parent of current stacked photo - replace
             if ($parent_id == $photo['id']) {
                 $photo = $stacked_photo;
                 $photo['full_url'] = photosFrontendAlbum::getLink($this->album) . $photo['url'] . '/';
                 $photo['stack_nav'] = $renderer->getStackNavigationPanel($stack, $photo);
             } else {
                 $photo['stack_nav'] = $renderer->getStackNavigationPanel($stack, $photo);
         $photo['frontend_link'] = photosFrontendPhoto::getLink($photo, array('full_url' => $this->album_url));
 public function execute()
     $photo_ids = waRequest::post('photo_ids', '', waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM);
     $size = waRequest::post('size', null, waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM);
     $hash = waRequest::post('hash', '', waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM);
     if (strstr($hash, 'search') !== false) {
         $hash = urldecode($hash);
     if (!$photo_ids && strstr($hash, 'album') === false && strstr($hash, 'tag') === false && strstr($hash, 'rate') === false) {
         $hash = '';
     } else {
         if ($photo_ids) {
             $hash = '/id/' . $photo_ids;
     if (!$size) {
         throw new waException(_w('Unknown size'));
     $sizes = $this->getConfig()->getSizes();
     if (in_array($size, $sizes) === false) {
         throw new waException(_w('Unknown size'));
     $this->response['context'] = photosPhoto::getEmbedPhotoListContext($hash, $size);
 public function display($view_type = 'backend')
     $result = $view_type == 'backend' ? '<li class="dr ' . $this->getClass() . '" rel="' . $this->data['id'] . '"><span class="count">' . (!is_null($this->data['count']) ? $this->data['count'] : '') . '</span>' : '<li>';
     if ($this->childs) {
         $result .= $view_type == 'backend' ? '<i class="icon16 darr overhanging collapse-handler" id="album-' . $this->data['id'] . '-handler"></i>' : '';
     $result .= $view_type == 'backend' ? '<a href="' . $this->getHash() . '"><i class="icon16 ' . $this->getIcon() . '"></i>' . photosPhoto::escape($this->data['name']) . ' ' . $this->getStatusIcon() . ' <strong class="small highlighted count-new">' . (!empty($this->data['count_new']) ? '+' . $this->data['count_new'] : '') . '</strong></a>' : '<a href="' . photosFrontendAlbum::getLink($this->data) . '">' . photosPhoto::escape($this->data['name']) . '</a>';
     if ($this->childs) {
         $result .= $view_type == 'backend' ? '<ul class="menu-v with-icons"><li class="drag-newposition"></li>' : '<ul class="menu-v">';
         foreach ($this->childs as $e) {
             $result .= $e->display($view_type);
         $result .= '</ul>';
     $result .= $view_type == 'backend' ? '</li><li class="drag-newposition"></li>' : '</li>';
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 30
        foreach ($size as &$s) {
            $s *= 2;
        $size = implode('x', $size);
if ($file && file_exists($protected_path . $file) && !file_exists($public_path . $request_file)) {
    $main_thumb_file_path = $public_path . $main_thumb_file;
    $target_dir_path = dirname($public_path . $request_file);
    if (!file_exists($target_dir_path)) {
        waFiles::create($target_dir_path . '/');
    $max_size = $app_config->getOption('max_size');
    $image = photosPhoto::generateThumb(array('path' => $main_thumb_file_path, 'size' => $main_thumbnail_size), $protected_path . $file, $size, $app_config->getOption('sharpen'), $max_size ? $enable_2x ? 2 * $max_size : $max_size : false);
    if ($image) {
        $quality = $app_config->getSaveQuality($enable_2x);
        $image->save($public_path . $request_file, $quality);
if ($file && file_exists($public_path . $request_file)) {
    waFiles::readFile($public_path . $request_file);
} else {
    $url = wa()->getRootUrl();
    $url = substr($url, 0, -strlen('/wa-data/public/photo/'));
    header("Location: ".$url."wa-apps/photos/img/image-not-found.png");
    header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");