  * @param int $id - ID of the album
  * @param bool $auto_title
 protected function albumPrepare($id, $auto_title = true)
     if (strpos($id, ':') !== false) {
         list($id, $hash) = explode(':', $id);
         $this->frontend_rights_user = (int) substr($hash, 16, -16);
         $hash = substr($hash, 0, 16) . substr($hash, -16);
     $album_model = new photosAlbumModel();
     $album = $album_model->getById($id);
     // album not found or incorrect hash
     if (!$album || isset($hash) && $hash !== $album['hash']) {
         $this->where[] = '0';
     $this->frontend_base_url = $album['full_url'];
     if ($auto_title) {
     $count_model = new photosAlbumCountModel();
     $this->update_count = array('model' => $album_model, 'id' => $id, 'count' => (int) $count_model->getCount($id));
     if ($album['type']) {
         $this->setHash('/search/' . $album['conditions']);
         $this->prepare(false, false);
         $params_model = new photosAlbumParamsModel();
         $params = $params_model->get($album['id']);
         if (isset($params['order']) && $params['order'] == 'rate') {
             $this->order_by = 'p.rate DESC, p.id DESC';
         while ($album['parent_id'] && $album['type']) {
             $album = $album_model->getByid($album['parent_id']);
             if ($album['type']) {
                 $this->setHash('/search/' . $album['conditions']);
                 $this->prepare(true, false);
             } else {
                 $this->joins['photos_album_photos'] = array('table' => 'photos_album_photos', 'alias' => 'ap');
                 $this->where[] = "ap.album_id = " . (int) $album['id'];
     } else {
         $this->joins['photos_album_photos'] = array('table' => 'photos_album_photos', 'alias' => 'ap');
         $this->where[] = "ap.album_id = " . (int) $id;
         $this->order_by = 'ap.sort ASC';