function _notify_url() { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $par =& JComponentHelper::getParams('com_djclassifieds'); $account_type = $this->params["testmode"]; $user = JFactory::getUser(); $id = JRequest::getInt('id', '0'); $paypal_info = $_POST; /*$fil = fopen('ppraport/pp_raport.txt', 'a'); fwrite($fil, "\n\n--------------------post_first-----------------\n"); $post = $_POST; foreach ($post as $key => $value) { fwrite($fil, $key.' - '.$value."\n"); } fclose($fil);*/ $paypal_ipn = new paypal_ipn($paypal_info); foreach ($paypal_ipn->paypal_post_vars as $key => $value) { if (getType($key) == "string") { eval("\${$key}=\$value;"); } } $paypal_ipn->send_response($account_type); if (!$paypal_ipn->is_verified()) { die; } $paymentstatus = 0; $status = $paypal_ipn->get_payment_status(); $txn_id = $paypal_ipn->paypal_post_vars['txn_id']; if ($status == 'Completed' || $status == 'Pending' && $account_type == 1) { $query = "SELECT p.* FROM #__djcf_payments p " . "WHERE'" . $id . "' "; $db->setQuery($query); $payment = $db->loadObject(); if ($payment) { $query = "UPDATE #__djcf_payments SET status='Completed',transaction_id='" . $txn_id . "' " . "WHERE id=" . $id . " AND method='djcfPaypal'"; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); if ($payment->type == 2) { $date_sort = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $query = "UPDATE #__djcf_items SET date_sort='" . $date_sort . "' " . "WHERE id=" . $payment->item_id . " "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } else { if ($payment->type == 1) { $query = "SELECT p.points FROM #__djcf_points p WHERE'" . $payment->item_id . "' "; $db->setQuery($query); $points = $db->loadResult(); $query = "INSERT INTO #__djcf_users_points (`user_id`,`points`,`description`) " . "VALUES ('" . $payment->user_id . "','" . $points . "','" . JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_POINTS_PACKAGE') . " PayPal <br />" . JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_PAYMENT_ID') . ' ' . $payment->id . "')"; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } else { $query = "SELECT c.* FROM #__djcf_items i, #__djcf_categories c " . "WHERE AND'" . $payment->item_id . "' "; $db->setQuery($query); $cat = $db->loadObject(); $pub = 0; if ($cat->autopublish == '1' || $cat->autopublish == '0' && $par->get('autopublish') == '1') { $pub = 1; } $query = "UPDATE #__djcf_items SET payed=1, pay_type='', published='" . $pub . "' " . "WHERE id=" . $payment->item_id . " "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } } } } else { $query = "UPDATE #__djcf_payments SET status='" . $status . "',transaction_id='" . $txn_id . "' " . "WHERE id=" . $id . " AND method='djcfPaypal'"; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } }
include RelativePath . "/Navigator.php"; require "paypal_ipn.php"; //End Include Common Files $EP = array("EMAIL:SITE_NAME" => $now["sitename"], "EMAIL:SITE_EMAIL" => $now["siteemail"], "EMAIL:SITE_EMAIL_LINK" => "<a href=\"mailto:" . $now["siteemail"] . "\">" . $now["siteemail"] . "</a>", "EMAIL:HOME_URL" => $now["homeurl"], "EMAIL:HOME_PAGE_LINK" => "<a href=\"" . $now["homeurl"] . "index.php\">Home</a>", "EMAIL:BROWSE_LINK" => "<a href=\"" . $now["homeurl"] . "browse.php\">Browse</a>", "EMAIL:SEARCH_LINK" => "<a href=\"" . $now["homeurl"] . "search.php\">Search</a>", "EMAIL:MY_ACCOUNT_LINK" => "<a href=\"" . $now["homeurl"] . "myaccount.php\">My Account</a>", "EMAIL:PAYMENT_LINK_SSL" => "<a href=\"" . $now["secureurl"] . "MakePayment.php\">Make a Payment</a>", "EMAIL:PAYMENT_LINK" => "<a href=\"" . $now["homeurl"] . "MakePayment.php\">Make a Payment</a>", "EMAIL:CURRENCY" => $charges["currency"], "EMAIL:LISTING_FEE" => $charges["listing_fee"], "EMAIL:HOMEPAGE_FEATURED_FEE" => $charges["homepage_fee"], "EMAIL:CATEGORY_FEATURED_FEE" => $charges["category_fee"], "EMAIL:GALLERY_FEE" => $charges["gallery_fee"], "EMAIL:IMAGE_PREVIEW_FEE" => $charges["image_preview_fee"], "EMAIL:SLIDE_SHOW_FEE" => $charges["slide_fee"], "EMAIL:COUNTER_FEE" => $charges["counter_fee"], "EMAIL:BOLD_FEE" => $charges["bold_fee"], "EMAIL:BACKGROUND_FEE" => $charges["highlight_fee"], "EMAIL:IMAGE_UPLOAD_FEE" => $charges["upload_fee"], "EMAIL:CURRENT_TIME" => date("F j, Y, g:i a")); $item_name = $_POST['item_name']; $receiver_email = $_POST['receiver_email']; $item_number = $_POST['item_number']; $invoice = $_POST['invoice']; $payment_status = $_POST['payment_status']; $payment_gross = $_POST['mc_gross']; $txn_id = $_POST['txn_id']; $payer_email = $_POST['payer_email']; $payer_id = $_POST['custom']; // PayPal will send the information through a POST $paypal_info = $_POST; $paypal_ipn = new paypal_ipn($paypal_info); // where to contact us if something goes wrong $paypal_ipn->error_email = $now["siteemail"]; // We send an identical response back to PayPal for verification $paypal_ipn->send_response(); // PayPal will tell us whether or not this order is valid. // This will prevent people from simply running your order script // manually if (!$paypal_ipn->is_verified()) { // bad order, someone must have tried to run this script manually $paypal_ipn->error_out("Bad order (PayPal says it's invalid)"); } // payment status switch ($paypal_ipn->get_payment_status()) { case 'Completed': // order is good
function _notify_url() { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $par =& JComponentHelper::getParams('com_djclassifieds'); $account_type = $this->params["testmode"]; $user = JFactory::getUser(); $id = JRequest::getInt('id', '0'); $paypal_info = $_POST; /*$fil = fopen('ppraport/pp_raport.txt', 'a'); fwrite($fil, "\n\n--------------------post_first-----------------\n"); $post = $_POST; foreach ($post as $key => $value) { fwrite($fil, $key.' - '.$value."\n"); } fclose($fil);*/ $paypal_ipn = new paypal_ipn($paypal_info); foreach ($paypal_ipn->paypal_post_vars as $key => $value) { if (getType($key) == "string") { eval("\${$key}=\$value;"); } } $paypal_ipn->send_response($account_type); if (!$paypal_ipn->is_verified()) { die; } $paymentstatus = 0; $status = $paypal_ipn->get_payment_status(); $txn_id = $paypal_ipn->paypal_post_vars['txn_id']; if ($status == 'Completed' || $status == 'Pending' && $account_type == 1) { $query = "SELECT p.* FROM #__djcf_payments p " . "WHERE'" . $id . "' "; $db->setQuery($query); $payment = $db->loadObject(); if ($payment) { if (JRequest::getVar('mc_gross') != $payment->price) { die('Wrong amount'); } $query = "UPDATE #__djcf_payments SET status='Completed',transaction_id='" . $txn_id . "' " . "WHERE id=" . $id . " AND method='djcfPaypal'"; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); if ($row->type == 3) { //subscription plans $query = "SELECT p.* FROM #__djcf_plans p WHERE'" . $row->item_id . "' "; $db->setQuery($query); $plan = $db->loadObject(); $registry = new JRegistry(); $registry->loadString($plan->params); $plan_params = $registry->toObject(); //echo '<pre>';print_r($plan_params);die(); $date_start = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $date_exp = ''; if ($plan_params->days_limit) { $date_exp_time = time() + $plan_params->days_limit * 24 * 60 * 60; $date_exp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $date_exp_time); } $query = "INSERT INTO #__djcf_plans_subscr (`user_id`,`plan_id`,`adverts_limit`,`adverts_available`,`date_start`,`date_exp`,`plan_params`) " . "VALUES ('" . $row->user_id . "','" . $plan->id . "','" . $plan_params->ad_limit . "','" . $plan_params->ad_limit . "','" . $date_start . "','" . $date_exp . "','" . addslashes($plan->params) . "')"; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); $message = JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_STATUS_CHANGED_SUBSCRIPTION_PLAN_ADDED'); } else { if ($payment->type == 2) { $date_sort = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $query = "UPDATE #__djcf_items SET date_sort='" . $date_sort . "' " . "WHERE id=" . $payment->item_id . " "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } else { if ($payment->type == 1) { $query = "SELECT p.points FROM #__djcf_points p WHERE'" . $payment->item_id . "' "; $db->setQuery($query); $points = $db->loadResult(); $query = "INSERT INTO #__djcf_users_points (`user_id`,`points`,`description`) " . "VALUES ('" . $payment->user_id . "','" . $points . "','" . JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_POINTS_PACKAGE') . " PayPal <br />" . JText::_('COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_PAYMENT_ID') . ' ' . $payment->id . "')"; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } else { $query = "SELECT c.* FROM #__djcf_items i, #__djcf_categories c " . "WHERE AND'" . $payment->item_id . "' "; $db->setQuery($query); $cat = $db->loadObject(); $pub = 0; if ($cat->autopublish == '1' || $cat->autopublish == '0' && $par->get('autopublish') == '1') { $pub = 1; } $query = "UPDATE #__djcf_items SET payed=1, pay_type='',extra_images_to_pay='0',extra_chars_to_pay='0', published='" . $pub . "' " . "WHERE id=" . $payment->item_id . " "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); if ($pub) { DJClassifiedsNotify::notifyUserPublication($payment->item_id, '1'); } } } } $payment->status = 'Completed'; $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterPaymentStatusChange', array($payment)); } } else { $query = "UPDATE #__djcf_payments SET status='" . $status . "',transaction_id='" . $txn_id . "' " . "WHERE id=" . $id . " AND method='djcfPaypal'"; $db->setQuery($query); $db->query(); } }
@reset($this->paypal_post_vars); while (@(list($key, $value) = @each($this->paypal_post_vars))) { $message .= $key . ':' . " \t{$value}\n"; } mail($this->error_email, "[{$date}] paypay_ipn notification", $message, $em_headers); } } // get the userid out of the first part of the POSTed $custom value from paypal $n27_userid = trim($_POST['custom']); // email header used for the payment notifications $em_headers = "From: <from_email>\n"; $em_headers .= "Reply-To: from_email\n"; $em_headers .= "Return-Path: from_email\n"; $em_headers .= "Organization: Network27\n"; $em_headers .= "X-Priority: 3\n"; $paypal_ipn = new paypal_ipn($_POST); foreach ($paypal_ipn->paypal_post_vars as $key => $value) { if (getType($key) == "string") { eval("\${$key}=\$value;"); } } $paypal_ipn->send_response(); $paypal_ipn->error_email = $_SESSION['PAYPAL_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL']; if (!$paypal_ipn->is_verified()) { $paypal_ipn->error_out("Bad order (PayPal says it's invalid)" . $paypal_ipn->paypal_response, $em_headers); die; } switch ($paypal_ipn->get_payment_status()) { case 'Pending': $pending_reason = $paypal_ipn->paypal_post_vars['pending_reason']; if ($pending_reason != "intl") {
<?php // ---- PayPal IPN pocessing ------------ include "../include/payment/class.paypal_ipn.php"; include "../include/config.php"; include "../include/function.php"; global $config, $conn; $paypal_info = $_POST; $paypal_ipn = new paypal_ipn($paypal_info, "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", 'Hello'); $paypal_ipn->send_response(); if (!isset($receiver_email)) { $paypal_ipn->error_out("Fraud attempt was detected. (PayPal's receiver email is not set)"); exit; } $paypal_currency = 'USD'; if ($paypal_currency != $mc_currency) { $paypal_ipn->error_out("Fraud attempt was detected. (Payer uses another currency then site)"); exit; } // should be changed: if (strtolower($receiver_email) != strtolower($config[paypal_receiver_email])) { $paypal_ipn->error_out("Fraud attempt was detected. (PayPal's receiver email is not equal to attempting's receiver email: {$receiver_email})"); exit; } if ($paypal_ipn->is_verified()) { $uniqueid = explode("|", $custom); $userid = $uniqueid[0]; $pack_id = $uniqueid[1]; $period = $uniqueid[2]; $theprice = $uniqueid[3]; // mailing("*****@*****.**","Stream it Now","*****@*****.**","$userid, $pack, $period, $mailto","Test email");
function run() { $debug = array(); $ipn = new paypal_ipn($this->app->config->paypal_email, 0); $payments = $this->app->loadClass('paypalpayments'); $users = $this->app->loadClass('users'); $config = $this->app->config; // 1) Check it is a valid paypal ipn post... if ($ipn->process() == true) { // 2) check that the payment has been made to us if ($ipn->data['receiver_email'] == $config->paypal_email || $ipn->data['receiver_email'] == $config->paypal_account_email) { $debug[] = "Business checked ok...\n"; // 3) check that payment made by a valid user (and get that user) $username = $ipn->data['item_number']; $user = $users->getuser(array('username' => $username)); if ($user) { $debug[] = "Got User<br />\n"; // 4a) Handle subscription signup notifications... if ($ipn->data['txn_type'] == 'subscr_signup') { $debug[] = "Signup notification<br />\n"; // i) if user doesn't already have this subscription id, check that the months and price is valid and update user... if ($ipn->data['subscr_id'] != $user->sub_id) { $months = 0; if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+).*?m/i', $ipn->data['period3'], $match)) { $months = (int) $match[1]; } $amount = (double) $ipn->data['amount3']; if (in_array($months, array(1, 3, 6, 12))) { $avar = 'price_' . $months; $realprice = $config->{$avar}; if ($realprice == $amount) { $ups = array('sub_id' => $ipn->data['subscr_id'], 'sub_months' => $months, 'sub_amount' => $amount); $users->updateusers(array($user->user_id), $ups); } } } $debug[] = "Signup notification processed...<br />"; } elseif ($ipn->data['txn_type'] == 'subscr_payment') { $debug[] = "Subscription payment<br />"; // i) check that the payment is complete if ($ipn->isComplete()) { $debug[] = "Status is complete<br />\n"; // ii) check that the currency is correct... if ($ipn->data['mc_currency'] == 'USD') { $debug[] = "currency ok<br />"; // iii) check that the price / duration is valid - first see if the user has these values set... $valid = false; $amount = (double) $ipn->data['mc_gross']; $months = 0; if ($user->sub_id != '' && $user->sub_id == $ipn->data['subscr_id']) { if ($user->sub_amount != 0 && $user->sub_amount == $amount) { $months = $user->sub_months; $valid = true; } } // couldn't validate payment against user, so check our plans instead... if (!$valid) { if ($config->price_1 == $amount) { $months = 1; } elseif ($config->price_3 == $amount) { $months = 3; } elseif ($config->price_6 == $amount) { $months = 6; } elseif ($config->price_12 == $amount) { $months = 12; } if ($months != 0) { $valid = true; } } // if everything so far is valid, continue if ($valid) { $debug[] = "Valid Payment<br />"; // confirm this isn't a duplicate payment... if (!$payments->getpayments(array('count' => true, 'txnid' => $ipn->data['txn_id']))) { $debug[] = "Not a duplicate<br />"; // add this payment to the database $pid = $payments->addpayment($ipn->data['txn_id'], $ipn->data['subscr_id'], $user->user_id, $ipn->data['payer_email'], $ipn->data['mc_gross'], 1, $ipn->data); if ($pid) { $debug[] = "Payment added<br />\n"; // set the user to "paid account" and extend their days of paid $users->upgradeuser($user, $months, $ipn); // if we are sending upgrade confirmation emails, send 1 :) $debug[] = "Payment added OK!"; } // end payment inserted ok } else { // end no duplicate payment $debug[] = "Duplicate payment\n"; } } else { // end everything is valid $debug[] = "Everything is not valid\n"; } } else { // end currency ok $debug[] = "Wrong currency\n"; } } else { // end complete $debug[] = "Payment is not complete."; } } else { // end payment type check $debug[] = "Payment type is wrong\n"; } } else { // end user check $debug[] = "User doesn't exist.\n"; } } else { // end business check $debug[] = "Receiver email (" . $ipn->data['receiver_email'] . " != {$config->paypal_email}\n"; } } else { $debug[] = "No bloody ipn."; switch ($ipn->error_code) { case ERR_INVALID: break; case ERR_SOCKETS: break; } } print_r($debug); exit; }