Exemplo n.º 1
 public static function hookRemoteCall(Context $ctx)
     if ($ctx->get('action') and ($result = parent::hookRemoteCall($ctx, __CLASS__)) instanceof Response) {
         return $result;
     $menu = new AdminMenu();
     if (false === ($result = $menu->dispatch($ctx))) {
         throw new PageNotFoundException();
     $xmlmenu = $menu->getPath($ctx->query()) . $menu->getXML();
     $page = array('status' => 200, 'base' => $ctx->url()->getBase($ctx), 'host' => MCMS_HOST_NAME, 'folder' => $ctx->folder(), 'sitefolder' => os::webpath(MCMS_SITE_FOLDER), 'query' => $ctx->query(), 'version' => defined('MCMS_VERSION') ? MCMS_VERSION : 'unknown', 'cache' => cache::getInstance()->getName(), 'memory' => ini_get('memory_limit'), 'time' => microtime(true) - MCMS_START_TIME, 'back' => urlencode(MCMS_REQUEST_URI));
     $page['debug'] = $ctx->canDebug();
     if (is_string($result)) {
         $xslt = isset($ctx->theme) ? $ctx->theme : os::path('lib', 'modules', 'admin', 'template.xsl');
         if (file_exists($fname = substr($xslt, 0, -3) . 'css')) {
             $ctx->addExtra('style', $fname);
         if (file_exists($fname = substr($xslt, 0, -3) . 'js')) {
             $ctx->addExtra('script', $fname);
         $result = html::em('request', array('remoteIP' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'uri' => urlencode(MCMS_REQUEST_URI)), $ctx->user->getNode()->getXML('user') . $ctx->url()->getArgsXML()) . $xmlmenu . $result . $ctx->getExtrasXML();
         $output = html::em('page', $page, $result);
         $result = xslt::transform($output, $xslt);
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Возвращает список скриптов и стилей для использования на сайте.
  * @mcms_message ru.molinos.cms.compressor.enumXXX
 public static function on_compressor_enum(Context $ctx, $mode = 'website')
     $result = array();
     $conf = $ctx->config->get('modules/tinymce');
     $conf['gzip'] = false;
     if (empty($conf['gzip'])) {
         $result[] = array('script', 'lib/modules/tinymce/editor/tiny_mce.js');
     } else {
         $result[] = array('script', 'lib/modules/tinymce/editor/tiny_mce_gzip.js');
     $initializer = empty($conf['initializer']) ? '' : $conf['initializer'] . ', ';
     $initializer .= 'document_base_url: "http://' . MCMS_HOST_NAME . $ctx->folder() . '/", ';
     $initializer .= 'tiny_mce_path: "lib/modules/tinymce/editor"';
     $text = 'tinyMCE_initializer = {' . $initializer . '};';
     os::write($path = os::path($ctx->config->getPath('main/tmpdir'), 'tinymce_initializer.js'), $text);
     $result[] = array('script', os::localpath($path));
     $theme = empty($conf['theme']) ? 'simple' : $conf['theme'];
     if (!empty($conf['gzip'])) {
         if (file_exists($path = os::path('lib', 'modules', 'tinymce', 'editor', 'template_' . $theme . '_gzip.js'))) {
             $result[] = array('script', os::webpath($path));
     if (file_exists($path = os::path('lib', 'modules', 'tinymce', 'editor', 'template_' . $theme . '.js'))) {
         $result[] = array('script', os::webpath($path));
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Вывод формы авторизации.
  * @route GET//login
 public static function on_get_login_form(Context $ctx)
     if ($ctx->user->id and !$ctx->get('stay')) {
         return $ctx->getRedirect();
     if (class_exists('APIStream')) {
     $handler = array('theme' => $ctx->config->get('modules/auth/login_theme'));
     $content = '';
     foreach ((array) $ctx->registry->poll('ru.molinos.cms.page.head', array($ctx, $handler, null), true) as $block) {
         if (!empty($block['result'])) {
             $content .= $block['result'];
     $content .= self::getXML($ctx);
     $xml = html::em('page', array('status' => 401, 'base' => $ctx->url()->getBase($ctx), 'host' => MCMS_HOST_NAME, 'prefix' => os::webpath(MCMS_SITE_FOLDER, 'themes'), 'back' => urlencode(MCMS_REQUEST_URI), 'next' => $ctx->get('destination'), 'api' => APIStream::getPrefix(), 'query' => $ctx->query()), $content);
     if (file_exists($xsl = os::path(MCMS_SITE_FOLDER, 'themes', $handler['theme'], 'templates', 'login.xsl'))) {
         try {
             return xslt::transform($xml, $xsl);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     return xslt::transform($xml, 'lib/modules/auth/xsl/login.xsl');
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Вывод списка файлов.
 public static function on_get_list(Context $ctx)
     try {
         $options = array('#raw' => true, 'name' => 'list', 'title' => t('Файловый архив'), 'path' => os::webpath(MCMS_SITE_FOLDER, $ctx->config->get('modules/files/storage')), 'advsearch' => true, 'canedit' => true, 'mode' => $ctx->get('mode', 'table'), 'scope' => $ctx->get('scope'), 'type' => 'file');
         $tmp = new FileList($ctx, $options['scope']);
         return $tmp->getHTML('files', $options);
     } catch (TableNotFoundException $e) {
         if ($e->getTableName() != 'node__idx_filetype') {
             throw $e;
         throw new Exception(t('Отсутствует индекс по полю filetype, <a href="@url">исправьте это</a> и возвращайтесь.', array('@url' => 'admin/structure/fields/edit?type=file&field=filetype&destination=' . urlencode(MCMS_REQUEST_URI))));
Exemplo n.º 5
 private static function checkDbAccess(Context $ctx)
     if (null !== ($file = $ctx->db->getDbFile())) {
         if (0 === strpos(realpath($file), MCMS_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) {
             $url = $ctx->url()->getBase($ctx) . os::webpath($file);
             if (false !== ($headers = (array) @get_headers($url, 1))) {
                 if (3 == count($parts = explode(' ', $headers[0]))) {
                     if (200 == $parts[1]) {
                         return t('Файл базы данных доступен веб серверу, любой желающий может <a href=\'@url\'>скачать его</a>. Пожалуйста, вынесите его в папку, недоступную веб серверу, и измените путь в конфигурационном файле (%config).', array('@url' => $url, '%config' => mcms::config('fullpath')));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function getResponse(Context $ctx)
     if (class_exists('APIStream')) {
     $page = array('status' => 200, 'base' => $ctx->url()->getBase($ctx), 'host' => MCMS_HOST_NAME, 'folder' => $ctx->folder(), 'sitefolder' => os::webpath(MCMS_SITE_FOLDER), 'prefix' => os::webpath(MCMS_SITE_FOLDER, 'themes'), 'query' => $ctx->query(), 'version' => defined('MCMS_VERSION') ? MCMS_VERSION : 'unknown', 'cache' => cache::getInstance()->getName(), 'memory' => ini_get('memory_limit'), 'time' => microtime(true) - MCMS_START_TIME, 'back' => urlencode(MCMS_REQUEST_URI), 'back_raw' => MCMS_REQUEST_URI, 'next' => $ctx->get('destination'), 'api' => 'cms://localhost/api/', 'rss' => class_exists('RSSRouter'));
     $request = '';
     if ($userid = $ctx->user->id) {
         $request .= html::wrap('user', Node::findXML(array('id' => $userid), $ctx->db));
     $request .= $ctx->url()->getArgsXML();
     $this->content .= html::wrap('request', $request);
     foreach ((array) $ctx->registry->poll('ru.molinos.cms.page.head', array($ctx, array(), null)) as $block) {
         if (!empty($block['result'])) {
             $this->content .= $block['result'];
     return xslt::transform(html::em('page', $page, $this->content), $this->xsl);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Редактирование нескольких файлов (форма).
 public static function on_get_edit_form(Context $ctx)
     $nodes = Node::findXML(array('class' => 'file', 'id' => explode(' ', $ctx->get('files')), 'deleted' => 0));
     return html::em('content', array('name' => 'editfiles', 'title' => t('Редактирование файлов'), 'action' => 'admin/files/edit?destination=' . urlencode($ctx->get('destination')) . '&sendto=' . urlencode($ctx->get('sendto')), 'path' => os::webpath(MCMS_SITE_FOLDER, $ctx->config->get('modules/files/storage')), 'ids' => $ctx->get('files')), $nodes);
Exemplo n.º 8
 private function getPlayer($_url, array $options = array())
     foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
         if (null === $v) {
     $options = array_merge(array('width' => 400, 'height' => 300), $options);
     $ctx = Context::last();
     $base = $ctx->url()->getBase($ctx);
     $_file = $base . $_url;
     $url = new url(array('path' => $base . 'lib/modules/files/player.swf'));
     $url->setarg('file', os::webpath($_file));
     $url->setarg('width', $options['width']);
     $url->setarg('height', $options['height']);
     $params = html::em('param', array('name' => 'movie', 'value' => $url->string()));
     $params .= html::em('param', array('name' => 'wmode', 'value' => 'transparent'));
     $obj = array('type' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'data' => $url->string(), 'width' => $options['width'], 'height' => $options['height']);
     return html::em('object', $obj, $params);
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Возвращает описание версий в XML.
 public function getVersionsXML()
     $result = '';
     $storage = Context::last()->config->getPath('modules/files/storage', 'files');
     foreach ((array) $this->versions as $name => $info) {
         $info['name'] = $name;
         $info['url'] = os::webpath($storage, $info['filename']);
         $info['filename'] = basename($info['filename']);
         $result .= html::em('version', $info);
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static function formatExtras(array $extras)
     $output = '';
     foreach ($extras as $item) {
         switch ($item[0]) {
             case 'style':
                 $output .= html::em('link', array('rel' => 'stylesheet', 'type' => 'text/css', 'href' => os::webpath($item[1])));
             case 'script':
                 $output .= html::em('script', array('type' => 'text/javascript', 'src' => os::webpath($item[1])));
     return $output;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Вывод инфорамации о подключаемых скриптах и стилях.
  * @mcms_message ru.molinos.cms.page.head
 public static function on_get_head(Context $ctx, array $pathinfo = null)
     $output = '';
     if (self::isAdminPage($query = $ctx->query())) {
         list($scripts, $styles) = self::getAdminFiles($ctx, !$ctx->get('nocompress'));
     } elseif (null !== $pathinfo and !empty($pathinfo['theme'])) {
         list($scripts, $styles) = self::getThemeFiles($ctx, $pathinfo['theme'], !$ctx->get('nocompress'));
     } else {
         $scripts = $styles = array();
     foreach ($styles as $fileName) {
         if (file_exists($fileName) and filesize($fileName)) {
             $output .= html::em('link', array('rel' => 'stylesheet', 'type' => 'text/css', 'href' => os::webpath($fileName)));
     foreach ($scripts as $fileName) {
         if (file_exists($fileName) and filesize($fileName)) {
             $output .= html::em('script', array('src' => os::webpath($fileName), 'type' => 'text/javascript'));
     return html::wrap('head', html::cdata($output), array('module' => 'compressor', 'weight' => 100));
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function getExtrasXML()
     $output = '';
     foreach ($this->getExtras() as $e) {
         $output .= html::em('item', array('type' => $e[0], 'value' => os::webpath($e[1])));
     return empty($output) ? '' : html::em('extras', $output);